
11.U.S.Open Championships
The US Open has been in existence for more than 120 years.The first tournament(锦标赛)was held in 1881 at the Newport Casino.It was called the US National Singles Championship.Entry was limited to only those clubs which were members of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association,and the competitors were all male,competing in both singles and  doubles.Richard Sears won the men's championship and he went on to win the next six men's singles championships.
The Wimbledon
In 1875,the All England Croquet Club was troubled financially due to declining(下滑的)membership.A new sport called lawn tennis was gaining fast in popularity and taking away the members.Two years later,a new roller was needed for maintaining (维护) its lawns so the club proposed to hold a tournament to raise money.Twenty-two players entered that first Wimbledon tournament which was won by Spencer Gore in straight sets over W.C.Marshall.Two hundred spectators(观众)each paid a shilling to watch the final game,enabling the club to buy the needed roller plus some extra cash.
The French Open
The very first French Championship was held back in 1891,and the tournament has since grown into one of the four tennis Grand Slam tournaments we know today.The first competition was a one-day national championship which was won by a British.The competition was poorly attended by world class players.It took 24 years before it became fully international and an accepted tennis grand slam event.After the First World War,French tennis was achieving stature.Suzanne Lenglen was the predominant(有影响的)French player,winning the championships six times between 1920 and 1926.
The Australian Open
The very first tennis tournament ever played in Australia was held in January 1880,on the courts of the Melbourne Cricket Club.In 1905,the Australian Open was established as the Australasian Tennis Championship and was played at the Warehouseman's Cricket Ground in Melbourne.It became the Australian Championship in 1927 and the Australian Open in  1969.Women's events were added in 1922.
61.What is special about the first U.S.Open?B
A.It has a history of more than 120 years.
B.Only men were allowed to play in the game.
C.Richard Sears won six championships.
D.It has remained about the same through all these years.
62.The purpose of the first Wimbledon tournament was toA.
A.raise some fund for a lawn roller   
B.attract more people to play tennis
C.attract more audience to watch the game                 
D.celebrate the renaming of the club
63.According to what is said about the first French Open,C.
A.the tournament has been played in the same place all these years
B.twenty-two players played in the first tournament
C.few good tennis players took part in the first French Championship
D.the players played in singles and doubles in the tournament
64.What is common about the four international tournaments is thatD.
A.they were all born in the same year
B.they all had only male players in the first tournament
C.they have all experienced financial difficulties
D.they all have had a history of 120 years or more
65.The passage mainly tells usA.
A.how the four international tennis tournaments came into being
B.how long it took for women to have the right to play in the game
C.how the four international tennis tournaments get their present names
D.why the tennis tournaments are held in these four countries.

分析 本文为广告应用文,介绍了四项历史悠久的比赛的起源.

解答 61---65 BACDA
61.答案B.细节理解题.根据U.S.Open Championships部分的and the competitors were all male可知,参加比赛的全是男性.故选B.
62.答案A.细节理解题.根据The Wimbledon部分的Two years later,a new roller was needed for maintaining (维护) its lawns so the club proposed to hold a tournament to raise money可知,这项活动的举办是为了筹钱.故选A.
63.答案C.细节理解题.根据The French Open部分的The competition was poorly attended by world class players可知,世界上优秀的选手几乎都没有参加.故选C.
64.答案D.细节理解题.根据第一个活动的The US Open has been in existence for more than 120 years可知,有120多年的历史.根据第二个活动的In 1875,到现在也超过120年了.根据第三个活动的The very first French Championship was held back in 1891可知,这一项也有120多年的历史.根据第四个活动的The very first tennis tournament ever played in Australia was held in January 1880可知,其历史也超过120年.故选D.

点评 广告类阅读:

1.Scientists in Colombia have trained a team of rats to help remove land mines from the countryside.Land mines are small bombs(炸弹) hidden in the ground and designed to explode(爆炸) when someone steps on them.
When trained,the rats can smell special metals in the mines and then signal(发信号) to their human team.Then why use rats for such an important job?
In the past,dogs have been used to find bombs.Rats have a good sense of smell and can respond to orders,just like dogs do.But rats are much lighter than dogs.They stand less of a chance of setting off the mines,which explode under a certain amount of weight.What's more,the best rats are cheaper to keep than dogs.It costs about the same amount of money to take care of one dog as it does 70rats.
The rats have already been used in Tanzania,an African country with many land mines.Luisa Fernanda Méndez and her team in Colombia are training the even lighter Wistar rats.These are the white rats with red eyes that scientists often use in laboratory experiments."They even train their babies to perform their jobs,which saves us a lot of time,"Méndez said.
Colombia has the second-highest rate(比率) of deaths from land mine accidents in the world.Last year,land mines killed 695people-56of whom were children.A criminal(犯罪的)group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia,or FARC,as well as other organizations,have placed the mines.FARC are strongly against Colombia's government.The group has placed mines all around its own bases and in many places in the countryside.
In the past,the Colombian government hired peasants and poor farmers to find mines.Many of them died trying to find the well-hidden bombs.
Colombian police official Erick Guzmán hopes the team of rats can come to the rescue(援救)."These rats will be a great help,"he said.
32.How do rats help to find land mines?C
A.By their special sight.
B.By their light weight.
C.By their sense of smell.
D.By their excellent hearing.
33.The advantage of rats over dogs in finding bombs is thatD.
A.they are cleverer.
B.they run faster
C.they have a better sense of smell
D.they don't make mines explode as easily
34.The underlined word"They"may refer toB.
B.Wistar rats
D.Méndez and her team
35.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.Specially-trained rats help clear land mines.
B.People in Tanzania are suffering from land mines.
C.Dogs are no longer used to find land mines.
D.Land mines have become a great danger to Colombians.
2.These days a green building means more than just the color of the paint.Green buildings can also refer to environmentally friendly houses,factories,and offices.
Green building means"reducing the effect of the building on the land",Taryn Holowka of the U.S.Green Building Council(评议会) in Washington,D.C.,said.According to Holowka,building accounts for 65percent of total U.S.electricity use.
But green buildings can reduce energy and water use.Also,the buildings are often located near public transportation such as buses and subways,so that people can drive their cars less.That could be good for the environment,because cars use lots of gas and give off pollution.Green buildings are often built on developed land,so that the buildings don't destroy forests.
Marty Dettling is project manager for a building that puts these ideas into action.The Solaire has been called the country's first green high-rise building.According to Dettling,"We've reduced our energy use by one-third and our water by 50percent."
The Solaire cuts energy in part by using solar power."On the face of the building we have solar panels(光板) which change the sun's energy into electricity,"Dettling explained.
The Solaire also has lights that automatically turn off when people leave the room.In addition,the building has lots of windows,allowing people to use the sun for light during the day.The Solaire cuts water by reusing it.
Not everyone is eager to move into a green building,however.Some people think that things like solar panels cost more money than more traditional energy sources.Anyhow,Holowka said,"It's going to be big."

32.A green building meansC.
A.a building that uses no electricity         
B.a building occupying less land
C.a building that saves energy and water      
D.a green-colored building
33.A green building is often built on an area of landA.
A.which has already been for buildings
B.which has thick forests around
C.where people of high income live
D.where traveling around by car is most convenient
34.When Holowka says inthe last paragraph,"It's going to be big",she means that green buildingsB.
A.will be more comfortable 
B.will become popular in future
C.will be more environmentally friendly    
D.will take the place of traditional buildings
35.Which is the main idea of the passage?C
A.Dettling designed the first green building in the U.S.
B.The Solaire serves as a model of high buildings.
C.Green buildings help save the environment.
D.Energy shortage calls for buildings of new design.
Captain Goodfellow
Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games,and exciting dances?Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00,free.
Walking Tour of the Town
Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about its history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes!
Films at the Museum
Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The workers will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898.
International Picnic
Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00 pm.
Do You Want to Hear"The Zoo"
"The Zoo",a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall,City College.
64.You can probably eat Chinese,Italian,and Arab foodD.
A.at the front entrance of City Hall        
B.at the game
C.at 5:00 pm                        
D.at Central Park on Saturday
65.You can see movies atB.
A.the City College                   
B.the Museum Theatre  
C.the City Theatre                   
D.the Central Park
66.Walking Tour of the Town will be takenA.
B.in the City Hall
C.at the gate                        
D.at the zoo
67."The Zoo"isC.
A.a park with lots of animals there      
B.a US concert
C.a music group                     
D.an interesting event.
16.Homestay in Sydney,Australia
Our large house is in Sydney,about 200metres from Macquarie University and 400metres from the railway station.The train ride is about 30minutes to the CBD.We have a bedroom available for female students only.
The cost is﹩250per week which includes all meals when at home and laundering (洗烫) of clothes.
I have a lovely single room available for homestay (male,non-smokers only).
Apartment is located across the road from a bus station.Sports field is only two minutes'walk away.
Room is available for short or long stay.﹩220per week including breakfast and dinner on weekdays.No washing machine at home.Do your own laundry in the apartment block's facilities.
E-mail:ainsley gilkes@yahoo.com.au
I live in the northern suburb of Sydney-quiet for studying and relaxing yet very close to Macquarie University & NCELTR & SIBT.The subway station is nearby.
All facilities of the house,a living room including TV can be used.Owners are very open and friendly,who are very keen to treat students as part of the family.
The prices include all meals (breakfast,lunch,dinner) and cleaning.﹩300per week.
Hi,everyone!I have one room for homestay (girl students only) which is very close to Macquarie University (SIBT) & WSU in the northern district of Sydney.
There is a bus station across the road.Travel time to Sydney City is 40minutes by train.We only have one homestay at the same time.Therefore,our family can take good care of you.Host fee is﹩230per week.
We are looking forward to having you in our home.
64.If Peter is going to find a homestay near Macquarie University,he can send an e-mail toA.
65.The purpose of the passage is toD.
A.show readers where they should stay in Sydney
B.persuade readers to choose a homestay in Sydney
C.introduce the benefits of homestay in Sydney
D.help readers find a suitable homestay family in Sydney
66.What is the common characteristic of the four homestays?A
A.Traffic is convenient.
B.Both short and long stay are offered.
C.All the rooms are very large.
D.All fees are included in the host fee.
Fastest Time to Run 100 Miles on a Treadmill (跑步机)BROKEN
The fastest time to run 100 miles on a treadmill by a team (of 12)is claimed at 9hr 5 min 17 sec by a team consisting of staff and prisoners at the Young Offenders Institute in Wigan to raise money for Children in Need. 
Largest Game of Chinese WhispersUNBROKEN
Sadly,the record attempt for the largest game of Chinese Whispers was unsuccessful on 13 November 2008.The existing record of 1330 children still remains. 
Fastest Mile with an Egg/Spoon in both handsBROKEN
The fastest mile egg and spoon race with both hands is 8 min 25 sec and was achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) in an attempt broadcast by ESPN 260,at Disney's Wide World of Sports,in Orlando,Florida,USA,on 13 November 2008. 
Longest Mexican WaveUNBROKEN
The record for the Longest Mexican Wave was attempted by 250,000 people on the streets of Adelaide on 8 November 2008-sadly,the wave was not completed by all participants and the attempt was unsuccessful.The current record of 157,574 remains. 
 Largest Kebab (烤肉串)BROKEN
The longest kebab measures 2047.47 m (1.27 miles) and was achieved by the ArcelorMittal Newcastle Works on occasion of the company's annual Community Day,in Newcastle,South Africa. 
69.The above information isB.
A.a series of sports events                         
B.a list of broken and unbroken records
C.a report of funny sports items                 
D.a description of challenging human limits
70.Which of the following can NOT be found in the information?C
A.The countries where the attempts were made.
B.The persons who made the attempts.
C.The reasons why some attempts failed.
D.The present record for each item.
71.Which item was attempted individually?C
A.Fastest Time to Run 100 Miles on a Treadmill
B.Largest Game of Chinese Whispers
C.Fastest Mile with an Egg/Spoon in both hands
D.Longest Mexican Wave.

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