
17.Have you ever seen an animal being mistreated (虐待)?Seeing a pet or wild animal get hurt might make you sad,angry,or afraid.(36)EIn fact,the good news is that everyone-including you-can be a helping hand for animals.
Keep your eyes and ears open.(37)DWatch for changes in the way they look or act.Look out for animals who:
﹡have cuts or other bruises(伤痕)
﹡avoid or attack people when people come close
﹡are too thin
﹡are missing fur
﹡are almost always left outside
These signs don't necessarily mean a pet has been hurt on purpose,but they shouldn't be ignored.If you see any of these signs,set them down.(38)GWhat did you see or hear?Where?When?Were other people around?
(39)ANever move an injured animal!Ask a parent,teacher,or other adult you trust for help.Find out whether the injured animal in your town can be saved by animal shelters or police.Keep their phone numbers at hand.If the person mistreating animals is a friend or family member,tell an adult you trust.
Speak up.Let other kids know what to do if they see an animal being hurt.Using the information above,make posters to hang or flyers (传单) to hand out at school.Include the phone numbers of the police department or animal shelters who can save the injured animals.
(40)FThey need us to speak up for them!

A.Report it.
B.Ask others for help.
C.Animals are friends of human beings.
D.Get to know pets in your neighborhood.
E.You might think there's nothing you can do.
F.Remember,animals can't speak for themselves.
G.Or if you see someone hurting an animal,write down the details.

分析 当你看到或听到受虐的动物时,你不必在无能为力,好消息是你可以做很多事情来帮助这些受虐的 动物.

36.E 上下文语境.根据后面的句子In fact,the good news is that everyone-including you-can be a helping hand for animals.可知,事实上,好消息是每个人包括你都能帮助那些受虐的动物,所以前句应提到你认为你无能为力,故选E.
37.D 上下文语境.根据Keep your eyes and ears open可知,建议你注意四周.言下之意要关注你周围邻居的宠物,故选D.
38.G 上下文语境.根据后面的内容What did you see or hear?Where?When?Were other people around?
39.A 概括总结.通过该段的介绍可知,Never move an injured animal!Ask a parent,teacher,or other…不要移动一个受伤的动物,向父母、老师等人寻求帮助,要向别人汇报,故选A.
40.F 上下文语境.根据最后一段They need us to speak up for them!动物需要我们为它们发声,因此它们不会为自己发声,故选F.

点评 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,题目主要考查上下文内容联系以及文章内容理解.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测

12.Instant coffee is very popular in the UK.Why do the British drink so much more instant coffee than anyone else?
"It's like orange squash(橙汁饮料) and orange juice.They're both called orange but that's pretty much where the similarities end,"says Paul Meikle-Janney,managing director of coffee consultancy,Coffee Community."Instant coffee and fresh coffee are different products.Each has its own place in the market but that place is narrowing when it comes to instant and that is as it should be."
   But instant coffee still accounts for 77% of the coffee the British buy to drink at home,according to market research specialists Mintel.In Italy it accounts for just 1%,in France 4% and 7% in the US.The UK market for coffee at home is growing and is now worth more than£1 billion annually.
   It's the Americans who are largely believed to have given the UK the stuff.It came during World War Two.For a nation of coffee drinkers it was a temporary solution to not having a freshly brewed(煮) cup of coffee.For a nation of tea drinkers it was something new and exciting.
    Instant coffee is refused in cafe culture.But,as figures show,things are different in many British homes.Author Phillip Hensher is a fan,calling it a"little piece of everyday private magic".So what's the appeal?Simple--it's quick and easy.Granules(颗粒),hot water,some milk if that's how you take it,job done."‘No trouble'is the product's main strength but that won't last as freshly-brewed coffee is now much quicker and easier to make it at home."
   And instant coffee lovers will probably be cool with that because they are generally lazy,according to a psychological study into what your coffee reveals about your personality.
32.Paul Meikle-Janney mentions"orange squash and orange juice"to show instant coffeeD.
A.is similar to fresh coffee                  
B.is as good as fresh coffee
C.is as cheap as fresh coffee                 
D.is different from fresh coffee
33.Which country consumes the least amount of instant coffee?A
C.The UK.D.The US.
34.During World War Two,Americans regarded instant coffee asC.
A.something new                     
B.something exciting
C.a compromise                      
D.a fashionable choice
35.According to the fifth paragraph,instant coffee's popularity results fromC.
A.its low price        
B.its high quality   
C.its convenience             
D.its special taste.
2.A Good Night's Steep
Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life.While you're sleeping,your brain is forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information.Although we all kno the importance of getting a good night's sleep,not all of us know the best way of getting it.A sleep expert,
Phil Atherton,gave some top tips for getting the most out of the night,which will leave you ready for action in the morning.
According to Phil Atherton,not eating a large meal before bedtime is important for getting a good night's sleep.The time difference between eating and sleeping should be at least three hours.So you'd better avoid eating any food three hours before bed,as it will lower your blood sugar during sleep and
help minimize damage from too much sugar floating around.
It's also important to find ways to prepare your body for sleep.You can follow a routine like trying not to expose yourself to too much artificial light within 1hour before bed,as your brain uses light to help set internal"body clock".Although it might seem unnatural to schedule your sleep,the purpose is to send a signal to your body and mind that it's time to sleep.
Another way to prepare your body for sleep is to get into a relaxed state by taking a bath or listening to soft music.Both of them will help to take the mind off the daytime pressures.
Having a suitable bed,especially a suitable mattress (床垫),is necessary for a good night's sleep.Sleep is a personalized activity,and we all adopt different sleeping positions.Finding the mattress that suits you will reduce back pains that can result from a poor sleeping position.The bed should be four to six inches longer than its tallest user,allowing for space to move around.
The recent research is pretty clear that a good ight's sleep in a major component of good health.Since the start of the 21st century,studies have linked a lack of sleep to many diseases,such as diabetes and obesity.Taking action now will lead to long-term benefits for you and those around you.
28.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?D
A.When to start a sound sleep.
B.Why to form a good habit of sleeping.
C.What to do with sleep problems.
D.How to get a good night's sleep.
29.According to the author,before going to sleep,you'd betterC.
A.relieve your pain in the back      
B.check your blood sugar
C.free yourself from tension         
D.record your biological clock
30.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2refer to?A
A.Not eating food.
B.Taking a meal.
C.Not sleeping well.
D.Having a good sleep.

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