
2.-Is Peter coming?
-No,he __________ his mind after a phone call at the last minute.(  )
A.changesB.changedC.was changingD.had changed

分析 --彼得要来吗?--不,他在打完电话的最后一分钟改变了注意.

解答 答案:B 由对话内容可知此处应该用一般过去式.A项是一般现在时;B项是过去式;C项是过去进行时;D项是过去完成时.故B项正确.

点评 通过情景对话考查动词的时态.


Chinese people read less than eight books last year, including both print and e-books, but the average(平均) time spent on mobile reading has for the first time exceeded one hour per day, showed statistics(数据) published by Chinese Academy of Press and Publication on Monday.

This is the academy’s 13th report regarding Chinese people’s reading habits in 17 years. The survey looked at the reading habits of both adults and children from 0 – 80, placing them in four different age groups, across 29 provinces in China.

The number of print books the average person read last year was 4.58, which basically remained the same level as that in 2014. The figure is rather low compared with other countries, with France being 12, South Korea being 11, Japan being 9 and the US being about seven, according to a report by Xinhua last year.

However, in contrast to the tiny increase in books being read last year, people’s interest in mobile reading has seen a rise. The average time Chinese people spent reading on their cellphones is 62.21 minutes, which nearly doubles the previous year’s average time of 33.82 minutes.

And more people are reading via their WeChat app as well. The most popular social networking phone app in China has also been providing public account services, which allow people to read comparatively long articles using the app. In 2015, 51.9% Chinese adults had used WeChat to read, a 17.5% increase on 2014.

But does that mean e-reading is replacing traditional reading in China? 

Wei Yushan, president of the Academy of Press and Publication told People’s Daily that it doesn’t seem likely to him. “Having gone through a rapid development between 2011 and 2013, e-books are seeing a slowdown in their sales. Taking the US as an example, the sales growth of e-books has fallen behind that of print books in the past year.” In China, nearly 60% of people still prefer traditional reading to e-reading.

1.What does the underlined word “exceeded” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. rejected

B. designed

C. outnumbered

D. explained

2.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. The time spent on e-reading is more than that on traditional reading.

B. Extra services have been provided to allow people to read short articles.

C. Compared with Chinese readers, the number of Americans is larger.

D. An increase in the interest of mobile reading has been seen.

3.How does the writer develop the text?

A. By giving explanations.

B. By analyzing reasons.

C. By listing figures(数据).

D. By comparing books.

4.What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. All Chinese people like print books better.

B. Print books still gain popularity of readers.

C. The Sales of E-books have been improved.

D. Wei Yushan isn’t willing to give up e-reading.

The key avoiding a cold be as simple as keeping your nose warm with a scarf when you go outside in winter.

Research shows that low temperatures make it harder for the body to fight off the virus that causes half of the colds in adults and almost all colds in children.The finding backs up the popular idea that people are more likely to catch a cold if they feel freezing,perhaps by putting on a coat in winter or going out with wet hair.

The U.S. Researchers looked at how well rhinovirus(鼻病毒),the biggest cause of the common cold,grew in cells kept at different temperatures.The virus found it easier to breed(繁殖)at 33℃-the sort of temperature typically found inside the nose-than at the 37℃ found deep inside the body.

Researchers also found that the body’s initial immune response(免疫反应)to the cold did not work as well at 33℃,the same temperatures.The virus was followed to cause damage.The experiments were carried out on cells taken from mice,but the result may also be relevant to humans-including the one in five who carry the rhinovirus in their nose at any given time.

Ron Eccles,a leading British expert on the common cold,suggests that those anxious to avoid a cold try taking vitamin D because we tend to be low on it during the winter.

1.Which of the following is more likely to cause a cold?

A. Wrapping a scarf around the nose in winter. B. Putting on a coat in winter.

C. Going out with wet hair. D. Taking vitamin

2.What is the percentage of people who carry the rhinovirus in their nose at any given time?

A. 10%. B. 20%

C. 50% D. 80%

3.Why does Ron Eccles suggest taking vitamin D in winter to avoid a cold?

A. Because human bodies contain less vitamin D in winter.

B. Because human bodies contain more vitamin D in winter.

C. Because many people avoid taking vitamin D in winter.

D. Because many people favor vitamin D in winter.

4.What can be learned from the text?

A. It is easier for the body to fight off cold virus in low temperatures.

B. The finding may be easily accepted by the public.

C. The typical temperature inside the nose is 37℃.

D. The virus is very likely to do harm at 37℃.

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