
1.That's why I help brighten people's days.If you __________,who is to say that another person will?(  )

分析 那就是我为什么帮助照亮人们生活的原因.如果你不这样做,谁又能保证别人就会去做呢?

解答 答案:B

点评 判断助动词的用法既要看时态,又要看形式.have有时虽然可以用作为助动词,但是不能代替实意动词.


In the top 10 of unpleasant sounds, a crying baby ranks very high. It instantly makes a key part of your brain called the amygdale (杏仁孔) active, which, among other things, acts as a sort of radar for emotional threats. So why would babies need to cause this sort of urgent reaction? To get you to respond and fast to ensure their survival.

Babies can’t fend for themselves. They are like chicks in their parents’ nest, depending on others to keep them warm, fed and safe. Like chicks, their cries signal driving necessities such as a need for food or protection from danger. But human babies can also convey a range of other needs with cries.

Human babies are also highly social, and are interested in engaging in a dialogue with their caregivers. So they are equally attentive to their parents’ signals: the messages conveyed by the body language of their caregivers — how the parent smells, touches, holds, rocks, as well as their tone of voice. In relaxed moments with the parent, they soon discover how smiling at an attentive adult tends to cause a positive response in return.

On the other hand, these early attempts at communication between the parent and child can be very hit-and-miss. In the first few weeks, most babies cry for about two hours a day. When the parent and baby aren’t “getting” each other, crying can increase. In particular, long difficulties with breast-feeding can lead to a pattern of “established firmly” crying behavior.

Crying is a signal that can mean many different things. The lessons that are learned from these early experiences are highly significant for individual lives, but collectively they also have a great effect on our culture.

1.According to the first paragraph, what is babies’ purpose of crying?

A. To change their comfortable situation at the present time.

B. To communicate with parents and learn to use body language.

C. To make caregivers fast respond to guarantee their survival.

D. To get something that they want to get as quickly as possible.

2.What does the underlined phrase “fend for” in Para.2 mean?

A. feed B. look after

C. support D. make up

3.Why do human babies pay attention to their parents’ signals?

A. Because they hope to get more from their parents.

B. Because they want to convey messages to their parents.

C. Because they need to learn from their parents how to communicate.

D. Because they are social and interested in talking with their parents.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A. Cry or Don’t Cry? B. Why Do Babies Cry?

C. How to Express Babies’ Feelings? D. Human Babies Are Similar to Chicks’?

Making a lifestyle change is challenging, especially when you want to transform many things at once. Here are some tips to help you:

Make a plan thal you can stick to. Your plan is a map that will guide you on this journey of change. 1.When making your plan,be specific. Want to exercise more? Detail the time of day when you can take walks and how Long you'll walk. Poet your plan where you'll most often see it as a reminder.

Start small. Break down your goals into small, manageable steps. Is your long-term goal to lose 20 pounds within the next five raontlis? 2.If you'd like to eat healthier, consider a goal for the week replacing dessert with a healthier option, like fruit or yogurt. At the end of the week, you’ 11 feel successful knowing you have met your goal.

Change one behavior at a time. Replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires lime. 3. To improve your success, focus on one goal or change at a time. As new healthy behaviors become a habit, try to add another goal that works toward the overall change.

4.Accepting help from those who care about you and will Listen strengthens your commitment. If you feel unable to meet your goals on your own,consider seeking help from a psychologist. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body, as well es the factors that promote behavior change.

Making the changes that you want takes time and commiment, but you can do it.Just remember that no one is perfect. Minor missteps on the road to your goals are normal and okay. 5.

A. Ask for support.

B. Be kind to yourself.

C. You can even think of it as an adventure.

D. Be determined to recover and get back on track.

E. You’ve tried before, but without feeling much success.

F. A good weekly goal would be to lose one pound a week.

G. Many people run into problems when they try to change too much too fast.

I remember the first time I got on a horse.When I was a little boy aged two,my mom agreed to let me take a short __ and that was it! From then on,I made my parents almost __ constantly begging for a horse.

When I was four,I was struck by the disease Mutism,in which children __ speaking in certain social situations.I went days,weeks,months without a(n) __ at school.At most,I might __ have a word with a friend.I __ silently through school until I was ten when a psychologist had an idea.He asked me what I __ more than anything else in the world.Considering my hesitation,the psychologist____me to whisper the answer in my mother's ear,"A horse."

I was to get a little horse,but I had I list of weekly tasks I had to____.I had to answer the phone five times per week,something I had____done before.I had to say one word to my teacher at school and the list was not____.I did everything that was asked of me and the day finally____.I got my own dreaming horse.His name was Sequoia,whom I fell in love with____.When I was in Sequoia's____,I forgot all about my problems and felt strong and____.

I have gradually got rid of Mutism and now I am a fully __ member of society.With my horses,I____through a master's degree.____I might not have got it.I feel I____my life to the horses and I try to give it back to them every day.They have given me the best____I could ever imagine,my life.

1.A. ride B. fly C. walk D. running

2.A. anxious B. worried C. crazy D. sorrowful

3.A. begin B. stop C. imagine D. enjoy

4.A. sign B. smile C. action D. sound

5.A. willingly B. completely C. quietly D. loudly

6.A. tolerated B. suffered C. put D. pulled

7.A. wanted B. hated C. knew D. grasped

8.A. tricked B. pushed C. forbade D. encouraged

9.A. quit B. accomplish C. read D. enjoy

10.A. even B. ever C. already D. never

11.A. meaningful B. important C. complete D. satisfying

12.A. came B. passed C. went by D. caught on

13.A. regularly B. silently C. gradually D. immediately

14.A. presence B. mind C. position D. control

15.A. confused B. surprised C. secure D. convenient

16.A. isolated B. participating C. expecting D. abandoned

17.A. made it B. put in C. like it D. take it

18.A. Then B. Thus C. Besides D. Otherwise

19.A. subscribe B. submit C. owe D. contribute

20.A. lesson B. gift C. message D. advice

Now, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a result, vitamin supplements(补品),though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat. But contrary to what many people think, medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.

In fact, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can cause bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.

Experts, however, say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease. People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not have enough vitamin B-twelve. This is because, as people get older, their body loses its ability to take it from foods. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.

Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like fruits. Vitamin K can be found in pork products.

In fact, for most people, a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.

1.What is probably talked about before this passage?

A. How many vitamins a person’s body needs.

B. How many vitamins some foods contain.

C. The benefits that vitamins bring to our health.

D. What people should do to stay healthy.

2.Vitamin supplements are popular with people because ________.

A. people mistakenly think that they are good for their health

B. they contain more vitamins than the foods people eat

C. food does not provide enough vitamins people need

D. people fear that a lack of vitamins will lead to disease

3.From the passage, we can learn that medical experts advise people _________.

A. never to take any vitamin supplements

B. to depend only on food for their vitamins

C. not to take any vitamins together with medicines

D. to consult doctors before taking vitamin supplements

4.For people who lack Vitamin B-twelve, they can eat more from _______.

A. sweet potatoes B. green leafy vegetables

C. pork products D. eggs

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