National parks across the USA offer visitors more than just hiking paths and points of interests. Park guests can now get to know their beautiful landscapes and rich histories in a whole new way with these adventure ideas.

• Golfing in Death Valley National Park

You’ve played the world’s best golf courses,but have you played the world’s lowest? Put the ball at the Furnace Creek Golf Course located in California’s remote Death Valley National Park. In addition to golf, the course also sets the stage for a horse-drawn carriage sightseeing offered through the resort’s Furnace Creek Stables.

• Luxury Camping in Yellowstone National Park

Want to experience sleeping under the stars? Far and Away Adventures serves up luxury-camping trips into Yellowstone National Park, covering States of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, complete with comfortable bedding and tents, delicious meals, and backcountry adventures. Guests are guided to a remote campsite along Yellowstone Lake by boat, and spend several days boating along its shores, fishing, and hiking among some of the park’s most original landscapes.

• Dog sledge in Denali National Park

Experience a dog sledge trip through one of the last wild frontiers(边疆), Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. A team of dogs and experienced guides from EarthSong Lodge lead guests into the remote and calm land inside Alaska. Although day trips are available, multi-day sledge travels allow visitors to learn the art of dog dragging, not to mention enjoying grand views of Mt. McKinley.

• Canyon Vistas Mule Ride in Grand Canyon National Park

Take in the Grand Canyon, located in State of Arizona, by four-footed mule(骡子) for breathtaking views along the edge and into its depths. Mule rides have been offered at the Grand Canyon since 1887, and are a rich part of the canyon’s history. A new four-mile tour along the edge, the Canyon Mule Ride, takes approximately three hours to complete. Along the path, riders speak to the geologic shapes and human history of the area.

1.Among the national parks mentioned above, how many of them offer animal service for guests to enjoy beautiful natural scenery?

A. one B. two

C. three D. four

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The four national parks are located in different states of the USA.

B. In Death Valley National Park, guests can play the world’s best golf courses.

C. Of the four national parks, Yellowstone National Park covers the largest area.

D. Park visitors have recently been offered mule rides in Grand Canyon National Park.

3.If you are keen to learn about the geologic features of the park, you may choose to visit .

A. Death Valley National Park B. Yellowstone National Park

C. Denali National Park D. Grand Canyon National Park

Many aspects of modern life can change your body’s natural production of melatonin(褪黑素) and your circadian rhythm(生理节律),Bright lights at night-- especially from exposue to LED Lights and TV and computer screens-- can make your body think that it’s time to wake up. 1.

Say no to late-night television.

Many people use the television to calm down at the end of the day, but this can produce an unexpected result. 2.If your favorite TV show is on late at night, record it for viewing earlier in the day.


Not all e-readers are created equal.Devices such as the iPad, are more disruptive(破坏性的) than those that are lighted from the front, such as the Kindle Paperwhite.Other smart choices include e-ink readers that don’t have their own light source and good old-fashioned books.

When it’s time to sleep, make sure the room is dark.

4. Use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try s sleep mask to cover your eyes. Also consider covering up or moving any electronics that give out light. Even the red numbers on a digital clock can disrupt sleep.

Keep the lights down if you get up during the night.

If you need to get up during the night, avoid turning on the lights if possible, If you need some light to move around safely,try fixing a dim nightlight in the hall or bathroom or using a small flashlight. 5.

A.Say no to all e-reading.

B.Be smart about night makes you reading.

C.Waking up early makes you tired.

D.The darker it is, the better you’ll sleep.

E.Try listening to music or audio books instead.

F.This will make it easier for you to fall back to sleep.

G.Here’s what you can do to keep you sleep-wake cycle better.

In the top 10 of unpleasant sounds, a crying baby ranks very high. It instantly makes a key part of your brain called the amygdale (杏仁孔) active, which, among other things, acts as a sort of radar for emotional threats. So why would babies need to cause this sort of urgent reaction? To get you to respond and fast to ensure their survival.

Babies can’t fend for themselves. They are like chicks in their parents’ nest, depending on others to keep them warm, fed and safe. Like chicks, their cries signal driving necessities such as a need for food or protection from danger. But human babies can also convey a range of other needs with cries.

Human babies are also highly social, and are interested in engaging in a dialogue with their caregivers. So they are equally attentive to their parents’ signals: the messages conveyed by the body language of their caregivers — how the parent smells, touches, holds, rocks, as well as their tone of voice. In relaxed moments with the parent, they soon discover how smiling at an attentive adult tends to cause a positive response in return.

On the other hand, these early attempts at communication between the parent and child can be very hit-and-miss. In the first few weeks, most babies cry for about two hours a day. When the parent and baby aren’t “getting” each other, crying can increase. In particular, long difficulties with breast-feeding can lead to a pattern of “established firmly” crying behavior.

Crying is a signal that can mean many different things. The lessons that are learned from these early experiences are highly significant for individual lives, but collectively they also have a great effect on our culture.

1.According to the first paragraph, what is babies’ purpose of crying?

A. To change their comfortable situation at the present time.

B. To communicate with parents and learn to use body language.

C. To make caregivers fast respond to guarantee their survival.

D. To get something that they want to get as quickly as possible.

2.What does the underlined phrase “fend for” in Para.2 mean?

A. feed B. look after

C. support D. make up

3.Why do human babies pay attention to their parents’ signals?

A. Because they hope to get more from their parents.

B. Because they want to convey messages to their parents.

C. Because they need to learn from their parents how to communicate.

D. Because they are social and interested in talking with their parents.

4.What is the best title of the text?

A. Cry or Don’t Cry? B. Why Do Babies Cry?

C. How to Express Babies’ Feelings? D. Human Babies Are Similar to Chicks’?

Due to a long series of unfortunate events,my mother is in a serious debt,a burden was left on her as a result of her divorce.Because of the divorce,the legal and medical____it has left her with,she was unable to____a loan.She has done everything in her____to help keep the houses for my sisters and herself.

Since I was a child,my mother has always been the type of woman to____others' needs before her own.For 13 years she____abused and neglected children to find sanctuary(避难所)through foster care in our house.This was no ____task as many of these children had stood years of physical emotional abuse from their parents.Not long after my father become abusive,our____was being physically and emotionally____daily before our eyes.The abuse____ for some time before she was able to file for a divorce,____to finally to put an end to her____.Unfortunately,the divorce was not as____one would expect.

After ten years,the divorce was finalized and my mother was____to continue on with her life.Due to____ problems with her knee caused by the abuses,my mother was unable to work.The____left her with huge amounts of medical,legal and now property tax debts.She____her last bit of money to help save the house for my younger sisters and herself.As a____mother,she is the most inspirational woman I have ever meet.Despite the continuous turmoil(混乱), she has____formed a way to stay positive and____.I am hoping to her get back on her feet and____some much needed financial and emotional support.

1.A. accidents B. debts C. teams D. research

2.A. take out B. put out C. make out D. think about

3.A. duty B. company C. website D. power

4.A. compare B. improve C. place D. support

5.A. helped B. reminded C. beat D. taught

6.A. difficult B. easy C. merry D. casual

7.A. sister B. daughter C. mother D. assistant

8.A. inspired B. criticized C. blessed D. destroyed

9.A. paused B. started C. continued D. argued

10.A. refusing B. hoping C. regretting D. managing

11.A. pain B. fete C. life D. confusion

12.A. slow B. practical C. bitter D. quick

13.A. proud B. able C. unwilling D. tired

14.A. mental B. medical C. technical D. energetic

15.A. marriage B. journey C. divorce D. debate

16.A. poured B. wasted C. avoided D. stole

17.A. single B. learned C. noble D. lazy

18.A. never B. always C. even D. hardly

19.A. grateful B. enjoyed C. optimistic D. patient

20.A. reduce B. cancel C. confirm D. provide

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