
Studying abroad seems to be a global trend these days. A study suggests that more than two thirds of the students studying abroad 1. (influence) by movies in choosing their universities since the past decade. American movies such as A Beautiful Mind set in Princeton, The Social Network in Harvard, and The Graduate in Berkeley, California are playing 2. important part in attracting foreign students to America. The global 3. (succeed) of the Harry Potter films is considered as a factor in 4. (encourage) overseas students to come to England. Universities in New Zealand have benefited from The Lord of the Rings’ effect since it was first released.

Films can also be 5. (help) to get through difficult situations. In 2009 there was a sharp decline in Indian students choosing Australian universities 6. some reasons. So Prateek Chakravorty, a Bollywood director, 7. graduated from University of Technology Sydney, made From Sydney With Love about two Indian students falling in love with some of the 8. (building) of Sydney University. By 2014, the number of Indian students in Australia was rising again.

When universities are competing 9. (fierce) for the attention of overseas students, the cinema screen can be a recognized way 10. ( attract ) overseas students. Will you choose universities because of movies?


Six years ago at the age of 35,I suddenly decided I wanted to learn the cello(大提琴).Straight away I rented an instrument and appeared before Wendell Margrave,professor of musical instruction.

"You can be as good as you want to be,"Margrave said rather mysteriously.On a piece of paper he drew the notes E and F.He showed me where to put my fingers on the neck of the cello and how to draw the bow.Then he entered my name in his book: 10 am,Tuesday.Tuesday followed Tuesday,and soon it was spring.

Thus began my voyage out of ignorance and into the dream.E-F,E-F,we played together—and moved on to G.It was a happy time.I was again becoming something new,and no longer trapped as the same person.Surely the most terrible recognition of middle life is that we are past changing.We do what we can already do.The cello was something I couldn't do.Yet each Tuesday this became less and less true.Riding home on the bus one snowy night and learning the score of Mozart's C-Major Quintet(莫扎特的C大调五重奏),I felt the page burst into music in my hands.I could by then more or less read a score,and was humming(哼唱)the cello line,when suddenly all five parts came together harmonically(和谐地) in my head.The fellow sitting opposite stared.I met his glance with tears,actually hearing the music in my head for the first time.Could he hear it too, perhaps?No,he got off at the next stop. As the years slipped by,my daughter grew up,playing the piano well.My goal was that she and I would one day perform together.I also wanted to perform in public with and for my peers,and to be secretly envied.I continued to play,to perform,but it is not the same.Before,when I heard a cello,it was all beauty and light.Now,as the TV camera gets close to Rostropovich's face,I recognize that his smile shows his incredible determination.Even for him,the cello is a difficult instrument that doesn't respect your ambitions.I picked up my cello and practiced.As good as I wanted to be,I am as good as I'm going to get.It is good enough.

1.From the first two paragraphs,we can learn that_______ . .

A. the author already knew some cello basics

B. the author went to a cello lesson every Tuesday

C. the author bought a cello after he decided to learn it

D. Wendell Margrave was a famous but mysterious professor

2.The author writes that "it was a happy time" in Paragraph 3 mainly because .

A. he felt very bored with his new life

B. it was beautiful to be able to hear the music in his mind

C. Professor Margrave made learning the cello very easy for him

D. he enjoyed the feelings of growth and getting closer to his dream

3.From the last paragraph,it can be inferred that the author .

A. put on shows with his daughter

B. was determined to catch up with Rostropovich

C. is happy to have kept up his personal development

D. was confident that his peers would envy him for his cello playing ability

4.The purpose of the article is mainly to .

A. show his deep gratitude to his cello tutor

B. advise readers on how to improve their cello skills

C. describe his incredible efforts to overcome difficulties

D. encourage readers that it's never too late to pursue their dreams

The Eurotunnel is a tunnel(隧道) which crosses the Channel under the sea, linking France and the UK. It is about 50.5 km long and 38km lies under the seabed. There are trains which carry passengers and cars, and others which carry carriages or other heavier vehicles(车辆), as well as goods.

The construction of the tunnel started in 1986, with a cost of almost 10 billion pounds. It was opened in 1994 but was not financially successful until 2007, because of the high interest rates (利率) the company had to pay the banks, as well as low earnings from passengers and goods.

The Eurotunnel is a very convenient way of traveling between the two countries as the journey is quick (less than one hour), cheap, and comfortable. You can go with your car, motorbike or bike. The tunnel operates every day, round the clock. At the busiest times there are up to three shuttle departures (班次) per hour. There are facilities(设施)for disabled passengers and for babies at the two terminals (终点站).

The Eurotunnel, also commonly known as the Channel Tunnel, Eurochannel and Eurochunnel is environmentally friendly. It perfects its sources of energy through its use of renewable energy with the result that, by 2008, it had reduced its greenhouse gas emissions(排量) by 45%. In addition, 50% of the waste produced is recycled.

The future of the Eurotunnel seems promising, although some people who have the fear of enclosed(与外界隔绝的)spaces will never use this type of transportation. There have been some problems with snow storms like the one in the winter of the 2009 which have made the services stop for a period of time, leaving passengers in the tunnel for more than 15 hours without light, heating, food or drink, inside an unmoving train under the sea. Some of the passengers reacted very badly and decided not to use this means of transport again.

1.Why was the Eurotunnel not financially successful at first? ______.

A. It was free for passing trains

B. Many people disliked it

C. Its operating cost was very high

D. It was heavily in debt

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? ______.

A. The wonderful design of the Eurotunnel

B. A traveling guide to the Eurotunnel

C. The advantages of the Eurotunnel

D. An introduction of the Eurotunnel’s equipment

3.We can learn from the text that the Eurotunnel ______.

A. used environmentally friendly energy

B. was completely built under the seabed

C. was designed for passenger trains only

D. operated successfully without any accident

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the Eurotunnel? ______.

A. Cautious B. Optimistic

C. Negative D. Doubtful

The Eurotunnel is a tunnel(隧道) which crosses the Channel under the sea, linking France and the UK. It is about 50.5 km long and 38km lies under the seabed. There are trains which carry passengers and cars, and others which carry carriages or other heavier vehicles(车辆), as well as goods.

The construction of the tunnel started in 1986, with a cost of almost 10 billion pounds. It was opened in 1994 but was not financially successful until 2007, because of the high interest rates (利率) the company had to pay the banks, as well as low earnings from passengers and goods.

The Eurotunnel is a very convenient way of traveling between the two countries as the journey is quick (less than one hour), cheap, and comfortable. You can go with your car, motorbike or bike. The tunnel operates every day, round the clock. At the busiest times there are up to three shuttle departures (班次) per hour. There are facilities(设施)for disabled passengers and for babies at the two terminals (终点站).

The Eurotunnel, also commonly known as the Channel Tunnel, Eurochannel and Eurochunnel is environmentally friendly. It perfects its sources of energy through its use of renewable energy with the result that, by 2008, it had reduced its greenhouse gas emissions(排量) by 45%. In addition, 50% of the waste produced is recycled.

The future of the Eurotunnel seems promising, although some people who have the fear of enclosed(与外界隔绝的)spaces will never use this type of transportation. There have been some problems with snow storms like the one in the winter of the 2009 which have made the services stop for a period of time, leaving passengers in the tunnel for more than 15 hours without light, heating, food or drink, inside an unmoving train under the sea. Some of the passengers reacted very badly and decided not to use this means of transport again.

1.Why was the Eurotunnel not financially successful at first? ______.

A. It was free for passing trains

B. Many people disliked it

C. Its operating cost was very high

D. It was heavily in debt

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about? ______.

A. The wonderful design of the Eurotunnel

B. A traveling guide to the Eurotunnel

C. The advantages of the Eurotunnel

D. An introduction of the Eurotunnel’s equipment

3.We can learn from the text that the Eurotunnel ______.

A. used environmentally friendly energy

B. was completely built under the seabed

C. was designed for passenger trains only

D. operated successfully without any accident

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the Eurotunnel? ______.

A. Cautious B. Optimistic

C. Negative D. Doubtful

How to Set Goals

Whether you have small dreams or high expectations,setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life.Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain,while others can be completed in a day.1.

●Determine your life goals.Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.What do you want to achieve: today,in a year,in your lifetime?The answers to this question can be as general as "I want to be happy,"or "I want to help people."2.

●Set specific goals.Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to achieve.Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it.3.For example,"Be healthier"is too big and vague to be a helpful goal."I want to eat more vegetables,and I want to run a marathon."is better.

●Write out your goals.Be detailed,be clear,and include your steps.4.Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently.This will help keep you motivated.

5.You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals,but take the time to re-evaluate your smaller goals.Are you accomplishing them according to your timeline?Are they still necessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals?Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goal.

A.Adjust your goals.

B.Track and measure your progress.

C.Having deadlines will keep you motivated.

D.Consider what you hope to achieve in 10,15,or 20 years.

E.Here are some important ideas that you may find helpful.

F.Writing them down tends to make them feel a little more real.

G.Remember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals.

Babies should be given peanut early - some at four months old - in order to reduce the risk of allergy(过敏), according to new US guidance.

Studies have shown the risk of peanut allergy can be cut by more than 80% by early exposure(接触). The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said the new guidance was "an important step forward".

However, young children should not eat whole peanuts, because of the risk of choking.

Allergy levels are soaring in the US and have more than quadrupled since 2008. It is a pattern replicated across much of the Western world as well as parts of Asia and Africa. Parents are often wary about introducing peanut and in the past have been advised to wait until the child is three years old.

According to the new guidelines, children with other allergies or severe eczema should start on peanut-containing foods at between four and six months old, with medical supervision(监管). Babies with mild eczema should have peanut-containing food at about six months old. Those with no eczema or allergies can have peanut-containing food freely introduced.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said: "We expect that widespread implementation of these guidelines by healthcare providers will prevent the development of peanut allergy in many susceptible children and ultimately reduce the prevalence of peanut allergy in the United States."

Michael Walker, a member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, said: "The guidelines are based on sound medical research carried out in the UK. UK parents should consult their GP, bringing attention to the guidelines if necessary, before attempting peanut allergy prevention in their infant themselves."

Professor Alan Boobis, from Imperial College London, said: "The previous(之前的) view that delaying(延迟) the introduction of allergenic foods decreases the risk of food allergy is incorrect and... if anything, the exclusion(除去) or delayed introduction of specific allergenic foods may increase the risk of allergy to the same foods, including peanut."

1.The new US guidance may agree that _________ .

A. children can have peanut-containing food freely

B. parents can feed kids peanut until they are three

C. early exposure to peanut can reduce peanut allergy

D. young children should not eat whole peanut to avoid allergy

2.The underlined word in Paragraph 6 means __________ .

A. easily influenced

B. seriously disabled

C. mentally healthy

D. terribly tired

3.What can we learn from Michael Walker?

A. The use of the guidelines should be limited in the UK.

B. The guidelines are scientific and thus can be trusted.

C. Parents should do peanut allergy prevention themselves.

D. Many doctors in the UK don’t agree with the guidelines.

4.What might be the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To warm parents of the possible danger peanut may bring.

B. To recommend delaying the introduction of allergenic foods.

C. To compare two different scientific research on peanut allergy.

D. To introduce a new way of reducing the risk of peanut allergy.

Men are spending more and more time in the kitchen encouraged by celebrity (名人) chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver, according to a report from Oxford University.

The effect of the celebrity role models, who have given cooking a more manly picture, has combined with a more general drive towards sexual equality and men now spend more than twice the amount of time preparing meals than they did in 1961.

According to the research by Prof. Jonatahn Gershuny, who runs the Centre for Time Research at Oxford, men now spend more than half an hour a day cooking, up from just 12 minutes a day in 1961.

Prof. Gershuny said, “The man in the kitchen is part of a much wider social trend. There has been 40 years of sexual equality, but there is another 40 years probably to come.”

Women, who a generation ago spent nearly two hours a day cooking, now spend just one hour and seven minutes—a great fall, but they still spend far more time in the kitchen than men.

Some experts have named these men in aprons as “Gastrosexuals (men using cooking skills to impress friends)”, who have been inspired to pick up a kitchen knife by the success of Ramsay, Oliver as well as other male celebrity chefs such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Marco Pierre White and Keith Floyd.

“I was married in 1974. When my father came to visit me a few weeks later, I was wearing an apron when I opened the door. He laughed,” said Prof. Gershuny. “That would never happen now.”

Two-thirds of adults say that they come together to share at least three times a week, even if it is not necessarily around a kitchen or dining room table. Prof. Gershuny pointed out that the family meal was now rarely eaten by all of its members around a table—with many “family meals” in fact taken on the sofa in the sitting room, and shared by family members. “The family meal has changed a lot, and few of us eat—as I did when I was a child—at least two meals a day together as a family. But it has survived in a different format.”

1.What is one reason behind the trend that men spend more time cooking than before?

A. The improvement of cooks’ status.

B. The influence of popular female chefs.

C. The change of female’s view on cooking.

D. The development of sexual equality campaign.

2.What does the author think about the time men and women spend on cooking?

A. Men spend more time cooking than women nowadays.

B. Women spend much less time on cooking than before.

C. It will take 40 years before men spend more time at the stove than women.

D. There is a sharp decline in the time men spend on cooking compared with 1961.

3.How did Prof. Gershuny see the family meal according to the passage?

A. It has become a thing of the past.

B. It is very different from what it used to be.

C. It shouldn’t be advocated in modern times.

D. It is beneficial to the stability of the family.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Changes of Family Meals

B. Equality between Men and Women

C. Cooking into a New Trend for Men

D. Cooking—a Thing of the Past for Women

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