
【题目】 A drug designed entirely by artificial intelligence is about to enter clinical human trials for the first time. The drug, which is intended to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD)(强迫症),was discovered using Al systems from Oxford-based biotech company Exscientia. While it would usually take around four and a half years to get a drug to this stage of development, Exscientia says that by using the Al tools it's taken less than 12 months.

The drug, known as DSP1181, was created by using algorithms (算法)to examine potential compounds (化合物),checking them against a huge database of parameters, including a patient's genetic factors. Speaking to the BBC, Exscientia chief executive Professor Andrew Hopkins described the trials as a “ key milestone in drug discovery “ and noted that there are “ billions” of decisions needed to find the right molecules (分子)for a drug, making their eventual creation a “ huge decision. “ With Al, however, “the beauty of the algorithms is that they are unknowable, so can be applied to any disease.”

We've already seen multiple examples of Al being used to diagnose illness and analyze patient data, so using it to engineer drug treatment is an obvious progression of its place in medicine. But the Al - created drugs do bring about some relevant questions. Will patients be comfortable taking medicine designed by a machine? How will these drugs differ from those developed by humans alone? Who will make the rules for the use of Al in drug research? Hopkins and his team hope that these and a great many other questions will be explored in the trials, which will begin in March.

1What is special about the drug designed by Al?

A.It's a better cure for OCD.

B.It has no side effect on humans.

C.Its development takes less time.

D.It doesn't need clinical human trials.

2Which is a key factor in creating the drug according to Paragraph 2?



3How does Hopkins feel about the way of drug creation?



4What can be the best title for the text?

A.Medical Trials by AlB.An Example in Medical Trials

C.A Creation in Al DevelopmentD.Al - designed Drugs to Be on Trial








1细节理解题。根据第二段“While it would usually take around four and a half years to get a drug to this stage of development, Exscientia says that by using the Al tools it's taken less than 12 months.”可知,虽然通常需要四年半的时间才能使药物发展到这个阶段,但埃克西迪亚说,通过使用人工智能工具,只需要不到12个月的时间。所以人工智能设计的药物有什么特别之处在于它的开发时间更短。故选C项。

2细节理解题。根据第三段“The drug, known as DSP1181, was created by using algorithms (算法)to examine potential compounds (化合物),checking them against a huge database of parameters, including a patient's genetic factors. Speaking to the BBC, Exscientia chief executive Professor Andrew Hopkins described the trials as a “ key milestone in drug discovery ”可知,这种被称为DSP1181的药物是通过使用算法来检测潜在的化合物,并根据一个庞大的参数数据库(包括患者的遗传因素)来检查这些化合物的。Exscientia首席执行官安德鲁霍普金斯教授在接受英国广播公司(BBC)采访时称,这些试验是“药物发现的关键里程碑””,所以算法是制造药物的关键因素。故选B项。

3推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“With Al, however, “the beauty of the algorithms is that they are unknowable, so can be applied to any disease. 然而,对于人工智能来说,“算法的优点在于它们是不可知的,因此可以应用于任何疾病。最后一段“Hopkins and his team hope that these and a great many other questions will be explored in the trials, which will begin in March.”可知,霍普金斯和他的团队希望,这些问题和其他许多问题将在3月开始的试验中得到探索。由此判断出,霍普金斯对药品制造的方式持乐观的态度。故选A项。



【题目】 Impolite cellphone users are anywhere where there's a cellphone signal.1. Could that be you? Follow our expert phone rules to avoid being rude and annoying.

●Know where not to use your phone. 2, so avoid talking on your cellphone or having it ring while in such places as hospitals, libraries and movie theaters. Turn your phone off if necessary.

●Don't talk too loudly. When in public, try not to raise your voice while on the phone. Generally you don't have to shout on the phone to be heard on the other end. In fact, doing so often makes it harder for you to be understood.3.

●Don't use your phone when having a meal with someone. If possible, turn it off. If you're waiting for an important call, let the person you're with know beforehand (事先) that you're expecting a call that you'll need to take.4. If you have to, step away but don’t stay away any longer than a bathroom break.

5.When you're in an enclosed space, or you can't put yourself 10 feet out of everyone's way, it's inappropriate to talk but it's potentially acceptable to receive and send text messages. But you'd better not text while doing anything requires you to be focused.

A.Learn to text

B.Focus on your messages

C.Some places are inappropriate for cellphone usage

D.Limit phone use during gatherings with your friends

E.Try not to hold a phone conversation at table

F.In addition, shouting on the phone disturbs people around you

G.Most people who are impolite don't even realize what they’re doing

【题目】 No matter what field you are in, there will likely come a time when you have to give a powerful speech to friends, colleagues, or even complete strangers. 1 However, being able to give great speeches is often a necessity for those looking to achieve success. Here are a few tips to help you make the entire process easier.

1. Get in the Right Mindset

Visualize yourself before your speech succeeding to help calm your nerves. 2 And you should remember that people want to see you succeed, they don't want to see you fail. If you get in the right mindset, you will find the rest comes much easier than you may imagine.

2. 3

Make sure that you focus on the point of your speech and the message that you are trying to get across. Don't worry about focusing on the fact that you are giving the speech or any of the props or visual aids that you may have. If you get nervous or stutter during your speech, don't apologize and just fix your attention on your speech.

3. Do Your Research

When it comes to preparing for your speech, it is not only important that you research the topic but that you research your audience as well. Know who you are speaking to. Also if you are able to greet some of the audience members and speak with them before hand, this is a great way to break the ice and feel more comfortable while speaking. 4 Make sure you also research the room. Arrive early so you feel comfortable in the room, and practice with the microphone or any equipment you will be using.

4. Practice

It may seem like a simple and rather obvious tip, but unfortunately, adequate practice is something that many people today avoid when it comes to speaking in public . 5, but it means practicing out loudstanding up in a similar position while giving your speech. Make sure that you practice in front of both the mirror and the audience.

A.Focus on the Point

B.Develop a Strong Message

C.Make sure you take several deep breaths before giving your speech

D.Practicing does not just mean reading the speech over and over again

E.Thus you won't feel as though you are speaking to a room of strangers

F.You may feel stiff, tight or uncomfortable when you are about to speak

G.There are many people struggling with the process of writing and delivering speeches

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