
This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.
It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend(超越) it. Once we truly know that life is difficult---once we truly understand and accept it---then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.
Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation.
What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one.  Problems, depending on their nature, cause us sadness, or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are uncomfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.
Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.
小题1:From the passage, it can be inferred that ______.               
A.everybody has problems
B.we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life
C.life is difficult because our problems bring us pain
D.people like to complain about their problems
小题2:The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to ______.
A.save spaceB.persuade readers
C.get readers’ attention D.make readers laugh
小题3:According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to______.
A.teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem
B.encourage them to learn
C.help them learn to deal with pain
D.teach them how to respect from problems
小题4:The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that ______.
A.most people feel life is easy
B.most people complain about how hard their lives are
C.the writer feels life is easy
D.the writer likes to complain about his problems


小题1:从第一段Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters结合全文可知我们一旦接受了生活很坚难的这个事实,然后不断的去面对,去解决生活中的问题,我们就会变得更加强大。
小题2:作者用一个简短的句子This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths,引起读者的注意,引起下文,这个伟大的真理是什么?为什么它是一个最伟大的真理?
小题3:从文章的最后一段。。。 just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn可知我们给孩子设立难题就是就是要学会对付苦难。
小题4:从第三段Instead they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy可得知 大多数人抱怨生活的艰辛。
Swimming is one of those activities that can be learned early in life. Little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk. In fact, you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. However, I believe that five is the best age to learn. By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. It’s wise to be afraid, to recognize true danger. Young ones understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous.
To really benefit from swimming, every swimmer should learn ____________:butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl. I feel that one of these—the breaststroke—is different from the others, since some young swimmers use this stroke naturally, without any training.
In swimming, there are certain rules every swimmer should follow:
(1) Never swim alone! No matter how good you are in the water, don’t risk drowning by swimming alone. If you swim by yourself, with no life guards or friends with you, you may get into trouble.
(2) Don’t go beyond your abilities. Most swimmers know enough not to swim too far from the bank or the beach. Showing off by doing dangerous tricks is no good. Swim safely and you will continue to swim and alive.
(3) Don’t smoke. Swimming depends on a healthy body; good lungs are part of it.
(4) Work at any activity that builds muscles.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Please complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
__________________________and the recognition of its danger are sensible.
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 7 words)
小题4:Why should not you swim alone according to the passage? ( no more than 10 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word “it” refer to? (no more than 3 words)
One year ago, I traveled 15,000 kilometers from Australia to the US. I am from a beachside town in the   16  of Sydney, and thought there would be almost no   17  differences between my home country and my 18  . I was surprised at how wrong I was, and at  19  different the two countries could be.
The United States is   20  in almost every aspect. The buildings are gigantic (巨大的) and so are the people who   21  and work in them. At mealtimes, the portions (份额) often   22  to me to be big enough for three or four people. I once   23  a baked potato which turned out to be bigger than my head! This was a big   24  for me.
The longer I spent in the US, the more I started to   25  smaller differences like the culture of   26  in restaurants. In Australia we don’t tend to give a tip   27  the service has been really excellent. In the US you tip for   28  everything, even at the hairdresser. Waiters and shop assistants   29  to be given 15 percent of the bill, although in places   30 New York or Washington DC, a tip can be as much as 20 percent.
  31 , I also became more wary (谨慎的) of believing the stereotypes (成见) I had heard at home as I traveled. Not all Americans are ignorant of geography, for example.
Despite this, certain stereotypes about places did seem to   32  true for me. There is an immense (强烈的) sense of speed in New York. Everyone   33  to and fro, and very seldom takes time to   34  the moment. This is very different from the Australian lifestyle. Australians are laid back. Even in a major city like Sydney, we “Aussies” take time to “stop and smell the roses”---very different from our American counterparts.
Navigating (驾驭) the culture divide between Australia and the US was challenging at times. But I took up that   35  and learned a lot from it. It was an adventure.
A.home townB.departureC.locationD.destination
A.depend onB.reflect onC.spy onD.watch on
Are you a media addict who would go mad after two hours without TV, friend requests, exciting online games and your mobile – or would you easily survive?
Recently, university students around the world were asked to volunteer in a global experiment called Unplugged. It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban by unplugging all forms of media devices for 24 hours.
Unplugged is being run by Dr Roman Gerodimos, a lecturer in Communication and Journalism at Bournemouth University. The experiment is now over but he doesn’t yet know the full findings. However, during the experiment, Dr Gerodimos said there were already signs of how much the exercise affected volunteers. He said: “They’re reporting withdrawal symptoms(症状), overeating, feeling nervous, isolated and disconnected.” During their 24-hour painful experience, three of the experiment’s guinea pigs had to endure one intrusion(侵扰) from the media: a BBC reporter plus cameraman who followed them around for the day. They were asked to write down 100 lines about their day offline, but of course, they all waited until the next day when they had access to their laptops. Elliot Day wrote: “Today, my whole morning routine was thrown up into the air. Despite being aware of the social importance of the media, I was surprised by how empty my life felt without the radio or newspapers.” From Caroline Scott, we read: “I didn’t expect it, but being prevented from the media for 24 hours resulted in my day-to-day activities becoming so much harder to carry out than usual… I didn’t break out in a cold sweat like our lecturer expected us all to, but it’s not something I would like to do again!” And Charlotte Gay wrote: “I have to say the most difficult item for me to be without has been my mobile; not only is it a social tool, it’s my main access point of communication.”
Earlier in the year, a UK government study found that in the UK we spend about half our waking hours using the media, often plugged into several things at once. And a recent study by Nielson found that on average, US teenagers send and receive over 3,000 texts per month ---that’s about six texts per waking hour. So, with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate, how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?
小题1:What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To ask for information.B.To entertain the readers.
C.To lead to the topic.D.To present an idea.
小题2:About Dr. Roman Gerodimos’ experiment, we know that ________.
A.volunteers felt uncomfortable in it.
B.volunteers didn’t want to eat anything.
C.the experiment was still going on.
D.volunteers were allowed to take their laptops.
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Three pigs were included in the experiment.
B.A BBC reporter discussed the experiment.
C.During the 24 hours’ experiment the volunteers wrote out their experiences.
D.The lecturer had expected sweat would suddenly appear on the volunteers through fear.
小题4:What does the sentence “…was thrown up into the air” most probably means?
A.went on normally.B.was completely disturbed.
C.turned out perfect.D.was badly designed.
小题5:Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.Surviving without the Media.B.Unplugging Your Life.
C.Valuing Social Communication.D.Setting Aside Time for Sleep.
People who like travelling have their reasons. They believe that travelling can help them expand their field of view,especially in the geographical and historical sense. They also think that touring will give them more chances to enjoy different kinds of food and experience new things that would never be brought by other activities. But those who dislike travelling also have some reasons.
Travelling,in my opinion,does more good than harm. Most importantly,it broadens(使扩大)our mind. We can get in touch with other civilizations(文明),cultures,customs and ideas.
Through history,most people travelled because of necessity(必要性)-not for pleasure. People travelled just in order to remain alive. They searched for food to eat or places to live in. They sometimes ran away from enemies. This is not to say that no one ever travelled just for fun of it. In ancient times,for example,rich Romans travelled all the ways to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games,and festivals. Of course,some people decided to travel just out of curiosity(好奇心).They wanted to find out what it looked like beyond the horizon(地平线).Also business travel has been going on for centuries. Traders could not only make money but also learn to speak several languages and be introduced to different cultures.
So,travelling does enrich our mind and draw new ideas to us. There is no doubt that we can get much from it.
小题1:The underlined word “expand” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by“___________ ”.
小题2:According to the passage,in the past most people traveled____________.
A.for funB.for knowledgeC.to get experiencesD.to make a living
小题3:How many reasons for travelling are mentioned in Paragraph 3 ?
小题4:What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Different kinds of travelling.
B.Travelling enriches our mind.
C.Ways to enjoy yourself while travelling.
D.The advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to meet and many decisions to make.Your future begins here.
However, you will find college life is different from your previous school environment. Many of us can be easily overwhelmed(压垮)by the details of running a well-balanced life.While some of us may have the know-how, I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the experiences of others who have walked the college halls before you.
The following you may find of use about life on campus.
* Plan well.There are so many new things to do at a new college or university.Give yourself time to make new friends and become familiar with the campus, but don’t forget why you are there.Give some time for social activities and manage your time wisely.
* If you don’t have a “system” for planning your time now(like a day timer, a computer data book), get one.Most of all, don’t depend on your memory.
* Don’t miss the guidelines.The restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found in your student handbook.Consider them well-balanced food for thought.What dates are important? What pieces of paper need to be handed in? What can/ can’t you do in class? What can/ can’t you do in your student residence? Who has right for what? What do you need to complete to graduate?
* Write the word “STUDY” on the walls of our bedroom and bathroom, and maybe it will help to write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, TV and the kitchen table.Consider this—you are paying thousands of dollars for your courses. You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.
* Build your identity.This is the time for you to decide what to do and what not to do.Take as much time as you need to explore new ideas.Do not be afraid of the beyond.This is learning to make good choices.
小题1:What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To describe the importance of college life.
B.To explain why college life is exciting.
C.To offer advice on college life.
D.To persuade you to go to college.
小题2:According to the passage, why is it exciting to begin college life?
A.Because you prepare for your future career and life there..
B.Because you will no longer be afraid of the beyond.
C.Because you will have more freedom at college.
D.Because professors there will provide you with many new ideas.
小题3:The underlined word “know-how” refers to___________________________.
A.an understanding of how things are going at college
B.college halls where rules and regulations are presented
C.practical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at college
D.an environment completely different from the one you’re used to
小题4:According to the passage, college students ___________________________ .
A.needn’t learn from those who went to college before them
B.should know what they have fought for on campus
C.spend as much time as possible on social activities
D.are supposed to repeat or replace at least one course
The olive is one of the oldest planted crops known to man and is still widely grown in the Mediterranean.An olive tree can have a life of 500 years and is strong enough to continue to grow if ever chopped to the ground.It takes up four years before the olive tree is ripe enough to bear fruit.
Olive trees originated in the Mediterranean region where there is the perfect climate for the olive tree planting.It is characterized by abundant sunshine year-round and hot,dry summers with an average temperature of 80°F.In winter,it rarely drops below 50°F.Olive trees were first planted by humans around 4000 BC in an area known as the Fertile Crescent.Before the areas became desert,countries such as modern-day Turkey and Iraq had a lush environment with soil that plants grow well.Archaeological findings suggest that farming began in the Fertile Crescent before 7000BC.Instead of living as hunter-gatherers,these early humans settled down and harvested native plants.They selected olive trees that produced larger and oilier olives than the wild trees.
Olives and olive oil became valuable trade items between societies and civilizations.People who moved from one place to another and traders from the Fertile Crescent introduced olive oil to Syria and Crete,which spread to Egypt,Greece,and Rome.It continued to migrate westward until olive trees were first introduced to Califomia between 1769 and 1785.
The olive tree and olive oil have important symbolism in each religion.In Christianity,a dove(鸽子)brought an olive branch to Noah as a symbol of peace and new life after God flooded the Earth.The Prophet Muhammad suggested the use of olive oil for medicinal(药用的) purposes and massage(按摩).
Olive oil has medicinal benefits.Olive oil has been used for health benefits.Regular eating olive oil can reduce the risk of cancers.It was used during the Spanish Civil War from 1808 to 1813 to treat cases of fever.In 1960,oleuropein(橄榄多酚)was removed from olive leaves,which helps with food poisoning.
小题1:If an olive tree is chopped to the ground,______.
A.it can’t grow any more
B.it can produce more new ones
C.there is no doubt that it will die
D.it is able to grow back strongly
小题2:What does the underlined word “lush”in para.2 probably mean?
A.Of bad climate.B.Changeable or unstable.
C.Extremely disadvantaged.D.Growing thickly and strongly.
小题3:We can learn from the first two paragraphs that_____.
A.the olive tree can stand extreme cold
B.the olive tree enjoys the long sunshine
C.the olive is the oldest tree in the world
D.the climate of deserts suits the olive tree
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
①Olive trees bear fruits every four years.
②Olive oil was a food production before 7000BC.
③In Muhammad,olive oil was used as medicine.
④Olive trees were introduced to California in the 18th century.
A.②③④          B. ①②③           C. ①③④           D. ①②④
小题5:What is this passage mainly about?
A.The history of the olive tree.
B.The characteristic of the olive tree.
C.The origin and medicinal benefits of the olive tree.
D.The different symbols of the olive tree in each region.
Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to schools, shops and anywhere else. Therefore, China is known as “the kingdom of bicycles”. In China, many families have one or two bicycles.
Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars. Most Chinese can’t afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land to park. What’s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.
However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don’t obey the traffic rules and some riders don’t think about others safety. So they ride too fast. During the rush hour, too many bicycles may cause traffic accidents. We still have a long way to solve the problem.
小题1: Where can you see bicycles in China?
A.In the big cityB.In the town
C.Almost everywhereD.In the countryside
小题2:“The kingdom of bicycles” here is saying    .
A.China has plenty of bicyclesB.China makes bicycles
C.Only China has bicyclesD.All the Chinese have bicycles
小题3: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles
A.Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.B.Bicycles are more beautiful than cars
C.Bicycles are easy to parkD.Bicycles are safer than cars.
小题4: What does the last sentence mean?
A.We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles
B.It’s too far to ride bicycles
C.We still need to do much to solve the problem
D.we should walk farther to solve the problem
Listening to music can help me focus better. Since I discovered it two years ago,I've used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively. I've found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.
I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games. It was a few days before Christmas in 2005 and I was playing online video games. My parents had just given me a new MP3,so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played. After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play. I was playing more naturally. The music relaxed me,and,to a certain extent,distracted me from the game,allowing my subconscious(潜意识的)talent to come through. The music also helped me block out the outside world. With those headphones on I was like a machine,moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.  
Music can also have a great effect on mood. If I'm in a bad mood at work,I'll listen to some of Bob Marley's and get down to business. It always takes my mind off what I'm doing and makes me a happier person. The same is true for classic rock. One summer,I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand. Without a radio playing classic rock in the background,I would have hated life.
Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts. But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes. Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks. By trial and error you'll finally discover your best choice.
I'm always looking for new concentration aids,so I'd love to know what type of music works best for me.
小题1:We can infer that the passage was written in ________.
A.2005  B.2006  C.2007  D.2008
小题2:The author first discovered the effects of music ________.
A.from his parentsB.by chanceC.at workD.when he was a child
小题3:The author mentions the experience of collecting bottle openers in Paragraph 3 to ________.
A.tell us that life is dullB.prove that music affects mood
C.tell us how to seek happinessD.tell us bad mood can affect work

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