

Smoggy weather has become common in China. But these days, air pollution levels in the northeastern city of Harbin surpassed the previous record levels.

The city was essentially shut down after PM2.5, fine particulate(微粒的) pollution that is considered dangerous, reached levels of 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter-【1】. And therefore schools, motorways and an airport were closed on Tuesday as visibility in some areas of the city dropped to less than 10 meters.

【2】. It stated that there is “ sufficient evidence” that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer. 【3】. Moreover, it’s said that exposure has increased significantly particularly in “rapidly industrial countries with large populations”.

On the Chinese social media site Weibo, many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns. 【4】. Nowadays, there is a sarcastic(讽刺的) play on the expression “serve the people”, as the two have a similar pronunciation.

【5】. There won’t be a sudden outbreak of symptoms, but normally three to five days after the smoggy weather occurs, there is a peak in the number of people seeing doctors,” a doctor said.

A. The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual.

B. Smog has been regarded as the biggest killer nowadays in China.

C. Just days previously, the WHO classified air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物).

D. The faster smog comes, the faster it goes away.

E. References to “feed people with smog” have become popular on Weibo.

F. 40 times the safety level reminded by the World Health Organization.

G. And meanwhile, the risk of bladder(膀胱)cancer is also closely connected with it.









【1】F 根据前一句.....reached levels of 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter可知哈尔滨的PM2.5的含量达到了每立方米1000,这是非常非常高的数据,为了强调PM2.5的浓度很高很危险。F项“40 times the safety level reminded by the World Health Organization.”这是国家标准的40倍,恰好在强调这种情况。故F项符合上下文串联。

【2】C 根据横线后一句It stated that there is “ sufficient evidence” that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer.有明确证据说明接触户外空前污染会导致肺癌。这与C项“Just days previously, the WHO classified air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物).”说法相一致。

【3】G 横线前面一句It stated that there is “ sufficient evidence” that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer.可知接触到空气污染会导致癌症,且C项说明世界卫生组织宣布空气污染与癌症有关,所以横线句仍然是这一说法的论据,故G项“And meanwhile, the risk of bladder(膀胱)cancer is also closely connected with it.”与横线前一句都在证明本文第一句。

【4】E 根据横线前一句On the Chinese social media site Weibo, many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns.可知在微博上很多人都在抱怨空气污染并表示担心。横线句内容应该是人们的抱怨,E项“References to “feed people with smog” have become popular on Weibo.”这是这种说法。

【5】A 根据横线后一句There won’t be a sudden outbreak of symptoms空气污染带来的症状是不会一下子就爆发出来的,有一个渐进的过程,所以A项“The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual.”与之相一致。


【题目】Dr. Michael Prager, a leading Botox expert, said that a growing number of women are developing something called “computer face”. He also mentioned that professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls(颚骨), “turkey neck” and deep-set wrinkles on their forehead and around their eyes.

The Botox expert said that, of all his clients, office workers were most likely to show premature(过早的)signs of ageing. “If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown(皱眉)while you are concentrating on the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines,” Dr. Prager said. “What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long. If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles shorten and go saggy, eventually giving you a second neck. “

Dr. Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen. “When people are stressed or thinking hard about something, then they will often put on a ‘grumpy(脾气暴躁的)face’ without even knowing what they are doing. When my clients put a mirror next to their desk, they are often shocked by the angry, frowning face which stares back at them.”

He said, “The women I am seeing at the moment have only been using computers at work for the last decade or so. But women in their 20s have grown up with them and use them for every single task. I think the problem is going to become much, much worse. In another ten years, they could be looking quite awful.”

Dr. Prager said there were several simple steps which could avoid “computer face” such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles. And, of course, there was always Botox. He said that, after a couple of sessions of Botox, the habit of “grumpy face” could be broken.

1In what way do women develop a “computer face”?

A. Frowning every now and then.

B. Concentrating on computers frequently.

C. Working for too long in front of a screen.

D. Sitting in the same place for a long time.

2According to the passage, which of the following are signs of ageing?

A. Saggy jowls and short necks.

B. Turkey neck and frown lines.

C. Deep-set wrinkles and angry faces.

D. Second neck and stressed muscles.

3From the last 2 paragraphs, we can learn that ______.

A. “computer face” is avoidable

B. we should give up using computers

C. we should break the habit of “grumpy face”

D. the younger generation is worse at computers

【题目】阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

What do you do when you need to look something up? Go to the library? Open an encyclopedia(百科全书)? Click onto the Internet? These days, most people go straight to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. But how reliable is it?

There’s no denying the popularity and usefulness of Wikipedia. It attracts as many as 78 million visitors every month, and the site is available in more than 270 different languages. It’s one of the most comprehensive resources available, which includes almost all details, facts and information that may be concerned. It’s got much more information than an ordinary encyclopedia. The site is updated on a daily basis by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with an Internet connection can log on and edit the contents or add a new page. And you don’t need any formal training.

Of course, there are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of more than 1,500 administrators who check for false information. And main targets for harmful comments(such as politicians) are off-limits to public editing. But with more than 16 million articles to keep an eye on, it isn’t easy. So, while Wikipedia benefits from being constantly updated with information from all over the world, it’s also open to “vandals”(恣意破坏公共财物者).

Some of the damage is easy to notice. One person drew devil horns and a moustache on Microsoft chairman Bill Gate’s photo, while another edited Greek philosopher Plato’s biography to say he was a “Hawaiian weather man who is widely believed to have been a student of ‘Barney the purple Dinosaur’.

But other things are harder to spot. The most common form of vandalism (恣意破坏公共财物罪)involves adding tiny items of false information into the biography of a famous person. Unbelievably, some of this misinformation has appeared in newspapers, with The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Independent all having fallen victim to the dirty tricks. For example, in an article about British comedian Sir Norman Wisdom, one newspaper claimed that he co-wrote Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime hit There’ll be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover. He did no such thing. And in other article, it was reported that TV Theme tune composer Ronnie Hazlehurst had written the S Club 7’s hit Reach again, not true.

So, if you’re going to use any information from Wikipedia, make sure you double-check it first.

【1】We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. because of its popularity, 78 million people from 270 countries visit Wikipedia monthly.

B. updated by people around the world, the site is more likely to be damaged by hackers.

C. anyone who has access to the Internet can edit any contents of Wikipedia as they like.

D. the primary job of the administrators is to make sure true information is conveyed.

【2】 What’s the writer’s attitude to Wikipedia?

A. Critical. B. Doubtful.

C. Objective. D. Positive.

【3】Paragraph 5 mainly tells us ______.

A. it is really difficult to find out tiny items of false information.

B. no matter how famous the papers are, they can also be cheated.

C. you can never be careful enough while searching for information.

D. it was Sir Norman Wisdom who wrote the S Club 7’s hit Reach.

【4】What’s the best title for the text?

A. How to look something up in Wikipedia?

B. Wikipedia has advantages and disadvantages

C. Why Wikipedia is so popular?

D. Wikipedia is reliable to use


“A Long Walk Home”-----life as Eli Reed saw it

American photographer and photojournalist Eli Reed has been documenting “life as I saw it” for more than 40 years. His career retrospective(回顾), “Eli Reed: A Long Walk Home”, is an extraordinary search of beauty while recording hardship. With a heart of love, Reed uses a style that uncovers humanity at every turn. According to Reed, “A Long Walk Home” is about what it means to be a human being. It all began with a photo he took of his mother and his memory of her smile.

Raised in New Jersey, Reed was originally a painter. Primarily self-taught in photography, he became a freelance photographer in 1970. After producing some impressive photos that drew much attention, he joined the famous company Magnum Photos---the first black photographer invited to do so.

His photos are remarkable in their lack of judgment of the people or the situations he comes across. In Beirut, Lebanon, a man removes a tree branch from a car in a recently bombed parking lot. An old man wrapped in a sheet plays a drum in front of a sign reading “God Is the Way” while National Guardsmen lift their guns during a war in Miami. A young boy upside down with his legs in the air in a Kenyan refugee camp, his determined look faces the camera. In Harlem, New York, a group of laughing children take over an abandoned car, using it as a jungle gym.

When another photographer might have focused on the sobriety of these situations, Reed’s camera smiles. His images show how humans cope, rise above, and carry on. This is what gives “A Long Walk Home” its power. Considering the places Reed has been to, there are very few photos of guns or obvious violence. Instead, Reed focuses on the varied human responses to hardship.

We smile along with Reed in a gesture of compassion and solidarity. We recognize our fellow human beings.

【1】Why did Eli Reed produce his work “A Long Walk Home”?

A.To pursue his love of photography

B. To keep memories of his mother

C. To help people who are suffering

D. To search for the meaning of life

【2】According to the passage, Magnum Photos_____________.

A. employed Reed in 1970

B. was located in New Jersey

C. only had white employees originally

D. taught Reed the art of photography

【3】 In his work “A Long Walk Home”, Reed’s photos_____________.

A. aim to draw others’ sympathy

B. reflect the strength of humans

C. were taken only in America

D. focus on war and violence

【4】What does the underlined word “sobriety” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. seriousness B. cause

C. value D. warmth

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