
3.-We had____really dry July last year.
-I can't remember_____summer when it rained so little.(  )
A.a;  aB.a;/C./;  theD.the;  a

分析 ---去年我们度过了一个非常干旱的七月.

解答 答案:A

点评 本题考查了不定冠词的用法.做本题时,首先应根据句意判断出空缺处的意义所指(即表示泛指或特指);其次应熟练掌握定冠词、不定冠词以及零冠词的具体用法及区别.

A.Real winners of tourism
B.Negative effects of tourism
C.Growing tourism in the world
D.Developing tourism with caution
E.Benefits to the locals from tourism
F.Tourism problems and possible solutions
On the Mediterranean island of Majorca in Spain,the locals are angry.Too late.In the last quarter of the 20th century,they obtained profit from foreign visitors wanting to buy up property on their beautiful island.Suddenly,it occurred to Majorcans that the island no longer belonged to them.Its 630,000inhabitants(居民)are increasingly convinced that the 14million visitors a year are far too much of a good thing.Water is in short supply,pollution is worsening,and there is no affordable housing left for them to buy.
Tourism is the world's largest and fastest growing industry.In 1950,25million people traveled abroad; last year,it was 750million.The World Tourism Organization predicts that 1.6billion people,by 2020,will travel each year,spending over two trillion(万亿)US dollars.
The host country may not see many benefits.In Thailand,60% of the $4 billion annual tourismincome leaves the country.Tourists arrange by travel companies tend to stay at a big foreign-owned hotels,buying few local products.Mass tourism(团队旅游)usually leaves little money inside the country and most of the money goes to the airlines,thetouroperators,and the foreign hotel owners,who are the final winners of tourism.
These days the industry′s most urgent question may be how to control the flow of tourists.A typical example of this is Italy,where great cultural centers like the Florence and Venice can′thandle all the tourists they get every summer.In Florence,its half-million inhabitants have to live with the pollution,traffic jam,and crime caused by 11 million visitors a year.Now there is talk about how to solve these problems,like raising hotel taxes,or even changing admission to some public squares.The idea is to discourage at least some visitors,as well as to pay for cleaning up the mess.
For many poorer countries,tourism may still offer the best hope for development.The Vietnamese are doing their best to open up their country.Libya has paid 1million for a study.They all wanted tourists.Yet if something isn't done,tourism seems certain to become the victin of its success.Its effect on the environment is a major concern.For this reason,tourist organizations need to have second thoughts about what exactly they are trying to sell.
11.Whenever we hear about"the homeless,",most of us think of the Developing World.But the(36)B is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a(37)D country like Germany?
Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making(38)Cfor the homeless of Berlin,Germany's capital.They first(39)Aone long hot summer when most Germans were(40)Don holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sandwiches,(41)B a table in the street and gave food to the homeless.
The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren't(42)A.What these people also need is warmth and (43)D,"says Rita.The Mullers didn't (44)A to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.Rita (45)C  there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always (46)Ato anyone who couldn't face another night on the street.
The couple were soon(47)Dall their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to (48)Bdonations.Today,over thirty companies (49)Cdonate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help  to(50)Cthem to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer (51)A new shoes.
Kurt and Rita receive no (52)B for their hard work."We feel like parents,"says Rita,"and parents shouldn't (53)D money for helping their children.The love we get on the streets is our salary."Though Rita admits she often gets(54)C.she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a (55)Bin the world.

41.A.brought upB.set upC.put asideD.gave away
45.A.make senseB.found outC.make sureD.worked out
48.A.pay forB.ask forC.look intoD.carry out
8.Do you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death?It's true.However,not all the friends are helpful to up your chances of living a long,happy life.The following types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor away.
1.A Loyal Best Friend
Sometimes a loyal best friend is the only thing you need to stay calm.Everyone needs a non-judgmental friend who will support them no matter what.This is the kind of friend who knows all of your deepest and darkest secrets,but still loves you all the same.
2.An Honest Confidant
There are certain situations in life where we need to hear the harsh truth.It is really hard for you to face it,but that's what the honest confidant is for.Friends are supposed to be honest with each other.If you find someone who is bravely honest with you (in a constructive way),then hold on to this person!People like that are hard to come by these days.
3.A Polar Opposite
If you only develop friendships with others who follow the same beliefs,customs,and values as you do,chances are you're kept away from the rest of the world.Try to break out of your comfortable zone and befriend people who hold opposing views.You'll learn to accept people who don't see the world exactly the way you see it.
4.A Work Pal
Do you know that with a full-time job,you spend at least 50%of your waking hours at work?Depressing,isn't it?The more isolated you are at work,the more depressed you get.That's why it makes sense to get a work pal to chat with to help you get through the week.You spend 50%of your waking hours at work,and so does your work pal.You'll find it much easier to complain about work with someone than to eat lunch alone every day.
With them in your life,you're bound to live a long and happy life!

46.A loyal best friend mustBaccording to the passage.
A.be one of family members
B.love you whoever you are
C.stay with you most of time
D.be good at keeping you quiet
47.Which of the following does NOT belong to harsh truth?C
A.You might fail many times in your life.
B.Life will never be perfect.
C.Your parents will love you forever.
D.You have to work with those you dislike.
48.You need a Polar Opposite as a friend because he willA 
A.help open your eyes to a different world
B.teach us to build a comfortable zone
C.support you no matter what you do
D.change you into an entirely different person
49.We can infer that a work palC
A.never complains about your work    B.makes you feel isolated at work
C.works with you most of time        D.often prepares meals for you
50.The author wrote the passage in order toD 
A.show it is harder to make friends now
B.explain why people need true friendship
C.teach how to become a good friend
D.tell us what kind of friends are beneficial.
7.Dale Carnegie rose from the unknown of a Missouri farm to international fame because he found a way to fill a universal human need.
It was a need that he first (36)D back in 1906when young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg.To get an (37)B,he was struggling against many difficulties.His family was poor.His Dad couldn't afford the(38)B at college,so Dale had to ride horseback 12miles to attend classes.Study had to be done (39)A his farm-work routines.He withdrew from many school activities(40)C he didn't have the time or the (41)D.He had only one good suit.He tried(42)B the football team,but the coach turned him down for being too (43)A.During this period Dale was slowly(44)C an inferiority complex (自卑感),which his mother knew could (45)A him from achieving his real potential.She(46)A that Dale join the debating team,believing that (47)Bin speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed.
Dale took his mother's advice,tried desperately and after several attempts(48)C made it.This proved to be a(49)D point in his life.Speaking before groups did help him gain the(50)D he needed.By the time Dale was a senior,he had won every top honor in(51)C.Now other students we re coming to him for coaching and they,(52)C,were winning contests.
Out of this early struggle to (53)B his feelings of inferiority,Dale came to understand that the ability to (54)A an idea to an audience builds a person's confidence.And,(55)D it,Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do-and so could others.

52.A.in returnB.in briefC.in turnD.in fact

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