
12.有了先进的科技,世界各国的警方可以更快更方便地抓获罪犯.(available)With the advanced science and technology available,the police all over the world can catch out criminals faster and more easily..

分析 With the advanced science and technology available,the police all over the world can catch out criminals faster and more easily.

解答 With the advanced science and technology available,the police all over the world can catch out criminals faster and more easily.
结合提示词available可知,本句可使用介词with的复合结构.catch out 发觉…有错误/做坏事;抓住.

点评 介词with的复合结构运用很广泛,应该灵活运用它的几种用法.

A.Healthy way of life giving way to overuse of medicine
B.Different findings as to taking additional vitamin
C.EU's response to overuse of health products
D.Worrying increase in multivitamin advertising
E.EU directive for the benefit of individuals
F.EU directive against prediction in novels
The use of health supplements such as multivitamin tablets has increased greatly in the western world.People take these supplements because advertising suggests that they prevent a range of medical conditions from developing.However,there is concern that people are consuming worryingly high doses of these supplements and the European Union (EU) has issued a directive that will ban the sale of a wide range of them.This EU directive should be supported.
Research suggests that people who take Vitamin C supplements of over 5000milligrams a day are more likely to develop cancer.This shows how much damage these health supplements do to people's health.A spokesman for the health supplement industry has argued that other research shows that Vitamin C supplements help prevent heart disease,but we can dismiss this evidence as it is from a biased source.
Science fiction of the 1960s and 1970s predicted that pills would replace meals as the way in which people would get the fuel they needed.This,it was argued,would mean a more efficient use of time as people wouldn't have to waste it preparing or eating meals.The EU directive would help prevent this nightmare of pills replacing food becoming a reality.
Peop0le already take too many pills instead of adopting a healthier lifestyle.For example,the consumption of painkillers in Britain in 1998was 21tablets per year for every man,woman and child in the country.People do not need all these pills.
Some might argue that the EU directive denies people's right to freedom of choice.However,there are many legal examples for such intervention when it is in the individual's best interests.We now make people wear seatbelts rather than allowing them to choose to do so.Opposing the EU directive would mean beneficial measures like this would be threatened.Section D.
20.At the age of 45 I decided to learn the English language.Not that I didn't know the language,but to improve my command over the language,I joined English academic classes close to my house.In one class,the instructor gave us a sheet of a hundred words and told us to write the opposite of each word as homework.At home I sat with that page but though I could manage the easy words quickly,for certain words I had to take the help of the dictionary.
Feeling relaxed and like an achiever,my new found enthusiasm forced me to explore some more words.Exploring the dictionary,for every word I found the opposite word (except all forms of nouns).The entire night went on exploring words,but the night was not enough to complete the dictionary.I had enough time to hand in my homework,so the next day,after work once again I sat in through the night and started exploring opposite words from the dictionary.
The exercise was easy,but suddenly something struck my mind.Instead of finding the words which have opposite words,I should look for words that do NOT have any opposite word.After going through sleepless nights that week,I could not find a single word which doesn't have an opposite word.
This amazed me and forced me to conclude that without the opposite word the original word doesn't have its real meaning or value.In other words,every word is incomplete without its opposite.The conclusion forced me to think differently.Although many questions remained unanswered in my mind,the one thing I concluded was that these words are created by humans and every human possesses two qualities within himself,Positive and Negative.Similarly he created words with opposites.This proves that whatever we welcome in our life,we will also be welcoming the opposite of it.And at the end of the day we will complain about the negative forces surrounding us,making us weak,dull,pessimistic(悲观) and so on…Isn't this strange?
29.The author finished his first homeworkC
A.at the first attempt                  B.with great ease
C.with the help of a dictionary         D.with the aid of the instructor
30.What led the author to his further exploration of words?C
A.The pressure of homework
B.The deep interest in word formation
C.A sense of achievement
D.The encouragement of instructors.
31.According to the author,C
A.not every word has its opposite word
B.every word has more than one meaning
C.it is the opposite that makes a word complete
D.every word has positive and negative meanings
32.Which of the following idioms may the author agree more with?A
A.Every coin has two sides
B.Easier said than done
C.All roads lead to Rome
D.Kill two birds with one stone.
7.When I first entered college,I was afraid that I was not"up to it".I was afraid of being away from my family for the first time.Here I would have to make friends with strange people and perhaps also compete with them for grades in courses I would take.Were they smarter than I was?Could I keep up with them?Would they accept me?
I soon learned that my life was now up to me.I had to set a study program if I were to succeed in my courses.I had to regulate the time I spent in my study and socializing.I had to decide when to go to bed,what to eat,and with whom to be friendly.These questions I had to answer for myself.
At first,life was rough.I made mistakes in how I used my time.I also made mistakes in how I chose my first friends in college.Shortly,however,I had my life under control.I managed to get myself to class on time,do my homework and hand them in,and pass my first exams with satisfying grades.In addition,I developed a circle of friends with whom I felt comfortable and could share my fears.I set up my own routine,one that really met my needs.
As a result,I began to look upon myself from a different perspective (视角).I began to see myself as a person responsible for myself and responsible for my friends and family.It felt good to make decisions and see them turn out to be wise ones.I guess this is what people call"growing up".
What did life have in store for me?At that stage in my life,I was really uncertain where I would go and what I would do with the years ahead of me.But I knew I would be able to handle what was ahead because I had successfully overcome the major problem in my life:I had made the change from a person dependent on his family to a person who was responsible for himself.

59.The author was anxious about his college life at first becauseC.
A.he hated to get on with strangers
B.he lacked some specialist knowledge
C.he was at a loss in the new surroundings
D.he was afraid of making mistakes in front of others
60.We can learn from the author's early experience at college thatC.
A.he got used to the new life without much trouble
B.he lost the ability to handle things independently
C.he came to realize he should be in charge of his own business
D.he was a failure in many aspects except in school performance
61.The author's college life finally brought him a sense thatD.
A.he became a person caring for others
B.he was smarter than his fellow students
C.he brought confidence back in making decisions
D.he could deal with his personal matters independently
62.Which is the best title for the passage?B
A.Memories of My Time in College   B.College:A Turning Point in My Life
C.My Colorful College Life         D.College Life Brings Me Pressure.

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