
18.---Why haven't you handed in your experiment report yet?
---I'm sorry.I had no time for it because I _____ my grandfather in hospital all day.(  )
A.took care ofB.take care of
C.was taking care ofD.had taken care of

分析 --你为什么尚未交上你的实验报告?

解答 答案是C.本题考查过去进行时;过去进行时表示"过去某一时间或某一段时间内在进行的动作";根据语境可知,作者现在不在医院照料祖父,故推断"整天在医院照料祖父"是过去一段时间内"在进行"的动作,故用过去进行时,答案是C.

点评 对时态的选择,要在把握时态的基本用法的基础上,根据具体语境和题干中的时间推断时态,同时关注特殊的结构.

3.SAN FRANCISCO-A phone app(应用程序)in San Francisco gives information about open parking spots.City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city,but some say it raises safety concerns.
In this city,drivers searching for parking spots lead to 30 percent of all downtown jams,city officials think.Now San Francisco has found a solution-a phone app for spot-seekers that shows information about areas with available spaces.The system,introduced last month,relies on wireless sensors(感应器)fixed in streets and city garages that can tell within seconds if a spot has opened up.
But the system could come with serious consequences.Some people say that drivers searching for parking could end up focusing on their phones,not the road."It could be really distracting(使分心的),"said Daniel Simons,a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.
City officials admitted the hidden problem.They are urging drivers to pull over before they use the city's iPhone app,or to do so before they leave home.Nathaniel Ford,executive director of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,said safety could actually improve if drivers quickly found a spot instead of circling and getting frustrated.
San Francisco has put sensors into 7,000 parking spots and 12,250 spots in city garages.If spaces in an area open up,the sensors communicate wirelessly with computers that in turn make the information available to app users within a minute,said Mr.Ford,of the transportation agency.On the app,a map shows which blocks have lots of places(blue)and which are full(red).
More than 12,000 people have downloaded San Francisco's app,which is available now only for the iPhone.
48.What is the phone app mentioned in the text mainly aimed at?C
A.Benefiting iPhone users.
B.Preventing traffic accidents.
C.Making the traffic flow smoothly.
D.Making full use of the parking spots.
49.According to the text,San Francisco city officialsB.
A.don't consider the app distracting.
B.are aware of the app's disadvantages.
C.advise drivers to park cars slowly.
D.believe more parking spots are needed.
50.The phone app mentioned in the textD.
A.is a bit slow in reacting
B.hasn't been put into service
C.was introduced several years ago
D.can't be downloaded to all phones
51.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.A phone app has been introduced to relieve the pressure on traffic in the city.
B.Safety concerns are voiced about a phone app aimed at helping drivers find parking spots.
C.Looking for parking spots contributes greatly to downtown traffic jams.
D.Drivers'attention is distracted in one way or another when they are driving.
10.It's the place where smart people make smart machines work even smarter.It's also in the heart of sunny California,a great place to start a family and raise kids.What could be better?
But something is happening to their children.Up until the age of two they develop normally.But then everything seems to go backwards.The children become lock A.It helps the homeless teenagers.into their own small world,unable to communicate at all.
They call it the"curse(诅咒)of Silicon Valley,"but the medical name for the condition is autism(自闭症).It used to be thought that autism was a kind of mental illness.Now doctors are sure that it is a neurological disease transmitted genetically.It seems that the people leading the communications revolution are having children who cannot communicate at all.
But even the parents have trouble communicating.Asperger's Syndrome is a mild version of autism.People who have it are highly intelligent and often brilliant with numbers or system but have no social skill.This very combination of symptoms makes Asperger's sufferers into ideal computer professionals.
The Asperger's sufferer has always been a well-known figure in popular culture.He or she was the eccentric but dedicated scholar or the strange uncle or auntie who never married.But the high numbers of such people in Silicon Valley mean that they can meet others who understand them and share their interests.And while they might not be personally attractive,they can earn truly attractive amounts of money.They can get married and have kids.Unfortunately,many of the children of two Asperger's parents seem to be developing serious autism.
There is little anyone can do.It takes hours of work just to make autistic child realize that anyone else exists.And there is no cure in sight.Some argue that no cure should be found."It may be that autistics are essentially different from normal people,but that these differences make them invaluable for the evolution of the human race,"says Dr.Kirk Whilhelmsen of the University of California."To eliminate the genes for autism could be disastrous.
It seems that the children of Silicon Valley are paying the price of genius.
9.What does Dr Kirk Whilhelmsen think of autism?B
A.It is disastrous to society.
B.It is not completely a bad thing.
C.It is a punishment to those working in Silicon Valley.
D.People with autism should never marry.
10.Why do people call autism"curse of Silicon Valley"?B
A.Because autistic people live in Silicon Valley.
B.Because many people working in Silicon Valley have autism children.
C.Because people with autism will be driven out of Silicon Valley.
D.Because people with autism are not personally attractive and not liked by others.
11.What can we know about Asperger's Syndrome according to the passage?A
A.Asperger's sufferers are ideal computer professionals.
B.Asperger's sufferers never get married and have children.
C.Asperger's sufferers are ashamed of themselves and locked into their own world.
D.Asperger's sufferers can be beneficial to society if they are cured.
8.September 21,2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the first tourist heading for Mars will be the 38-year-old US businessman Patrick Clifford.He will leave the earth in the  launching window of June 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in November,together with the other 6 astronauts assigned for the mission to further explore the planet.
Patrick has now two years of training ahead of him to get ready for the trip.Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars,but another 600 days there before he can go back home.Patrick was of course very excited,"This has been my dream since I was four,and seeing the first man on Mars 20 years ago made me realize that it was possible."
To be able to pay the $ 1.3 billion for his ticket for the trip Patrick sold his majority stake (股份) in the company his father had built."I know that my father would have been proud of me if he had still been alive today,he knew what this means to me",says Patrick.There is no risk though that you will find Patrick begging in your street corner when he comes back, but it is said that he was paid twice as much for his part of the company.
So,how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet?"Well,since I don't have a job when I get back after selling the company,I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea",he says and laughs.If he brings a shovel(铁锹)he can start building the first hotel there,but maybe he shouldn't expect too many guests until someone can offer a cheaper ticket.
13.How long will Patrick Clifford be away before he comes back?D
A.About five months        
B.About two years           
C.About 600 days            
D.About 750 days
14.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means thatC
A.the trip will turn Patrick into a beggar   
B.Patrick will get much money from the trip
C.we needn't worry about Patrick's economic condition
D.it's likely that Patrick will be very poor after he comes back
15.What can be inferred from the passage?A
A.Patrick is an optimistic man
B.A total of six people will go to Mars
C.Patrick's father felt excited at the news  
D.Patrick will spend all his money on the trip.

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