
7.My father                   smoke heavily,but now he doesn't smoke any more.(  )
A.use toB.use toC.used toD.was used.

分析 我的父亲过去烟瘾重,但是现在他不在抽烟了.

解答 答案是C.本题考查短语的理解;"used to+动词原形"表示"过去常常做…",暗示现在不做了;要比较"be used to doing习惯于…";根据句意,父亲"过去烟瘾重",故选C.

点评 本题考查动词短语辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的动词短语,牢记其意思.在做题时,将词义和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.

内容要点:1.优势:学校注重培养团队合作、环境优雅等   2.不足:费用高等    3.个人看法
Dear Editor of the school newspaper,
I contribute to your newspaper to introduce something about the recent class meeting of mine.
Our class has held a heated debate about whether going abroad or staying at home for college education recently.【高分句型一】(开头-引出话题)
Some students think that studying abroad is a good choice because there are lots of famous colleges abroad.【高分句型二】The environment there is nice and quiet.But the expense of studying abroad is rather high.Others prefer to study home.They believe that domestic colleges have excellent teams of teachers,the teaching equipment is advanced,and the tuition is lower.However,chances to practice are not as many as studying abroad.(正反双方论述各自的利弊)
As far as I am concerned,I choose domestic colleges.Although the domestic university may not be as good as the foreign university,culture difference is a big problem.【高分句型三】To study abroad,you must get over the obstacle of language and differences in behavior and habits.【高分句型四】(自己观点)
Li Jin.
12.A woman was waiting at an airport one night.She bought a book and a bag of cookies in the airport shop,and found a place (28)to sit (sit).She was interested in her book,but happened (29)to see (see)that the man sitting beside her grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between them,which she tried to ignore to avoid an argument.
So she ate the cookies noisily and watched the clock,as the cookie thief kept (30)eating (eat).She was getting angrier as time went by,thinking,"If I weren't so nice,I would blacken your eyes."With each cookie she took,he took one,too.When only one was left,she wondered what he (31)would do (do).
With a smile on his face,he took the last cookie and broke it(32)in half.He offered her half,and he ate (33)the other.She got it from him and thought,"This guy is so rude.Why didn't he even show any gratitude?"
She had never known when she had been so angry.She gathered her bag and headed for the gate,(34)refusing (refuse) to look back at the rude thief.
She boarded the plane and then she looked for her book.As she reached in her bag,she was shocked-there was her bag of cookies."If mine are here,the others were his.and he tried to share.How rude I was!It was I  (35)that/who should have showed gratitude to him."
16.Those who are in love really know each other's thoughts and can see into one another's ice cream bowl.This truth became so clear to me the other day.
At about 11:00a.m.,my husband Gary called from work to see what was up at home."Oh nothing,"I said,"just having a little early lunch."Then he said,"So how's the coffee ice cream I bought?"I could almost"hear"him smiling.
"What?"I was stunned.How in the world did he know I was eating ice cream?I never eat the ice cream,especially in the morning.Besides,he knows that I had been trying to diet again.However,I could hardly hide the laughter in my voice as I calmly asked,"Why would you think I'm eating coffee ice cream?"
Gary said,"Uh…first,you said'Just having a little early lunch'in a guilty,high voice.Second,your tongue must be rather cold because your words were a bit slow."What he said made me laugh out loud."The other thing is,I noticed you left some coffee ice cream untouched last night.That was like me hiding some cigarettes in the corner to enjoy later."
We laughed long and hard together before he asked me gently,"What happened?Er…something must have happened to make you eat ice cream before lunch."
Suddenly,I felt a rush of love for the man on the other end of the line.He knew me well-cared enough to find out what was bothering me,and trusted me enough to help me laugh at myself.

21.When the man called home,his wife wasA.
A.eating the coffee ice cream    
B.cooking her early lunch
C.waiting for his phone call   
 D.looking for his cigarettes
22.The underlined word"stunned"in the third paragraph can be replaced byC.
23.Why did the couple laugh together?B
A.Because they were enjoying tasty food.
B.Because they realized their behavior funny.
C.Because they were used to doing so.
D.Because they often made fun of each other.
24.What can we know from the passage?D
A.The couple lived far from each other.
B.The couple had no children and friends.
C.The couple liked eating ice cream.
D.The couple loved each other deeply.
17.Laptop computers are popular all over the world.People use them on trains and airplanes,in airports and hotels.These laptops connect people to their workplace.In the United States today,laptops also connect students to their classrooms.
Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want.Within five years,each of the 1500 students at the college will receive a laptop.The laptops are part of a$10 million computer program at Westlake,a 110-year-old college.The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet.In addition,they will be able to use e-mail to"speak"with their teachers,their classmates,and their families.However,the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs.They can work with it at home,in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!
Because of the many changes in computer technology,laptop use in higher education,such as colleges and universities,is workable.As laptops become more powerful,they become more similar to desktop computers.In addition,the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet,but also libraries and other resources.State higher-education officials are studying how laptops can help students.State officials are also testing laptop programs at other universities,too.
At Westlake College,more than 60 percent of the staff use computers.The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons.As one Westlake teacher said,"Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we're giving students a window on the world.They can see everything and do everything."
28.The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop toA.
A.use for their schoolwork
B.access the Internet
C.work at home
D.connect them to libraries
29.Which of the following is true about Westlake College?C
A.All teachers use computers.
B.1500 students have laptops.
C.It is an old college in America.
D.Students there can do everything.
30.A window on the world in the last paragraph means that students canC.
A.attend lectures on information technology
B.travel around the world
C.get information from around the world
D.have free laptops
31.What can we infer from the passage?D
A.The program is successful.
B.The program is not workable.
C.The program is too expensive.
D.We don't know the result of the program yet.

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