During studying in Spain£¬beside taking classes£¬I travelled around£®One of the best part of my experience was living with my host mom£¬Helena£®She was generously welcomed all my classmate Li Li and me into her home£®I enjoyed have conversations with him and discussing the cultural differences between Spain and China£®Living with my host family or taking classes in Spanish really helps me with my spoken language£®I felt my level of cultural awareness was great improved during the five months£®Spending time studying abroad in an entirely different culture was best decision I had made£®

·ÖÎö ×÷ÕßÔÚ±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁËÔÚSpainѧϰʱµÄ¾­Àú£®

½â´ð During studying in Spain£¬beside taking classes£¬I travelled around£®One of the best part of my experience was living with my host mom£¬Helena£®She was generously welcomed all my classmate Li Li and me into her home£®I enjoyed have conversations with him and discussing the cultural differences between Spain and China£®Living with my host family or taking classes in Spanish really helps me with my spoken language£®I felt my level of cultural awareness was great improved during the five months£®Spending time studying abroad in an entirely different culture was¡Äbest decision I had made£®
2£®part¸ÄΪparts£»¿¼²éÃû´Ê£¬one ofºóÃæÒª¸úÃû´ÊµÄ¸´ÊýÐÎʽ£¬±íʾһ¸ö·¶Î§£® 
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Home from the Navy, I started school at Greenville College in my hometown of Illinois. I¡¯d been out of high school for four years, but my high school headmaster, Mr. Gardner, invited me to a Valentine¡¯s day dance party at school. The thought of seeing my former teachers was exciting. So I agreed.

When Friday came, I cleaned up, dressed up and drove to the high school gym. I chatted with my teachers and approached Mr. Gardner to thank him before leaving. Just then, the band started playing and a young girl stood up to sing. One look at and I was crazy¡ªI had never seen such a beautiful girl!

I asked Mr. Gardner who she was, and he answered, ¡°That¡¯s Marilyn Riley, Cut Riley¡¯s daughter.¡± I was shocked to say the least. They lived just around the corner from me. I walked across the gym floor to introduce myself, ¡°Hi, I¡¯m Jack Joseph.¡±

¡°I know who you are,¡± was her not-too-friendly response.

¡°Would you like to dance?¡± I asked. ¡°No! I¡¯m working,¡± she shot back.

¡°Can I call you next week for a movie date?¡± I asked. ¡°No,¡± was her response.

For the next month I phoned, trying to set up a date. She always had the same answer: No. then one rainy afternoon in March as I was driving home after basketball practice, I saw Marilyn, walking with no umbrella, no raincoat, no hat. I pulled alongside her and asked if she needed a ride, half expecting her to say no. instead, she stepped over the roadside and sat down on the seat next to me. It was only a few blocks to her house, but after pulling into her driveway we talked for 45minutes. It was magic from then on.

1.Why did Jack decide to attend the party?

A. The party was hold to welcome him back home

B. Marilyn would be introduced to him at the party

C. He could meet some of his former teachers there

D. They gathered there to celebrate Valentine¡¯s Day

2.What was the author¡¯s attitude towards the party?

A. Casual B. Formal

C. Passive D. worried

3.We can infer from the text that __________.

A. Jack once served in the army after high school

B. it took Jack 45 minutes to drive Marilyn home

C. Jack and Marilyn were familiar with each other

D. it was Marilyn¡¯s cold attitude that interested Jack

4.How would the story most probably develop in the end?

A. Marilyn would fall in love with Jack

B. Jack would make great achievements in college

C. Marilyn would become a famous singer

D. Jack would have frequent conflicts with Marilyn

4 middle school students
Do service work and act as translators
Healthy and helpful
Dear Mike£¬
I happened to have read your advertisement and decide to apply for the job£®I'm a student of Senior¢ófrom Wuhan£®I've been very interested in English and intend to enter a foreign language college after I graduate from high school£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©I shall be free during the summer vocation£¬so I decide to find something interesting to do and I think that's the very thing I like£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
Though I shall get no pay for the job£¬I'll be able to get some valuable job experience as well as practise my spoken English by acting as a translator for you£®Besides£¬I'm so strong and healthy£¬and I really enjoy making friends with others£¬especially communicating with foreigners£®
I'll greatly appreciate it if I'm offered the chance£¬and I'm sure I can be of great help for you£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
Looking forward to your early reply!
Yours sincerely£¬
Li Hua£®
²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¼õ·ÊÒ©  weight-loss pill£»  ÂýÅÜ jogging£»  ½¡Éí·¿ gym
Dear Lily£¬
I'm sorry to learn that you are upset about being overweight recently£®
I think you should stop taking weight-loss pills in no time because they are harmful to your health£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Besides£¬you need to eat a healthy diet to recover your strength£®There are many other ways to lose weight£®For example£¬jogging is quite a popular form of exercise£®You may do it in the morning or after supper£®Another way is that you can go to the gym regularly£¬which is also an effective way of losing weight and keeping healthy£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
In a word£¬if you insist on exercising£¬you are sure to have an attractive figure and stay slimand healthy£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©

Li Hua£®
Nowadays£¬as many students live in the school dormitories£¬it is hard to avoid quarrel£®Last Tuesday£¬Zhang Fang stayed up doing his homework after 10£º30pm£®in the dormitory£®Felt tired£¬Li Hua went to the bed immediately But he couldn't fall asleep with lights on£®He got very angry that he lost his temper£¬complaining about Zhang's selfishness£®None of them would give in but the quarrel continued£®
Personal£¬everyone is part of the big family and we shared the same school£®Whenever we face any problem£¬we should learn to understand and communicate each other£®Only when we think more for others can we create a much harmonious environment£®
1£®Sometimes the toughest thing about feelings is sharing them with others£®Sharing your feelings helps you whether your feelings are wonderful or terrible£®Sharing also helps you to get closer to people you care about and who care about you£®But how£¿
You can't tell your friends what's inside your backpack if you don't know what's in there yourself£®Feelings are the same way£®Before you can share them with anyone£¬you have to figure out what feelings you have£®
Making a list of your feelings can help£®You can do this in your mind or by writing it out or even by drawing pictures£®Is something bothering you£¿Does it make you frustrated or terrified£¿Do you feel this emotion only once in a while or much of the time£¿
The way a person feels inside is important£®If you keep feelings locked inside£¬it can even make you feel sick!But if you talk with someone who cares for you£¬you will almost always start to feel better£®It doesn't mean your problems and worries magically disappear£¬but at least someone else knows what's bothering you and can help you find solutions£®
Your mom and dad want to know if you have problems and what's happening in your life£®But what if a kid doesn't want to talk with parents£¿Then find another trusted adult£¬like a relative or a teacher at schoo1£®Maybe this person can help you talk with your parents about your problem or concern£®
Once you know who you can talk with£¬you'll want to pick a time and place to talk£®You can talk publicly in your family£®But some kids are more private than others and they will feel shy about sharing their feelings£®Then find a quiet place or write it down on a piece of paper£®A kid doesn't have to share every feeling he or she has£®

32£®What does the passage mainly tell us£¿C
A£®The importance of feelings£®
B£®How to figure out your feelings£®
C£®How to share your feelings£®
D£®The people sharing your feelings£®
33£®What can we learn from Paragraph 2£¿B
A£®Kids can't tell their friends about their backpack£®
B£®Kids should know about themselves first before sharing£®
C£®Kids need to find out what others think of them first£®
D£®Kids'feelings are the same in a way£®
34£®What might happen after sharing your feelings with others£¿D
A£®You'11recover from your illness£®
B£®Your worries will magically disappear£®
C£®You'11like more private talks£®
D£®You will feel relieved£®
35£®Where is this passage probably taken from£¿C
A£®A science fiction£®
B£®A parents'brochure£®
C£®A children's magazine£®
D£®A notice board£®
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Dear Editor of the school newspaper£¬
I contribute to your newspaper to introduce something about the recent class meeting of mine£®
Our class has held a heated debate about whether going abroad or staying at home for college education recently£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿£¨¿ªÍ·-Òý³ö»°Ì⣩
Some students think that studying abroad is a good choice because there are lots of famous colleges abroad£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿The environment there is nice and quiet£®But the expense of studying abroad is rather high£®Others prefer to study home£®They believe that domestic colleges have excellent teams of teachers£¬the teaching equipment is advanced£¬and the tuition is lower£®However£¬chances to practice are not as many as studying abroad£®£¨Õý·´Ë«·½ÂÛÊö¸÷×ÔµÄÀû±×£©
As far as I am concerned£¬I choose domestic colleges£®Although the domestic university may not be as good as the foreign university£¬culture difference is a big problem£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý¡¿To study abroad£¬you must get over the obstacle of language and differences in behavior and habits£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍËÄ¡¿£¨×Ô¼º¹Ûµã£©
Li Jin£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
