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Dear Joe,




Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Joe,

Thanks for your mail, I¡¯m glad to know you are interested in the 2015Florida Winter Camp. It will be held from January 27 to February 13, during which time you will get wonderful experiences. You will have opportunities to improve your spoken English in the courses provided. Also, activities are arranged for you to spend weekends together with your host family, so you can learn English in authentic situations. Besides, a trip to local Disneyland will certainly add to the fun of the camp.

Join the camp and you will have a better knowledge of American culture life. You are sure to benefit from it.

Yours truly,

Li Hua



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Seven ways to find out what you really want in life

Be good to yourself

You can¡¯t pinpoint(׼ȷָ³ö) exactly what you want in life .You¡¯re constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. ¡¾1¡¿ Ask yourself: if you weren¡¯t tied down by your job, family, or anything else, then what would you be doing right now?

Regret nothing

To be good to yourself is not selfish. It¡¯s your life. It¡¯s time for you to live it exactly the way you want to. If you constantly regret things you did or didn¡¯t do in the past, then you won¡¯t be able to move forward. ¡¾2¡¿

Figure out what you need

Sometimes it¡¯s hard to figure out what you need. Sit down and think about what you need most. The freedom to express yourself? Love? Financial security? Something else? If it helps, you can make a list. Also think about the kind of legacy(ÒŲú) you want to leave behind.


You can fly only by pushing back against something you don¡¯t want. Figure out what upsets you, and be specific about it. Don¡¯t just say that you hate your office job. Pinpoint exactly why you hate it. Could it be your strict boss? Your workload? Your meaningless job title? Or all of the above?

Determine what makes you truly happy

There¡¯s no life to waste if you¡¯re happy with living it. Think about what makes you happy. Being around children? Is it traveling? Owning a successful business? Financial freedom? ¡¾4¡¿

Let people around you know what you¡¯re trying to achieve

Don¡¯t keep your goals and desires to yourself. Voice it all out! If you tell people what you¡¯re trying to accomplish, they will most likely support you and give you new ideas. Sometimes mother does know best!

Stay positive

Life doesn¡¯t always go how you want it. Don¡¯t feel discouraged as your plans stray(Æ«Àë). Take control. Instead of being anxious, try your best to advance with the changes. You will get there someday. ¡¾5¡¿ You¡¯re just taking a little detour.

A. Don¡¯t live in the past but live in the present!

B. Sometimes a positive attitude is all you need to keep going.

C. Determine what really bothers you.

D. Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most, you¡¯ll have a pretty clear idea of what you should struggle hard to get in your life.

E. You have to put yourself first, because if you don¡¯t, then no one else will.

F. Determine what you are going to do next.

G. You should think of things positively.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿A woman aborted(Á÷²ú) her second baby in Central China¡¯s Hubei province after her 13-year-old daughter threatened to commit suicide.

The event drew people¡¯s attention to the single child mentality, which may be an obstacle as the country tries to relax the single-child policy.

The woman, 44, had been pregnant for 13 weeks. _¡¾1¡¿__ after knowing that she was going to have sibling£¨ÐֵܽãÃã©. Her anxiety reached its peak when the ninth-grader cut her wrists with a razor blade in an attempted suicide, according to a report of the local Wuhan Evening News.

__¡¾2¡¿_, but the girls is not the only child in China showing jealousy of a younger sibling.

Zhuang Zhuang(not his real name) was 16 when his younger brother was born last year. __¡¾3¡¿__.

¡°They never cared about me again.¡± the teenager complained. ¡°I¡¯m under great pressure to do well in academic performances, so as to win attention from my parents.¡±

The one-child policy was relaxed I 2013, in an attempt to address the country¡¯s declining labor force and aging population.

__¡¾4¡¿__, including the most populated Henan, have allowed couples to have a second child if either parent is an only child. Beijing followed suit last December.

Although 11 million couples have been granted a permit to have a second child, statistics from the National Health and Family Planning Commission show only close to one million couples out of them filed birth applications by the end of last year.

¡°Economic cost¡±, ¡°time cost¡± and ¡°one child is enough¡± were listed as top reasons for not having a second child, according to a survey by China Youth Daily. _¡¾5¡¿__ out of concern for their first child.

Xia Xueluan, a sociology professor at Peking University, believes the one-child policy, enacted more than three decades ago, created many young ¡°emperors¡± and ¡°empresses¡± in China.

¡°Parents spoiled their children, so many kids tend to be self-centered without consideration for others,¡± he said.

A. The case may sound extreme.

B. A majority of the Chinese provincial regions.

C. Her daughter became unhappy.

D. Since then he¡¯s fallen behind in his classes.

E. They don¡¯t want their child to be alone.

F. Many parents give the third reason.

G. It¡¯s easier for them to raise one child.






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Yesterday I showed my friend Peter around Beijing city. We start off early on the morning. First we went to the Forbidden City, where is one of the most popular tourist place in Beijing£®Then we visited the History Museum£®We observed a lot valuable things in it but we learned a lot about Chinese history£®After a quick lunch, we went to Beihai Park£®Upon our arrival, we were all struck by its beautiful scenery£®We had a great fun in the park£®We didn¡¯t go back until late in the afternoon. Peter was very pleased with my arrangement that he invited me to a good western restaurant to have a big meal£®

We did have a wonderfully time. What an unforgettable experience it was!

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Summer Rain

The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its cloudy days and bitter cold, we dream of those endless days at the beach, lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains.

As a child, I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying. It wasn¡¯t fair. We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather.

On those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage. I was an only child, so there was no one else to play with. My father worked from home, so I was not truly alone, but he could not actively play with me since he was at work. It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around. I¡¯d drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day.

As an adult, though, my opinion of summer rain has changed. When you have to work every day, summer is not as exciting. Everything seems dull. Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different. I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter. When summer comes, I hate how hot it is. And then I look forward to the rain, because the rain brings with it a cold front, which makes me comfortable. Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer, but summer rain today means positively beautiful¡ªand considerably cooler¡ªweather tomorrow.

¡¾1¡¿When the author was a child, he ______.

A. hated rainy days

B. liked staying indoors

C. preferred cooler weather

D. dreamed on summer days

¡¾2¡¿We can learn from the passage that the author ______.

A. had no brothers or sisters

B. was often left alone at home

C. could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter

D. preferred reading to playing outside

¡¾3¡¿As an adult, the author views summer rain differently because ______.

A. he knows it won¡¯t last long

B. rain makes the weather cooler

C. his summer holiday is very short

D. he can better deal with his downtime

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
