

1. 制定保护动物的法律

2. 建立动物保护区

3. 提高公众保护动物的意识

提示:提高---意识:raise one’s awareness 保护区:set up natural reserve

日渐减少 decrease year by year 处于灭绝的危险be in danger of extinction

注意:1. 词数:100词左右;开头和结尾已给出,该部分不计入总词数。

2. 涵盖所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当增加细节。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my opinion on how to protect animals on the island I visited last weekend.

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Please help the poor animals. I am sure that they will survive with your help.


Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to express my opinion on how to protect the monkeys on the island I visited last weekend. The animals there are lovely, but it’s said that the number of them is decreasing year by year. If measures aren’t taken, they will be in danger of extinction.

As far as I’m concerned, laws concerning animal protection should be made to punish those illegal hunters. Besides, it is advisable to set up natural reserves or refuges. There is no doubt that animals living in safe environments are more likely to survive and reproduce. What’s more, something should be done to raise people’s awareness of protecting animals.

To sum up, protecting animals is of great urgency and it is vital for us to take steps to protect them.

Please help the poor animals. I am sure that they will survive with your help.


Li Hua


试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题:给动物保护协会写信,提出一些保护动物的建议,并有部分的文字提示。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。

【亮点说明】文章使用了很好的短语和句子:in danger of ,extinction灭绝,concern,reproduce,raise people’s awareness of 提升人们的意识,is of great urgency十分紧急等,it is advisable to set up natural reserves or refuges.,it is vital for us to take steps to protect them是用了形式主语,There is no doubt that animals living in safe environments运用了There is no doubt that毫无疑问.....的句型。并且文章运用了As far as I’m concerned,Besides,What’s more,To sum up等过渡性短语来使得文章的条理更加清晰。



It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues(同事)turned to me and said, “Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life.” At my inquiry, he answered, 【1

As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleague's words no longer existed. When I came across naughty students, I have had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher. It obviously isn’t the money. Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change. 2 His salary was higher than my current(当前的)one, though I have more education and have worked for over a decade. With my programming skills, he said he could get me hired. 3

A few days before this current graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework. She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class—not about math, but about life—would be things she would remember long after the math skills had faded away. 4

Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea of blue hats and gowns, I did so with renewed dedication(奉献)and a deeper sense of satisfaction—5

A. I will always be grateful that I am a teacher.

B. Because the students you have gotten to know have to leave.

C. I was very glad I would work with my students.

D. I thanked him, but declined his kind offer.

E. As I finished reading, I remembered why I had become a teacher.

F. He was working at Nintendo Corporation.

G. I would never be a teacher if I had a chance.

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