
【题目】A statue of Dr Bethune was set up in honor of the contributions he had made_____.

A. to save so many lives in the war B. for having save so many lives in the war

C. to saving so many lives in the war D. for saving so many lives in the war



考查介词。句意:为纪念白求恩博士在战争中为拯救这么多人的生命所作的贡献,树立了一座白求恩博士的雕像。分析句子可知,contributions为先行词,在定语从句中做make的宾语,所以关系代词that/which或者省略关系代词。make contributions to doing sth 为做某事做出贡献。故C选项正确


【题目】How to Plan a Holiday Trip

Each year, millions of people load up the family car and set out on a holiday trip. Whether it's to grandma's house, a family reunion or simply a holiday getaway, these yearly road trips can often be the source of tiredness and stress. The thought of being trapped in the car with restless children or the possibility of car trouble along the way is enough to make anyone consider staying home.1

Plan out the route for your car trip. If you're planning on driving to your holiday destination, a little planning can help make your trip easy.2 Remember, it's likely that you won't be the only person on the road during the holidays, and traffic is always a factor. Alternate(可供选择的)routes or shortcuts can help reduce time spent in traffic jams and get you to your destination sooner.

3 Although traveling by air can be quick and convenient, it can also be much more expensive. Start planning your trip early to take advantage of advance purchase discounts. Many airlines become extremely busy during the holidays so booking in advance can also help ensure that you get the flights that you want.

Consider your luggage needs. Before you begin packing, think about how many people will be in your car and how much room they will need to travel comfortably. This could affect the number of bags that you can take along.4 Not only is the possibility of lost luggage a problem, but most airlines now charge extra for checked baggage. For a family of four, carrying a few bags each could result in several hundred dollars worth of baggage fees during your trip.5

A.As an alternative to driving or flying, check into the possibility of traveling by train.

B. Plan your trip to avoid peak travel times.

C. Luckily, with a little planning, these situations can be avoided.

D. Book airline tickets in advance.

E. Try to pack as lightly as possible.

F. For traveling by air, the number of bags that you take is a much bigger concern.

G. Consider your starting point and desired destination, and investigate several possible routes.

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