
【题目】—You grow bananas, and we are responsible for the sales of them.

—OK, ________.

A.Wait and seeB.That’s a bargainC.Seeing is believingD.Easier said than done



考查情景交际。句意:——你种植香蕉,我们负责销售。——好,成交。A. Wait and see拭目以待,观望;B. That’s a bargain成交;C. Seeing is believing眼见为实,百闻不如一见;D. Easier said than done说来容易做时难。根据OK 可知此处是That’s a bargain,意为“成交”。故选B



I first played ping-pong in our basement (地下室) at home. My brother and I asked for an old wooden table from my grandfather. It was painted green. Although it was very simple, it served its purpose every day. My father never really played any other sports with me, but ping-pong was one that he played quite well and it took me plenty of time before I could beat him. My elder brother was also a very good competitor.

When I got to university, I was happy to discover a ping-pong table in the common room. I spent a great deal of time there, often until the midnight. There were about three or four friends that I often played against. We were all at the same skill level. One of them had ever played in a tournament (锦标赛). A friend from Germany said his father had ever won the German national tournament. We took part in a tournament. My ranking (名次) is the third place, but I had beaten the first and second place winners when we had played for fun. I sometimes played with other friends who didn’t play ping-pong well, so I would use my left hand to give them an advantage. But before long I became so skilled with my left hand that they no longer had the advantage.

Later, I played in a ping-pong competition which was held by my university. I lost at first. But because it was double climination (双淘汰制), I went to the loser group. I beat all the players and then played against the student who had beaten me in the first round. Surprisingly, I beat him 3 times and won the competition.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Later, there was a tournament held in the city where I studied.


Paragraph 2:

After the tournament I didn’t often play the sport because of the busy study.


【题目】 In 1968 Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson set an intelligence test for a class of primary school children at "Oak School" (an invented name) in San Francisco. The teachers were told that the intelligence test bad two purposes. Firstly, it would measure the IQ of the children and secondly it would predict 20% of students who, no matter what their performance to date was like, would be likely to make the most progress during the next school year. The teachers were then told who the predicted top improvers would be.

At the end of the school year, eight months later, the intelligence test was carried out again and, perhaps not surprisingly, the results showed that the 20% of children who had been predicted to improve the most, did in fact do so. They showed, on average, an increase of 12 IQ points on the test, compared with an increase of only 8 points for the other children.

But the fact is that no results of any test were used to predict who would be the top performers. Instead, the lucky children who the teachers were told would be the top improvers were given this label as a matter of chance. This study shows that the label that you are given, and your interaction(互动) with others who notice that label, can have a big influence on the results that you achieve. This phenomenon(现象)has been called the Rosenthal effect. It is also known as the Pygmalion effect, related most famously to the George Bernard Show play Pygmalion , which shows the effect that two men have in changing an untidy flower girl into a well-spoken lady.

For ethical (道德的)reasons the researchers at "Oak School!" only concentrated on trying to produce positive results in the children's performance. However, it is worth asking yourself what the effects on 20% of students considered least likely to improve in the following school year might have been. A frightening thought.

1What did the study find about the predicted top performers at the end of the school year?

A.They showed more interest in tests.B.They really made the most progress.

C.They became less confident than before.D.They were as intelligent as the other children.

2How were the top performers chosen?

A.According to the teachers' judgement.B.Based on the test results.

C.By chance.D.Openly.

3What can we infer about the 20% of students mentioned in the last paragraph?

A.They might be willing to accept positive results.

B.They would likely have frightening thoughts.

C.They would likely make the least progress.

D.They might work much harder than before.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.The Rosenthal effectB.A play by Bernard Shaw.

C.A school in San Francisco.D.The labels given to children.

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