

When you are hungry, what will you respond? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? 【1】 But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars. So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity sets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think "What happens next?", or "Why can't I think?"

2 Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood. Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from reading.

When you read a book, of course you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you. 3 Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas. If it is used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things, which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

This is nothing but creativity. 4 Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.

So, friends, do give food to your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. 5 Go and get a book!

A. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.

B. Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

C. Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.

D. Now what are you waiting for?

E. Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

F. Reading can help you make more friends, too.

G. Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.








试题分析: 不仅人的胃饥饿,人的思想也会饥饿,通过广泛的阅读可以填饱饥饿的思想,拥有创造力,想象力,所以阅读很重要。

【1】C 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:吃你喜欢的食物,然后静静的待着。空后的意思是:但是你永远不会知道,因为你一直忙着想你的朋友和喜欢的明星选C(就想胃一样,你的思想也会饥饿。)串联上下文

【2】E 考查对上下文语境的理解。根据空格后一句为什么是阅读而不是看电视判断,应选E(思想的饥饿可以通过广泛的阅读来解决。)。

【3】A 考查对上下文语境的理解。根据空格后一句Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas.判定选AA项(书中的有趣部分会像一颗种子贮存在你的思想里)。

【4】G 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:这就是创造力。空后的意思是:你可以立即用英语或其他语言和朋友谈话。所以这里选G(这也有利于增加你的词汇量。)与上下文一致。

【5】B 考查对上下文语境的理解。空前的意思是:通过阅读给你的思想一些食物。空后的意思是:去买一本书吧。故这里选B(当你饿的时候为什么不阅读呢。)与上下文一致。



What is a dream?

For centuries,people have wondered about the strange places that they seem to visit in their sleep. 【1】However,they have been valued as necessary to a person’s health and happiness.

Historically people thought dreams contained messages from God.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams scientifically,believing that they tell about a person’s character. 【2】He believed that dreams allow a person to express fantasies or fears,which would be socially unacceptable in real life.

The second theory to become popular was Carl Jung’s compensation theory.Jung,a former student of Freud,said that the purpose of a dream is not to hide something,but to communicate it to the dreamer. 【3】Thus,people who think too highly of themselves may dream about falling;those who think too little of themselves dream of being heroes.

Using more recent research,William Domhoff from the University of California found that dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop in humans. 【4】Until they reach age five,they cannot express very well what their dreams are about.Once people become adults,there is little or no change in their dreams.The dreams of men and women are different.For instance,the characters that appear in the dreams of men are often other men,and often involve physical aggression.

The meaning of dreams continues to be difficult to understand. 【5】If you dream that a loved one is going to die,do not panic.The dream may have meaning,but it does not mean that your loved one is going to die.

A.It gives scientists chances to better understand human mind.

B.However,people should not take their dreams as reality.

C.Children do not dream as much as adults.

D.Dreams make up for what is lacking in waking life.

E.First,there was Sigmund Freud’s theory.

F.They think their mind is trying to tell them something.

G.They have been considered as meaningless nighttime journeys.

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