
5.Why buy a new car when you can improve the one you have with the latest technology?Here are two new methods that will not only make life behind wheel more comfortable but may also end up saving you money.
WI-FI on Wheels
 It's not enough that children complain
about having nothing to watch on television.
These days,they even complain about having
nothing to watch in the car.Fortunately,for
every unsatisfied youth,there is a new
technological solution:Wi-Fi Internet access 
for the back seat of your vehicle. 
   In the United States,Chrysler is the first
to offer such a system,which turns any
Chrysler or Dodge into a Wi-Fi hotspot,Called
UConnect,the  499 dealer-installed option is a
high-speed cell-like Internet connection with a
wireless router that sits in your car's trunk(行
李箱).Monthly service costs  29 for Internet
access,which is available to any device that
has Wi-Fi and is within 100 feet of your car.
With UConnect,passengers can check
emails messages on a laptop,send instant
messages to friends or watch YouTube videos
online.It allows passengers to search for
movie listings on a smart phone or connect a
Sony PSP video game player to the Web.It
also offers the ability to freely upload photos
from a Wi-Fi-equipped digital camera to an
online sharing service like Flickr.
For critics who claim that putting Wi-Fi
Internet access in a car feeds the danger of
driver disfr2K;(ion(分散注意力),parents may
well disagree:What's more distracting,the
temptation to check email or a lot of children
talking to you from the back seat?
             Watch Your Back    
Blind spots behind cars and SUV's make
backing up dangerous as well as potentially
deadly for children.Nationally,the group Kids
and Cars estimates that two children a week
are killed by cars backing up.The  
Transportation Department  is  establishing
visibility standards for future vehicles,but
there's no need to wait.   
    A back-view back system can be an 
expensive option in a new car.In the 2008  
Subaru Tribeca,for example,the back-view
camera option is available only in connection
with the inner navigation system,at a price of 
 2,400.And professionally equipped systems
can cost  400 0r more.However,there are 
now inexpensive back-view packages you can
help yourself,such as the  130 Audiovox
ACA250 Wireless Vehicle Rear Observation
System.It includes a camera that increases on
a back license-plate holder and grasps onto a
vehicle's backup light.It can send a back-view
image to a small L.C.D.Monitor that can be
carried  into  electronic  equipment  and
increased on the dashboard(仪表板).
Audiovox claims the camera housing is
not afraid of dust.In some areas where radio
waves are p4ntiful,the image can be affected
by occasional interference,but the picture,
with its wide 110-degree camera point,is good
enough to see things or children behind you.
46.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.DIY methods for your car.
B.The importance of putting internet access in your car.
C.The way of putting a back-view system.
D.How to save money in your life?
47.What's the parents'attitude to the safety concern of car Internet access?C
A.They agree with the critics'opinion.
B.They consider it a great danger for driving.
C.They think.that talking with children is more dangerous.
D.They believe it unnecessary to have car Internet access.
48.What's the potential danger for children?B
A.Electronic equipment.               
B.Backing-up car.
C.Earphones behind the wheel.         
D.Highway engine failure.
49.How cart the back-view package see the back of the car?A
A.With a camera onto the side of backup light.
B.With an inner navigation system.
C.With a dashboard.
D.With a cell phone.

分析 本文属于广告类阅读,主要介绍了两个自己改装汽车的办法,一种是在汽车上安装网络连接,可以让乘客更舒服的出行,一个是在后视镜上安装照相机使得后面的人更安全.因为是自己做的,所以比较经济环保.

解答 46.A  主旨大意题:从第一段的句子:Why buy a new car when you can improve the one you have with the latest technology?Here are two new methods that will not only make life behind wheel more comfortable but may also end up saving you money.可知这篇文章是教大家怎么改装汽车的.故选A.
47.C  细节理解题:从文章的句子:For critics who claim that putting Wi-Fi Internet access in a car feeds the danger of driver distraction,parents may well disagree:可知父母认为在汽车里面安装网络连接,会使得孩子们谈话的时候有危险,故选C.
48.B  细节理解题:从文章的句子:Blind spots behind cars and SUV's make backing up dangerous as well as potentially deadly for children可知汽车的后座对孩子来说是潜在的危险.故选B.
49.A  细节理解题:从文章的句子:It includes a camera that increases on a back license-plate holder and grasps onto a vehicle's backup light 可知在后视镜上安装一个照相机,可以让后面的人看见汽车后面的情况.故选A.

点评 做阅读理解时要快速的浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意,带着问题回到原文,寻找细节或概括相应的答案,最后要理清作者写作思路.

20.Poetry Reviewing Contest
     Every month we make a cash prize available to the reviewer that writes the most detailed and helpful poetry reviews.100 prize for the winner of this writing contest.
Summertime Poetry
     For our Summertime Poetry Contest we are looking for the poems that praise the season.100 prize for the winner of this contest.
Your Favorite Poet
     Write out your favorite modern poet.Give the list to us.
Use These Words in a Poem
     The challenge of this contest is to write a poem using the words provided in the contest
Poem of the Month
      Each month one poem is selected to be the Poem of the Month.A public vote determines the winner.All poems posted during the moth are automatically considered.The winner of this contest will take away a  100 prize.
Quatrain  Poetry (四行诗 )
      Write.a quatrain poem-see details,click here:
Faith Poetry
     The theme for this poetry contest is"faith".We are looking for poems that in some way match this theme.It doesn't matter if it's spiritual,political,intellectual or emotional as long as faith is clearly represented.This is a contest for poets with a  100 prize.
The Words Are the Same
     Write a poem that uses the words listed in the contest announcement.$ 100 prize for the
winner of this poetry contest.
Poetic Art
      This poetry contest challenges people in our city to write a poem that describes the artwork provided.Your poem can become part of this artwork.View the announcement to see the image.100 prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
51.Besides writing poems,this passage also asks you toB
A.write a poetry review or an interesting story
B.write a poetry review and list your favorite poet
C.vote to determine the most famous poet in history
D.list your favorite poems and the most famous poet
52.If you want to write a quatrain poem you must hand it in byC.
A.September l0th                             B.September 20th
C.September 19th                             D.October 15th
53.What is the theme for the poetry contest in late September?A
54.For whom is the advertisement written?D
A.Professional poets
B.School students.
C.Poem amateurs
D.The public.
55.Where do you think the text is taken from?D
 A.A newspaper
B.A textbook
C.A brochure
D.A website.
20.There are some highlights in April in Shanghai.
Live Music-Late Night Jazz
Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis,the famous trumpet player.He's coming with his new 7-piece band,Herbie's Heroes.Herbie is known to play well into the early hours,so don't expect to get much sleep.This is Herbie's third visit to Shanghai.The first two were sold out,so get your tickets quickly.
Place:The Jazz Club Dates:15-23March Price:¥80
Time:10:00p.m.till late!TEL:6466-8736
Scottish dancing
Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop.Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn.Instructors will demonstrate the dances.The live band,Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees,are also excellent.
Place:Jack Stein's Dates:every Monday Price:¥60including one drink
Exhibitions-Shanghai Museum
There are 120,000pieces on show here.You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof.It's always interesting to visit,but doubly so at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition.There are lots of mummies and more gold than you've ever seen before.Let us know if you see a mummy move!
Place:Shanghai Museum Price:¥30 (¥15for students)
Time:Monday-Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.,Weekends 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m.
Dining-Sushi chef in town
Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai.In Japan,it's become an art form.The most famous Sushi'artist'is Yuki Kamura.She's also one of the few female chefs in Japan.She'll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.
Place:Sushi Scene in the Shanghai Hotel Dates:all month Price:¥200
Time:lunchtime TEL:6690-3211
For a full listing of events,see our website.

50.From the text we may learn that Kamura isA.
A.a cook   
B.an instructor  
C.a kind of food   
D.an artist
51.Which is not true about the ads?B
A.Yuki Kamura will stay in Shanghai in April for a whole month.
B.A family of parents with 150year-old twins should pay 75yuan for the Shanghai museum admission.
C.You will probably be taught to dance if you go to Jack Stein's.
D.American jazz from Herbie Davis is popular in Shanghai.
52.Where are the ads available to people?D
2.Do I exist?
Until Descartes came along in the seventeenth century,everyone assumed that we exited.Obviously.The fact seemed so mind-blowingly obvious that it wasn't really discussed.We could see ourselves in the mirror,we could feel pain and pleasure,we could think thoughts for ourselves and,more importantly,perhaps,all the world's main religions assumed that we do exist.So we exist.

No you don't it!
You don't exist.That's because it's impossible to show once and for all that you do.There's no proof.You might think you exist-that you are sitting at a table reading this book,for instance-but how could you show with 100percent certainty that this is true?There's no experiment that could prove it.Although Descartes said just you could prove your own existence by the fact that you are able to think,this isn't actually,according to the British philosopher A.J.Ayer.Just because we know that we are thinking,this doesn't mean that there is a"you"doing the thinking.It just shows that the thoughts are happening,not that anyone is having them.Thoughts exists,"You"don't.

What a waste of time this question is.Although you can argue until the end of time whether you exist or not,it doesn't get you anywhere.Unless you forget about this unanswerable question,you'll be stuck thinking about it forever,and that isn't of any use to anyone.Move on.Think about something more important!This very roughly,is the view of almost all philosophers,who prefer to answer other,apparently more useful,questions.

You exist,but not in the way you might think.According to the great French philosopher Ren Descartes,you can't show that anything exists-apart from your own self.The existence of the entire world can be doubted in one way or another,but the facts you're having thoughts shows that there might be something (that's you) having them.This let Descartes to write the famous philosophical phrase,"I think before I am".

60.Which of the following can be the missing heading?D
A.Forget about it            
B.What a ridiculous point
C.Think about it             
D.What a pointless question
61.This passage is anything but a(n)A.
62.The famous answer to the question"Do I exist?"isB.
A.No,you don't exist.
B.I think,therefore,I am.
C.Yes,you do exist.
D.It won't get you anywhere.

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