
Once a king asked an artist to paint a picture by him.He told the artist he didn't want to any shadows in picture,just sunshine.When the king saw the finish picture,he was disappointed.Without shadows,everything in the picture looked flat or unreal.The point of the story was that we need both shadows and sunshine to have a completely picture,just as we need both rain and sun to have a living world.People,too,needs both sadness and happiness.
We often learn important lesson during sad times.So when we feel sad,we should try to think about that we might learn from the experience.

分析 本文作者通过讲述一位国王让画家为他画画的故事,旨在告诉人们应该看到事物的两面性,不应该排斥事物的另一面例如阴影,雨或悲伤.故事是这样的:从前,有位国王让画家为他画画.他告诉画家,在画中,只画阳光,不要画阴影.等到这幅画被完成的时候,他吃惊地发现,没有阴影,画面中的一切看起来既平整又不真实.最后,作者讲到,该故事的说明了这样一个道理:我们需要阴影和阳光来画出一副完整的图画;正如我们需要雨和太阳来构建一个生存的世界一样;同样,人们还需要悲伤与快乐,并在悲伤的时候学到一些重要的经验教训.

解答 Once a king asked an artist to paint a picture by him.He told the artist he didn't wantto
                                                                 for                                                   去掉to
any shadows in∧picture,just sunshine.When the king saw the finishpicture,he was
                     the                                                                   finished
disappointed.Without shadows,everything in the picture looked flat or  unreal.The point of the
story was that we need both shadows and sunshine to have a completely picture,just as we
         is                                                                              complete
need both rain and sun to have a living world.People,too,needsboth sadness and happiness.
We often learn important lesson during sad times.So when we feel sad,we should try to think
about thatwe might learn from the experience.

1.将by改为for    考查介词的用法     本句的意思是:从前,有位国王让一位画家为他画画;by"通过,被";故用for"为,为了"
2.去掉to     考查动词的用法    want是及物动词,其后可直接跟名词作宾语,故去掉to
3.在picture前加the   考查冠词的用法    picture在此处是第二次出现,指为国王画的那幅画;故加the
4.将finish的改为finished    考查形容词的用法   此处用作定语修饰名词picture;表示被动,已完成的动作;意为:那副已完成的画;故用由过去分词转化来的形容词
5.将or改为and      考查连词的用法   根据句意(没有阴影,画面中的一切看起来既平整又不真实)可知,此处表示并列而不是选择关系,故用and
6.将was改为is     考查时态    此处讲述的是该故事给人们留下的启示,指的是它的现实意义,故用一般现在时
7.将 completely改为complete    考查形容词的用法      此处用来修饰名词 picture,故用形容词;意为:一副完整的图画
8.将needs改为need     考查主谓一致    由于本句的主语是People(集体名词:人们),故谓语动词使用原形
9.将lesson改为lessons       考查名词的单复数      根据句意"我们经常在悲伤的时候学到一些经验教训"可知,此处指的不只是一个经验教训;故用名词的复数形式lessons
10.将that改为what       考查连接代词的用法     此处用在动词短语 think about之后,用来引导宾语从句,并且在该从句中作宾语,意为:所学习到的东西;因为that在宾语从句中,没有任何意义,也不作句子成分,只起连接作用;故用what

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.

5.Why buy a new car when you can improve the one you have with the latest technology?Here are two new methods that will not only make life behind wheel more comfortable but may also end up saving you money.
WI-FI on Wheels
 It's not enough that children complain
about having nothing to watch on television.
These days,they even complain about having
nothing to watch in the car.Fortunately,for
every unsatisfied youth,there is a new
technological solution:Wi-Fi Internet access 
for the back seat of your vehicle. 
   In the United States,Chrysler is the first
to offer such a system,which turns any
Chrysler or Dodge into a Wi-Fi hotspot,Called
UConnect,the  499 dealer-installed option is a
high-speed cell-like Internet connection with a
wireless router that sits in your car's trunk(行
李箱).Monthly service costs  29 for Internet
access,which is available to any device that
has Wi-Fi and is within 100 feet of your car.
With UConnect,passengers can check
emails messages on a laptop,send instant
messages to friends or watch YouTube videos
online.It allows passengers to search for
movie listings on a smart phone or connect a
Sony PSP video game player to the Web.It
also offers the ability to freely upload photos
from a Wi-Fi-equipped digital camera to an
online sharing service like Flickr.
For critics who claim that putting Wi-Fi
Internet access in a car feeds the danger of
driver disfr2K;(ion(分散注意力),parents may
well disagree:What's more distracting,the
temptation to check email or a lot of children
talking to you from the back seat?
             Watch Your Back    
Blind spots behind cars and SUV's make
backing up dangerous as well as potentially
deadly for children.Nationally,the group Kids
and Cars estimates that two children a week
are killed by cars backing up.The  
Transportation Department  is  establishing
visibility standards for future vehicles,but
there's no need to wait.   
    A back-view back system can be an 
expensive option in a new car.In the 2008  
Subaru Tribeca,for example,the back-view
camera option is available only in connection
with the inner navigation system,at a price of 
 2,400.And professionally equipped systems
can cost  400 0r more.However,there are 
now inexpensive back-view packages you can
help yourself,such as the  130 Audiovox
ACA250 Wireless Vehicle Rear Observation
System.It includes a camera that increases on
a back license-plate holder and grasps onto a
vehicle's backup light.It can send a back-view
image to a small L.C.D.Monitor that can be
carried  into  electronic  equipment  and
increased on the dashboard(仪表板).
Audiovox claims the camera housing is
not afraid of dust.In some areas where radio
waves are p4ntiful,the image can be affected
by occasional interference,but the picture,
with its wide 110-degree camera point,is good
enough to see things or children behind you.
46.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.DIY methods for your car.
B.The importance of putting internet access in your car.
C.The way of putting a back-view system.
D.How to save money in your life?
47.What's the parents'attitude to the safety concern of car Internet access?C
A.They agree with the critics'opinion.
B.They consider it a great danger for driving.
C.They think.that talking with children is more dangerous.
D.They believe it unnecessary to have car Internet access.
48.What's the potential danger for children?B
A.Electronic equipment.               
B.Backing-up car.
C.Earphones behind the wheel.         
D.Highway engine failure.
49.How cart the back-view package see the back of the car?A
A.With a camera onto the side of backup light.
B.With an inner navigation system.
C.With a dashboard.
D.With a cell phone.
Never Put off until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
We have been told never to put off until tomorrow what you can do today since childhood.However,there are still many people who like putting off the things that they should do today until tomorrow.They have no plans for their work and their time.As a result,they will not accomplish their goals in the end.
For example,one Sunday I felt so tired after having a football match that I did not finish my homework even at night.I thought I could get up earlier to go to school the next morning so that I could finish my homework before class.But the next morning,I was not able to get to school in time because of the traffic jam.I was punished by the teacher.It taught me a lesson.From then on I made a determination that I would never put off anything important until the next day.
Please remember:Work today,for you don't know how much you may be hindered tomorrow.Seize the present day,cherish every minute you have now and trust the tomorrow as little as possible.
12.A.issue          B.imposed         C.desire           D.awareness
E.accidental     F.suffered        G.capture          H.risky
I.unnecessary    J.responsibility  K.unavoidable.

The smartphones that can take selfies (自拍照) have set us free.We can now document every moment of our life and instantly share it with the world through the Internet.However,some believe that it's also causing people to take (41)Irisks that sometimes prove to be deadly!
According to recent reports,the(42)Cto take a breathtaking selfie killed 12 people last year.Though that may not seem like a lot,it's 33% more than the death from shark attacks.
While the(43)Ahas been known for a while,it came to a head on September 21,2015,following the (44)Edeath of Hideto Ueda at the Taj Mahal in New Delhi.It turned out that the 66-year-old Japanese and his companion were trying to take a selfie with the Royal Gate as the background when they fell down some stairs.
Other fatal accidents this year include a 21-year-old Russian woman who fell off a bridge while trying to (45)Gan exciting selfie.Three Indian students (46)Fa similar fate after they were run over by a train while taking a selfie on the railway tracks.
The rising number of injuries is forcing officials to take measures.Russia has begun a nationwide(47)Dprogram to make its young citizens realize the dangers of this hobby.The campaign's slogan is:Even a million"likes"on social media are not worth your life and well-being.
Though no other country has followed their lead,many are banning the selfie sticks!The Museum of Modem Art in New York and the Getty Center in Los Angeles are among those to have (48)Ba ban on the selfie sticks,claiming concerns over the safety of their artwork as well as visitors.
While these measures may help reduce the incidents,the only way to stop selfie-related injuries and deaths is to take(49)Jnot just for themselves but for their friends.So next time you decide to take a selfie that appears a little (50)H,be sure to stop and ask yourself:is it worth it?

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