






One Monday morning,Mr Li, a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school was invited deliver a speech to us Senior 3 students. Mr Li graduated from our school twenty years ago but then studied in Beijing University. Instead of being a programmer, he followed his heart and become a musician after the graduation. He is now a well-known musician.

In his speech, he said that it was his hard works and efforts that made him who he is today. Though the circumstance was hard, he made fully use of everything to study, which contributed to be admitted to Beijing University. His speech was so inspired that all the students present expressed that we would work harder for a bright future.












考查固定词组。“a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school was invited deliver a speech to us Senior 3 students”,invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事=sb. be invited to do sth.某人被邀请做某事。故添加to。

考查连接词。“ Mr Li graduated from our school twenty years ago but then studied in Beijing University”,Mr Li graduated from our school twenty years ago李先生20年前从我们学校毕业,“studied in Beijing University”在北京大学学习,连接词then 表示承接,所以前句与后句表示意思上的承接关系。故将but改为and。

考查动词时态。“he followed his heart and become a musician after the graduation”,根据followed可知此句时态为过去时,由and可知前后两句为并列句,因此,后句时态也应为过去时。故将become改为became。

考查冠词。“become a musician after the graduation”,此处的graduation毕业,表示泛指,并不是特指毕业这件事。故将the删掉。

考查名词。“it was his hard works and efforts”,work作为工作讲时,为不可数名词。故将works改为work。

考查连接词。“made him who he is today”分析句子,此句确少宾语成分,故将who改为what。

考查固定短语。“he made fully use of everything to study”,make full use of利用,为固定动词短语。故将fully改为full。

考查动词。“which contributed to be admitted to Beijing University”,contribute to doing sth.,后面应加动名词,故将be改为being。

考查形容词。“ His speech was so inspired that all the students present”,inspired表示人内心受到鼓舞,inspiring表示事情本身令人鼓舞。故将inspired改为inspiring。

考查物主代词。“all the students present expressed that we would work harder for a bright future”,分析句子,句子主语为all the students,所以后句主语应与前句主语相对应。故将we改为they。


【题目】“Mommy! Call I go and play outside with Danny? Please? I promise l will only play in the shade!” Kelly said.

What hurt her mother was only being able to stand aside when her daughter needed her most.“Kelly…I’m really sorry.You can’t go.I’m too concerned about you. You might accidentally go in the sun,which means we have to get you to hospital again.”Kelly was allergic to the sun.The doctor said it was incurable.

Kelly looked outside where her brother Danny was playing.Why did she have to be allergic to the sun? Why?

Kelly’s mother closed her eyes and she pointed upstairs where Kelly’s bed was.“Go to bed.”she said.Kelly had tears in her eyes.She forced her legs up the stairs and buried her face in her pillow.She wanted Danny to come back , for he could tell her stories about birds and squirrels.She waited,and soon he did come and told her about a blue bird he had seen.Kelly often wondered what a bird looked like.She was really curious about the birds in the yard.Maybe she could find out herself someday.

The next day, Danny entered Kelly’s room again to tell her what he had seen.She wasn’t there.He called again and again but no one replied.He searched anxiously around and saw a body.His eyes widened.It couldn’t be.Was it what he thought it was? Was it…Kelly? With shaking hands,Danny turned over the body.He screamed.It was Kelly.Her skin was swollen and had ugly rashes(皮疹)all over.She was holding a pencil in her right hand.And in her left hand was an almost finished picture of a bird , below which he found some words which read:“I finally get to see you.I will always remember you and love your nature no matter what.”

【1】Why did Kelly want to go outside?

A.To take pictures. B.To tell stories.

C.T0 100k at animals. D.To walk in sunshine.

【2】Where did Danny possibly find Kelly the next day?

A.In the yard. B.In the kitchen.

C.In the basement. D.In the living room.

【3】Kelly can be best described as __________

A.innocent and helpful B.delicate and cautious

C.curious and determined D.sensitive and thoughtful


No personal success,achievement,or goal,can be realized without self-discipline. 【1】 It is the ability to control one’s impulses , emotions , desires and behavior.To possess it is to be able to make the decisions,take the actions,and carry out your plan regardless of the obstacles,discomfort,or difficulties,that may come your way.

How to develop self-discipline? We’ll explore it together.

· Start with baby steps.No process takes place overnight. 2 So,begin by making the decision to go forward and learning what it takes to get there.

· Learn what motivates you and what your bad triggers are. 3 Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges,so know the areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations.Remove the temptations and surround yourself with encouraging items such as motivating slogans and pictures of what you want to achieve.

· Make certain behaviors a routine.Once you have decided what’s important to you and which goals to strive for , establish a daily routine that will help you achieve them. 4 They can put you in a negative frame of mind and hinder(阻碍)your self-discipline.A poor attitude can also be a bad habit.

5 Michael Jordan has always maintained that his greatness as a basketball player came as much from his willingness to work hard at his craft,as it did his talent.It was his desire through discipline and focus that made him one of the best basketball players ever.If it worked for him,it could certainly work for the rest of us.

A.What is self-discipline?

B. Engage in sports or activities.

C.Get inspiration from those you admire.

D.You can begin by learning about yourself !

E.If you try to do too much at once , you could injure yourself and have a setback.

F.Meanwhile,get rid of some of your bad,self-defeating habits,whatever they may be.

G.It does mean learning how to focus your mind and energies on your goals until they are accomplished.

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