
【题目】Plants are very important living things. Life could not go if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. 1. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. So animals and man need plants in order to live. 2.

If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.

3. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. 4. An example of a fruit without seeds is the banana fruit.

5. They grow from spores(孢子). Spores are very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as the seeds, when these spores fall on wet and shady places, they usually grow into new plants.

A. There are about half a million kinds of plants in the world

B. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight

C. But a few fruits have no seeds at all

D. Not all the plants grow from the seeds

E. This is why we find that there are so many plants around us

F. Flowering plants can make seeds

G. Most non-flowering plants don’t grow from seeds








1根据前句提到植物的重要性,它可以制造食物,再根据后句提到动物和人类,所以此处应该选B. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight通过对比体现植物的重要性。


3根据上文,文章提到有两种植物flowering plants and non-flowering plants,下面先介绍开花的,再根据后句种子是被果实保护的,可知Flowering plants can make seeds开花的能制造种子。


5根据前面的内容可知介绍完了开花植物,再介绍不开花植物。再根据后句They grow from spores(孢子),他们是从孢子长成的,所以大部分无花植物都不是由种子长成的。


【题目】China’s first home-built polar research vessel and ice breaker has been named Xuelong 2, or Snow Dragon 2, according to a report of Science and Technology Daily on Tuesday.

The construction (建造)of the ship, jointly designed by China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Finland-based Aker Arctic Technology, was launched (开始建造)by Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) in December. The new vessel will be 122.5 meters long and be able to break through 1.5-meter thick ice at a maximum speed of 3 knots(节,海里), said the Polar Research Institute of China.

Xuelong2 is scheduled to be completed in 2019, when it will team up with the country's currently only icebreaker Xuelong to form a polar research fleet, directing scientific research groups and supplying resources to polar regions.

Xuelong, the country's first icebreaker, was built in Ukraine and put into service in 1994. China first sent a research team to the Antarctic in 1984. Since then, the country has set up four scientific research stations in the Antarctic.

1From the passage, China’s first icebreaker was constructed in_________.

A. Finland B. Ukraine

C. China D. America

2The underlined word “vessel” in first paragraph probably means_________.

A. plane B. train

C. ship D. coach

3The best title for the passage would be __________.

A. China’s first home-built icebreaker named Snow Dragon 2

B. China designed her first icebreaker by herself

C. China has established four scientific research stations in the Antarctic

D. China’s first icebreaker is being built

4According to the passage, __________.

A. Xuelong 2 has been completed

B. The new vessel will be able to break through 3-meter thick ice

C. China’s first icebreaker was put into service in 1984

D. XUelong 2 is being constructed

I was going through my son Matthew’s backpack when I saw an envelope in the bottom of it. Immediately, I knew it was a “thank you” card from one of his 1. Totally not necessary since my Christmas gifts to them are my way of saying, “Thank you”. I2I read it quickly. And then I stopped.
I 3 the card and read it again. One word caught my attention. “I love working with our Matthew.” One word. Our. That one word 4 the meaning of the sentence for me. If she had written “I love working with Matthew”, I would know that she loves working with my son5 by adding that one word, “our”, it meant “I love working with this boy who 6 here, is accepted here and we all take responsibility for caring for.”
I 7 knew this, of course, seeing a blog I wrote previously, but it’s always good to be8. In that blog post I mentioned ten reasons why his 9 is the right place for him. Since that blog we have had his IEP (Individualized Education Program) meeting, where I was 10 of that feeling again. In that meeting, someone 11 “Everyone loves Matthew. We all love Matthew”. And it was genuine and12. As we went around the room and the staff 13 us on information about Matthew, it was apparent that it went way beyond sharing what he is doing 14and behaviorally. Each person had a unique little 15 to tell about Matthew. Stories that show that they really know who Matthew is and that they 16 him.
In fact just today I had written a note in his communication book that it was 17 Matthew to see new snow and not be able to play in it. Later in the day I got an email and a picture of Matthew 18 with snow in a big container inside the school.
As I was reflecting on this, I realized that as a family we are really lucky 19 school isn’t the only place where they think of him as “our Matthew”. It 20 to other parts of our lives as well — our friends, our family, our neighborhood, and our church.
(1)A.teachers B.friends C.classmates D.doctors
(2)A.realize B.admit C.imagine D.predict
(3)A.gave away B.tore up C.put away D.opened up
(4)A.simplified B.changed C.determined D.created
(5)A.Or B.And C.So D.But
(6)A.stays B.lives C.belongs D.remains
(7)A.already B.also C.even D.still
(8)A.reached B.accepted C.adored D.reminded
(9)A.school B.book C.home D.room
(10)A.informed B.convinced C.suspected D.cured
(11)A.commented B.insisted C.guaranteed D.recalled
(12)A.formal B.casual C.sincere D.severe
(13)A.advised B.judged C.updated D.congratulated
(14)A.accurately B.academically C.steadily D.securely
(15)A.secret B.lie C.joke D.story
(16)A.understand B.greet C.envy D.embarrass
(17)A.killing B.influencing C.calming D.inspiring
(18)A.meeting B.playing C.fighting D.dealing
(19)A.until B.unless C.though D.because
(20)A.flies B.extends C.applies D.switches

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