

1Surveys show a t__________ away from home-ownership and towards rented accommodation.

2The situation is d__________---the people in the hurricane-stricken area have no food, very little water and no medical supplies.

3The guide suggested that we should buy some s__________, saying that they would remind us of the happy memories of the trip.

4We don’t have much time to finish the work; in other words, we’re working to a tight d__________.

5The meting will have the usual f__________---introductory session, group work and then a short period for reporting back.

6Whoever __________(滥用)his or her authority and high position for personal gain against the law will be punished by the law.

7Mr. Bird seems to lack many of the qualities __________ (需要)of a successful politician.

8I turned around to find a(n) __________(满脸皱纹的)old lady looking up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.

9Smiling and laughing has actually ben shown to relieve __________(紧张)and stress.

10The government issued a statement __________(谴责)the killing.














1句意调查显示出一种从私宅转向租房的趋势。from home-ownership and towards rented accommodation这是一种趋势,a后面跟单数名词,故该空填trend/tendency。



4句意:我们没有很多时间完成这项工作;换句话说,我们的工作期限很紧。deadline意为最后期限; 截止期限”。


6句意:凡是滥用职权、谋取私利的人都将受到法律的惩罚。abuse意为滥用”。 Whoever __________(滥用)his or her authority and high position for personal gain against the law是主语从句,该从句主语为whoever,相当于anyone who,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

7句意伯德先生似乎缺乏成功政治家所要求的许多素质。__________ (需要)of a successful politician是定语,修饰many of the qualities,many of the qualitiesdemand之间是被动关系,故用过去分词做定语。

8句意我转过身去,发现一位满脸皱纹的老太太,微笑着看着我,她的整个生命都被照亮了。wrinkled是形容词,意为有皱纹的都”,修饰old lady。


10句意政府发表声明谴责这起杀戮事件。condemn是动词。__________(谴责)the killing是定语,修饰a statement,a statementcondemn之间是主动关系,故填现在分词做定语。



Artificial intelligence (AI) is rushing into business. Firms of all types are using AI to forecast demand, hire workers and deal with customers. The McKinsey Global Institute, a think-tank within a consultancy, forecasts that just applying AI to marketing, sales and supply chains could create economic value of $2.7trn over the next 20 years.

Such grand forecasts fuel anxiety as well as hope. Less familiar, but just as important, is how AI will transform the workplace.

Start with the benefits.AI ought to improve productivity. Humanyze, a people analytics software provider, combines data from its badges(工牌)with employees’ calendars and e-mails to work out, say, whether office layouts favour teamwork .Slack, a workplace messaging app, helps managers assess how quickly employees accomplish tasks. Companies will see when workers are not just dozing off but also misbehaving.

Employees will gain, too. Thanks to advance in computer vision, AI can check that workers are wearing safety equipment and that no one has been harmed on the factory floor. Some will appreciate more feedback on their work and welcome a sense of how to do better.

Machines can help ensure that pay rises and promotions go to those who deserve them. That starts with hiring. People often have biases but algorithms(算法), if designed correctly, can be more unprejudiced. Software can flag patterns that people might miss.

Yet AIs benefits will come with many potential drawbacks. Algorithms may not be free of the biases of their programmers, which can have unintended consequences. The length of a travel may predict whether an employee will quit a job, but this focus may harm poorer applicants. Older staff might work more slowly than younger ones and could risk losing their positions if all AI looks for is productivity. And surveillance(监控)may feel Orwellian—a sensitive matter now that people have begun to question how much Facebook and other tech giants know about their private lives.

As regulators and employers weigh the pros and cons of AI in the workplace, three principles ought to guide its spread. First, data should be anonymized where possible. Microsoft, for example, has a product that shows individuals how they manage their time in the office, but gives managers information only in aggregated(整合)form. Second, the use of AI ought to be transparent. Employees should be told what technologies are being used in their workplaces and which data are being gathered. As a matter of routine, algorithms used by firms to hire, fire and promote should be tested for bias and unintended consequences. Last, countries should let individuals request their own data, whether they are ex-workers wishing to contest a dismissal or jobseekers hoping to demonstrate their ability to prospective employers.

The march of Al into the workplace calls for trade-offs between privacy and performance. A fairer, more productive workforce is a prize worth having, but not if it chains employees. Striking a balance will require thought, a willingness for both employers and employees to adapt and a strong dose of humanity.

AI Spy

Passage outline

Supporting details


While its future in business is full of 1, AI affects the workplace negatively.

Advantages of AI

·AI makes business more productive by analyzing the office layout, assessing the employees’ working efficiency and 2 their behavior.

·AI can 3 employees’ safety and provide feedback for them to better themselves.

·AI helps businesses hire more suitable employees and develop a better 4 of promotion and pay rise.

Potential drawbacks of AI

·Undesirable results may arise due to the biases of the programmers.

·Poorer applicants and older staff are at a 5

·Employees’ privacy is 6 in the age of AI.

Principles 7 AIs spread

·Keep the data anonymous when they are gathered and used.

8 employees of technologies used in the workplace and test the algorithms to avoid undesirable results.

·9 employees to access data for their own sake.


Only when employees and employers are 10 to adapt and respect each other, can AI make workplace fairer and more productive.

【题目】Honesty is the best policy. We may agree that admitting mistakes and behaving in a genuine way is the right way to lead our lives, but is there something in our human nature that makes us immoral? For example, in some shops and car parks you can find an honesty box-a box where you pay for something by putting money in it-but it relies on you putting the right amount of cash in. This relies on people being honest and not trying to cheat but it does provide a temptation to get away with not paying the full amount.

Philip Graves, a psychologist, suggests that this temptation is part of our evolution. He says: “We have evolved with the ability to be dishonest. It’s part of our evolutionary psychological make-up-because if we can gain an advantage over the people around us, we have a greater chance of surviving.”

So why do we place such importance on being honest if we benefit from being dishonest? It’s because it is selfish behavior. If everybody acted selfishly and dishonestly all the time, the world would be a very unpleasant place. As Philip Graves says: “There is a balance to strike between the extent to which we can feather our own nest, so to speak, and the risk of being ostracized (排斥) by the group.” So, for societies to work together we need to trust each other and therefore we need to be honest.

Being trustworthy with money is of course vital for an economy to survive. But being honest with words is another matter, saying what we think to someone can get us into hot water. However, a new anonymous messaging app has been designed that lets anyone with a link to your profile (简介) to send you a message without knowing who it’s from. The app now has 300 million users which perhaps indicates how honest we really like to be-but in all honesty, do you want to know what people think about you? Is honesty always the best policy?

1What does an honesty box require people to do?

A. Get the change out of it freely. B. Put the correct amount of money in it.

C. Donate the pocket money to others. D. Pay a larger amount of money.

2According to Philip Graves, being dishonest .

A. is a disadvantage B. should be advocated

C. is part of our evolution D. helps people survive, better

3What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. The reason for being honest B. The benefit of being dishonest

C. The outcome of selfishness D. The importance of group work

4What can we infer from the text?

A. Honesty is always the best policy.

B. The author is in favor of dishonesty.

C. The market of the new app is promising.

D. Being honest with words is sometimes improper.


A. The mistaken belief
B. The need for tolerance
C. Unpunctuality at dinners
D. Punctuality and confidence
E. Self-discipline and punctuality
F. Avoid anxiety by being punctual

There is the belief that, if you arrive at an appointment late, you will be considered important. This is a mistaken view. Being unpunctual, we are not respectful of others ; we are interfering (扰乱)with another man's time. We must realise that keeping appointments or being punctual is a contract that is silently agreed and we are expected to respect this contract. It is only natural that we lose faith, trust and confidence in a person who is tardy(延迟的).

To be punctual one has to have self-discipline(自律), and the lack of it affects others. A school boy or girl is unpunctual because he or she does not have the necessary human virtue of self-discipline. It is also a mark of disrespect for a system or an institution. Unpunctual people seldom realise that their habit cause problems to others. A salesman who is not punctual may not make a sale if he arrives late for an appointment. If one is late for a job interview, it is not likely that he will get the job.

Being punctual, we can avoid anxiety. Imagine the anxiety if you do not want to be considered unpunctual. You will be anxious if you set out for a dinner late. The person who sets out late might be careless in driving. He will ignore traffic rules. A traffic jam, flat tyres, etc. can delay him further. Happy and calm is the man who takes all these possibilities into consideration and arrives at the appointment either early or on time.

Many of those who attend dinners are notorious (声名狼藉的)for unpunctuality. They ignore the appointed time and leave their homes only after the fixed time. They are indifferent to the inconvenience caused to others. If the self-centred guest arrives late, the nine others at the table set for ten will have to wait. The host is put in an unpleasant situation and this man seldom thinks of the inconvenience caused to all -the waiters, the management staff, etc. It is necessary for us to think of others and be considerate to them.

However, we cannot always be intolerant (无法容忍的) of tardiness, for ordinary living requires some tolerance. There can be a busy executive who fights to keep to his schedule. Such a person may be forgiven if he is late, but not those who are deliberately late to create impression.
In modern society, punctuality is a necessary virtue. It is a recognition of the importance of other people.

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