
Cheating has been around forever, and millions of ways to cheat have been fashioned. Copying homework and cheat sheets are some of the most basic ways. Desperate students have even gone as far as to steal the test or scan in bottle wrappers and put answers into the nutrition label. The Internet has now become available in almost every location, which opens a doorway for even more methods of cheating to be born.

There are countless opinions on whether or not cheating can be justified. Students often rationalize their cheating by claiming they forgot to look over the material or did not understand what the teacher was saying. Some other reasons students believe cheating is justified are their heavy workloads and they are struggling to find time for school, sports and etc. The majority of students who think cheating is acceptable may believe the reason for this is that there is not enough time given for assignments, or that the information is too much for the course.

It may be difficult to accomplish, but cheating can be prevented. Teachers and professors have tried many options to stop cheating, from simply spreading test-takers out in a room, to expelling(驱逐)a student. One simple way to fix the problem is to scold the student when caught. They may be so scared or embarrassed that they never do it again. This is a risky way to prevent cheating in some cases, however, because it can possibly damage self-esteem. Another simple way to avoid cheating is to create many different kinds of the same test, but students still have the option of using other cheating tactics.

There may be a million ways to cheat and get away with it, but there are few times, if any, that it is justified. Cheating never has to be a necessity. This problem is spreading throughout America; with everyone's help, it can be stopped.

1.What does the underlined word “justified” probably mean in this passage?

A. reasonable B. necessary

C. praiseworthy D. preventable

2.The reason that is given by most students who think cheating is understandable is that _____.

A. they don't understand their teachers' words

B. they bury themselves in a lot of homework

C. they don't have enough time to complete the study tasks

D. they forget to look over the material

3.What is the disadvantage of scolding the cheating students according to the passage?

A. They may continue to cheat next time.

B. They may be hurt mentally.

C. They may use other cheating tactics.

D. They may get on badly with their teachers.



On the first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't know.I looked round when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady with a smile.She said, “Hi, handsome.My name is Rose.I'm eighty?seven years old.Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may !” She gave me a giant squeeze.“Why are you in college at such a young,innocent age?”I asked.“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!” she told me.After class we walked to the Student Union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.We became instant friends.

Every day of the next three months we would leave class together and talk non?stop.I was always listening to this “time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon (偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went.At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football dinner.I'll never forget what she taught us.“We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.Anybody can grow older.That doesn't take any talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunities in change.Have no regrets.The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose”.She challenged each of us to study the lyrics (歌词) and live them out in our daily life.At the year's end she finished the college degree she had begun all those years.One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.

1.What happened to the author on the first day of school?

A.He got to know an old professor.

B.He made the acquaintance of an old lady.

C.He joined the Student Union.

D.He had to share a milkshake with others.

2.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1, we can find out the author's ________.

A.concern about age

B.respect for the old

C.curiosity about the lady

D.complaint about education

3.In the author's eyes,________.

A.Rose was innocent and generous

B.Rose was wise and skilled

C.Rose was talented and hard?working

D.Rose was courageous and her words were inspiring

4.Which saying might Rose possibly support ________.

A.One is never too old to learn.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Rome wasn't built in a day.

D.It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Some people say that city living in the 21 st century is stressful and offers no advantages, but I don’t agree with them completely.

With the development of high-tech and the improvement of living qualities, more and more people crowded into city, which leads to the uncontrollable urbanization (城市化). Because of this, some of the largest cities must be fairly oppressive(压抑的) places in which to live if you are short of money or unemployed. However, for those with much income, a city provides colorful environment which enables people to enjoy their modern life. In that case, I believe the advantages of urban living far outweigh from its shortcomings.

Regarding shopping, as for me, rather than click on the Internet to get what I want, I prefer to windowshop. All kinds of shopping malls and supermarkets located in city centre really content me. What’s more, a large city’s service even covers numbers of the surrounding towns and benefits many people.

In terms of entertainment, city residents are usually spoiled for choice, from amusement park to sport stadium, whoever you are will find exactly what you need. Maybe going to a concert tonight and visiting museums tomorrow. City always contains various activities and full of energy.

City also provides better opportunities with so many choices and challenges. Cities with universities offer high-standard education so that graduates from these places always get ideal jobs with considerable salary. Every day in the business district, you can see a fierce competition among those large companies, while there are exactly places that may give birth to talents.

Many people may complain about the traffic jam or pollution in the city, but I think with some useful measures to take, our city will be more habitable rather than stressful.

1.What does the author intend to tell us in the passage?

A. City living in the 21 st century is stressful.

B. City provides more conveniences and pleasures.

C. City living brings great trouble to the youth..

D. City is gradually dying out as a matter of fact.

2.The advantages of urban living are________.

A. much income and colorful environment

B. quantities of population and shopping centers

C. great entertainments and better education

D. strong measures and fresh air

3.City residents are usually spoiled for choice because they______.

A. have no more choices for amusement

B. can hardly find what they like to do

C. are so many kinds of entertainment

D. will spend more money in a way

4.What’s the attitude of the author to the disadvantages in city?

A. Disappointed B. Hopeful

C. Amazed D. Cold-hearted

How to revise for a test

Studying for tests may be one of the most difficult parts of school. 1. If you feel discouraged about an approaching test and need some directions for preparing yourself, consider using the following suggestions to help you out.

Aim foremost to understand the concepts.

Keep the important points in mind, and ignore unnecessary information. 2.

Ask for help.

When the need arises, it is best to receive help from the others. 3. You could also ask him/ her for a set of questions and answers that could help you memorize the information. You could also ask a family member or a friend for help.

Practice in everyday life.

Fit reviewing into everyday life by sticking up notes with sentences you need to remember for the test written upon them. 4. You could possibly put one on the bathroom mirror, one at the table and another by the TV. This is optional but highly recommended.


Find out how much you remember certain things and what’s missing. Decide what you did well in and what you did not so well in. This may boost your chances of getting more marks in the assessment and may also help you remember for next time. For instance, if you are struggling on maths problems based on geometry, then put this down as something that you need to review more than the subjects you are good at.

Review often but little.

Do not push yourself and try reviewing everything in one day. Practice takes time and if you rush, you won’t remember anything.

A. Go through what you have been learning.

B. Mark your practice tests.

C. As long as you remain focused on the main topics, you will be able to do well on the test.

D. However, even the worst test performance could be turned around into a successful attempt.

E. It can be difficult to remember the material and understand which points to study.

F. You will notice them every day and reviewing won’t seem to be boring or dull.

G. Ask your teacher to summarize the topic with all the important points.

My family spent one summer vacation enjoying the beaches of beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama. We bought a boat thinking this would make for a really ______ day at the beach for my two little girls.

I probably became too ______ with my younger daughter on the sand. When I looked up I became ______. The little boat with my older daughter in it had ______ far out from the shore. I called to her to come in ______ to shore and, although she seemed frightened, she was doing all she could to ______ just that. But there were no oars (桨) and her little ______ were too short to reach across the boat and into the ______.

Others on the beach seemed to be doing nothing to help except ______. I was standing as far out ______ the water as I could — ______ instructions to her, but with no ______. At last I thought to myself, “I know I’m a ______ swimmer but my daughter needs my help. I have no

____.” I jumped into the water.

At first my arms started moving very ______. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I swam until I was breathless. I just kept hoping and ______ her. Finally, I reached the edge of the

____, grabbed the rope and began making my way back to shore. My child was crying so I tried

____ her, even though everything inside me was _______.

My life was forever changed by that ______. I learned if I believe in myself and dive right in I will have all the strength I need.

1.A. lucky B. fun C. moving D. peaceful

2.A. busy B. patient C. angry D. pleased

3.A. excited B. angry C. concerned D. amused

4.A. sunk B. stayed C. lost D. moved

5.A. closer B. faster C. earlier D. safer

6.A. avoid B. accomplish C. claim D. behave

7.A. legs B. fingers C. arms D. clothes

8.A. water B. shore C. board D. sand

9.A. applauding B. noticing C. swimming D. watching

10.A. off B. among C. in D. on

11.A. reading B. taking C. following D. shouting

12.A. hope B. reason C. end D. success

13.A. skillful B. poor C. brave D. new

14.A. choice B. way C. reason D. support

15.A. gently B. slowly C. confidently D. casually

16.A. keeping an eye on B. getting in touch with C. looking back at D. waving over to

17.A. strength B. oar C. boat D. beach

18.A. scolding B. calming C. praising D. helping

19.A. overjoyed B. changed C. missing D. trembling

20.A. point B. story C. experience D. scene

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