
Wood-block printing first appeared in the early Tang period. During the Song dynasty, the technique of block printing was very advanced. Books were 1. (beautiful) printed. Even today the books 2. (print) at the time are valuable and treasured by libraries and book collectors.

However, block printing 3. (be) not very convenient. Every two pages of a book had to be carved on a wood block, and a big book would require many blocks. Besides, there had to be large places for storing the books. 4. (overcome) these shortcomings, Bi Sheng invented the movable type during the years between 1041 and 1048. One word was carved on one piece of clay, 5. was hardened with fire. Then clay characters were set on 6. iron plate according to the text of a book. Then ink was applied to them and 7. (sheet) of paper spread over them, and the printing was done. Bi Sheng’s invention made printing faster and easier 8. before. Later, movable type of metal and wood was made and widely used.

The technique of printing was gradually known to other Asian countries and Europe. The great influence printing had 9. the advance of civilization is too clear to need any 10. (explain).


Music Bloggers/Reviewers

Music Promotion&PR company is looking for casual quality writers to write music reviews for independent artists. Applicants must be professional and willing to develop a positive working relationship. Writers will not post reviews on our website, but must have their own platform. Reviews also should be your own opinion. They do not need to be positive. This must be an honest process. Reviews should be completed within 2 weeks after receiving the music.

To apply please call 020?7452 3000.

Japanese Interpreter/Translator

ICT is a technical Japanese interpreting and translation company that provides on?site (现场的)interpreters and translators. Presently, our company has a technical interpreting and translation job openings in the Southeast Region. Full?time & Part?time.

If you are interested, please contact(联系) us at 020?7565 5000.

Business Development Manager

Allpro Healthcare Solutions, a provider of home care and medical staffing services throughout the US, is seeking a full?time proposal writer/business development manager. The successful candidate must have excellent spoken and writing skills, project management skills, organizational skills and 2 years of working experience.

You can apply in person or contact us at 028?9038 1081.

Contract Shopper

We're looking for shoppers to schedule and attend an admissions interview at a local career college and evaluate the admissions interview experience. You must have a high school diploma, GED or some college experience and be able to play the role of an adult student in order to perform this shop.

Admissions interview: Gather information, tour the campus, and potentially meet briefly with Financial Aid for general info.

To sign up, please register at shopper?NortonNorris.archondev.com. Our telephone number is 016?1200 1500.

1.Which position needs candidates with working experience?

A. Music Bloggers/Reviewers. B. Business Development Manager.

C. Contract Shopper. D. Japanese Interpreter/Translator.

2.What should a music blogger do according to the advertisement?

A. Post reviews on the company's website.

B. Visit the company's website regularly.

C. Finish reviews within the required time.

D. Write positive reviews to advertise the works.

3.Which number should you call if you want to apply for an interpreting job?

A. 028?9038 1081. B. 020?7452 3000.

C. 016?1200 1500. D. 020?7565 5000.

4.What kind of person would probably be employed as a Contract Shopper?

A. One good at bargaining.

B. One with organizational skills.

C. One familiar with online shopping.

D. One able to work as an adult student.

If you are reading this right now, you are taking part in the wonder of literacy. Because of printed words, people can relay information across both time and space. Much of the credit for this phenomenon can be attributed to one man.

Born in Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg, studied at the University of Erfurt in 1418 and spent much of his young adult life practicing the profession of goldsmithing. In 1439 Gutenberg borrowed money from investors but found himself in financial trouble.

In 1439 the city in which Gutenberg lived was planning to exhibit a large collection of some relics, which was expected to bring many visitors to the town. Gutenberg created many metal mirrors which were to be sold to the visitors. The mirrors probably would have sold well, but due to severe flooding the event was delayed by one year. The investors demanded that Gutenberg return their investments, but he had already spent the money on the mirrors. In order to satisfy the investors, Gutenberg decided to share his secret with them. This secret would forever change the world, all of history, and even the, process of keeping history. He had created the mechanical printing press with movable type.

Gutenberg’s brilliant idea would soon change the world, but he was in financial trouble once again and was accused of mismanaging money. The courts ruled against Gutenberg and Gutenberg lost .the shop he had created.

Before the spread of Gutenberg, s idea, literature was primarily handwritten and thus books were extremely rare and valuable. There was little reason for common people to learn to read or write. Gutenberg’s invention would change all of that. His printing press allowed literature to be produced on a mass scale. His movable metal type could be arranged once to form a page, and his press could print the page again and again.

Though Gutenberg had failed as a businessman, the technologies that he had created spread across Europe rapidly. As these printing technologies and techniques spread, news and books began to travel across Europe much faster than previously possible. The world has not been the same since.

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word in Paragraph one?

A. referred B. devoted

C. exposed D. owed

2.Why did Gutenberg’s plan to sell mirrors fail?

A. The mirrors were less popular than he had expected.

B. Flooding delayed the event for an entire year.

C. Too many other people had the same idea.

D. Newly invented glass mirrors made his metal mirrors old-fashioned.

3.Which of the following is best supported by evidence from the text?

A. Gutenberg’s idea was a tremendous success that made him incredibly wealthy.

B. Gutenberg’s idea didn’t become popular in his lifetime, but grew very popular after his death.

C. Gutenberg, s idea did not make him rich but spread very quickly.

D. Gutenberg, s idea did not become popular right away but made him incredibly rich over time.

4.Which of the following titles best expresses the main idea of this text?

A. Investing Wisely: Turning Your Good Ideas into Money

B. How to Make Books Using the Gutenberg Method

C. The City of Mainz: Life in Medieval Germany

D. Gutenberg: A Man Who Changed the World

Cheating has been around forever, and millions of ways to cheat have been fashioned. Copying homework and cheat sheets are some of the most basic ways. Desperate students have even gone as far as to steal the test or scan in bottle wrappers and put answers into the nutrition label. The Internet has now become available in almost every location, which opens a doorway for even more methods of cheating to be born.

There are countless opinions on whether or not cheating can be justified. Students often rationalize their cheating by claiming they forgot to look over the material or did not understand what the teacher was saying. Some other reasons students believe cheating is justified are their heavy workloads and they are struggling to find time for school, sports and etc. The majority of students who think cheating is acceptable may believe the reason for this is that there is not enough time given for assignments, or that the information is too much for the course.

It may be difficult to accomplish, but cheating can be prevented. Teachers and professors have tried many options to stop cheating, from simply spreading test-takers out in a room, to expelling(驱逐)a student. One simple way to fix the problem is to scold the student when caught. They may be so scared or embarrassed that they never do it again. This is a risky way to prevent cheating in some cases, however, because it can possibly damage self-esteem. Another simple way to avoid cheating is to create many different kinds of the same test, but students still have the option of using other cheating tactics.

There may be a million ways to cheat and get away with it, but there are few times, if any, that it is justified. Cheating never has to be a necessity. This problem is spreading throughout America; with everyone's help, it can be stopped.

1.What does the underlined word “justified” probably mean in this passage?

A. reasonable B. necessary

C. praiseworthy D. preventable

2.The reason that is given by most students who think cheating is understandable is that _____.

A. they don't understand their teachers' words

B. they bury themselves in a lot of homework

C. they don't have enough time to complete the study tasks

D. they forget to look over the material

3.What is the disadvantage of scolding the cheating students according to the passage?

A. They may continue to cheat next time.

B. They may be hurt mentally.

C. They may use other cheating tactics.

D. They may get on badly with their teachers.

You can’t make a call or send a text on your mobile phone in the US town of Green Bank, West Virginia. Wireless Internet is outlawed, as is Bluetooth. As you approach the tiny town on a two-lane road that snakes through the mountains, your mobile phone signal drops out, and your radio stops working. The rusted pay phone on the north side of town is the only way for a visitor to reach the rest of the world. It’s a pre-modern place by design, lacking of the latest technologies that define life today.

The reason for the town’s empty airwaves is apparent the moment you arrive. It’s the Robert C. Byrd telescope, also known as the GBT, a shiny white, 147-metre-tall satellite dish. It’s the largest of its kind in the world and one of nine in Green Bank, all of them government owned and operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).

You don’t look through these kinds of telescopes. They’re radio telescopes, so instead of looking for distant stars, they listen for them. There’s a long line of astronomers all over the world who want to use the telescope which is so sensitive that it could hear a single snowflake hitting the ground 1,000 miles away.

Such a sensitive listening tool needs total technological silence to operate, so in 1958 the US government created a National Radio Quiet Zone, a 33,000 km2 area covering Green Bank where, to this day, electronic and radio signals are forbidden every hour of every day.

People who live within a 15km of the Green Bank telescope are allowed to use landline telephones, wired Internet and cable televisions, but microwave ovens, wireless Internet and radios are forbidden. You can have a mobile phone, but you won’t get a signal.

Because of how much its way of life varies from the rest of America, Green Bank seems to be a somewhat isolated (隔绝), even alien place. For locals, the technology ban is annoying. For others who come to Green Bank for a little rest and relaxation, the town has become a refuge.

1.What do we know about the town of Green Bank from Paragraph 1?

A. It’s located at the base of a large mountain.

B. It is geographically and technologically isolated.

C. Its telecommunications are affected by its geography.

D. Many people live in the town and its surrounding areas.

2.How does the GBT work?

A. It traps light waves in its huge dish.

B. It stops all electronic and radio signals.

C. It receives pictures from space satellites.

D. It listens for and receives noises from space.

3.What equipment are locals of the Green Bank allowed to use?

A. Cable TV, wired Internet and radio.

B. Landline phones, wired Internet and cable TV.

C. Public phones, wireless Internet and mobile phones.

D. Landline phones, microwave ovens and cable internet.

4.What does the underlined word “refuge” in the last paragraph most probably mean?

A. A place of escape. B. A source of confusion.

C. An area of interest. D. A sign of danger.

How to Choose a Topic for Your Paper

No matter what research paper you write, the first and most important step is to choose the topic. 1. Here are some tips for you to follow.

To choose a good topic, you’ll have to ask yourself some important questions. Is there enough research available on this topic? Is the topic new and unique enough that I can offer fresh opinions? Is it related to my subject and future occupation?

2. Writing about something you enjoy certainly shows in the final product, making it more likely that you will be successful in writing a paper about something you enjoy.

If you are writing a research paper for a class, consider the other students. 3. How can you keep your paper unique and interesting if everyone is writing about the same thing?

Ask your professor or classmates for advice, if you’re struggling to come up with a “right” topic. 4. Sometimes asking professors for help may seem frightening, but if they are worth anything as a professor,they want you to be successful in your work,and will do what they can to make that happen.

If you choose a topic, begin researching,and realize that it isn’t the right decision for you for some reason, don’t worry! 5. Although it requires a bit more time, yet changing your topic will make your writing more efficient.

A. Have a clear picture of organization in mind.

B. Be courageous and change it.

C. Is it likely that they will also be writing about your topic?

D. However, many students are discouraged by this first step.

E. Take a trip to your local library or university library.

F. Choose a topic that you have very strong emotion in.

G. They are likely to have great ideas.

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