
"Sorry,but I don't agree with you ..."This is usually followed by unbearable silence and angry tears.I've always found it difficult to disagree with someone,because I don't want to lose a friend.I've found it even harder to accept it when someone disagrees with me,because my ego(自尊心)is hurt.

Before the other person gets a chance to explain why she disagrees with me,my usual response would be,"If you aren't able to see my point of view,then what you think isn't worth my time or consideration,either."But now I've come to realize that when a friend disagrees with me,sometimes she is simply saying,"I don't agree with the way things are done."She still respects me as a person,and is only pointing out a better way to look at a matter.However, there may be times when my friend disagrees with me because I'm against the truth.That's when need to listen to what she says.

I've learned that one way to help my friend is for me to be open and honest with the other to voice my thoughts and listen to the other carefully.While we can't control how a person will respond to our views,we must learn to disagree with our friends in love.We will never feel that we are better than the other person.And that will help us to be less emotional,and more objective in the way we express our opinions.In the same way,we can also stay open to feedback(反馈)from others,knowing that our friends may be correcting us in love.

Good friendships build each other up,sometimes through disagreements and honest opinions.Though I don't like being disagreed with,I'm starting to see the value of such disagreements.

1.The author has found it difficult to disagree with someone because .

A. he is a friendly person B. he usually hides his ideas

C. he has no mind of his own D. he wants to keep the friendship

2.When a friend disagreed with him,the author used to .

A. be unhappy B. argue with the friend

C. break up with the friend D. explain things calmly

3.The author will listen to a friend when .

A. he is against the truth B. he doesn't tell the truth

C. he is respected by a friend D. he does things in the wrong way

4.What does the author mainly talk about in the text?

A. How to keep friendship. B. How to avoid hurting a friend.

C. How to express disagreements. D. How to deal with disagreements.



Bicycle tour and race

A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27 (Sat. & Sun.). At 5:30 a.m., the riders will leave Tian'anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometers leg,from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free for playing at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.

Cost: 200 yuan  Telephone: 84675027

Rock climbing

The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26?27 at the Huairou Mountain?climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing. Free for spectators(观众).

Time/Date: 9—12 a.m. August 26—27

Telephone: 87143177, 87144850, Wang Zhenghua

1.If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride ______ kilometers.

A. 35 B. 55

C. 75 D. 110

2.The underlined word “leg” in the first paragraph probably means “______”.

A. race B. practice

C. part of the training D. part of the tour

3.What is special about the rock climbing competition?

A. A foreign team takes part in it.

B. You can watch it without paying.

C. You don't have to be a sportsman to take part in it.

D. The bus trip to the place of competition is free.

4.Which telephone number(s) will you call, if you want to know more about the Third National Rock Climbing Competition?

A. Both 84675027 and 87143177. B. Both 87144850 and 84675027.

C. Either 87143177 or 87144850. D. 84675027.

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time. You may be not sure what your life purpose is.1.This is normal.

We all want to have a certain life purpose. We all want to feel we’re on the right path. We all want to perfect our habits, our routines, or our productivity. We all want to feel more certain, and perfect in what we’re doing.

There is a struggle between the comfort of certainty and perfection and the fear of uncertainty and being suboptimal(不最理想的).

Let me let you in on a secret: no one is free from this struggle. Look at the most successful people you can think of —Bill Gates, Obama, Taylor Swift. 2.Do you think they have certainty and a feeling of reaching perfection? Not a chance. There is not one of us alive, not me or anyone else, who ever feels certainty about their purpose or path. If they do, they’re fooling themselves. 3.

No one ever feels they’ve found the perfect productivity routine, the perfect version of themselves. 4.

We all feel uncertainty, all day, and we all struggle with it. Some people have grown more comfortable with it than others, but in general no one likes uncertainty.

5.That’s perfectly OK, perfectly normal. Don’t run from it. Instead, stay with this uncomfortable, unappealing uncertainty. It’s here in you, a part of this moment, a part of you but not the whole of you.

A.Because it doesn’t exist.

B.Do you think they have it all figured out?

C.This uncertainty you’re feeling is unpleasant.

D.But if they’re honest, they don’t feel that certainty.

E.See if you can tell what you’re being uncertain about.

F.So focus on what you actually have right in front of you.

G.You may be uncertain about what path you should take in life.

As a college student,I took a position as a salesman and weekend brand ambassador at a local men's clothing store in New Jersey.In addition to allowing me to become an expert T-shirt folder,the job____me for future success, teaching me what to prioritize (优先处理) and how to____my time effectively.I also learned the value of teamwork and a client-centric (以客户为中心的) ____to business.

My____as a brand ambassador included managing the sales,taking part in community events and sharing details on in-store promotions.I was____with organizing inventory(库存)and price marking our clothing for sales. While I enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with____on a daily basis,I was challenged to manage my schedule and was____to learn the importance of prioritization.

One year later,we were on a____schedule to open a new store and I was responsible for stocking the inventory and____new salesmen.Being 19,I____this as a massive task and felt a great deal of____.Luckily,using the time management skills I had____learned,I was able to complete what was____of me.I am now able to____on the success of opening a new store that____exists today.

Much of____I accomplished would not have been possible without the____of my direct manager,Mrs.Brown, who had a great____on me.She set expectations early on me and clear goals and processes for achieving success.Her approach helped me complete tasks____and on time,and has____the way I now manage my own team.

1.A. prepared B. provided C. exposed D. employed

2.A. divide B. occupy C. operate D. manage

3.A. entrance B. suggestion C. approach D. relation

4.A. abilities B. responsibilities C. ideas D. theories

5.A. tasked B. helped C. awarded D. connected

6.A. visitors B. guests C. designers D. customers

7.A. free B. quick C. helpful D. easy

8.A. light B. flexible C. tight D. loose

9.A. using B. training C. consulting D. controlling

10.A. described B. respected C. served D. viewed

11.A. pressure B. confusion C. relief D. caution

12.A. naturally B. gratefully C. previously D. carefully

13.A. robbed B. required C. convinced D. rid

14.A. comment B. reflect C. call D. go

15.A. also B. even C. already D. still

16.A. what B. when C. whether D. how

17.A. guidance B. persuasion C. kindness D. attraction

18.A. judgment B. mark C. sign D. effect

19.A. exactly B. immediately C. efficiently D. easily

20.A. imagined B. stopped C. inspired D. copied

Vitamin B could help reduce the effects of the dangerous type of air pollution, according to a new study published on Monday. In the first study of its kind, a team of international researchers looked into the damage caused by one of the pollutants that have the severest impact on health—PM2.5.

They found that Vitamin B supplement could effectively reduce the impact of the tiny particles (颗粒)on the human body, although they stressed that the research was in its early stages. According to the WHO, 92% of the world's people are living in places where the PM2.5 level goes beyond the recommended level. So it’s urgent to find a solution to the problem.

According to this study, published in the PNAS, 10 volunteers were initially exposed to clean air and given a placebo (安慰剂)to check their baseline responses. The group then kept on taking placebos tor tour weeks before being exposed to heavily polluted air from downtown Toronto, where an estimated 1,000 cars passed every hour. The bad air was delivered to the volunteers through an "oxygen type" face mask. The experiment was then repeated, with each volunteer taking a Vitamin B supplement daily, made up of 2.5mg of folic acid, 50mg of Vitamin B6, and l mg of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B6 can be found in liver, chicken, nuts and other things, and Vitamin B12 in fish, meat, eggs, milk and some cereals. The researchers found that four weeks of Vitamin B supplements — the damage of PM2.5 effects by 28-76%. The results emphasized how prevention at an individual level could be used to fight against the damage of PM2.5, the researchers said.

1.What's the newly discovered effect of Vitamin B in Paragraph 1?

A. It can be used to replace other vitamins in our daily life.

B. It can help lower the air pollution level in the open air.

C. It can reduce the impact of PM2.5 on human bodies.

D. It can get rid of the pollutants remaining in our body.

2.What can be learned from the second paragraph?

A. Further study about the effect of Vitamin B needs to be done.

B. Vitamin B is the most important to human's health.

C. The tiny particles in the air are made up of PM2.5.

D. 92% of the world's people are affected by PM2.5.

3.How did researchers draw the new conclusion about Vitamin B?

A. By referring to a journal. B. By performing experiments.

C. By interviewing scientists. D. By comparing vitamins.

4.You may read the passage on a website about .

A. environment B. medicine

C. education D. health

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