
【题目】Maybe you are an ordinary student. 1 This is not necessarily so. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First arrange your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc, then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2 A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Make good use of your time in class. 3 Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. 4 If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5 You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A. This will help you understand the next class.

B. You probably think you will never be a top student.

C. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. There are other methods that might help you with your study.

F. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

G. Make full use of spare time to take note of what the teacher says in class.








1根据空前句子Maybe you are an ordinary student(也许,你是一名普通的学生)和空后句子This is not necessarily so.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to.(这并非一定如此。任何人都能成为一名更优秀的学生,如果他/她想要的话)可知,此处“你也许认为你永远成不了尖子生”符合语境。故选B。

2本段主要讲述时间安排,根据空前句子First arrange your time for eating,sleeping,dressing,etc,then decide a good,regular time for studying.(首先安排吃饭、睡觉、穿衣等事情的时间,然后确定一个好而规律的学习时间)可知,除了这些,我们还要安排娱乐的时间,这也是常识性问题,人们可能一直工作或学习。故选C。

3根据空前句子Make good use of your time in class.(利用好课堂时间)和空后句子Listening carefully in class means less work later.(课上认真听课意味着今后节省劳动量)可知,此处 “利用课堂时间,认真听老师所讲的一切”符合语境。故选F。

4根据空前句子When you get home from school,go over your notes,review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day,read that material.可知,放学后我们要做好温习和预习工作,那么第二天上课的效率才会更好一点。故选A。

5根据空后句子You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.(在你试了这些方法后,你将极可能发现其它方法)可知,此处指“有其它方法也许能帮到你”符合语境。故选E。


【题目】I am 26. I’m clear that I’m never going to catch up with Mother Teresa. But I want to do something to help people every single day like her.

Everybody thinks we just serve food and soda. The safety training is serious and stressful. Caring for 49 people in a business class in 90 minutes is not easy. I had a roommate who was a waitress; she just left a candle and a table cloth burning, and I used a fire extinguisher (灭火器) to put out the fire. If something goes bad at her job, she calls the police. But if something happens up in the air, it’s up to us.

I’m single and have no kids. I’ve flown every Christmas since 1995. If I fly, someone else can be with their kids. Christmas in an airport can be depressing, but it’s the little things that make a difference.

We’re not robots. It’s hard to put on a smile and just pretend everything is great when it isn’t. I’ve seen co-workers lose a family member the day before a trip and just pull themselves together (take control of their feelings and behave in a calm way). At the end of a 14-hour flight, it’s like, “It was really nice to help you, but I’m ready for you to get off the plane.” Those last 15 minutes can be the longest 15 minutes of your life. You can’t wait to turn off the flight attendant’s voice and get something to eat without anyone saying “Excuse me.”

Sometimes I go all day and never hear a “please” or a “thank you.” When you say thank you, it’s huge. It makes us feel like you actually see us as fellow humans. We’re up there together at a height of 30,000 feet, enjoying the miracle (奇迹) of the modern flight.

【1】What’s the author’s attitude towards Mother Teresa?

A. Grateful. B. Fearful.

C. Doubtful. D. Admiring.

【2】 How did the author like her roommate’s job?

A. It was the same as hers.

B. It was more interesting than hers.

C. It was easier than hers.

D. It was more serious than hers.

【3】Why does the author fly every Christmas?

A. Because she has nowhere to go.

B. Because she’s trying to be a helpful co-worker.

C. Because she owes her co-workers some favors.

D. Because she’d like to earn more money.

【4】What does the author imply by saying the underlined sentence “We’re not robots”?

A. Flight attendants are not stronger than robots.

B. Flight attendants also experience emotions.

C. Flight attendants get tired while robots don’t.

D. Flight attendants need to rest now and then.

【题目】A man walks into a doctor’s office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear. “What’s the matter with me?” he asks the doctor. The doctor replies, “You’re not eating properly.”

This is a popular joke among British schoolchildren. It reflects Britain’s famous dry and satirical way of seeing the funny side of life. This unique sense of humor is often cited as one of Britain’s defining national characteristics.

“The famous British sense of humor has long been our most cherished national characteristic,” says the British journalist Leo Mckinstry. “We have valued it above historic military victories and great works of literature, above our rich scenic landscape and our talent for invention.”

The British sense of humor differs from other countries because it is generally more negative. When it comes to making the British laugh, there is nothing more effective than a socially inappropriate joke.

Popular British comedy shows such as Fawlty Towers, Blackadder and The office are full of sarcasm(讽刺), teasing and self-deprecation(自嘲). It reflects the culture where mocking, moaning and ridicule is part of everyday life.

While most Britons don’t take these jokes too seriously, foreigners are often puzzled by them. A recent survey found that most foreigners who visited Britain found that the British are “arrogant, unfriendly and have almost no sense of humor”.

Do foreigners not understand British humor or are the British just not as funny as they think they are? Mckinstry certainly thinks the British are funny. “Accusing the British of having no sense of humor is like telling Rolls-Royce that its cars are down-market.” he says.

【1】What does the doctor actually mean by the remark, “You’re not eating properly”?

A. What you have had is the cause of these problems.

B. You are not having the right food.

C. You don’t eat the way people usually do.

D. You eat with the wrong cutlery(餐具)

【2】The word “dry” in Paragraph 2 means _________.

A. without water or liquid inside

B. special and popular among school children

C. dull and meaningless

D. pretending to be serious when really joking

【3】Why do most visitors, who once visited Britain , think that the British are unfriendly?

A. Because the British always take things seriously.

B. Because the British have no sense of humor.

C. Because the British are cold and difficult to get along with

D. Because the British have a different sense of humor

【4Which of the following are NOT the characteristics of British humor?

A. Dry and satirical B. Negative and mocking

C. Encouraging and gentle D. Clever and witty

【题目】Television has turned 88 years old on September 7, 2015, and it has never looked better.

In its youth, television was a piece of furniture with a tiny, round screen showing unclear pictures of low budget programs. In spite of its shortcomings, it became well-received. Between 1950 and 1963, the number of American families with a television jumped from 9% to 92% of the population.

As the audience got larger, the technology got better. Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s. Both of the reception and the picture improved. The major networks started broadcasting programs in color.

Even greater improvements were coming according to Sanford Brown, who wrote an article for the Post in 1967. Surprisingly, just about every prediction he made in the article became a reality. For example: All sets in the not distant future will be color instruments. He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller, simpler, more reliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work. Smaller sets do not, of course, mean smaller screens. TV engineers expect screens to get much bigger. However, today's 3D TV is even farther away, if it's coming at all. There is some doubt whether the public would be eager to pay for it, in view of people's cold reception given to 3D movies.

But the technology with the greatest potential, according to Brown, was cable television (有线电视), which was still in its early stages then. As he predicted, the future of cable television was highly interactive. It wasn't cable television that gave Americans their electronic connection to the world, however. It was the Internet. He even foresaw the future office: using picture phones, big screen televisions for conferences, and computers providing information, at the touch of a button.

Brown ever said, “The future of television is no longer a question of what we can invent. It's a question of what we want.”

【1】What can we infer about television sets in the 1960s?

A.They were very popular with Americans.

B.The reception showed no improvement

C.They showed black-and-white pictures

D.They were out of order now and then

【2】Which of the followings did Sanford Brown fail to predict?

A.Television's good quality.

B.The invention of 3-D TV.

C.The future office’s model

D.The potential of cable TV.

【3】What is the text mainly about?

A.The shortcomings of television.

B.The bright future of television.

C.The development of television.

D.The invention of television.

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