

A man looking at his smart-phone while walking across a railway crossing in Nanjing __1.__(have) a close knock on Oct. 22. He was so __2.__ (absorb) in his smart-phone that he didn't see a train approaching until it brushed past him,__3.__(throw) him to the ground. This should serve __4._ a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings,especially __5.__ crossing roads.

__6.__(lucky), the man survived a brush with death,but the incident forced the driver to stop the train. An 18-minute delay followed the incident,__7.__ led to a break in the running of other trains on the route.

Smart-phone __8.__ (addict) has spread like an infectious disease. It's evident that it will do great harm to society. What's even worse, some addicts become __9.__(patient) with relatives and friends.

Some people blame the smart-phone for the tragedy, yet in fact people's weakening self-control and self-discipline are__10._ (blame).




I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my ________ formed a thick fog in the air. The biting wind was making me

________ . I was fed up! I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had ________me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my ________ in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs (一串面包屑) in the forest showing me the way ________ .

I stopped and listened to my ________. I could ________ the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious ________ . The once-green tree ________ which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a ________ blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spider’s web shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breath was like silky soft ________ floating up into the freezing cold air.

Suddenly there was Mum, ________ handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately ________ my heart.

“Here you are, Jo. This will keep you ________ ,” she said as she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and ________ her cheek against mine.

I slowly took a mouthful of the hot ________ and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava (熔岩) ________ down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not ________ . My breath warmed, and I was ________ fed up or cold. I was happy and ________ .

1.A. sweat B. breath C. tears D. words

2.A. hungry B. thirsty C. cold D. tired

3.A. forced B. forbidden C. allowed D. needed

4.A. shadow B. image C. shoes D. footprints

5.A. up B. inside C. home D. there

6.A. surroundings B. whispers C. heartbeat D. mind

7.A. see B. hear C. feel D. smell

8.A. chocolate B. drink C. bone D. snowball

9.A. roots B. branches C. trunks D. leaves

10.A. colourful B. shabby C. plain D. white

11.A. ice B. rain C. smoke D. light

12.A. finally B. cheerfully C. gradually D. unwillingly

13.A. melted B. impressed C. broke D. stopped

14.A. calm B. alive C. warm D. awake

15.A. raised B. felt C. dropped D. pressed

16.A. soup B. liquid C. meal D. cup

17.A. flowing B. walking C. jumping D. squeezing

18.A. damaged B. abandoned C. frozen D. worn

19.A. either B. sometimes C. no less D. no longer

20.A. surprised B. contented C. determined D. warm-hearted

Celebrating her first day as an adult on July, 12,2015, 18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize- winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift- giving---a girls’ school for Syrian refugees( 叙利亚难民) in Lebanon.

“ I call on leaders of all the countries all around the world that we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Malala Yousafzai said in a speech “ on behalf of the world’s children.” She made it an international conference. When she was 15 in the year 2012, Malala yousafzai was shot on school bus on her way home after school and seriously wounded by some gunmen of the Pakistani Taliban for advocating girls’ education. After recovering ,she continued her advocacy, which led last year to her becoming the youngest Nobel winner ever.

Malala told Reuters that she chose to open the school in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley “ because I believe that the voices of the Syrian refugees need to be heard, and they have been ignored for so long. We must help them to get education. It is my responsibility to set up some schools for children there.”

More than a quarter of the estimated 4 million on Syrians who have fled the country’s civil war are gathering in Lebanon, including about 500,000 school-age children. They have no opportunities to go to school.

Malala Yousafzai set up Malala Fund shortly after she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Since then she has done a lot of work to raise money for the education of poor children all around the world. The school, near the Syrian border, can hold up to 200 girls aged14 to 18. The school was paid for by Yousafzai’s non-profit Malala Fund. On that day, all the students in the school shared the birthday cake and sang songs, bringing the Nobel winner to tears.

1.What do you know about Malala Yousafzai?

A. She is a middle school student.

B. She is a teacher in Lebanon.

C. She makes gifts for Syrian refugees.

D. She is a Nobel Prize winner.

2.What happened to Malala when she was 15?

A.She was shot by some gunmen.

B. She suffered from a terrible disease.

C. She made a speech in an international conference.

D. She set up her first school for girls.

3.What did Malala choose to do after she won the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. To fight in the civil war in Syria.

B. To protect Syrian refugees.

C. To open some schools for Syrian children

D. To teacher Syrian children in a school.

Liu Huan is a professor at the University of International Business and Economics. He is also a noted musician and popular singer in the Chinese mainland.

Born on Aug. 26, 1963 in to a teacher’s family in Tianjin, Liu enrolled at the University of International Relations in Beijing in 1981, majoring in French literature. He was retained at the university as a faculty member(教职工)after graduation in 1985. He won two first prizes in Beijing’s first-ever university English and French singing contests in 1985. To help promote local education by teaching music, he lived in Shizuishan, a remote area in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in 1985~1986. He was appointed a professor at the University of International Business and Economics to teach the history of Western music in 1991, and has been working at the university for more than 20 years.

As a professor, Liu is invited every year to colleges and universities in Beijing to teach music courses. As a famous musician, when asked if his classes differ from other teachers’, Liu simply said, “Nothing different. While standing on the platform, I am just a teacher. Everything outside has nothing to do with me at that moment. ”

Since becoming a professional singer in 1985, Liu’s singing has been widely welcomed across the country. He won many national awards, including the Top 10 Film and TV Singers in the Country in 1988, in 1990 and in 1992. On Aug. 8, 2008, Liu sang a duet “You and Me” with Sarah Brightman at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, reaching the top of his singing career. In addition to singing, Liu Huan also creates original scores for film and TV. His works have been well received by both audiences and his peers in the industry.

Therefore, Liu is chosen to act as one of the four judges on “The Voice of China” , a surprisingly popular singing talent show which has been aired on Zhejiang Satellite TV since July 13, 2012. At the same time, his fellow judges are Na Ying, Yang Kun, and Harlem Yu. (322W)

1. What does the underlined word “noted” in the first paragraph mean?

A. Famous. B. Skilled. C. Gifted. D. Important.

2.Liu Huan used to live in Shizuishan, a remote area in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to_____

A. learn about their customs and cultures

B. improve his ability of composing music by living in the village

C. help promote local education by teaching music

D. find some talented students in music

3. When he reached the top of his singing career, he was .

A. 45 B. 22 C. 28 D. 49

4.Which is NOT true of the description about his musical achievements?

A. He has won the Top 10 Film and TV Singers in the Country three times.

B. He succeeded in singing a duet “You and Me” with Sarah Brightman at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.

C. He creates many original scores for film and TV.

D. He is the only one who acts as a judge on “The Voice of China”.

My father and I started our morning by moving quickly into the local store. I waited in the line a the Starbucks counter while he shopped around to pick up a few things.

As I was starting there I become aware of an elderly women, with untidy hair,wearing layers upon layers of old clothing, hunchbacked(弯背的) behind me in line. She had a few things for washing and seemed to want the Starbucks cashier to ring up since that queue was shorter than the queues in the store.

At some point I became aware of her edging (慢慢挪动) closer behind me — closer than I was comfortable with! I instinctively (本能地) placed a hand over my purse and drew it close to me. My fear and imagination raced creating wild stories about this homeless woman who might try to steal from me.

Then it was my turn to order. As the cashier rang Ypsilanti my total, I discovered I was 67 cents short. I called my father but he was hard of hearing. He asked me to repeat what I said but he still couldn’t make me out. At that point, a long, grey arm, with holes in its sleeves, reached over from behind me. She laid 67 cents out on the counter, saying, "Here, we all need some help sometimes. "

I was stunned! Here was a woman who clearly had very little to give and was i n great need herself. I had judged her wrongly and she had offered to reach out to help me!

What an amazing gift and lesson this woman gave me about judging others! Thank you, God!

1.From the passage, we can learn that the elderly women _________.

A. probably lived a poor life

B. tried to steal money from the writer

C. always followed close behind the writer

D. often went to the store to buy a few things.

2.The elderly woman decided to help the writer_____________.

A. the moment she saw the writer

B. when she noticed the writer watching her

C. after the writer failed to get help from her father

D. when the writer discovered she was 67 cents short

3.The underline word "stunned " in paragraph 5 probably means "_________ ".

A. happy B. surprised

C. angry D. disappointed

4.What lesson does the writer learn from the story?

A. We should look at things from two sides.

B. It’s wise to give help to those in need.

C. The world is full of love and surprises.

D. Never judge a person from his appearance.

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