


Family structure is the core of any culture. A major function of the family is to socialize new members ofa culture. As children are raised in a family setting, they learn to become members of the family as well as members of the larger culture. The family provides the model for all other relationships in society. Through the observations and modeling of the behavior of other family members, children learn about the family and society including the values of the culture. Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference.

The family is the center of most traditional Asians' lives. Many people worry about their families' welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often extended, including several generations related by blood or marriage living in the same home. An Asian person's misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family—including the dead ancestors.

Traditional Chinese, among many other Asians, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them. Children repay their parents' sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old age. This is accepted as a natural part of life in China. In contrast, taking care of aged parents is often viewed as tremendous burden in the United States, where aging and family support are not honored highly.

The Vietnamese family consists of people currently alive as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn. Any decisions or actions are done from family considerations, not individual desires. People's behavior is judged on whether it brings shame or pride to the family. Vietnamese children are trained to rely on their families, to honor elderly people, and to fear foreigners. Many Vietnamese think that their actions in this life will influence their status in the next life.

Fathers in traditional Japanese families are typically strict and distant. Japanese college students in one study said they would tell their fathers just about as much as they would tell a total stranger. The emotional and communication barrier between children and fathers in Japan appears very strong after children have reached a certain age.

Although there has been much talk about "family values" in the United States, the family is not a usual frame of reference for decisions in U.S. mainstream culture. Family connections are not so important to most people. Dropping the names of wealthy or famous people the family knows is done in the United States, but it is not viewed positively. More important is a person's own individual "track record" of personal achievement.

Thus, many cultural differences exist in family structures and values. In some cultures, the family is the center of life and the main frame of reference for decisions. In other cultures, the individuals, not the family, is primary. In some cultures, the family's reputation and honor depend on each person's actions; in other cultures, individuals can act without permanently affecting the family life. Some cultures value old people, while other cultures look down on them.

(Adapted from R. L. Oxford & R. C. Scarcella, "A Few Family Structures and Values Around the Globe")


Supporting details

【1】 A to family structure

Family structure is of great2 A in different cultures.

Children raised in a family will gradually learn how to3 A in a way which is acceptable in their culture or setting.

'Many cultural differences4 A from family structures.

Examples of

Asian families

Traditional Asians5 A their lives around family. Not only the individual but the family is to6 A for any wrongdoings.

O In China, parents' sacrifices will probably7 off when children grow up. Children will also provide for the elders.

O In Vietnam, it's not from the personal desires but from family considerations that decisions or actions are done.

In Japan, children are8 A to share their emotions with father, thus making communication difficult.

Examples of families in the USA

Americans don't lay much emphasis on family values.9 A personal achievement is considered more important.


Family structures and values10 A in different cultures.











【10】 vary/differ



【1】Introduction 归纳总结题。根据文章第一段第一句Family structure is the core of any culture.可知家庭结构是温和的核心。整个文章第一段都是对家庭结构的介绍,使用名词introduction,且和介词to连用。

【2】importance/significance 同义句转换。根据第一段最后一句Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference.家庭结构和内部关系起着很大的文化作用。转换成“of+ importance/significance”相当于形容词important或significant。

【3】behave 词性转换题。根据第一段第五句Through the observations and modeling of the behavior of other family members, children learn about the family and society including the values of the culture.原文中使用了名词behavior,表格中放在不定式符号to的后面,说明要使用动词原形。

【4】arise/result/come/originate 理解概括题。根据第一段首尾句Family structure is the core of any culture.和 Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference.可知很多文化的差异都是由于家庭结构的不同而引起的。

【5】center/centre 原词再现。根据第二段第一句The family is the center of most traditional Asians' lives.可知在传统的亚洲生活中,家庭是核心。

【6】blame 原词再现。根据第二段最后一句An Asian person's misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family—including the dead ancestors.可知个人和家庭都要收到责备。

【7】 pay 句意理解题。根据第三段第二句Children repay their parents' sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old age.可知当父母亲老了以后,孩子会回报父母之前的牺牲。原文中使用repay,表格里使用动词短语pay off指父母亲的牺牲得到了回报。

【8】unwilling/reluctant/afraid 句意理解题。根据第五段第二句Japanese college students in one study said they would tell their fathers just about as much as they would tell a total stranger.可知日本的大学生和父亲之间的关系就像是陌生人一样,也就是说他们不愿意和父亲交流。

【9】 Instead/However 句意理解题。根据第六段最后两句Dropping the names of wealthy or famous people the family knows is done in the United States, but it is not viewed positively. More important is a person's own individual "track record" of personal achievement.可知在美国个人成就是更重要的。说明表格中上下文之间是转折关系,使用使用Instead/However

【10】vary/differ 理解概括题。根据最后一段第一句Thus, many cultural differences exist in family structures and values.很多文化的差异都存在于家庭结构很价值观方面。也就是说不同文化中家庭结构和价值观都是不一样的,所以使用不及物动词vary/differ。


【题目】The Best of Alaska

Nothing evokes(唤起) Alaska like a whale exploding out of the water or an eagle pulling a silver fish from the river. Combine these images with high mountains, brilliant icebergs and wonderful meal8 and you really do have the Best of Alaska!


JUNEAU: Juneau, the state capital, is rich in culture and scenic beauty. It is here that we start and end our trip.

HAINES: Haines is a small community located along the fords(海湾). The natural beauty and expansive wilderness found here have made Haines a premier center for adventure in Alaska.

ALASKA INDIAN ARTS: Alaska Indian Arts is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation and continuation of traditional native craft and culture of the Northwest Native Tribes.

SKAGWAY: Skagway is famous for its role in the Klondike Gold Stampede over 100 years ago. Today, it is a historic yet lively town, which still reflects its gold rush roots and contains colorful shops. In Skagway, we stop by the Klondike Gold Rush National Park Visitor's Center and ride the White Pass Yukon Route Railway.

GUSTAVUS: Gustavus is the gateway to Glacier Bay National Park. We'll stay at a comfortable lodge here for two nights. This will be the base for both the whale-watching excursion and a full day cruise in Glacier Bay.


May 15, June 17, July 16, August 14.

7 days-$3500, including lodging, all meals, excursions, guides, park fees, sales taxes, and transportation between Juneau, Skagway, Haines, and Gustavus. Not included: Alcohol, personal items, airfare to and from Juneau.


E-mail: info@alaskamountainguides.com

Call: 800一766一3396

Write: Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School

P. O. Box 1081, Haines AK 99827

【1】You can feel the history of the local place at .

A. Juneau B. Skagway

C. Haines D. Gustavus

【2】You can watch a whale exploding out of the water at .

A. the Northwest Native Tribes

B. the Klondike Gold Rush National Park

C. Glacier Bay National Park

D. the White Pass Yukon

【3Which of the following is a participant required to pay additional fees for?

A. Going from Gustavus to Juneau by train.

B. A full day cruise in Glacier Bay.

C. Having the last supper at Juneau.

D. Flying from Juneau to his hometown.

【题目】A drunken burglar(盗贼)in the Orrell Park area of Liverpool, ended up leaping out of a window after a 10-year-old girl asked him to prove he was a superhero. The drunken thief who pretended he was Superman to stop a child raising the alarm has been caught after he leapt from the apartment building in his pants to make the girl convinced.

Thief Ethan Adamson, 25, told police that he had broken into a fifth-floor flat after a drinking session, believing it was empty. But he was horrified when the owner’s 10-year-old daughter woke up while he was there.

From his hospital bed, the thief told reporters, “To keep her quiet, I told her I was really Superman and I’d soon be flying off back to my secret headquarters.” “She called my bluff (吓唬) and told me, ‘If you’re Superman, show me you can fly or I’ll scream’ ”.

“I had no choice so I stripped to my pants to look more like a superhero and went to the window. I saw another roof below and I thought I could make it but it turned out to be a lot further down than thought. I know it doesn’t make sense but it did to me when I was drunk.”

Police later found him on the roof in just his yellow pants, covered in cuts and bruises after a baffled neighbor heard his cries of pain. He now faces seven years behind bars for burglary.

Police spokesman Frank Amado said, “He was in quite a serious state and couldn’t move until we got up there using ladders. He was treated for his injuries and we got him some fresh clothes before taking him to hospital, where he is being kept under guard until he is well enough to be arrested.”

【1】 What does the underlined part in the passage mean?

A. I could make the girl trust me.

B. I could prove I was a superhero.

C. I could land safely on the roof.

D. I could make a successful escape.

【2】 What’s the right order of the event?

a. Ethan Adamson told reporters of the burglary.

b. The 10-year-old girl called Ethan Adamson’s bluff.

c. Ethan Adamson attended a drinking session.

d. Ethan Adamson leapt out of a window.

A. cbda B. cabd C. dbca D. dcab

【3】 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Adamson was being watched while he was in hospital.

B. Adamson was set free a few days after staying in hospital.

C. Adamson was badly treated before he was rushed to hospital.

D. Adamson was sent to the police station before he’s taken to hospital.

【4】 What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A. To call our attention to the burglary.

B. To explain how the burglar was caught.

C. To report on a joking burglary

D. To look back on an adventure story.

【题目】Our lifestyles today are very busy. We have family, school, sports, entertainment and social activities to fit into a time that seems never enough. We need to be healthy to meet the demands of daily life. But what does it mean to have a healthy lifestyle?

To have a healthy lifestyle, we need to:

◆ eat different kinds of healthy food most of the time

◆ do exercise often

◆ have time to relax

◆ get enough sleep to give our bodies time to grow healthy and strong

Read about a normal day in the lives of two children.

Abbey gets up at 7:00 am, feeds the dog, and has cereal and a glass of juice for breakfast. She walks to school with her friend, Julia. She has a bag of chips for a morning snack, drinks water, and has a chicken and lettuce sandwich with a banana for lunch. She likes to play soccer with her friends at lunch and morning break time. She walks home with Julia, has some crackers with cheese and juice for afternoon snack and plays with the dog for a while. She plays computer games for an hour or two before dinner, then has a shower and does her homework. She watches her favorite television show for an hour, then usually goes to bed at about 9:30 pm.

Carl gets up at 8:30 am and has two pieces of bread with jam and a glass of milk for breakfast. His mother drives him to school on her way to work. He eats cookies with juice for morning snack and a pot pie ordered from the school lunch room with juice for lunch. He likes to play card games with his friends at lunchtime and climb the fixed equipment at morning break time. He catches the bus home, has a cereal bar and a can of soda for afternoon snack, then watches some television. He has a shower before dinner, then plays the computer for an hour or two. He goes to bed at about 10:30 pm.

No matter which kind of lifestyle you agree on, just remember it’s important to balance all aspects of life.

【1】About a healthy lifestyle, the writer doesn’t talk about ________.

A. dietB. exerciseC. relaxation D. medicine

【2】What can we learn from the article?

A. Abbey plays soccer with her friends at school.

B. Abbey does her homework first after school.

C. Carl goes to school by bus every day.

D. Carl has juice for breakfast.

【3】Where is the article probably from?

A. A health magazine.

B. A clothing website.

C. A sports guidebook.

D. A travel advertisement.

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