
Something that makes sense is happening in Washington, D.C! Public school kids surrounded by museums and monuments are putting the ready-made learning tools to use — and actually learning.

A trip to see painter Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series is one of almost 200 trips that Wheelock will organize this year through the nonprofit group Live It Learn It. “For many kids, school is disconnected,” says one of four full-time workers and tour leaders. “With the program, they see how what they are learning is connected to their communities.”

Seven years ago, Wheelock changed a job as a lawyer for one as a four-grade teacher. When he learned that D.C.’s public schools ranked behind those of other cities in many ways, he knew he had to do something different. He took his class to Capitol Hill for a lesson on the three branches of government — and saw his students’ interest develop quickly.

With seed money from a local couple, Wheelock developed detailed lesson plans for trips to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial. The group also has classes for trips to the Anacostia River, boat rides to historical forts. Word spread, and now fourth, fifth, sixth graders from the neediest public schools in the District participate.

“I’m not brave enough to take my class to a museum for over an hour!” says teacher Cathy McCoy, gesturing toward her students. “But look With Live It Learn It, what the kids learn today they’ll remember for a lifetime.”

1.Matthew Wheelock once had an occupation as a _______.

A. teacherB. printerC. leaderD. lawyer

2.According to the first two paragraphs, public school kids in Washington D.C. _______.

A. like to have school disconnected

B. are warmly welcomed by museums and monuments

C. are making the resources at hand available

D. are learning by going to different communities

3.Matthew Wheelock started the new change for the reason that _______.

A. he saw his students’ interest develop quickly

B. more graders from the neediest public schools wanted to participate

C. D.C.’s public schools ranked behind in many ways

D. a local couple sponsored him a sum of seed money

4.What will the lessons be like with Live It Learn It in Cathy McCoy’s opinion?

A. Eye-catching.B. Challenging.C. Forgettable.D. Impressive.







试题分析:文章介绍Washington D.C. 的公共学校的孩子充分利用了身边的博物馆,纪念碑这样的资源,通过一系列的活动,学生们可以更好的和社会接触,学习到更有用的知识。







Sure. you know their names, possibly better than you know the name of the street you live on.

When the need comes, these names roll off our tongues like they were our own brothers. I am writing about the famous Webster s Dictionary and Roget s Thesaurus.

Webster s Dictionary. Many people can respond immediately: Noah Webster. We are aware that he is the father of the dictionary. But who was he? What did he do for a living? When did he live?

Noah was born in 1758, graduated from Yale University in 1778. and later graduated from law school He produced the first American dictionary in 1806 and published his influential work An American Dictionary of the English Language in l828. His interests led him to be a lexicographer (词典编纂者). textbook editor, author, Bible translator and spelling reformer. He also produced a large number of writings in medicine, mythology (神话), and the relationship of European and Asian languages. In addition, he .founded the first New York daily newspaper in 1793. He died in 1843.

Roget's Thesaurus. And it gives us The chance to learn about Roget, the man-Peter Mark Roget, And who? What? When?

Englishman Peter Roget, MD, was born in 1779. He studied medicine and mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. He is considered as the creator of the first-ever thesaurus (同义词典). It has been called one of the three most important books ever printed. along with the Bible and Webster s Dictionary. He began his work Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases in I 805 but did not publish it until 1852-47 years later. In his lifetime. he became a noted lecturer and writer on anatomy(解剖学 ). geology(地质学).bees,and more . When Roget died in 1869 at age 90. his son, John . took over the Thesaurus arid he gradually expanded it.

So now you know the two famous books. Not enough information? As well-known humourist James Thurber suggested in the title of his 1941 magazine short story about baseball, You Could Look It Up!

1.The author states that "these names roll off our tongues" in order to show that people______.

A. will learn from the two writers B. have ignored the two writers

C. are familiar with the names D. know a lot about the two

2.According to the text. Noah Webster and Peter Roget are alike because they both______.

A. had many interests B. studied medicine

C. were professors D. liked baseball

3.The purpose of the last paragraph is to_______.

A. attract more readers B. come to a conclusion

C. encourage further research D. provide background information

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?



Brain Drain

Imagine you are sitting in your living room and out of surprise you get a call from a friend.He tells you that he's gotten the student visa and is going to study abroad for higher education.His parents may feel it a privilege that their son is guaranteed to have a bright future and unbelievable job opportunities.1. While many people believe that immigration is a personal choice that must be understood and respected, others have realized a serious problem-brain drain.Brain drain refers to the flow of highly skilled and educated people, such as doctors, engineers, scientists from less developed countries to developed countries. Brain drain has become a common social problem.2. These reasons are "Push" factors (因素) and "Pull" factors.The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living conditions, and so on.The pull factors, however, include higher pay and better working conditions, better job opportunities, as well as better research equipment.

As we can see, many educated people are heading for richer countries, seeking higher wages and better working conditions.3. It reduces the number of creative people who can contribute to the development of their country.Meanwhile, with more successful businessmen taking their money abroad, their countries are missing an opportunity of wealth creation.4. Besides these economic effects, the brain drain has also social negative effects, such as the loss of improvement in research and technique.

Therefore, measures must be taken in less developed countries to avoid brain drain. 5. Social developments like health services and education opportunities also need improving.Otherwise, less developed countries will face an uncertain future.

A.Even you may start to admire his plans.

B.This also reduces government tax income.

C.Why should their motivations be seriously considered?

D.This of course has serious negative effects on their own countries.

E.There should be more job opportunities for highly educated people.

F.So it is important to find out the proper reasons behind the brain drain.

G.Most of the measures taken so far have not reduced the effects of brain drain.


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