
Do you feel like you have too much homework every day? As you know,homework is a major part of going to school. Luckily,there are several things you can do to make homework less work.

* 1 Most high school students have between two and three hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day,you may need to devote even more time. It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework plan,especially if you are going to play sports or do other activities after school.

* 2A bedroom,study or any room where you can get away from noise is the best place to get homework done. But don't study on your comfortable bed where you might fall asleep fast.

* 3 When you start your homework,do the hardest work first. Some people like to start with the easiest thing to get it out of the way. But you'll have the most energy and focus when you begin. It is best for you to use this mental power on the subjects that are the most challenging.

* 4 Most people's attention span (注意力的持续时间) does not last very long,so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.

* 5 Sometimes even though you are paying attention in class,certain subjects seem too hard. The first place to turn for help is your teacher. Sometimes your parents can help you. You may also be able to get some help from another student or a personal tutor.

   A. Get to work.

   B. Get help when you need it.

   C. Watch where you work.

   D. Do the homework by yourself.

   E. Make a homework plan.

   F. Go to do other activities after school.

   G. Take a break.

1.         2.                  3.         4.          5. 


1. E做任何事都应先有计划,因此,作者提出的第1条建议是做计划,这与文中"It is a good idea to come up with some kind of homework plan.. .”相吻合0

2. C第2条建议是有关做作业的地点。行文中紧接着具体说什么地方适合及什么地方不适合做作业。

3. A本条涉及做题的先后顺序,因此,这里用"Get to work"符合行文逻辑。

4. G这里谈的是做作业时应有休息,选项中的关键词"break"在本段中反复出现。

5. B本段讲的是做作业时遇到某些难题应求助他人,关键词"help"在本段中反复出现


More people are trying to learn English than any other language in the world. 1       School children in the Philippines and Japan begin learning English at an early age.

Where did the English language come from? Why has it become so popular? To answer these questions we must travel back in time about five thousand years to an area north of the Black Sea in southeastern Europe.

Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European. That language is no longer spoken. 2       These include the language that developed into English.

The English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over many hundreds of years. The first invaders were a people called Angles about one thousand and five hundred years ago. Later the Saxons and the Jutes crossed to Britain. These groups fought with a people called the Celts. 3       Some escaped to live in the area that became Wales. Through the years,the Saxons,Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages. The result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English,the earliest form of English.

The next great invasion of Britain came from the far north beginning about one thousand and one hundred years ago. Fierce people called Vikings raided the coast areas of Britain. 4       The next invasion of Britain took place in ten sixtysix. History experts call this invasion the Norman Conquest. The Normans became the new rulers of Britain. These new rulers spoke only French for several hundred years. The French language used by the Norman rulers greatly changed the way English was spoken by eight hundred years ago. 5       Middle English sounds like modern English. But it is very difficult to understand now.

The history of the English language continues as Middle English becomes Modern English,which is spoken today.

   A. English is the major foreign language taught in most schools in South America and Europe.

   B. Researchers do not really know what it sounded like.

   C. After a while,most of the Celts were killed,or made slaves.

   D. English became what language experts call Middle English.

   E. Many English words used today come from these ancient Vikings.

   F. Yet,Proto-Indo-European is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages.

   G. The Celts had lived in Britain for many thousands of years.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

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