




1.Large quantities of water have been polluting, so the lake smells terrible.

2.The car which is being repaired belongs to his.

3.The factory in that his father works is far away from my hometown.

4.We seldom use computers, so the software they use is not familiar us.

5.The story happened on a day which the weather was very wet and cold.

6.A new type of computer has produced by this company recently.

7.He will be in the charge of the company while the manager is away on holiday.

8.The teacher is to move to Beijing, but he doesn’t know what to deal with his old books.

9.Under the help of the teacher, the students in this class have made great progress in English.

10.I think that it will be long when human beings can be sent to the Mars.

8.Researchers continue to show the power behind our sense of smell.Recent studies have found,among other things,that the smell of foods like pizza can cause uncontrollable anger in drivers on roads.
The review explains that smell is unique in its effects on the brain.According to Conrad King,the researcher who carried out the review,"more than any other senses,the sense of smell goes through the logical part of the brain and acts on the systems concerned with feelings.This is why the smell of baking bread can destroy the best intentions of a dieter."
Smell,which dictates the unbelievable complexity of food tastes,has always been the least understood of our senses.Our noses are able to detect up to 10,000distinct smells.Our ability to smell and taste this extremely large range of smells is controlled by something like 1,000genes (基因),which make up an amazing 3% of the human genome.Researchers Richard Axel and Linda Buck were together awarded a Nobel Prize in 2004for their ground-breaking research on the nature of this extraordinary sense.These two scientists were the first to describe the family of 1,000olfactory (嗅觉) genes and to explain how our olfactory system works.
According to one study in the research review,smelling fresh pizza or even the packaging of fast foods can be enough to make drivers feel impatient with other road users.They are then more likely to speed and experience uncontrollable anger on roads.The most reasonable explanation is that these can all make drivers feel hungry,and therefore desperate to satisfy their appetites.
In contrast,the smells of peppermint and cinnamon were shown to improve concentration levels as well as reduce drivers'impatience.Similarly,the smells of lemon and coffee appeared to promote clear thinking and mental focus.
However,the way genes regulate smell differs from person to person.A study by researchers in Israel has identified at least 50olfactory genes which are switched on in some people and not in others.They believe this may explain why some of us love some smells and tastes while others hate them.The Israel researchers say their study shows that nearly every human being shows a different pattern of active and inactive smell-detecting receptors.

63.What did Richard Axel and Linda Buck find out?C
A.The category of food smells.
B.The logical part of human brain.
C.The nature of human olfactory system.
D.The relationship between food and feelings.
64.Which of the following can help people concentrate?C
A.Bread.  B.Fruits.  C.Coffee.  D.Fast food.
65.What do we know from the last paragraph?C
A.Some people can recognize up to 50smells.
B.Every person has a different pattern of genes.
C.Different people are sensitive to different smells.
D.There are still some olfactory genes to be found out.
66.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.Logic and behaviour.
B.Smell and its influence.
C.Sense ability and food tastes.
D.Olfactory genes and its system.

Health insurance(保险) can be very expensive. Some working people do not make enough money to pay for it. In the US there is a program called Healthy Families. This program offers people health insurance at a low cost.

Families are charged about $7.00 a month for every child, and $10.00 for every adult. It costs much less than any other kind of health insurance. Having health insurance is very important. With this insurance, people can see a doctor when they are sick or hurt.

The program is not expensive at all, but many people are still not enrolling in it. People say that it still costs too much money. They need all of their money to pay for things like food and rent(租金).

It would be great if everyone could have health insurance. People are working hard to come up with ways to make this happen. One idea is to make the Healthy Families Program free for some people.

It is important for people to see a doctor when they need to. The Healthy Families Program makes it possible for more people to do this. Many ideas are being considered. Hopefully some of them will allow even more families to get health insurance.

The Healthy Families Program is made to help those who don’t have welfare (社会保障金) and cannot earn enough to pay for private health insurance. It is an important program, but officials say that too many people are signing up for it and then dropping out(退出) because of the Healthy Families Program’s cost.

1.The aim of the Healthy Families Program is to __________.

A. help people earn more and pay for the program

B. make it free for people to see a doctor

C. help more families get health insurance

D. help families pay for private health insurance

2.If a couple has two children, how much would health insurance cost every month in the family?

A. $34. B. $40.

C. $28. D. $24.

3.Why is it very important for people to have health insurance?

A. They can see a doctor free of charge.

B. They can get special medical care.

C. They can go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

D. They can afford to see a doctor when they need to.

4.In the passage we can learn all of the following EXCEPT that __________.

A. health insurance is very important for ordinary people

B. people should make more money to pay for private health insurance

C. the program is still too expensive for many people

D. many people don’t make enough money to pay for health insurance

5.A big focus of the criticism of computer games has concerned the content of the games being played.When the story of the games is analyzed they can be seen to fall into some styles.The two styles most popular with the children I interviewed were‘Platformers'and‘Beat-them-ups.'Platform games such as Sonic and Super Mario involve leaping from platform to platform,avoiding obstacles,moving on through the levels,and progressing through the different stages of the game.Beat-them-ups are the games which have caused concern over their violent content.These games involve fights between animated (动画的) characters.In many ways this violence can be compared to violence within children's cartoons where a character is hit over the head or falls off a cliff but walks away unscathed.
Argument has occurred in part because of the intensity of the game play,which is said to spill over into children's everyday lives.There are worries that children are becoming more violent and aggressive after longtime exposure to these games.Playing computer games involves feelings of intense frustration and anger which often expresses itself in aggressive‘yells'at the screen.It is not only the‘Beat-them-up'games which produce this aggression; platform games are just as frustrating when the characters lose all their‘lives'and‘die'just before the end of the level is reached.Computer gaming relies upon intense concentration on the moving images on the screen and demands great hand-to-eye coordination (协调).When the player loses and the words‘Game over'appear on the screen,there is annoyance and frustration at being beaten by the computer and at having made an error.This anger and aggression could perhaps be compared to the aggression felt when playing football and you take your eye off the ball and enable the opposition to score.The annoyance experienced when defeated at a computer game is what makes gaming‘addictive':the player is determined not to make the same mistake again and to have‘one last go'in the hope of doing better next time.
Some of the concern over the violence of computer games has been about children who are unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality and who act out the violent moves of the games in fight on the playground.The problem with video games is that they involve children more than television or films and this means there are more implications for their social behavior.Playing these games can lead to anti-social behavior,make children aggressive and affect their emotional stability.

74.The best title for the passage isC.
A.How to control anger while playing computer games
B.There is no difference between‘Platformers'and‘Beat-Them-Ups'
C.How does playing computer games affect the level of violence in children
D.How to make children spend less time on computer games
75.The word"unscathed"in Paragraph 1probably meansA.
76.According to Paragraph 2,how does violence relate to playing computer games?B
A.Beat-Them-Ups are more popular with children therefore more likely to produce violent behavior.
B.When losing computer games children tend to experience frustration and anger.
C.People who have good hand-eye-coordination tend to be more violent than others.
D.The violent content in the games gets children addicted to the games.
77.According to the author,why do video games lead to violence more than TV or movies?D
A.Because children cannot tell fiction from reality.
B.Because children like to act out the scenes in the games on the playground.
C.Because computer games can produce more anti-social behavior.
D.Because computer games involve children more than TV or films.

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