My high school life has been filled with many ups and downs, whether it was social or academic. Even though my current high school was not my first choice, I never regretted attending Southside High School. “Since you have chosen it, then it is the best for you,” said my parents.

Up until the junior year I did not realize my capabilities (能力) as a student. Being in the IB Program, I was told that my junior year would be the toughest in all the years of high school. With this “little” piece of information, I walked into my junior year, scared of my grades. As weeks went by, I started to believe that the junior year was not as hard as everyone had said, but I was wrong. My grades were rapidly declining(下降) and by the end of the first term I had had five Cs in seven of my classes! I could not believe it --- I did not want to believe it. I tried my best to get my grades up myself without any help from anyone, but my pride just made my grades worse. And I had to miss out on one of the most important speech and debate competitions all year: States. I was heartbroken. I realized that I could not survive my junior year on my own, so I had to get help fast.

Once I got a tutor, my grades went from Cs, Ds, and even some Fs, to nothing but As and Bs. I slowly started to gain my confidence back in all of my classes and even myself. By the time the third and fourth quarter came around, I had been on the honor roll twice, and I was receiving awards from speeches and debates, tennis and school.

Southside has taught me to always keep my head up and never give up on myself no matter what life throws at me. I am proud to be a Southside Tiger.

1.From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. the writer always thought Southside High School was the best

B. the writer’s parents persuaded her into attending Southside High School

C. the writer has met many challenges since she attended high school

D. life has become easier since the writer came to Southside High School

2.How did the writer feel when she walked into her junior year?

A. Confident. B. Worried

C. Curious. D. Uninterested.

3.Why was the writer’s study worse and worse?

A. She didn’t work hard enough.

B. She didn’t ask others for help because of pride.

B. She missed many important speeches.

D. No one would like to help her.

4.What is mainly talked about in Para 3?

A. The writer’s appreciation for her tutor.

B. The writer’s various hobbies.

C. The writer’s new discovery at school.

D. The writer’s achievements at school.

5.What important lesson has the writer learned at Southside High School?

A. Students should face challenges bravely.

B. Students should be careful in choosing school.

C. Students should be proud of their school.

D. Students should better learn about life.

This is a true story from Guyana.One day,a boy took a piece of paper from a box.He made a paper ball and pushed it into his nose.He couldn’t get it out.He ran crying to his mother.His mother couldn’t get the paper out,either.A week later,the paper was still in the boy’s nose.His nose began to have a bad smell.

So his mother took the boy to a hospital.The doctor looked up at the child’s nose,but she couldn’t get the paper out.She said she had to cut the boy’s nose to get the paper out.

The boy’s mother came home looking sad.She didn’t want her child to have his nose cut.The next day she took the boy to her friend Sidney who lived in a house with an old lady called May.May wanted to see the child,so the child let her look up his nose.

“Yes,I can see it,” May said.“It will be out soon.”

As she spoke,she shook some black pepper (胡椒粉)on the child’s nose.The child gave a mighty sneeze and the paper flew out.His mother was surprised.May told his mother to take the boy to the seaside for a swim,for the salt water would go up his nose and stop the bad smell.

So the lucky boy didn’t have to go to the hospital to have his nose cut.

1.After the boy pushed a paper ball into his nose,____.

A.he took it out

B.his mother took it out

C.he tried to take it out but failed

D.he did nothing but cry

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The doctor helped to take the paper ball out of the boy’s nose.

B.The boy had to have his nose cut at last.

C.The boy’s mother found some black pepper to solve the problem.

D.May succeeded in taking the paper out.

3.The boy should be taken to the seaside for a swim because ____.

A.he needed to learn to swim.

B.the sea water would wash out the paper ball.

C.the sea water would stop the bad smell of his nose.

D.he needed a rest.

The Netherlands on Monday introduced its first-ever intelligent bicycle, fitted with electronic devices to help bring down the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country.

Developed for the government by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), the intelligent bicycle, runs on electricity.A commercial-available bicycle is expected to be on the market in the next two years and should sell for between 1, 700 to 3, 200 euros per bicycle.

The devices on the bike are linked through an onboard computer with a vibrating (震动的) warning system fitted in the bicycle's saddle and handlebars to warn cyclists of the coming danger.

The saddle vibrates when other cyclists approach from behind, while, the handlebars do the same when barriers appear ahead.

“Accidents often happen when cyclists look behind them or get a fright when they are passed at high speed, ”said Maurice Kwakkernaat, one of TNO's research scientists involved in the project.“The onboard system technology has already been at work in the car industry, ”he said.

“More and more elderly people are using a bicycle, not only for short distances, but also for longer distances, ”Dutch Environment and Infrastructure Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen told AFP.“This type of bicycle is truly needed in the Netherlands because it will help us bring down the number of elderly people who are injured every year and allow them to continue to enjoy cycling, ”she said.

In the Netherlands, bicycles outnumber the population of 17 million by at least one million and there are some 25,000 km of bicycle path in the country.Those statistics are set to grow as more and more people take to two-wheeled transport, leading to an increased risk of injury.

Last year, 184 cyclists died in the country, of which 124, or 67%, were older than 65, according to the Central Statistics Office.The year before, 200 cyclists died, the majority of victims also being elderly.

The current model weighs 25 kilograms but researchers are working on making the onboard systems smaller.

1.The intelligent bicycle is aimed to ________.

A.protect the environment reduce traffic pressure

C.popularize the use of bicycles

D.improve safety for elderly cyclists

2.Which part of the intelligent bicycle will vibrate when another cyclist was suddenly found ahead ?

A.The handlebars.

B.The wheels.

C.The saddle.

D.The onboard computer.

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.the elderly ride bicycles wherever they go

B.the accident rate among elderly cyclists is high

C.the number of elderly cyclists is decreasing

D.the elderly are planning to give up cycling

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Test Bicycle

B.Elderly Cyclists

C.A Smart Bicycle

D.A Bicycle-mad Country



Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch.Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you.Sometimes it's just enough to know they're standing by.Friendship doubles your joy and divides your grief.A friendship is priceless and should be cultivated.

●Remembering the golden rule

Without a doubt, the greatest human relations principle is to treat other people like you want to be treated. When you show respect for your friends and gratitude for their friendship, you'll be blessed in untold ways.

You can't know what has gone on in the rude person's life that day, but you can assume that his or her day hasn't gone well.Maybe a loved one lost his job, her boss reprimanded her unjustly, he's coming down with the flu, or she just found out that her teenager is taking drugs.

Whatever the cause of the rudeness, you don't have to accentuate(突出) the problem.A kind word or a gentle, understanding smile may help the person more than returned rudeness would.

● Considering foes as friends

A friend looks after your own good. On the other hand, a foe is someone who isn't interested in your well-being.

Yet some students view their teachers as enemies.However, a student's success in school partly depends on the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom.Instead of being an enemy, a teacher who corrects you and helps you to achieve can be the best friend you ever had.

This kind of thinking, along with a little attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off.

● Making friends by being an optimist

Do you enjoy being around a pessimist, someone who is generally described as being able to brighten up a room just by leaving it? The answer is obvious.Most people prefer to be around people who believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today, rather than people who believe that today is even worse than yesterday.

● Capturing the pleasing personality

How do you develop a pleasing personality? Here are some steps you can take:

Smile when you see someone.You don't have to give a wide grin — just a pleasant, friendly smile.

Speak in a pleasant, upbeat tone of voice.Talk to people as if they are good friends, even if they don't really fall into that category yet.

Take a course in public speaking.The ability to express yourself attracts favorable attention from many sources.

Develop a sense of humor.Pick up a couple of joke books.This makes you a little more outgoing and friendly.

● Don't criticize unjustly

Instead of being eager to dish out criticism all the time, take the humane and sensible approach.Look for the good in others.Encourage them.Build them up.

Most people seldom think through each situation completely and consider the other person's point of view.If you take the time and effort to do this, you'll end up befriending more people.

Title:Five ways to cultivate friendship

Passage outline

Supporting details

Introduction to friendship

Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch.Sometimes friends share each other’s 1.and sorrow.

2.Of cultivating friendship

Remembering the gold rule

Treat others like you want to be treated.Don’t have to accentuate the problem even though they are you,because sometimes a gentle understanding better than a rude behavior.

Considering foes as friends5.on foes as friends makes you and your friends better off.

Making friends by being an optimist.

Most people have the 6.for being around the ones who are optimistic.

Capturing the pleasing personality

Give a 7.and friendly smile.

Speak in a pleasant, upbeat tone of voice.

Take a course about speaking 8..

Develop a sense of humor.

Don’t criticize unjustly

9.criticizing others

Look for the good in others.


Make an effort to do this and you’ll 10.more friends in the end.

In order to increase their job chances after college, Chinese students are turning to a special practice—Eiffel Tower nose jobs (鼻整形手术). The latest trend in plastic surgery promises to create a nose that is similar to the curve of the Eiffel Tower.

Surgeon Wang Xuming said: “We are influenced by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower. We are not content to just add something to the nose; we reconstruct it.” The surgery costs about US$ 10,000 and involves the enlarging of the nose using tissue from the forehead.

Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city, where surgeon Xuming runs his private practice. They show a western-looking woman with an almost-too-perfect nose, against an outline of the Eiffel Tower.

Interestingly, many young women in China are eager to achieve a western appearance, as they believe it will give them an advantage in the highly competitive job market. “Some students face a lot of employment pressure after graduation. If their facial features are good, they’ll have more chances of finding a job,” said surgeon Xuming. “We’ve had students getting the Eiffel Tower nose; it’s helped them a lot.”

Apparently, Chinese employers are quite particular about appearances and prefer attractive candidates. Some of them even go as far as putting height and weight requirements in their employment ads. Plastic surgeons across the country are reporting an increase in the number of students choosing beauty “improvement”.

According to a Mr. Li, hospital manager at surgeon Xuming’s clinic, most of their customers are female and the bill is taken care of by the family. “They usually come in with their mothers, and tend to be from well-off backgrounds.” he said.

Personally, I don’t think it so important to “improve” our appearance as long as we are skilled at our jobs. We can’t decide how we look, but we can decide how well we live and work.

1.Why do Chinese college students choose to have a nose operation?

A. To have more chances of getting a job.

B. To gain a real westerner appearance.

C. To Take good care of their family.

D. To look like the Eiffel Tower.

2.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?

A. The city of Chongqing.

B. A plastic surgery procedure.

C. The posters advertising the surgery.

D. Xuming’s private practice.

3.What can we learn from Mr. Li’s words?

A. Most families can’t afford the expensive operation.

B. Their customers are usually from wealthy families.

C. Patients can be well looked after at the clinic.

D. The number of plastic surgeons is increasing.

4.Which of the following will the author probably agree with?

A. Chinese employers only care about their employees’ appearance.

B. Chinese students are content with the shape of their noses.

C. A western face looks prettier than a Chinese one.

D. Skills at work speak louder than appearance.

On October 10, 2014, Malala, 17, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for struggling for the right of children to education. Malala is the youngest Nobel winner in history.

Malala Yousafzai has never been ordinary. When she was just 11, she started blogging (写博客) about the Taliban takeover of her hometown of Mingora, Pakistan. Taliban members follow an extreme belief of Islam and forbid girls to go to school. Classrooms were closed for several months. Malala spoke out about her desire to go back to school. “All I want is an education,” she told one television broadcaster.

Malala was later able to return to class. But she continued to blog and speak out about girls’ right to education. On October 9, 2012, the Taliban tried to silence her. A gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head. Malala survived and showed great courage and optimism during her long recovery. At that time she became a symbol of the struggle for girls’ rights all over the world. Nine months after she was shot, she gave a now-famous speech at the United Nations. “They thought that the bullets (子弹) would silence us. But they failed,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voices. … Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power, and courage were born.”

Malala has also become an international symbol for peace. In 2011, she won Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize, which is now renamed the National Malala Peace Prize. Malala said the 2014 Nobel Prize was an “encouragement” to go forward to help kids. “I want to tell children all around the world that they should stand up for their rights,” she said. “This award is for all those children whose voices need to be heard.”

1.All the statements about Malala are true EXCEPT that _____.

A. she started blogging at the age of 11

B. it took her a long time to recover from the injury

C. Taliban tried to silence her but failed

D. she was born in1998 in Mingora, Pakistan.

2. How many peace prizes have gone to Malala so far according to the passage?

A.1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

3. When did Malala become a symbol for girls’ rights?

A. When she began writing her blogs.

B. Before Taliban wanted to kill her.

C. During her long recovery after the shot.

D. When she gave a speech in the UN.

4.We can learn from the passage that Malala is _____.

A. creative and outgoing B. strict and stubborn

C. simple and warm-hearted D. brave and determined

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