
4.Millions of people are searching for jobs every day and the number keeps adding up by the minute.The smart people,and there isn't a lot,turn to the online community for answers and jobs.(36)BThe Internet has gone through a major revolution over the past few years,and it isn't the same as it was back in 2005!It lets companies and customers interact.Still don't get it?I mean it lets companies get their customers'opinions and give them cash.(37)D
This is becoming a very popular job because it is really easy to do even if you do not have any education or experience in any work sector or online business.(38)EEasy as taking candy from a baby.You start making money the second you join,you only need to have a PC with Internet connection and the most important tool,your brain!
(39A The answer is simple!
Companies think that it is smarter to know whether or not the consumer like you,likes their new product before they mass produce it and ship it all over the world. (40)FMicrosoft is making a new product and they ask the consumers if they like it.If they do,Microsoft will mass produce it and make profits.But if they hadn't asked and no one liked it,they would have lost a lot of money!

A.Why are companies paying me for my opinion?
B.The rest keep searching with few chances.
C.The first thing is to figure out what you want to do.
D.In other words,online surveys.
E.You simply give your opinion and you get paid.
F.Let's say for example.
G.You can still get a good job without the Internet.

分析 本篇文章属于说明文,介绍了由于网络时代的到来,繁衍出一种新型的工作方式,即通过网络给商家刷好评,双方都能从中获利的方法.

解答 36:B  该题考察句子间的例证关系,由前面一句聪明的人能在网上获得工作可知,后面一句就是说the rest keep searching的机会就更少了,形成了鲜明的对比,故选B
37:D  该题考察句子的逻辑关系,前面的话都是在解释网络工作的内容,后面就应该是进一步的解释说明,故选D
38:E  该题考察的是关键词和句子前后对应关系,前面一句话中的easy与E中的simply相呼应,都是解释了这份工作的容易性,故选E
39:A  该题考察的是句子前后呼应关系,由后面一句the answer is simply 可知前面一句话肯定是个疑问句,故选A
40:F   该题考察句子的逻辑关系,这句话的前面说的是company,后面就说到具体的一个公司Microsoft不难看出,通过举例子来进一步解释好评的重要性.

点评 此类题目要结合上下文所表达的意思来进行判断是很容易得出答案的,要搞清楚题目间的逻辑性.

14.The biggest danger facing airlines nowadays may not be a terrorist with a gun,but the man with portable computer in business class.In the last 16 years,pilots have reported well  over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference  (电磁干扰).The source of this interference remains not proved,but increasingly,experts are pointing the  blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers,radio and cassette players  and mobile telephones.
      RTC.A.an organization which advises the aviation  (航空 )industry,has suggested that all  airlines ban such devices from being used during"critical"stages of flight  particularly take-off and landing.Some experts have gone further,calling for a total ban during all flights.Cur-rently,rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines.And although some air-lines prevent passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing,most are un-willing to carry out a total ban,given that many passengers want to work during flight.
     The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft's computers.Experts know that portable devices send out radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication.But,because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory.they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not.
     The fact that aircraft may be fragile to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage navigation equipment.As worrying,though,is the passenger who can't hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music's too loud.
25.What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 16 years?D
A.They may have been caused by the damage to-the radio systems.
B.They may have taken place during take-off and landing.
C.They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers.
D.They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.
26.Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane's computers?C
A.Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.
B.Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.
C.Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.
D.Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.
27.Few airlines want to perform a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices becauseB
A.they don't believe there is such a danger as radio interference
B.the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved
C.most passengers refused to take a plane,which bans the use of radio and cassette players
D.they have other effective safety measures to fall back on
28.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.a new rule for all airlines
B.the disadvantages of electronic devices
C.a possible cause of aircraft incidents
D.effective safety measures for air flight.
9.At age 23,Indian entrepreneur Srikanth Bolla is the CEO of a company valued at INR 50crore (over﹩7.5million).Today,he considers himself the luckiest man in the world,not for his success,but for having supportive parents who always stood by him.
When Srikanth was born blind,several of his parents'friends and relatives advised them to abandon him.That would indeed have been the easier thing to do,given the fact that they were poor and uneducated,earning a mere INR 20,000 (﹩300)a year.But they chose to not only keep the boy,but also raise him in a positive,loving environment."They are the richest people I know,"he often says.
And their excellent parenting has paid off-today,Srikanth is the CEO of Bollant Industries,a Hyderabad-based company that employs   physically challenged staff to manufacture eco-friendly consumer packaging solutions made from leaves and recycled paper.It wasn't an easy ride for Srikanth-he's had to face several challenges all his life,including rejection from his peers at his village school.As he grew older,he started taking on larger challenges.He was rejected despite having scored well in the entrance test,merely because he was blind.But he managed to use his excellent academic records to gain admission into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,from where he graduated in 2012.He returned to India soon after,and decided to start a company that would employ people who had struggled like himself in life.
Srikanth said,"Compassion(怜悯) is showing somebody the way to live and giving them the opportunity to thrive.Show compassion and make people rich.Include people in your life and remove loneliness,and lastly,do something good; it will come back to you."

24.From Paragraph 1and 2,we learn that Srikanth owes his success to hisA.
A.parents           B.luck       
C.hard work         D.friends and relatives
25.The underlined part in Paragraph 3refers to those whoD.
A.are ambitious
B.are physically well
C.like challenges and physics
D.have some problem in health
26.As Srikanth grew older,heB.
A.refused any rejection and started a company
B.faced more rejections and tried to overcome them
C.got a lot of friendly assistance when facing challenges
D.showed great compassion and gave opportunities to the rich
27.Which can be the best title for the passage?A
A.Blind man built company worth millions
B.How parents raised a successful child
C.How compassion makes people rich
D.The whole life of Srikanth Bolla.
6.Air travel makes some people very nervous.The crowds,the noise and flying itself can cause (1)B.But there are classes people can take to help them(2)A the fear of flying.And there is(3)D  training for service dogs that suffer the same problem.
Service dogs almost never(4)C  the side of the people they care for.You will see them working on buses,trains and other public(5)C systems.But the busy environment found at an airport can(6)A  even the best trained working dog.
People with disabilities depend on their dogs.They want the animals to safelyB(7)B them through security areas.They also need the dogs to remain(8)C on duty on the airplane,even when the flying is not(9)D.This takes special(10)C.The Air Hollywood K9Flight School is one place where such help can be found.
The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights,sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight.Dog trainers say(11)D training is based on a simple rule:preparation.Dogs need to be exposed gradually and(12)A to the environment,to loud noises,to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis,they're able to act in a way that they're used to acting and that they don't get(13)B.
Dog owners who(14)A the training at Air Hollywood K9Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future(15)B.Their dogs also seem ready for takeoff.

15.Most of my friends are moving outside the city..to avoid the noise,smog,traffic,and crime of the city.
One friend says,"The air is heavily polluted in the city,so I prefer to live outside,where the air is clean."
Another friend is unpleased with the traffic,"Downtown is crowded with cars!You can't find a parking place,and the traffic jams are terrible."Everyone is worried about crime,"The city is full of criminals-it's too dangerous."
For them,the rural(乡村的) life is a cure for all problems,green grass,flowers,swimming pools,barbecues,and so on.Yet after they have lived there for a year or so,they realize that rural life is not so pleasant as they were expecting.Why?Their gardens!They soon learn that the main part of rural life is yard work.After they work all weekend in their gardens,they're too tired to swim in their pools or cook some meat on their barbecues.And they can't live in the countryside without a car.Most of them moved to the countryside to avoid traffic,but now they're blocked on a busy freeway two hours every day to drive to work downtown.
My opinions about urban life are different-I love to live downtown!Why?First,in the city,I can enjoy nature.I can walk through the park.smell.the flowers,sit on the grass and visit the animals in the zoo.Yet I don't have to do yard work or feed the animals.Also,I can get everywhere by bus; if there is a traffic jam,I can walk home.I think the criminal life will reflect changes in society too; if people are buying homes outside the city,the criminals will soon follow.Criminals want to avoid noise,smog,and pollution,too.Then,overcrowding and crime will be problems of the suburbs instead of the city!
21.The first paragraph is used  to _C..
A.list some figures     
B.make comparisons       
C.lead to the topic.
D.give suggestions
22.What did those moving outside think of their life in the city?D
23.What is the major problem for those who live in the countryside?B
A.Being far from downtown.
B.Having gardens to take care of.
C.Failing to find parking lots.
D.Suffering heavy traffic on the road..
24.What is the author's attitude to his city life?A

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