
【题目】You ____________ have scolded him for his poor performance. After all, he had done his best.




考查情态动词+ have done。句意:你本不应该因为他表现不好而责骂他。毕竟,他已经尽力了。根据前后句关系可知此处表示“本不该”是 shouldn't have done指做了本不该做的事,must have done表示对过去发生的事情的肯定性推测;should have done表示应当做某事而实际上未做;mustn’t不和have done连用。故选D


【题目】 November not only marks the publication of Toni Morrison's eagerly anticipated (期待) eighth novel, Love, but it is also the tenth anniversary of her Nobel Prize for Literature. Morrison is the first black woman to receive a Nobel, and so honored before her in literature are only two black men.Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian playwright, poet and novelist, in 1986; and Derek Walcott, the Caribbean-born poet, in 1992. But Morrison is also the first and only American-born Nobel Prize winner for literature since 1962, the year novelist John Steinbeck received the award.

Like Song of Solomon, Love is a multigenerational story, revealing the personal and communal legacy (遗产)of an outstanding black family. As Morrison scholars will tell you, love is the third volume of a literary masters trilogy (三部曲) investigating the many complexities of love. This trilogy began with Beloved (1988) , which deals with a black mother's love under slavery and in freedom ; Jan (1993) ,the second volume, tells a story of romantic love in 1920s Harlem. This latest novel looks back from the 1970s to the 1940s and 50s.

The emotional center of Love is Bill Cosey, the former owner and host of the shabby Cosey's Hotel and Resort in Silk, North Carolina, described in the novel as " the best and best -known vacation spot for colored folk on the East Coast. We get to know Cosey through the memories of five women who survive and love him: his granddaughter, his widow, two former employers, and a homeless young girl.

The latest novel, Love, had been described in the promotional material from her publisher as "Morrison's most accessible work since Song of Solomon1. This comparison to her third novel, published in 1977, was an effective selling point.

1What can we learn about John Steinbeck?

A.He was a black writer.

B.He was born in America.

C.He received the Nobel Prize after Morrison.

D.He was the first American novelist to win a Nobel.

2The similarity between Love and Song of Solomon is that they both .

A.belong to the same trilogy together with Beloved

B.concern families of more than one generation

C.deal with life of blacks under slavery

D.investigate life in 1920s Harlem

3What does the novel Love mainly describe?

A.The best-known vacation spot for blacks.

B.The life of an outstanding black family under slavery.

C.The miserable experience of the five women in Harlem.

D.The memories of five women about Bill Cosey.

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.Toni Morrison's latest novels.B.Toni Morrison and her trilogy.

C.Toni Morrison and her novel Love.D.Toni Morrison, the Nobel Prize winner.


When the pandemic started, some people were wondering if the internet could stand up to the rise in demand. The answer is not only a clear “yes” but this whole period made it even stronger.

How would our world survive without Internet in pandemic situation? The answer is simple: differently but not better or worse. We know that the internet available is changing a lot of things. Thanks to it, people were able to keep on working from their home, others were able to keep contact with their loved ones and friends and most found their entertainment relief through it. Had it not ever existed, people would have stayed at home and enjoyed their family or created more since they would have had more time on their hands.

But in today’s world, the internet has become the one link that unites us all. It is the reason why people were able to forget for minutes and hours at a time through the use of Internet. It is the reason why so many companies will survive and most probably grow stronger afterwards, since they were able to plan through Skype and Zoom. It is the reason why lovers did not fall into full depression, having to live away from their partner for a few months, since they were at least able to talk and see each other while sharing moments of their lives. There cannot be any doubts anymore: The internet is the one link that unites us all.

In the first three months of this year, internet use has grown by 25% in most major cities around the world. This number is reflected in the use of various applications and websites. One of the clearest jumps up is the use of video calls. This should not be surprising since it is used both for business and for personal purposes. PC Game stores have also seen a huge increase in their sales during this period. A bit more surprising maybe, is the increase of online grocery stores usage as the stores were breaking down under the demand.


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