
It has been more than twenty years since pioneering British computer programmer, Sir Tim Berners Lee, created the World Wide Web. But could he have ever imagined how much the web would change our lives? And would he approve of how some British students are taking advantage of his invention?
Universities and exam boards around the UK are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising number of cases of plagiarism, many of which are facilitated (助长) by the Internet access.
In the UK most school and university students complete coursework throughout the academic year which contributes toward their final mark. In many cases coursework makes up the main part of the qualification. Since coursework is completed in the students’ own time it cannot be monitored by teachers in the same way as an exam.
Derec Stockley, director of examinations in the UK, explains, “Plagiarism affects coursework more than anything else, and in the cases that come to our attention, more and more are linked to the Internet.”
At a university level recent reports suggest that plagiarism has evolved from separate cases of individual cheating to systematic and even commercial operation. Students can now pay for bespoke essays to be written for them by experts.
It is estimated that the market in online plagiarism is now worth 200 million pounds a year. Every month more and more websites offering to write student’s essays for them appear on the Internet.
Barclay Littlewood, owner of Degree Essays UK employs 3,500 specialist writers and charges between 120 pounds and 4,000 pounds per essay. However, Mr. Littlewood refutes the accusation that he is helping students to cheat.
1.What dose the underlined word “plagiarism” in Paragrha 2 mean in the passage?
A.cheating    B.problems of the Internet     C.learning pressure    D.coursework
2.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?
A.With the help of online plagiarism, students can write more creative coursework.
B.There will be no problem if online plagiarism is a systematic and commercial operation.
C.The Internet seems to have contributed much to the problem of online plagiarism.
D.Teachers should lay more emphasis on exams than coursework.
3.It can be inferred from the text that the author seems to _____.
A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web
B.worry about the quality of students’ coursework influenced by the World Wide Web
C.be in favour of Littlewood’s defence against the accusation of him
D.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years
4.Who should be blamed for online plagiarism?
A.Barclay Littlewood.   B.Sir Tim Berners Lee.   C.Derec Stockley.   D.Nobody.
5.The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about_____.
A.the author’s opinions of Mr. Littlewood
B.different people’s opinions on plagiarism
C.how students use the website of Mr. Littlewood
D.Mr. Littlewood’s defence against those who accused him of his website


There is nothing else but economy that occupies the minds of Americans at present times of economic crisis(危机). The statistics on unemployment,housing costs and consumer confidence keep coming and coming,leaving people not just scared to spend money but also very stressed and emotionally exhausted. This stress has an effect on everything,starting with our sleep,mood,physical health,relationships and eating habits.
“Time of economic stress leads to increase rates of depression(忧郁),”says Dr. Christopher Palmer,director of continuing education at McLean Hospital in Belmont,Massachusetts. “It worsens illness in people who have been constantly depressed. But it also causes new cases of depression. Just the fear of losing one’s job can put people over the edge. ”
And,without any doubt,just depression alone can create a variety of bad health effects.
33 percent of Americans reported that they have lost sleep due to the economic crisis. 26 percent say they are sleeping less than 6 hours per night,which is considered to be at least one hour less than the most favorable 7 to 8 hours recommended by sleep experts.
●Mental health,stress and heart attack
80 percent of Americans reported that last year the economy is a huge source of stress; 49 percent said the situation makes them feel nervous or anxious; 48 percent reported that they feel very sad and have developed depression.
Nearly twice the risk of heart attack or death was found in patients with the highest levels of depression or anxiety. Among those individuals,a 10 percent higher rise of heart attack or death was found in those whose anxiety rose over time.
The chances of violent behavior are nearly 6 times higher for individuals who are left without a job. Workplace stress can lead to domestic violence.
1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Now Americans don’t dare to spend money.
B. Now all Americans have problems in sleeping.
C. Economy is the most troubling problem for Americans now.
D. Economic crisis has destroyed many American families.
2. How does the economic crisis affect most Americans according to the passage?
A. They sleep fewer than six hours.                  B. They sleep less than the proper amount.
C. Diseases caused by economy make them sleepless.  D. They lose sleep at night.
3. If a person is out of work,he might   __________.        .
A. become more violent   B. get divorced    C. get rid of workplace stress   D. go mad
4. The best title of this passage is probably______________  .        .
A. The World Economic Crisis Is Getting Worse
B. Economic Crisis Affects Our Health
C. Economic Crisis Causes Trouble to Sleep
D. Ordinary People Suffer Greatly in Economic Crisis
5.What does the underlined word “favorable” mean?
A. proper    B. perfect    C. useful     D. fashionable


       The words “timetable” and  “schedule” make most final year students want to eat their own vomit(呕吐物). Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that final year students must develop a timetable. If you don’t have a schedule or plan for studying ,you will have no way of allocating your valuable time when the unexpected arises. A well-thought-out timetable can be a lifesaver . It is up to you to learn how to develop a schedule that meets your needs .Change it if necessary ,but most important ,follow it . All timetables should be made with the idea that they can be changed. A good one will keep you from wandering off course.
A good timetable should make every hour count—every class ,social event and other activity you engage in .You must focus on the other “free time” available and how you will use it .Make a weekly schedule and divided each day into one-hour increments .Indicate times for classes ,socializing ,and work time. Also block off a period for sleeping every day. In the precious hours left over ,plan time for study .This gives you a rough road map of the time available. Of course ,you can change your schedule as circumstances need.
The timetable you develop should guide you in how to distribute the available time in the most productive manner .Sticking to your schedule can be tough ,but don’t dribble away valuable time. Avoiding study is the easiest thing in the world .It is up to you to follow the schedule you’ve prepared .A good deal of your success in high school and with any future study depends on this simple truth.
Remember ,there is a learning curve. You learn the most in the first 30 minutes of study; after that ,it progressively deteriorates(减弱). After four or five hours of studying the same material in the same way, you are learning virtually nothing. The solution is to keep switching subjects and study styles.
64.What is the best title of the passage?
A.Advantages of starting a timetable         B.Keep to it ,and you will succeed
C.Make a schedule ,and follow it             D.Learn to love your timetable
65.What does Paragraph 2 talk about?
A.Tips for making a schedule.                  B.Significance of a scientific timetable.
C.Requirements for making a timetable.    D.Importance of following one’s schedule.
66.The following are characteristics of a good timetable EXCEPT that    .
A.it can be changed                                 B.it is flexible
C.it is of many periods                            D.it can save our time
67.From this passage ,we can learn if we wish to achieve high learning efficiency, we’d better    .
A.shift subjects and use different methods regularly
B.devote to the same material continuously
C.turn to teachers for help if necessary
D.have a break every thirty minutes

My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We16 a lot of time and 17  in the yard to get it looking the way it does today. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall.
We did the best to cultivate(耕种) it and called this area our rock garden. 18   We had found flowers and plants, Denise or I will plant them, just to bring some 19 to the area.
Last summer I found a tiny little  plant that I could not immediately
20. I was sure that we didn’t plant it. We decided to let it 21 to grow until we could  22  what it was.
Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the 23  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I 24 to nurture(培育) it and weed around it. As I picked up rocks from the area to get to the 25, I noticed something 26 . The sunflower had not started to grow from where I first saw the stalks(茎)appear. 27  it had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 28 the sun.
That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower wouldn't let a big rock stand in its way when growing up, then we have the29 to do the same.  30 we believe in ourselves, like that little sunflower, we can
31 the type of nourishment(营养)and growth. We need to believe in
32,  knowing that we have the ability to 33 our desires. If you stand all like the sunflower and are 34 of who and what you are, then the environment will begin to 35 you. You will find a way to go under or around your obstacles( 障碍)in order to reach your goals.
16. A. took         B. spent        C. cost         D. pay
17. A. strength     B. energy       C. power        D. force
18. A. However      B. When       C. Whenever     D. Whatever
19. A. weed         B. color        C. water        D. soil
20. A. classify      B. accept       C. clarify      D. identify
21. A. remain       B. prevent      C. continue     D. leave
22. A. figure out    B. hold out      C. stand out    D. try out
23. A. endangered   B. convenient    C. mysterious   D. enormous
24. A. refused      B. decided      C. adapted      D. proposed
25. A. seeds        B. stalks        C. rocks        D. weeds
26. A. unusual      B. common       C. fantastic    D. unnatural
27. A. Casually     B. Basically      C. Actually     D. Strangely
28. A. enlarge      B. expand       C. reach        D. spread
29. A. chance       B. choice       C. power        D. ability
30. A. What if      B. As far as      C. Only if      D. As long as
31. A. inspire      B. attain         C. lose         D. refuse
32. A. ourselves    B. yourselves     C. themselves   D. myself
33. A. preserve     B. comfort        C. achieve      D. suggest
34. A. ashamed      B. pride         C. proud        D. ambitious
35. A. ensure       B. support       C. satisfy      D. protect             

How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500? All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch, however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for amusement. You can’t leave until the week is up. And a camera will be recording your every move.
Two people actually took the job. The idea came from Rob Thompson, a video artist. He wanted to make a film about the way animals are treated. His goal was to raise people’s awareness of the living conditions of animals that are raised for food. He decided to pay $5,000 out of his own savings to two people who were willing to live like chickens for a week.
To Rob’s surprise, quite a few people answered his advertisement. He had interviews and selected Eric, a 24-year-old restaurant worker, and Pam, a 27-year-old chemist. The plan was for them to spend seven days together in a chicken cage that was six feet long and three feet wide. A camera would record their experience, which would take place in an art museum.
The week was long and difficult. They slept on a hard wooden floor. They couldn’t stand up without banging their heads. They ate vegetables and drink water from a garden hose-pipe(橡胶软管). Their only privacy was a toilet surrounded by a curtain. There were no sinks, mirrors, or toothbrushes in the cage. Their only inspiration was the two framed checks that hung on the wall outside the cage. Visitors who came here were warned, “Do not feed the humans.”
Finally it was over, and Pam and Eric came out of the cage. They had survived the week, and they each had a $2,500 check in their hands. When Rob Thompson opened the cage, Eric came out, changed into clean clothes, and ate a chocolate bar right away. “It’s great for me to be able to stand up.” he said. Pam just changed her clothes and left. After a week of visitors and reporters watching her, she didn’t want to talk to anyone.
1.What kind of person is Rob Thompson?
A. He is curious about people’s personal life   B.He is kind—hearted to animals
C.He dislike people around                 D. He likes to help poor people
2. The underlined word “catch”(in Paragraph 1) probably means _______.
A. unsolved problem                      B. surprising wonder
C. unbelievable condition                  D. hidden difficulty
3. What made it the most difficult for the two to stay in the cage?
A. That they had nothing for amusement.
B. That they couldn’t lie down to sleep in the cage.
C. That they had to do almost everything under others’ very eyes.
D. That they didn’t have meat to eat.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. An Easy Way to Earn $2,500            B. Do Not Feed Humans
C. Living Like a Chicken                 D. Getting Along Well Anyway

Leehom Wang(王力宏)is different from other pop singers. He has a lot of musical talent. He can play the violin, the drums and the piano.
However, this time it is his environmentally-friendly behavior that is making him stand out. When his latest album Change Me came out, Wang used recycled paper rather than plastie to package his album and went by bicycle to the press conference.  “Everyone can make the world a better place on a daily basis,” he said.
Wang gives 10 pieces of advice in his new album. For example, he suggests that the temperature of an air-conditioner(空调)should not be lower than 28 ℃.
Wang has Captured the hearts of millions of fans by singing, dancing, acting, composing songs, and working as a producer of many major records.  “I admire Wang for his sense of duty, responsibility and hard work,” said Li Xiaoshan, 17, who traveled from Nanjing to see Wang when he was in Beijing to promote (促销)his new CD.
Wang has established himself as a versatile (多才多艺的)musician in the pop scene and a good role model for Chinese youths around the world. He grew up in New York and first became fascinated at the sight of a violin at the age of six. His ambition has always been to be a musician. However, this was not what his parents’ wanted. They hoped he would be a doctor, which they saw as a steady and well-paid job.
Decisions about what Wang should do when he was older created tension in his family. So Wang decided to study biology at university to please his parents. But while he was studying, he continued practising singing and dancing and finally landed a record contract, which was the beginning of his career.
1. Wang rode a bicycle to attend the press conference ________.
A. to avoid the traffic jams              B. to show off his cycling skills
C. to cut down on the cost of trips        D. to show his environmental awareness
2. Li Xiaoshan travelled to Beijing ________.
A. to buy Wang’s latest album           B. to promote his own new CD
C. to welcome Wang’s new album        D. to make friends with Wang’s fans
3. Why did Wang’s parents intend him to become a doctor?
A. Doctors have a big and stable salary.   
B. Doctors enjoy a high social status.
C. It is easy for doctors to become famous.
D. It is doctors’ duty to save lives.
4. What can we learn from Leehom Wang’s story?
A. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
B. The wisest men follow their own direction.
C. Determination today leads to success tomorrow.
D. Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

The desire to make explorations is born with man. Wherever his imagination goes, man also has a strong wish to go. A large part of human history is connected with the exploration of the world in which we live. Again and again people have set out with surprising courage and patience to look into unknown regions and lands to see what had not yet been seen, to make known the unknown. With kites, balloons and aircraft they left the ground to pass through the lower atmosphere. Now the outer space receives their attention.
Why should man take the trouble of exploring space? It is hard to list the specific practical benefits that will result in. But one knows, from past experience in other areas, that man will surely see and discover new things in space that will increase our scientific knowledge, and this new knowledge will find its way into valuable practical uses. What we learn about man himself, from his experience in space, and from the effects of space and the space flight environment on him, will be extremely valuable. The new techniques developed to carry out the exploration of space, and to keep man alive in space, will certainly find practical uses in everyday life in some way. The areas that will benefit are manifold. They include communication, generation of power, transportation and travel, food production, materials, fuels and many others. But to say exactly what the practical results will be is almost impossible.
1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that __________.
A. man often goes wherever his dreams go
B. man desires to explore what is unknown
C. man is no longer interested in the study of the land and sea now
D. man's history is his exploration of the world
2. The word "manifold" in the second paragraph probably means ________ .
A. of value       B. of use       C. in a way      D. in many ways
3. The author seems to be in favor of ____.
A. the exploration of space
B. doubting the necessity of the space exploration
C. exploring more in space than in sea         
D. his experience in space
4. In the last sentence of paragraph 2 ,the phrase "practical results" refers to the results ______.
A. that can be made use of
B. that can be learned as knowledge
C. that are obtained from experience         
D. helping us make further exploration

Florence Nightingale was born in a rich family. When she was young she took lessons in music and drawing, and read great books. She also traveled a great deal with her mother and father.
As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them. At last mind was made up. “I’m going to be a nurse,” she decided.
“Nursing isn’t the right work for a lady,” her father told her.
“Then I will make it so, “she smiled. And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France. When she returned to England, Florence started a nursing home for home. During the Crimean War in 1854 she went with a group of thirty eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible. Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen — and smelled. The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital, either. But the brave nurse went to work . Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes, beds, medicine and food for the men. Her only pay was in smiles from the lips of dying soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman.
After she returned to England, she was honored for her services by Queen Victoria. But Florence said that her work had just begun. She raised money to build the Nightingale Home for Nurses in London. She also wrote a book on public health, which was printed in several countries.
Florence Nightingale died at the age of ninety, still trying to serve others through her work as a nurse. Indeed, it is because of her that we honor nurses today.
1.When she was a child, Florence ____.
A.loved to travel very much          B.knew what her duty in life was
C.loved to help sick people    D.was most interested in music and drawing
2.During the Crimean War in 1854, Florence served in the front hospital where ____.
A.she earned a little money               B.work was very difficult
C.few soldiers died because of her work   D.she didn’t have enough food or clothes
3.The passage can best be described as ____.
A.the life story of a famous woman         B.a description of the nursing work
C.an example of successful education     D.the history of nursing in England

Who takes care of the elderly in the United States today? Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left there in the hands of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their grown-up children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any regular visitors. Actually this is not true. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care that elderly people need.
Prof. Samuel Preston, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania, studied how the American family is changing. He reported that by the time the average American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. This statistic (统计) shows the change in life-styles and responsibilities of aging Americans. The average middle-aged couple can look forward to caring for elderly parents some time after their own children have grown up. Moreover, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years ago, family members must provide long-term care. These facts also mean that after care-givers provide for their elderly parents, who will eventually die, they will be old and may require care too. When they do, their spouses (配偶, 指夫或妻) will probably take care of them.
Because Americans are living longer than ever, more psychologists and social workers have begun to study care-giving to improve care of the elderly. They have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic: all caregivers believe that they are the best person for the job, for different reasons. One caregiver said that she had always been close to her mother. Another was the oldest child. In other words, they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an elderly, dependent relative. They discovered three basic reasons. Many caregivers believed that they had the responsibility to help their relatives. Some stated that helping others made them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping someone now, they would deserve care when they became old and dependent.
48. It can be inferred that a middle-aged couple in the US _______.
A. spend more time with their children than with their parents
B. depend on their children’s assistance in caring for the elderly
C. don’t pay more attention to their children than to their parents
D. spend more time taking care of their parents than before
49. The most common characteristic of caregivers is ______.
A. they all have professional qualifications in care-giving
B. they all believe themselves to be the best caregiver
C. they are the eldest child in the family
D. they are close to their parents
50. Which of the following is NOT a basic reason for care-giving?
A. Respect from other members of the family.
B. Prepayment for the care they will get in old age.
C. A feeling of being needed and helpful.
D. A strong sense of duty to the elderly.
51. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Most old people in the US are living a happy life.
B. Most old people in the US live longer today after an illness than people did years ago.
C. Most elderly people in the US are taken care of by their families, who often find the experience satisfying.
D. Most elderly people in the US prefer living with their families to living nursing houses.

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