
Leehom Wang(王力宏)is different from other pop singers. He has a lot of musical talent. He can play the violin, the drums and the piano.
However, this time it is his environmentally-friendly behavior that is making him stand out. When his latest album Change Me came out, Wang used recycled paper rather than plastie to package his album and went by bicycle to the press conference.  “Everyone can make the world a better place on a daily basis,” he said.
Wang gives 10 pieces of advice in his new album. For example, he suggests that the temperature of an air-conditioner(空调)should not be lower than 28 ℃.
Wang has Captured the hearts of millions of fans by singing, dancing, acting, composing songs, and working as a producer of many major records.  “I admire Wang for his sense of duty, responsibility and hard work,” said Li Xiaoshan, 17, who traveled from Nanjing to see Wang when he was in Beijing to promote (促销)his new CD.
Wang has established himself as a versatile (多才多艺的)musician in the pop scene and a good role model for Chinese youths around the world. He grew up in New York and first became fascinated at the sight of a violin at the age of six. His ambition has always been to be a musician. However, this was not what his parents’ wanted. They hoped he would be a doctor, which they saw as a steady and well-paid job.
Decisions about what Wang should do when he was older created tension in his family. So Wang decided to study biology at university to please his parents. But while he was studying, he continued practising singing and dancing and finally landed a record contract, which was the beginning of his career.
1. Wang rode a bicycle to attend the press conference ________.
A. to avoid the traffic jams              B. to show off his cycling skills
C. to cut down on the cost of trips        D. to show his environmental awareness
2. Li Xiaoshan travelled to Beijing ________.
A. to buy Wang’s latest album           B. to promote his own new CD
C. to welcome Wang’s new album        D. to make friends with Wang’s fans
3. Why did Wang’s parents intend him to become a doctor?
A. Doctors have a big and stable salary.   
B. Doctors enjoy a high social status.
C. It is easy for doctors to become famous.
D. It is doctors’ duty to save lives.
4. What can we learn from Leehom Wang’s story?
A. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
B. The wisest men follow their own direction.
C. Determination today leads to success tomorrow.
D. Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

Blue Collar
Graduates from China's " blue-collar " vocational schools have an employment rate of 95. 6 percent, but many lose their jobs because of unrealistic expectations, according to a senior official with the Ministry of Education(MOE).
MOE figures show a total of 3. 64 million students graduated from vocational schools last year, of whom 3. 48 million found jobs. The employment rate for these students was 95. 6 percent.
"The employment rate for blue-collar workers has stayed high since 1999 and above 90 percent since 2002," Wang Jiping, the MOE's deputy head of vocational education section, said on Wednesday. "However, the figure is not the cause for optimism because it only indicates that people get employed. "
He said many students find jobs, but are unable to stay in the posts for reasons such as overly high expectations for salaries or poor performance.
Wang said vocational school graduates needed more guidance to find jobs that could use their skills and meet "rational" demands for wages (工资), so that they can stay in the posts.
"The government is to set up a national information platform to better show market demand for blue collar talents", he said.
MOE figures show 73. 23 percent of the 3. 64 million graduates from vocational middle schools found jobs in companies and factories, 10 percent started their own businesses, and 16. 37 percent went on to further study.
Wang said the demand for highly skilled workers boosted the development of vocational education. _____________ , the MOE called for vocational schools to set up more market-oriented training courses with which students could easily find jobs.
55. Many vocational school graduates lose their jobs for the following reasons EXCEPT _________according to the text.
A. their high expectations for salaries          B. their poor performance
C. their lack of working experience                  D. their unrealistic expectations
56. The underlined word boosted in the last paragraph can be replaced by _______.
A. improved         B. prevented              C. ended         D. started
57. Among the vocational school graduates last year about ________took up their own business.
A.540,000             B360,000                          C.150,000             D.70,000
58. Which of the following is the best sentence to be put into the blank of the last paragraph?
A. To develop vocational education                   B. To build up graduates' own business
C. To offer graduates more jobs                         D. To meet the demand

To err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human.
Common sense is not all that common.
Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse?
These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature .To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do .The original quote about human nature went like this:” To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的).”This saying mirrors an deal people should be forgiving of others’ mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite –find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity.
Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. Commonsense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine.Common sense does not seem to be common for large organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large company,”the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.”
And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people. get the idea that it’s okay not to be totally honest all the time. There is a corollary(直接推论)to that: if good excuse is “good”even if it isn’t honest, then where is the place of the truth?
1. According to tile passage, which of following seems the most human?
A. To search for truth.                    B. To achieve one’s ideal
C. To make fun of others’mistakes.          D. To criticize others for one’s own error.
2.According to the author, what is a sign of a man’s maturity?
A.Doing things his own way.
B.Bearing responsibility for his mistakes.
C.Making as few mistakes as possible.
D.Thinking seriously about his wrongdoing.
3.Which of the following is N0T based on common sense?
A.A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company.
B.A student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather.
C.A company’s next move follows a good plan.
D.A lawyer acts on fine judgments.
4. What is the author’s opinion about a good excuse?
A. Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy.
B. Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas.
C. A good excuse is as rewarding as honesty.
D. Bitter truth is better than a good excuse.
5. What would be the best title for his passage?
A. A Mirror of Human Nature            B. To Blame or to Forgive
C. A Mark of Maturity                  D. Truth or Excuse

It has been more than twenty years since pioneering British computer programmer, Sir Tim Berners Lee, created the World Wide Web. But could he have ever imagined how much the web would change our lives? And would he approve of how some British students are taking advantage of his invention?
Universities and exam boards around the UK are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising number of cases of plagiarism, many of which are facilitated (助长) by the Internet access.
In the UK most school and university students complete coursework throughout the academic year which contributes toward their final mark. In many cases coursework makes up the main part of the qualification. Since coursework is completed in the students’ own time it cannot be monitored by teachers in the same way as an exam.
Derec Stockley, director of examinations in the UK, explains, “Plagiarism affects coursework more than anything else, and in the cases that come to our attention, more and more are linked to the Internet.”
At a university level recent reports suggest that plagiarism has evolved from separate cases of individual cheating to systematic and even commercial operation. Students can now pay for bespoke essays to be written for them by experts.
It is estimated that the market in online plagiarism is now worth 200 million pounds a year. Every month more and more websites offering to write student’s essays for them appear on the Internet.
Barclay Littlewood, owner of Degree Essays UK employs 3,500 specialist writers and charges between 120 pounds and 4,000 pounds per essay. However, Mr. Littlewood refutes the accusation that he is helping students to cheat.
1.What dose the underlined word “plagiarism” in Paragrha 2 mean in the passage?
A.cheating    B.problems of the Internet     C.learning pressure    D.coursework
2.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?
A.With the help of online plagiarism, students can write more creative coursework.
B.There will be no problem if online plagiarism is a systematic and commercial operation.
C.The Internet seems to have contributed much to the problem of online plagiarism.
D.Teachers should lay more emphasis on exams than coursework.
3.It can be inferred from the text that the author seems to _____.
A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web
B.worry about the quality of students’ coursework influenced by the World Wide Web
C.be in favour of Littlewood’s defence against the accusation of him
D.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years
4.Who should be blamed for online plagiarism?
A.Barclay Littlewood.   B.Sir Tim Berners Lee.   C.Derec Stockley.   D.Nobody.
5.The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about_____.
A.the author’s opinions of Mr. Littlewood
B.different people’s opinions on plagiarism
C.how students use the website of Mr. Littlewood
D.Mr. Littlewood’s defence against those who accused him of his website

In the UK, students’ residence halls are run as profit-making business, but this can occasionally be to students’ disadvantage.
As many universities choose to contract out their hall’s management to private companies, room rents are rising and student rights are suffering.
In 2006, 55 percent of student rooms were managed by private companies — only 27 percent by universities and colleges, the National Union of Students (NUS) has reported.
These private companies are improving the hall’s facilities in return for higher room rents. The most noticeable example of this trend is the growth in luxury halls. These are halls for students willing to pay more for larger rooms with better services.
Chancellors Court, at Edinburgh University in Scotland, is one such luxury hall. Rooms are divided between standard and large, with larger rooms costing 173 pounds each week, 40 pounds more than smaller rooms. They come with a scenic view, color TV, fast Internet connection and a modern bathroom.
Other luxury halls have private gyms for their residents. Private companies capitalize (用…以牟利) on their investment by renting out the students rooms to travelers over the summer vacation period.
But the NUS is concerned that luxury halls are affecting room rents at standard un-privatized halls. Most students in the UK pay on average 126 pounds a week for a private room in catered (提供餐饮的) halls of residence, the International Students Advice and Welfare organization has reported. According to the NUS, rent in UK halls of residence has risen by almost a quarter from 2005 to 2007.
Veronica King, NUS vice-president of welfare, wants the privatization of university accommodation to stop.
“For the students for whom luxury is not affordable, there is a significant risk that accommodation costs, coupled with the burden of complete fees, may reduce the choice of where to go to university,” she said.
Legal quarrels with privatized halls may also account for some of the 10 percent per year rise in student complaints to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). The OIA is an independent student complaints scheme that has authority over all higher education institutions in England and Wales.
Rob Behrens, chief executive of the OIA, said he was unsurprised by the rise in complaints. “The bottom line is that students are today more self-confident in thinking about what their rights are and what are the things they can get form the commitments they make.”
1.Why are room rents rising in British universities?
A.Because the world is facing a financial crisis.
B.Because most universities are getting bored about students’ complaints.
C.Because many universities let private companies run students’ halls.
D.Because not all universities can meet the demands of the students.
2. Which of the following is not mentioned about a luxury hall?
A.Students have to pay more for a luxury hall.
B.Students can have a good view in a luxury hall.
C.Students can enjoy their own gym in a luxury hall.
D.Students can have an Internet connection free of charge.
3.Why do some students want to pay more for a luxury hall?
A.Because they just want to show that they are rich. 
B.Because they are better served in a luxury hall.
C.Because there are too much complaints about small rooms.
D.Because there are no other choices.

Back in the old times, there was an old man, who had spent his life learning many different things. He had traveled to many places as well. “I must be the wisest man in the world.” The man thought to himself. As he grew old, he felt that there was no need for him to learn any longer because of the arrival of the end of life. Every day he spent his time complaining about many things. It seemed that he was satisfied with nothing his life.
One day while he was sitting in the chair, there was a knock on the door. The old man opened the door and found a little girl,whose face was covered with soil. “Can I borrow some fire ?”the girl whispered softly.At that time,matches hadn’t been  invented,and people used to borrow fire from neighbors by loading a bucket (铲子)  with a few hot coals.It was much better than trying to start a fire with sticks.
Not finding a bucket in her hand,the old man asked impatiently , “Well , where’s your bucket ? How are you going to get the coals home ?” However , the girl said she didn’t have one and went to the fireplace .She put a pile of cold ashes into her hand and put the coal on top of the ash heap (灰堆).“Thanks !”she said on her way out.Seeing the girl’s happy and grateful appearance, the man was moved and felt ashamed of himself.“If I can learn something new from a little farm girl,  there must be a lot I still don’t know.I’d better get busy while I still have time.”
1.We can learn from the first paragraph that the old man ____________________
A.failed to know what he needed to do
B.lost confidence in himself
C.lost the fame of the world’s wisest man
D.often expressed his dissatisfaction with life
2.How did the girl change the old man’s opinions ?
A.By solving an old problem in a new way
B.By following the old man’s instructions
C.By pointing out his mistakes politely
D.By helping the old man to make a fire
3.It can be inferred from the underlined part in me last paragraph that the old man would become_______________.
A.more confident                 C.more modest
C.more modest                  D.more intelligent
4.What can we infer from the text ?
A.Failure is the mother of success         B.Action speaks louder than words
C.It’s never too late to learn            D.Great minds think alike

Matches made over the Internet often do not last long because people end up choosing unsuitable
partners and forming emotional bonds before meeting face-to-face, an Australian university researcher
has found.
Women may especially find Mr. Wrong, as they tend to be attracted by fine comments or clever
emails, said psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology.
“You can never assume things are the way they seem online,” Bambling said. “The fact that they
can write a clever comment or a witty email doesn’t mean they will be Mr. Right, that’s for sure,” he
said, adding some men use the concept of “netting”, sending emails to dozens of women and hoping
one might respond. Bambling said you can find a partner online, but warned those using the Web to
find love to be aware of the traps. “There’s definitely an uncontrolled effect online,” he said, with
people more likely to exaggerate their good points while hiding anything negative. “Few guys for
example would say ‘look, I’m a middle aged alcoholic who’s been married five times, pick me’.
They’re going to present themselves as a good catch.” He said it was easy for people to quickly invest
too much emotionally in an online relationship because they don’t see the full picture of the person
they are emailing.
Bambling said people can avoid many of the problems by meeting early in the actual relationship,
rather than by getting to know each other only by email. He suggests couples arrange to meet over
coffee after a few emails, which will help people from building up a fantasy image of their match.
“The main thing to remember is to make real life contact as soon as possible if you are interested in
someone, because then you will know contact as soon as possible if you are interested in someone,
because then you will know if a relationship is a possibility.” He said.
1. Why were women quite likely to find Mr. Wrong over the Internet?
A. Because they often judge a person by his appearance.
B. Because single women usually felt more lonely.
C. Because the emotional bonds were hard to break.
D. Because they were easily attracted by fine comments.
2. About the online relationship Bambling suggests we should be ______.
A. rejective    B. favorable      C. cautious      D. hopeful
3. The underlined word “exaggerate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “______”.
A. enlarge     B. invent         C. remove       D. cover
4. What is suggested by Bambling for a better online relationship?
A. Writing clever comments or emails to girls frequently.
B. Finding a partner online through one night respond.
C. Making real life contact before further development.
D. Investing much emotion in your partner.

Air travel chaos across Europe caused by the volcanic eruption in Iceland continued Sunday, impacting tourists and business people's schedules and causing economic loss to Chinese airlines and tourism agencies.
Air China canceled five one-way flights and eight return flights to European cities including Paris, Frankfurt and Moscow Sunday, according to a notice on its website. "The cancellation was due to closure of most European airports, and we will keep a close eye on the latest situation, "said Zhu Mei, an Air China spokeswoman.
Other carders including China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines and Hainan Airlines have also canceled most flights to Europe, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
Airlines worldwide are losing at least $200 million per day in revenue, the International Air Transport Association said Friday.
Tourism agencies have been affected too. "This is the first time we met such a natural disaster, and we can only wait and keep in contact with our tourists," said Hun Ping, an employee on duty at China International Travel Service's(CITS) branch in Beijing Sunday. "We have a group of more than 30 Chinese tourists who were scheduled to fly to Paris from Beijing around noon Sunday and their flights will be postponed to tomorrow at the earliest," she said. Hun said another group of Chinese tourists in Europe, who will fly back to Beijing from Brussels Wednesday, might also be affected by the incident. "The possible delay will not add to tourists' financial burdens, as we will share our tourists' additional expenses with the airlines," she said.
1. How many flights has Air China canceled?
A. 8         B. 9           C. 13           D.15
2. What does the word "chaos"(bold in para. 1) mean in the passage?
A. disorder         B. incidents       C. closure      D. damage
3. Which of the following statements is True?
A. The air travel chaos in Europe has caused great losses to only air carriers.
B. The direct reason for the flight cancellation is the closure of most European airport.
C. The International Air Transport Association is suffering a huge loss of $200 million per day.
D. Air China and other Chinese air carriers have already canceled all their flights to Europe.
4. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?
A. Flights Cancellation Caused by Volcanic Eruption
B. The Effects of Volcanic Eruption in Iceland
C. The chaos caused by Volcanic Eruption
D. Tourism Disaster Owing to Volcanic Eruption

It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.
I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.
Sometimes you are resistant and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they did approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog: you can’t win but at least you can keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.
If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.
36. The author is primarily addressing _______.
A. parents of teenagers              B. newspaper readers.
C. those who give advice to teenagers  D. teenagers
37. The first paragraph is mainly about _______.
A. the teenagers’ criticism of their parents.
B. misunderstanding between teenagers and their parents.
C. the dominance of the parents over their children
D. the teenagers’ ability to deal with crises.
38. Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they ______.
A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own.
B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste.
C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better.
D. want to irritate their parents.
39. To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be _____.
A. obedient    B. responsible   C. co-operative   D. independent.

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