20£®Reading to oneself is a modern activity that was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval£¨ÖÐÊÀ¼ÍµÄ£©worlds£¬while during the fifteenth century the term"reading"undoubtedly meant reading aloud£®Only during nineteenth century did silent reading become common-place£®
One should be careful£¬however£¬of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others£®Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character£®
The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy£¬and thus in the number of readers£®As readers increased£¬so the number of potential listeners declined£¬and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud£®As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common£¬so came the flourishing£¨·±ÈÙ£© of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries£¬railway carriages and offices£¬where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers£®
Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully£¬and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening£®Indeed this argument remains with us still in education£®However£¬whatever its virtues£¬the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals£¨ÆÚ¿¯£©for a specialized readership on the other£®
By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate£¬if not impossible£¬for the oral reader£®The social£¬cultural£¬and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term"reading"implied£®

81£®Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century£¿Few people could read for themselves
82£®The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century indicates thata change in the nature of reading£®
83£®People are still arguing about the value ofthe value of different types of reading material£®
84£®What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage£¿To explain hoe present-day reading habits developed£®£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÖ÷Òª½éÉÜÁËĬ¶ÁÔÚÀúÊ·Éϵķ¢Õ¹Ñݱä¹ý³Ì£¬Í»³öÁËËü²úÉúµÄÔ­ÒòºÍ±³¾°£®µÚÒ»¶ÎÊÇ×ÜÊö£¬Ö¸³öĬ¶ÁÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¼¸ºõ²»Îª¹Å´úѧÕßËùÖªµÄÏÖ´úÐÐΪ£®ÖÐÊÀ¼ÍʱÆÚÔĶÁÊÇÖ¸´óÉùÀʶÁ£¬Ò»Ö±µ½19ÊÀ¼ÍĬ¶Á²Å±È½ÏÁ÷ÐУ®ÎÄÖнéÉÜÁËÉϸöÊÀ¼ÍÔĶÁµÄ·¢Õ¹£¬ÒÔ¼°20ÊÀ¼ÍÄ©ÆÚÔĶÁ·¢Õ¹³ÉΪĬ¶Á£®

½â´ð 81£®Few people could read for themselves£®
82£®a change in the nature of reading
83£®the value of different types of reading material
84£®To explain hoe present-day reading habits developed£®
81£®Few people could read for themselves£®Ï¸½ÚÌ⣬ÓɵÚÒ»¶ÎµÚÒ»¡¢¶þÐÐReading to oneself is modern activity which was almost unknown to the learned in the early days of the history¿ÉÖªÒòΪºÜÉÙµÄÈËÊÇΪ×Ô¼º¶ø¶ÁµÄ£®
82£®a change in the nature of readingϸ½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾Ýdevelopment of silent reading shows that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character£®±íÃ÷Á˶ÁµÄÒ»¸ö±ä»¯£¬
83£®the value of different types of reading materialϸ½ÚÀí½âÌ⣮¸ù¾ÝTowards the end of the century there was still heated argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully£¬and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening£®²»Í¬µÄÔĶÁ²ÄÁϵļÛÖµ
84£®To explain hoe present-day reading habits developed£®Ö÷Ö¼´óÒâÌ⣮  ͨ¶ÁÈ«ÎÄ¿ÉÖª±¾ÎÄÖ÷Òª½éÉÜÁËĬ¶ÁÔÚÀúÊ·Éϵķ¢Õ¹Ñݱä¹ý³Ì£¬Í»³öÁËËü²úÉúµÄÔ­ÒòºÍ±³¾°£®µÚÒ»¶ÎÊÇ×ÜÊö£¬Ö¸³öĬ¶ÁÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¼¸ºõ²»Îª¹Å´úѧÕßËùÖªµÄÏÖ´úÐÐΪ£®ÖÐÊÀ¼ÍʱÆÚÔĶÁÊÇÖ¸´óÉùÀʶÁ£¬Ò»Ö±µ½19ÊÀ¼ÍĬ¶Á²Å±È½ÏÁ÷ÐУ®ÎÄÖнéÉÜÁËÉϸöÊÀ¼ÍÔĶÁµÄ·¢Õ¹£¬ÒÔ¼°20ÊÀ¼ÍÄ©ÆÚÔĶÁ·¢Õ¹³ÉΪĬ¶Á£®

µãÆÀ ×öÔĶÁ±í´ïÌâʱ£¬ÀíÇåÎÄÕµÄÂöÂç¡¢ÕÆÎÕÎÄÕµÄÖ÷Ö¼´óÒ⣬²¢ÄÜÔËÓüò½àµÄÓïÑÔ±í´ï£®»Ø´ðÒªÓÐÕë¶ÔÐÔ¹ÛµãÒªÃ÷È·£®²»ÒªÕª³­ÎÄÕÂÔ­¾ä£®

19£®We often close ourselves off when painful events happen in our lives£®Instead of letting the world soften us£¬we let it drive us deeper into ourselves£®We try to ignore the hurt and pain£¬but we can't hide from ourselves£®£¨16£©CD£®
The items listed below are four tips you can open your heart more fully and completely£®
1£®Breathe into pain
Whenever a painful situation arises in your life£¬try to face it instead of running away£®£¨17£©AC When the sadness strikes£¬take a deep breath and accept it£®By using our breath we soften our experiences and allow more newness£®
We're often confused at the next step to take£®Actually£¬we can try a new decision making process£®To start this process£¬we may ask£¬"Heart£¬what decision should I make here£¿What action feels the most right£¿"See what comes up£¬then put it into practice and evaluate the outcome£®
3£®Spend time alone
For most of our lives we're surrounded by people£ºour friends£¬family members£¬and strangers£®£¨19£©D When you spend time in solitude£¬you're free from the influences of other people£®It might be painful at first£¬but eventually you'll add a whole new layer of depth and understanding into your life£®
4£®Get outside of yourself
£¨20£©AB But in reality£¬they actually work hand-in-hand£®After you've explored the depths of yourself£¬you come away with a new understanding£®
Now£¬it's time to share that---not through telling others£¬but through being with others£®
A£®Have a light heart
B£®Ask your heart what it wants
C£®Is there anything I'm hiding from myself£¿
D£®How often do we really spend time alone£¿
AB£®This may seem a little contradictory to the last tip£®
CD£®We should open our hearts and take action to heal the wounds£®
AC£®When we run away from sadness£¬it gets stronger and more real£®
8£®Everyone has got two personalities-the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real£®You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior£¬but when you're asleep£¬your sleeping position shows the real you£®In a normal night£¬of course£¬people frequently change their positions£®The important position is the one that you go to sleep in£®
If you go to sleep on your back£¬you're a very open person£®You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas£®You don't like to upset people£¬so you never express your real feelings£®You're quite shy and you aren't very confident£®
If you sleep on your stomach£¬you are a rather secretive person£®You worry a lot and you're always easily upset£®You're very stubborn£¬but you aren't very ambitious£®You usually live for today not for tomorrow£®This means that you enjoy having a good time£®
If you sleep curled up£¬you are probably a very nervous person£®You have a low opinion of yourself and so you're often defensive£®You're shy and you don't normally like meeting people£®You prefer to be on your own£®You're easily hurt£®
If you sleep on your side£¬you have usually got a well-balanced personality£®You're usually careful and confident£®You know your strengths and weaknesses£®You sometimes feel anxious£¬but you don't get depressed£®You always say what you think even if it makes other people angry£®
81£®According to the author£¬what shows your secret and real personality£¿
Your sleeping position£®/The sleeping position you go to sleep in£®   £¨within 8words£©     
82£®How many kinds of secret personalities are mentioned in the passage£¿
4/Four£®   £¨only one word£©    
 83£®How will a person who doesn't want to make friends with others sleep£¿
He will sleep curled up/By sleeping curled up£®   £¨within 5words£©  
 84£®Mark usually goes to sleep on one side£¬then he will change his sleeping positions in the sleep£¬what kind of personality may he have£¿
.A well-balanced or/and a confident personality£®    £¨within 10words£©
15£®61£®Frank was just hosting an important conference when he received a call from one of his former classmates£¬asking him to participate in the organization of a class get-together£®Frank was enthusiastic  about the idea£¬but he can't manage it at the very moment£®A
62£®Joe has been busily engaged in his graduation thesis lately£¬which is due in two weeks'time£®Now his friends invite him to go on an adventure tour to the Grand Canyon next week£®He likes the idea but can't possibly afford the time£®C
63£®Sophie has been working as a marketing manager in an accounting company for six years£®Now she has been offered a better position to work in another company£®She is thrilled but thinks it best to discuss with her family members first£®E
64£®Michael is an expert in finance and investment£®When one of his friends turns to him for advice on how to advertise their latest product£¬he wishes he knew as much about advertising as his colleagues in the advertising department£®D
65£®Bauer is already in possession of several credit cards of different banks£¬yet one of his distant relatives tries to persuade him to apply for a newly-issued credit card£¬convincing him that it will bring him much convenience£®He feels it unnecessary and hesitates about how to turn it down£®B

"Now's not a good time as I'm in the milled of something£®How about our reconnecting at X time£¿"It's common to get sudden requests for help when you are in the middle of something£®Something you get phone calls from friends or associates when you're in a meeting or doing important work£®This method is a great way to hold off the request temporarily£®First£¬you let the person know it's not a good time as you are doing something£®Secondly£¬you make known your desire to help by suggesting another time at your convenience£®This way£¬the person doesn't feel blown off£®
"This doesn't meet my needs now but I'll be sure to keep you in mind£®"If someone is recommending a deal/opportunity which isn't what you are looking for£¬let him/her know straight-out that it doesn't meet your needs£®Otherwise£¬the discussion can drag on longer than it should£®It helps as the person knows it's nothing wrong about what he'/she is offering£¬but that you are looking for something else£®At the same time£¬by saying you'll keep him/her in mind£¬it signals you are open to future opportunities£®
"I'd love to do this£¬but¡­"You can use this as it's a gentle way of breaking no to the other party£®It's encouraging as it lets the person know you like the idea £¨of course£¬only say this if you do like it£© and there's nothing wrong about it£®I often get suggestions from fellow loggers and business associates which I can't participate in and use this method to gently say no£®Their ideas are absolutely great£¬but I can't take part due to other reasons such as more important affairs or different needs£®
"I'm not the best person to help on this£®Why don't you try X£¿"If you are being asked for help in something which you contribute much to or don't have resources to help£¬let it be known they are looking at the wrong person£®If possible£¬refer them to a lead they can follow-up on-whether it's someone you know£¬someone who might know someone else£¬or even a department£®I always make it a point to offer an alternate contact so the person doesn't end up in despair£®This way you help direct the person in the right place£®
"Let me think about it first and I'll get back to you£®"This is more like a"Maybe"than a straight out£®"No"£®If you are interested but you don't want to say¡®yes'just yet£¬use this£®Sometimes I'm offered a great idea which meets my needs£¬but I want to hold off on committing as I want some time to think first£®There are times when new considerations pop up and I want to be certain of the decision before committing myself£®If the person is sincere about the request£¬he/she will be more than happy to wait short while£®Specify a date/time-range£¨say£¬in 1-2weeks£© where the person can expect a reply£®
"No£¬I can't is the simplest and most direct way to say no£®As social beings£¬we should develop the sense of cooperation£¬but it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to give up our own principles of life£®In fact£¬the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and the courage to say"No"to unreasonable requests or advice is a sign of maturity£®Once you do that you'll find how easy it actually is£®You'll get more time for yourself£¬your work and things that are most important for you£®
5£®[1]Artists have used many styles in their paintings and drawings£®Here are some of the most common styles of art£®Learn about each style and how to enjoy them£®
[2]Abstract£ºAbstract artists feel that paintings do not have to show only things that are recognizable£®In their paintings they do not try to show people£¬animals or places exactly as they appear in the real world£®They mainly use color and shape in their paintings to show feelings£®Some Abstract art is also called Non-objective art£®In non-objective art£¬you do not see specific £¨Ìض¨µÄ£© things£®It is not painted to look like something specific£®
[3]Cubism£ºCubism is modern art made up mostly of paintings£®The paintings are not supposed to look real£®The artist uses geometric £¨¼¸ºÎµÄ£© shapes to show what he is trying to paint£®Early Cubists used mainly dark colors such as gray£¬brown and green£®After 1914£¬Cubists started to use brighter colors£®Cubism is the beginning of the Abstract or Non-objective art style£®
[4]Expressionism£ºIn Expressionist Art£¬the artist tries to express certain feelings about one thing£®The artists that paint in this style are more concerned with having their paintings express a feeling than making the paintings look exactly like what they are painting£®
[5]Pop art£ºPop art can be any everyday thing that is drawn in a quick and colorful way£®Pop art is short for popular art£®It comes from advertising and popular entertainment£®
71£®What's the best title for this passage£¿£¨within 6words£©
£¨the most common£© Styles of Art£®
72£®How do Abstract artists show their feelings in their paintings£¿£¨within 10words£©
They mainly use color and shape in their paintings£®
73£®Which art is considered as the beginning of Non-object art style£¿£¨within 2words£©
74£®What does Expressionism try to express£¿£¨within 6words£©
Certain feelings about one thing£®
75£®Where does pop art come from£¿£¨within 7words£©
Advertising and popular entertainment£®£®
12£®Exam anxiety is something that almost every person experiences during his or her student life£®Little anxiety actually helps one£¨1£©Aand work hard for the exams£®However£¬if students spend all their time in feeling£¨2£©C£¬a lot of valuable study time would be lost£®
In this competitive world£¨3£©Dcause a lot of nervousness in students£®For some£¬exam anxiety encourages them to work hard£¬while for others it may be the root cause for poor performance£¬leading to academic£¨4£©Aand lack of confidence£®In fact£¬some students are anxious by nature and easily get nervous when they face a£¨n£© £¨5£©Bsituation£®They will think£¨6£©Deven if they have prepared well£®They fear that they may£¨7£©Bwhat they have studied£¬and when it is too much£¬their£¨8£©A is likely to come true£®
One of the most important methods of£¨9£©Cexam anxiety is to prepare well in advance£®Studying regularly for a few hours every day helps increase the£¨10£©D£¨of students£®If students are not able to handle anxiety or nervousness£¬they could talk to their teachers£¬parents£¬friends or instructors£®£¨11£©Bshould also avoid giving pressure to their kids to do well£®Creating a peaceful and£¨12£©A atmosphere at home can be greatly helpful£®
To£¨13£©Dand sleep properly is also important£®Students tend to avoid sleep and starve themselves due to anxiety£¬but it is£¨14£©Bto their academic performance and health£®It's better that students should plan their time well and take proper breaks between studies£®They should always remember to set aside some time for their £¨15£©Csince some entertainment helps them relax and concentrate£®
1£® A£®concentrateB£®relaxC£®succeedD£®experience
2£® A£®curiousB£®confidentC£®anxiousD£®calm
3£® A£®plansB£®breaksC£®jobsD£®exams
4£® A£®failureB£®achievementC£®preparationD£®performance
5£® A£®peacefulB£®stressfulC£®naturalD£®avoidable
6£® A£®positivelyB£®confidentlyC£®intentionallyD£®negatively
7£® A£®rememberB£®forgetC£®confuseD£®lose
8£® A£®fearB£®dreamC£®expectationD£®competition
9£® A£®increasingB£®feelingC£®avoidingD£®creating
9£®[1]A flood is the overflow of a huge amount of water onto normally dry land£®Flooding occurs when the overflowing water submerges £¨ÑÍû£© land£¬and it causes a lot of problems£®It is a cruel and violent expression of water£®
[2]Floods are often deadly and damaging£®They kill lots of people£¬damage houses and crops£¬and cause extensive destruction£®In broader terms£¬floods are of two types£ºnatural floods and catastrophic floods£®Natural floods are the floods that are caused naturally by the overflow of a huge volume of water£¬from rivers£¬lakes£¬oceans£¬or by heavy rain or downpours£¬hurricanes£¬and so on£®Catastrophic floods are floods that are caused by some significant £¨ÖØ´óµÄ£© or unexpected events£¬for instance£¬dam breakages£®
[3]Heavy rainfall is one of the major causes of floods£®The level of water in rivers or lakes rises due to heavy rainfall£®When the level of water rises above the river banks or dam£¬the water starts overflowing£¬which causes floods£®Floods occur more in the regions that ____________£®
[4]Floods are also caused due to heavy snow melting£®Global temperatures are rising due to global warming£®The rising temperatures are making the snow caps melt faster£®Continuous and fast melting snow raises the level of water in the oceans£¬which consequently raises the level of water in rivers£¬and when the level of water in rivers rises above the river banks£¬it causes floods£®
[5]Generally£¬floods occur more in low-lying areas or areas below sea level£®One of the main reasons is that rivers flow slowly in these areas£®¡äThe volume of water increases in low-lying areas£®When the level of water rises in these regions£¬it causes floods£®
[6]Sometimes floods are caused due to poor dams that cannot hold great volume of water£®Therefore£¬there are always different causes of floods£®However£¬floods caused by humans can be avoided£®Humans should let the nature go its own way£®
76£®What is the main idea of the passage£¿£¨no more than 5 words£©
What causes floods£®
77£®When do floods occur£¿£¨no more than 6 words£©
When the overflowing water submerges land£®
78£®What causes catastrophic floods£¿£¨no more than 8 words£©
Some significant or unexpected events£¬like dam breakages£®
79£®Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 wit proper words£®£¨no more than 4 words £©
get heavy rainfall
80£®What does the word"They"£¨Line 1£¬Paragraph 2£©probably refer to£¿£¨1 word£©

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