
【题目】The curious European destinations that Chinese tourists love visiting

Bicester Village

According to a 2019 VisitBritain report, more than 260,000 Chinese tourists visit the UK each year. And where do they go? It claimed that “they are mostly interested in symbolic elements: the Royal Family, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and Downton Abbey”.

Then there's the shopping. Bicester Village, a vast retail estate (零售产业) on the outskirts of the Oxford shire town, is the second most visited UK attraction for Chinese tourists after Buckingham Palace, and three in four Chinese visitors head there.

King's College, Cambridge

A famous tree, for Chinese people at least, can be found in King's College, Cambridge. The willow (柳树), considered to be a holy thing to lost youth, is mentioned in a much-loved poem by Xu Zhimo, who spent a year studying at King's College — Taking leave of Cambridge Again:

The golden willows by the riverside;

Are young brides in the setting sun;

Their glittering reflections on the shimmering river;

Keep undulating in my heart.


The former West German capital is another popular port of call. Chinese love classical music, particularly Beethoven, making his birthplace an obvious highlight of any trip to Europe. The city's tourist board offers maps in three foreign languages: English, Chinese and Japanese.


Both British and Chinese travelers flood to Venice, Rome and Florence, but Verona typically appears higher on the wish lists of China's tourists. That's because of the whole country 's adoration of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The play is popular on UK shores, of course, but the love is doubled in China as it was among the first of the Shakespeare's works to be translated into Chinese, because its plot bears a striking resemblance to a famous Chinese folk tale, The Butterfly Lovers. Expect to see queues at the popular House of Juliet on Via Cappello (a statue of the character stands beneath her balcony).

1Which is the most visited place for Chinese tourists?

A.Bicester Village.B.Buckingham Palace.

C.King's College.D.Cambridge.

2W hat's approximately the number of Chinese visitors to Bicester Village each year?

A.About 260,000.B.About 145,600.

C.About 195,000.D.About 346,700.

3Where are the Chinese music lovers likely to go?

A.Bicester Village.B.King's College, Cambridge.


4Which are adored by Chinese tourists who love literary?

A.Bicester Village and Bonn.B.Bicester Village and King's College, Cambridge.

C.Verona and Bonn.D.King's College, Cambridge and Verona.








1细节理解题。根据第一部分第二段中Bicester Village, a vast retail estate (零售产业) on the outskirts of the Oxford shire town, is the second most visited UK attraction for Chinese tourists after Buckingham Palace, and three in four Chinese visitors head there.(比斯特村是位于牛津郡镇郊区的一个大型零售地产,是中国游客前往英国的第二大景点,仅次于白金汉宫,每四名中国游客中就有三名前往那里)可知,中国游客最常去的地方是Bicester Village,故选B

2细节理解题。根据第一部分第一段中According to a 2019 VisitBritain report, more than 260,000 Chinese tourists visit the UK each year.(根据2019年英国旅游局的一份报告,每年有超过26万中国游客访问英国)及第二段 ...three in four Chinese visitors head there.(四分之三的中国游客前往那里)可知,每年到Bicester Village旅游的中国人大约是195,000。故选C

3推理判断题。根据第三部分内容Chinese love classical music, particularly Beethoven, making his birthplace an obvious highlight of any trip to Europe.(中国人喜爱古典音乐,尤其是贝多芬,这使他的出生地成为任何欧洲之旅的一个明显的亮点)可知,Bonn是德国音乐家贝多芬的出生地,是爱好古典音乐的中国人喜欢去的旅游目的地。故选C

4推理判断题。根据第二、四部分内容可知,King’s College, Cambridge(剑桥大学国王学院)是中国著名诗人徐志摩曾经学习的地方,而Verona则是莎翁笔下《罗密欧和朱丽叶》故事的发生地,并且和中国的《梁山伯和祝英台》有着相似的情节。这两个旅游地自然会令中国广大文学爱好者心驰神往。故选D


【题目】Electronic heroes

As an internet influencer, there seems to be nothing special about Miquela Sousa. The 19-year-old lives in Los Angeles, US, posts pictures of herself sporting fashionable looks, and has just made her way into the March edition of Vogue magazine. But Miquela isn't real – she is a computer-generated character.

Her fans don't seem to mind – she has 855,000 followers on US social networking platform Instagram. And her first single Not Mine – yes, she 'sings' too – also reached No. 8 on music streaming (流媒体) platform Spotify last August.

It's kind of curious that in a time when authenticity (真实性) and 'being real' are valued more than ever, 'fake' celebrities like Miquela are appreciated and seen as icons (偶像).

Perhaps the reason for Miquela's popularity lies behind the fame of a similar star, Hatsune Miku. This 16-year-old animated singer from Japan has held singing concerts not only in her home country but also in the US and China.

Even though Hatsune's no more than a 3-D figure projected (投射) onto the stage, her fans are more than willing to pay to actually see her 'in person', because to them, she's better than human singers. 'She's rather more like a goddess: She has human parts, but she transcends (超越) human limitations. She's the great post-human pop star, ' wrote reporter James Verini on Wired magazine.

Critics may say that 3-D stars could never replace the authenticity of humans, but when it comes to being authentic, are humans really the best example of how to do it? Most of us edit our photos before posting them online, and we tend to create a fantasy that we're living a perfect life by letting people only see the brighter side of it.

'Miquela is no less real to me than any other internet stranger with whom I've interacted (互动), ' wrote reporter Leora Yashari on the website Nylon. “Her existence in itself represents a new breed (种类) of influencer – someone who is breaking the boundaries (界限) of what is real and what is fake. '

1Who is Miquela Sousa?

A.She's a life-like character with musical talents.

B.She's a new sports star with fashionable looks.

C.She's an experienced singer with thousands of fans.

D.She's an animated figure created by a Japanese company.

2Why did the author mention Hatsune Miku?

A.To show the similarities 3-D stars share.

B.To make a comparison with Miquela Sousa.

C.To explain why 3-D stars are well received.

D.To stress how 3-D stars go beyond human limitations.

3What can be concluded from the last two paragraphs?

A.3-D stars could match the authenticity of humans one day.

B.Animated celebrities are not as real as human celebrities.

C.Human celebrities have greater influence than animated ones.

D.3-D stars' public personalities may be just as authentic as humans'.

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