
16.He wanted to know ______I became the No.1highest paid movie star last year.(  )
A.how was itB.it was how thatC.how was it thatD.how it was that

分析 他想要知道去年我是怎么成为片酬最高的电影名星的.

解答 答案:D   

点评 考查特殊句式要注意分析句中的语序结构.

7.Two years ago,when I was an oversea student,I worked early mornings and late nights to pay for my school fees.
One day,I was seriously ill with a very high fever.I had stayed at home for a few days,and I had run out of food.Because I had been in this town just for a short time,I also had no friends nearby who could help.So I went out to get some food.I would have gone to the supermarket,but on this occasion,I went into a small store because it was closer.
I picked up a few items.When I handed them to the shopkeeper,she said,"You are unwell.""Yes,"I nodded.
She pointed at the salami and bread I was buying and offered,"I can make you a sandwich,so you don't have to do it yourself'.So,she made the sandwich and asked me to wait a moment.She went in the back room and returned with a bowl of hot soup.
"It will warm you up,"she said with a genuine smile.
What really warmed me up was not the soup,but her kindness.It made me want to be as kind as the shopkeeper who had been kind to me.
When the author,an oversea student,was badly ill,a shopkeeper made him a sandwich and offered hot soup.Feeling warm with her kindness,the author decided to be as kind as her.
The passage reminds me of Miss Chen,my teacher of Chemistry,she just encouraged me not to give up.she even did everything to ease my anxiety.
It sounds like nothing big,but her act did make me feel warm.With such a teacher,there is no doubt that I will act as her in future.As long as I do so,others can also feel the kindness of Miss Chen.
When I enter a college,I will keep kindness in mind.If possible,I will try to become a youth volunteer,who offers help to other.No matter how hard it is,I will do my best to help those people in need..
4.The Most Fantastic Staircases in the World
Infinity and beyond
The architecture of the staircase combines form and function,upper and lower space.It can represent power or status,or symbolize spiritual uplift and the climb to knowledge.A new book published by Thames&Hudson,The Staircase:The Architecture of Ascent explores the history and meaning of the staircase,from the simple,straight-fight steps of the Mayan pyramids,to the spiral ramp(螺旋型坡道)of Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum and the computer-aided designs of today.
The steps of the Toltec-Maya pyramid at Chichen Itza is the ancestor of all stair design.Appearing to stretch up to the sky,this style of staircase came to symbolize a rise to heaven and infinity,and has captured artists'imaginations.
Let there be light
The"lantern"at the dome(圆顶屋)of a staircase is an important design feature----allowing the light to stream in.The view shown here of the lantern of the Chateau of Chambord in the Loire,France,shows the flat ceiling decorated with coffering(方格天花板).The Chateau marks a high point in the development of the staircase,reflecting the Renaissance(文艺复兴) architects'liking for the spiral structure around an open space.
High and mighty
The spirit of the Baroque(巴洛克)appears in the monumental staircase of the Palazzo Canossa in Mantua,Lombardy,Italy,built in the 1600s for the Gonzagafamily,who ruled that part of northern Italy from the14th to the 18th centuries.The figures that greet the visitor on the landing include two large dogs,symbolizing the powerful family.
High drama
The palaces of Germany and Austria showGerman Baroque at its most dramatic and rich.At the Würzburg Residenz,the ceiling is covered in a painting by Venetian artist Giambattista Tiepolo describing the four comers of the earth above the great staircase.

60.The stair designers of today draw inspiration fromB.
A.the Guggenheim Museum    
B.the Toltec-Maya pyramid
C.the Chateau of Chambord      
D.the Würzburg Residenz
61.Which of the following designs would probably be of the Renaissance style?C
A.A simple,straight staircase.
B.A flat ceiling left bare.
C.A spiral staircase with careful decoration.
D.A plain dome of a staircase.
62.The staircases of the Palazzo Canossa and the Würzburg ResidenzA.
A.are both built in the Baroque style          
B.both describe the four comers of the earth
C.symbolize spiritual uplift and a rise to heaven 
D.have the figures of dogs above their staircases.
1.Recently,my teenage son give me a great insight into my writing career.He plays the online multiplayer game Minecraft,in which players build vast structures while battling the occational zombie at night.
"How do you win the game?"I asked him.
He rolled his eyes,the way only teens can.
"There is no winning the game,mom."He said."It's about the experience.It's all about the journey."
Well said,Evan.I so often forget this truth.
In writing,there is no arriving.There's always the drive to write a better article,blog post,poem,or novel,next time.There is no"done".
What sights do you want to see on your journey?Where do you want to be sure to go?"These are the questions I'm asking myself as I consider my plans for next year.
If we've written well,what we leave behind will be part of the things for our younger generations,hopefully helping others long after we're gone.I find that thought comforting.
You could make your way to new signatures in magazines,or even to new places on the map.I have a friend who was flown to Denmark to meet with Lego because they liked his writing.I recently read about a woman whose writing got her a position in Singapore from Coca-Cola.
So here's to a writing journey for all of us that's full of splendid sights,unexpected turns,wonderful friends,and opportunities to grow.
As we enter the new year,I'm going to try to remember my writing-career focus-the places I want to be sure to visit on my way.Most of all,I'm going to work on setting free my feelings of"falling behind"or not being"there"yet,and try to enjoy every moment of my wonderful writer's life.

28.What made the author reflect on her writing career?D
A.Her son's playing games online.
C.Her experience of a journey.
B.Her son's winning the game.
D.Her son's words.B.Education.C.Politics.D.Science.
29.The author mentioned Lego and Coca-Cola to show thatA.
A.great writers can make a difference
B.there are excellent writers in well-known companies
C.writers should go to new places on the map
D.big companies attract all writers
30.What is the author's most important plan for next year?D
A.Not to fall behind others.
B.To remember her writing-career focus.
C.To visit some places to promote her writing.
D.To treasure every moment in the course of writing.
31.What can be a suitable title for the text?B
A.My Smart Son
B.The Writing Journey Matters 
C.My Writing Career
D.My Son Teaches Me Much.
2.The word advertising refers to any kind of public announcement that brings products and  services to the attention 0f people.Throughout history,advertising has been all effective way to promote(促进)the trading and selling of goods.In the Middle Ages,merchants ants employed"town criers"to read public messages aloud to promote their goods.When printing was invented in the fifteenth century,pages of advertisements(ads)could be printed easily and were either hung in public places  or put in books.
    By the end of the seventeenth century,when newspapers were beginning to be read by more  people,printed materials became all important way to promote products and services.The London Gazette was the first newspaper to set aside a place just for advertising.This was SO successful that by the end of the century several companies started businesses for the purpose of making newspaper ads for merchants.
    Advertising spread quickly throughout the eighteenth century.Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text.Everything,from clothes to drinks,was promoted with clever methods such as repetition of the firm's name or product,words organized in eye-Catching patterns,the use of pretty pictures and expressions easy to remember.
     Near the end of the nineteenth century,companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as"advertising agencies(广告商)."The agencies developed new ways to get  people to think of themselves as members of a group.Throughout the twentieth century,advertising agencies promoted consumerism(消费主义)as a way of life,spreading the belief that people could be happy only if they bought the"righ"products.

60.What was advertising like in the Middle Ages?B
A.Merchants were employed to promote products
B.Ad messages were shouted out in public places
C.Product information was included in books
D.Ad signs were put up in towns
61.What does the word"This"in Paragraph 2refer to?A
A.Advertising in newspapers
B.Including pictures in ads
C.Selling goods in markets
D.Working with ad agencies
62.The l8th century advertising was special in itsD.
A.growing spending     B.printing materials
C.advertising companies D.attractive designs
63.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?A
A.1flle Story of Advertising
B.ne Value of Advertising Designs
C.The Role of Newspaper Advertising
D.be Development of Printing for Advertising.
A.The Hurt Locker
US Army ordnance disposal teams disarm improvised explosive device (IED)placed by Iraqi guerrilla fighters.
B.Slumdog Millionaire
TV game-show success fuels one man's escape from poverty in this Bollywood-tinged romantic drama.
C.The Departed
A policeman and a criminal go undercover and infiltrate(渗透) each Other's worlds in this crime thriller.
D.Dances With Wolves
A nineteenth-century soldier learns to respect and then love the Lakota(拉科他族人) way of life
E.Brave heart
Thirteenth-century Scot Sir William Wallace takes up the sword to defend his people against the English.
A slave in ancient Rome finds dignity and a reason to live in gladiatorial combat.
46.Sergeant First Class William James,a battle.tested veteran,arrives as a new team leader in Bravo company of a U.S.Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (E.O.D.) unit to disarm improvised explosive device in Iraq in 2004,replacing Staff Sergeant Matthew Thompson,who is killed by a radio-controlled improvised explosive device in Baghdad.A
47.In AD 180,the dying Roman emperor wishes to grant temporary leadership to Maximus,but was killed by his son,Commodus,Maximus realizes the truth,but unfortunately,he is taken to Zucchabar,a Roman city in North Africa,by slave traders.There,he iS bought by Proximo,and forced to fight for his life as a gladiator in arena tournaments.F
48.In the 13th century,after several years of political unrest,Scotland is invaded and conquered by King Edward I of England.Young William Wallace witnesses the treachery of Longshanks,survives the death of his father and brother.Twenty or so years later,he led the people to fight against the English army,but finally he was killed.1eaving a shout"Freedom!"E
49.In Mumbai,India,eighteen-year-old Jamal Malik,a former street child from the Juhu slum,is a contestant on the TV show of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.and is one question away from the grand prize.However,he is detained and interrogated by the police,who suspect him of cheating because of the impossibility of a simple"slumdog"knowing all the answers.Jamal recounts the incidents in his life which provided him with each answer.B
50.Colin is introduced to organized crime by Irish mobster Costello.Costello trains him to become a mole inside the Massachusetts State Police.Colin is accepted into the Special Investigations Unit,which focuses on organized crime.Before Billy graduates from the police academy,he is asked by Captain Queenan to go undercover,as his family ties to organized crime make him a perfect infiltrator.C.

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