
【题目】Loneliness is like a disease, and what’s worse, it’s contagious. It can spread from one person to another, according to the recent research that stresses the power of one person’s emotions to affect even people they don’t know.

The new analysis, involving 4,793 people who were interviewed every two years between 2005 and 2015, showed that a friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness by the time of the next interview. A friend of that person was 25% more likely, and a friend of a friend of a friend was 15% more likely.

'Loneliness is not just the property of an individual. It can be transmitted across peopleeven people you don’t have direct contact with,” said John T. Cacioppo, a psychologist of University of Chicago who led the study published in the December issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Loneliness has been linked to medical problems, including depression, sleep problems and generally poorer physical health. Identifying some of the causes could help reduce the emotion and improve health, experts said.

Although the study did not examine how loneliness spreads, Cacioppo said another research has provided clues. “Let’s say for whatever reason you get lonely. You then interact with other people in a more negative fashion. That puts them in a negative mood and makes them more likely to interact with other people in a negative fashion and they minimize their social ties and become lonely,” Cacioppo said.

According to Cacioppo, loneliness spread more easily among women than men, perhaps because women were more likely to express emotions.

Lonely people become less and less trusting others. This makes it more and more difficult for them to make friends—and more likely that society will reject them. Therefore, it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness. Cacioppo emphasizes people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social networks.

1It can be concluded from the first .paragraph that .

A. loneliness spreads in social networks

A. emotions are only transmitted between friends

B. more and more people are suffering from loneliness

C. loneliness is actually a kind of disease

2According to Cacioppo, lonely people .

A. rely heavily on others

B. are more likely to trust others

C. are less likely to be rejected by friends

D. will probably be deserted by society

3The word minimize” in Paragragh 5 is closest in meaning to .

A. increase B. reduce C. create D. keep

4What should lonely people do to get rid of loneliness? '

A. Refuse the help given by others.

B. Admit and try to solve it.

C. Interact with others more negatively.

D. Express emotions more often.







试题分析: 本文讲述孤独产生的原因及处理的方法。

【1】A考查推理判断题。根据第一段提到Loneliness is like a disease, and what’s worse, it’s contagious孤独就象一种疾病,而且有传染性,故选A项。

【2】D考查推理判断题。根据最后一段提到Cacioppo emphasizes people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social networks可知Cacioppo强调那些被推到社会边缘的人应该收到帮助来修复社交关系网络,故选D项。

【3】B 考查细节理解题。根据倒数第三段提到That puts them in a negative mood and makes them more likely to interact with other people in a negative fashion and they minimize their social ties and become lonely这让他们处于一个负面情绪中使他们更不想与其它人联系,减少与社会的联系,故选B项。

【4】B 考查推理判断题。根据最后一段提到Therefore, it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness因此重要的是认识和处理这种孤独,故选B项。

考点 :日常生活类阅读。




Oseola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people’s clothes. As a laundrywoman, she was paid only a few dollars each time. Certainly nobody would consider her rich, so they were all amazed when Miss McCarty decided to donate $ 150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi.

The money was in fact her life savings. She could save such a large amount of money because she lived a very simple life. She never learned to drive, and when she wanted to go somewhere, she just walked. She never flew to anywhere till the donation,and in 50 years she had been out of the South only once. The house in which she lived was also a rather modest one her last uncle left her. Only after she became known in America did she begin to travel all over the country. Since then, she had been the subject of many interviews and articles and was even invited to the White House.

Her donation was for students who clearly needed financial help. She herself left school in the sixth grade and had never married or had children. She said to the reporters that the idea of helping somebody’s child go to college gave her much pleasure.


用约120个词就Miss McCarty的捐助谈谈你的想法,内容包括:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。

Oseola McCarty was a laundrywoman for more than 75 years. She earned a few dollars each time. But she donated $150,000 which was her life savings to help the students who needed financial help.







【题目】Holidays are really important. Many of us will have childhood memories of summer holidays where we were taken away from home to experience new environments and learn in different ways.

But holidays are expensive and, for those on low wages or living on benefits,they are often unobtainable. Even the cheapest holidays require travel and other additional costs that are difficult for many families to meet.

For working parents,the long summer break can be a very difficult problem for childcare. When an annual leave allowance amounts to only five weeks,there is a need to spread this across the year. Couples can find themselves taking leave in turn in order to care for children who are on holiday. For some,this makes even an affordable family holiday difficult.

The schools that I visit in Nottingham are full of experienced staff committed to giving our children a caring and inspiring learning environment. The number of children receiving free school meals is quite large in Nottingham and many schools have breakfast clubs to make sure that children get a healthy start to the day. Most schools undertake programs of group or individual educational support. Schools also have an important role in safeguarding children’s welfare through the ongoing touch and support with their pupils. During the long summer holidays,much of this is missed.

While teachers are holidaying in the UK, many of their pupils spend the whole six weeks on the street where they live. The lack of free school meals for six weeks can result in pressure on a family budget and an inability to afford the inspiring experiences that help children to continue their learning.

In setting out its plans for a five-term year, Nottingham City Council (委员会)is seeking to reduce the summer holiday down to four and a half weeks, with a. more balanced five terms of roughly eight weeks, each followed by a two-week break. We believe this will give real “down time" for school staff and pupils alike but will be short enough not to cause a real break in learning.

We acknowledge that this change may be difficult for some school staff, particularly whose own children are educated in other authorities. However, this must be weighed against the benefits for city children for whom we all have the greatest duty of care.

【1】The passage is probably written by _____.

A. an experienced teacher B. a working parent

C. an inspired student D. a city council member

2The underlined word they" in the second paragraph refers to “____”.

A. environments B. holidays C. wages D. benefits

3It is suggested in the passage that the summer break be reduced to _____.

A. 2 weeks B. 4.5 weeks C. 5 weeks D. 6 weeks

4The plans for a shorter summer holiday will help students _____.

A. obtain the cheapest holidays without additional costs

B. get a chance to spend, six weeks a term with teachers in school

C. benefit more from the caring and inspiring learning environment

D. have more school days to receive free school meals

5It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. working parents can enjoy a five-week break to care for their children

B. the suggested plans for a five-term school year can hardly be carried out

C. the long summer holiday gives teachers and students real down time"

D. some school staff will say No" to the plans for a shorter summer holiday

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