
【题目】 I was at the market at 5 p.m. to pick up a few essentials: Cream for coffee, eggs for breakfast and Advil for my______. After rushing all day doing jobs, I did not want to be______, to say the least. But I told myself it was my______stop before going home to put my feet up.

So I______a parking place, grabbed a bag from the trunk and found a shopping cart. That’s when I saw her. She was______in a shopping cart. She looked to be maybe 9-months old, short blond curls, blue eyes. I couldn’t take my______off her. Then I did what I always do with ______: I gave her my best smile. It may have looked a bit mad, ______ it comes from my heart.

That’s a(an)______ I formed long ago when I became a mother. It started with my child, in that ______, life-changing moment of her birth.

At times, my smile would fade to a look of______or worry, but it never left my face for long. I’ve learned that everyone needs a ______sometimes, young and old, friends and______, even those at the market in a rush to get home.

She took her______deciding just what to make of my smile. But finally, she______. I wish you could have seen her. I laughed and waved goodbye. And she______me a kiss. That put a smile on my face that got a smile______from every shopper I passed. I was______smiling when I got home and realized I’d forgotten to get Advil. ______, I didn’t need it. My headache was gone.

Somehow, in that simple______of smiles, this weary old world becomes a better place. If you’re lucky, maybe they’ll even blow you a kiss and make your headache go away.















15A.spoke upB.lit upC.stood upD.backed up


17A.in surpriseB.with careC.with fearD.in return



























1考查名词词义辨析。句意:以及为我的头痛准备的Advil药。A. headache头痛;B. toothache牙痛;C. cough咳嗽;D. cold感冒。与文章最后一句话中的“make your headache”呼应,这里指作者头痛所以要买止痛药。故选A项。

2考查动词词义辨析。句意:忙了一天工作后,不夸张地说我都不想购物了。A. walking走路;B. working工作;C. driving驾驶;D. shopping购物。与下一句but引导的句子呈现转折关系,这里指作者累到不想购物。故选D项。

3考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我告诉自己这是回家前的最后一趟购物。A. first第一个;B. best最好的;C. last最后的;D. worst最差的。分析语境可知,这是作者劝说自己的话,买了东西马上回家,即回家前的最后一次购物。故选C项。

4考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我到了一个停车点。A. spotted认出,弄脏;B. bought购买;C. got得到;D. drew牵引,描绘。后续的动作是从车里拿包去购物,可以推断这里是到了停车点把车停下。故选C项。

5考查动词词义辨析。句意:她正在一个购物车里坐着呢。A. sitting坐;B. sleeping睡觉;C. lying躺下;D. standing站立。下文指出这里的she是一个大约9个月大的孩子,根据常理应该是在购物车里坐着的。故选A项。

6考查名词词义辨析。句意:我无法把目光从她身上移开。A. breath呼吸;B. eyes眼睛;C. hands手;D. bag包。take one’s eyes off意为“无法从……移开目光”,这里指作者被购物车里的婴儿吸引住了。故选B项。

7考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我对她做了我总是和孩子们做的事。A. shoppers购物者;B. children孩子;C. girls女孩;D. strangers陌生人。与下文的star with my child对应,作者面对孩子们时总是会向他们露出微笑。故选B项。

8考查连词词义辨析。句意:可能看起来有点疯狂,但是它是发自内心的。A. because因为;B. so所以;C. and和,并且;D. but但是。分析前后句逻辑关系,呈现出句意上的转折,要用转折连词but。故选D项。

9考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个很久之前我当妈妈时就养成的习惯。A. hobby爱好;B. memory回忆;C. experience经历,经验;D. habit习惯。既然是always“总是”这样做,而且搭配动词form“形成,产生”,habit是最符合的。故选D项。

10考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是从我的孩子开始的,在那个她出生时难忘的、改变一生的时刻。A. familiar熟悉的;B. imaginary虚构的;C. unforgettable难忘的;D. bitter苦的。与另一个形容词life-changing并列,显然孩子的出生对于身为母亲的作者是意义重大的,也应当是无比难忘的。故选C项。

11考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时候,我的微笑会消逝,被充满恐惧或担忧的面容取代。A. fear恐惧;B. warmth温暖;C. curiousness好奇;D. fantasy幻想。与worry并列,这里指作者的微笑被其他负面的情绪代替,选项中只有fear是符合的。故选A项。

12考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现有时候每个人都需要微笑。A. comfort安慰;B. smile微笑;C. greeting问候;D. respect尊敬。smile一词作为文章主题词,贯穿始终,作者想表达每个人都应该经常微笑,给陌生人带去善意。故选B项。

13考查名词词义辨析。句意:不论年老年轻,也不论熟悉与否。A. strangers陌生人;B. families家人;C. enemies敌人;D. relatives亲戚。这里与friends形成对照,结合文段中叙述的那个在商店偶遇的小宝宝,应该指不论是熟识的朋友还是不熟悉的陌生人。故选A项。

14考查名词词义辨析。句意:她花了点时间决定该如何回应我的微笑。A. turn机会;B. toys玩具;C. courage勇气;D. time时间。与下句的but finally联系,这里指小宝宝过了段时间才作出了反应。故选D项。

15考查动词短语辨析。句意:但是最终,她看起来很高兴。A. spoke up大声说;B. lit up点火,点亮;C. stood up起立;D. backed up支持,辅助。从作者后续的反应来看,是从小宝宝那里得到了积极的回应,light up在这里指“露出喜色”。故选B项。

16考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还给我一个飞吻。A. blew吹;B. waved挥动;C. hugged拥抱;D. gave给予。blow a kiss意为“飞吻”,在后文中也有出现,符合文意。故选A项。

17考查介词短语辨析。句意:那使得我面带微笑,也让每一个和我相遇的其他顾客面带微笑作为回报。A. in surprise惊喜地;B. with care小心地;C. with fear害怕地;D. in return作为回报。这里指作者对其他人微笑,也换来了他人的微笑以对,可以看作是一种回报。故选D项。

18考查副词词义辨析。句意:我到家时还在笑。A. always总是;B. ever曾经;C. still仍然;D. just只是。搭配时间状语从句when I get home可知,作者微笑的动作到家时仍在持续,要用still表示“仍然,还是”。故选C项。

19考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,我不需要它了。A. Regularly规律地;B. Sadly悲伤地;C. Luckily幸运地;D. Frankly诚实地。下文指出作者因为心情愉悦头已经不痛了,也就不需要吃止痛药了,这自然是一件好事。故选C项。

20考查名词词义辨析。句意:不知怎么地,在这些简单的笑容交换里,这个令人厌倦的陈旧世界变得好起来了。A. discussion讨论;B. exchange交换;C. creation创造;D. bargain交易。作者对着小宝宝笑,小宝宝也作出了回应;她对着其他顾客微笑,其他顾客也以微笑回馈,相当于是在进行微笑的交换和传递。故选B项。


【题目】 Once eating alone was just that: sitting down in a restaurant on one’s own and eating a meal. Everyone did it sometimes, and when they did so, 1 . To eat alone might suggest that you didn’t have any friends. There was a kind of shame attached to it.

Nowadays, however, there is more and more solitary (独自的) eating for pleasure. 2 . “Foodies”—people with a passionate interest in cuisines—do it because all they need is the chance to eat good food. They don’t want company or conversation, but only the joy of eating some special dish. Other people eat alone because it’s simply practical for them to do so. For instance, it’s estimated that nearly a third of all the customers of fast-food restaurants eat alone. They are served with their food fast eat it fast and then leave fast. 3

But the appeal of eating alone is quite different. 4 . For the hour or so that it takes to have a meal, they can forget all the pressures of their lives. They don’t have to deal with their family or job. They can relax and let their mind wander. Maybe they’ll bring a book, a newspaper to enjoy a quiet time.

David Annand, editor of Conde Nast Traveler magazine, who delights in dining alone, speaks of his pleasure in the “rhythm of a meal in a restaurant—its ebb and flow (人来人往), the periodic arrival and departure of the waiter”. 5 .

A. It’s an experience of freedom

B. they might be a little embarrassed

C. People choose to eat alone for various reasons

D. none of them would feel bad about themselves

E. Sometimes staying alone is quite cosy when you don’t work

F. This restaurant rhythm allows him to sit back, observe and think

G. It saves time if they have a meeting or a child to pick up from school

【题目】The “Bystander Apathy Effect” was first studied by researchers in New York after neighbors ignored — and in some cases turned up the volume on their TVs — the cries of a woman as she was murdered (over a half-hour period). With regard to helping those in difficulty generally, they found that:

(1) women are helped more than men;

(2) men help more than women;

(3) attractive women are helped more than unattractive women.

Other factors relate to the number of people in the area, whether the person is thought to be in trouble through their own fault, and whether a person sees himself as being able to help.

According to Adrian Furnham, Professor of University College, London, there are three reasons why we tend to stand by doing nothing:

(1) “Shifting of responsibility”— the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given. Each person excuses himself by thinking someone else will help, so that the more “other people’ there are, the greater the total shifting of responsibility.

(2) “Fear of making a mistake” — situations are often not clear. People think that those involved in an accident may know each other or it may be a joke, so a fear of embarrassment makes them keep themselves to themselves.

(3) “Fear of the consequences if attention is turned on you, and the person is violent.”

Laurie Taylor, Professor of Sociology at London University, says: “In the experiments I’ve seen on intervention (介入), much depends on the neighborhood or setting. There is a silence on public transport which is hard to break. We are embarrassed to draw attention to something that is happening, while in a football match, people get involved, and a fight would easily follow.”

Psychotherapist Alan Dupuy identifies the importance of the individual: “The British as a whole have some difficulty intervening, but there are exceptional individuals in every group who are prepared to intervene, regardless of their own safety: These would be people with a strong moral code or religious ideals.”

1Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Pretty women are more likely to be helped.

B.People on a bus are more likely to stop a crime.

C.Religious people are more likely to look on.

D.Criminals are more likely to harm women.

2Which factor is NOT related with intervention according to the passage?


3Which phenomenon can be described as the “Bystander Apathy Effect”?

A.When one is in trouble, people think it’s his own fault.

B.In a football match, people get involved in a fight.

C.Seeing a murder, people feel sorry that it should have happened.

D.On hearing a cry for help, people keep themselves to themselves.

4The author wrote this article ______.

A.to explain why bystanders behave as they do

B.to urge people to stand out when in need

C.to criticize the selfishness of bystanders

D.to analyze the weakness of human nature

【题目】 One day, when I was a boy, my classmates and I were going to pick berries (莓果). Before I left, my father said, “Harry, when you find a good bush, don’t leave it to try to find a better one. The other kids will run about, picking one or two berries here, and one or two there, and getting very few in the end. If you want to get more berries, stick to your bush!”

I went with my classmates and we had a good time. But it was just as my father had said. Once one of my classmates found a good bush, he called to the others, and they would leave their places and run off to see what he had found.

But I remembered my father’s words, and I stuck to my bush. When I had done with one, I went to another. When night came, I had a large basketful of nice berries, and more than all the others put together. And I was not so tired as they were. I went home happily that night.

Now I have worked for 6 years, but I never forget the lesson my father taught me. I always stick to my bush. When I had a good place and was getting on well, I wouldn’t leave it and spend days or weeks trying to find a better place. When my friends said, “Come with us, and we will find you something better to do.” I shook my head, and stuck to my bush. Now I’m running a big company. I owe(归功于) all I have to the lesson my father taught me.

1What did Harry think of that day’s berry picking?



2When that day’s berry picking finished, __________.

A.Harry had got the most berriesB.Harry’s father came to pick him up

C.Harry was as tired as his classmatesD.Harry shared his berries with his classmates

3From the last paragraph we can learn that Harry __________.

A.accepted his friends’ helpB.is not satisfied with his job

C.spent weeks finding his jobD.is in charge of a big company

4What does the author mainly tell us?

A.Keep on doing one thing.B.Who laughs last laughs best.

C.Always keep parents’ words in heart.D.A good beginning makes a good ending.

【题目】 There are over 10,000 various species(种类) of birds across the world. These creatures are warm-hearted, can fly and lay eggs. From different sizes, communication skills, shapes, colors, to types of flight, the creatures are thought to be wonder.


There are four different species of avocets found around the world. This bird is found in North and South America, Europe, and even Australia. They are seldom seen in other areas. They live in large groups, and have been known to become quite eager to fight, if they feel they are in danger.

Eastern bluebirds

These types of birds are around 6.5inches in length. Such birds are found mainly in gardens and woodlands with the arrival of spring. Male eastern bluebirds are bright blue and white. Female eastern bluebirds are gray. New York and Missouri have named this creature as their state bird.


Catbirds are known to copy the sounds of other birds. This bird is gray in color and has a shade of chestnut, just under its tail. There are different species of catbirds found in various parts of the world.


Doves are smaller than pigeons and have a longer tail in appearance. Doves are found throughout the world and these birds are also a symbol of peace. They feed on fruits, plants and seeds to survive.

There are many other beautiful and attractive birds which can be seen in nature. Birds would prefer to have their own freedom rather than be trapped in a cage, so if you think you can have it as a pet, you need to think again.

1What can be inferred about avocets?

A.They are rarely seen in Asia.B.They are about 6.5 inches in length.

C.They have a shade of chestnut.D.They are a symbol of romance and peace.

2Which birds can learn the speech of other birds?

A.Avocets.B.Eastern bluebirds.


3Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A sports newspaper.B.A poster.

C.A travel guide.D.A science magazine.

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