
10.Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to?Try some of these places•
•Visit art museums. They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids'interest.Many offer workshops for making land-made pieces,traveling exhibits,book signings by children's favorite writer,and even musical performances and other arts.
•Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky.Also,ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.
•Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors.Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts.Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.
•Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country.These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike.They'll keep your c hild mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons,experimenting,and building.When everyone is tired,enjoy a fun family science show,commonly found in these museums.

25.If a child is interested in the un iverse,he probably will visitB
A.a Youtheater                       
B.a natural history museum
C.an art museum                   
D.a hands-on science museum
26.What can kids do at a Youtheater?B
A.Look at rock collections.
B.Watch puppet making.
C.See dinosaur models.
D.Give performances.
27.What does"hands-on science"mean in the last paragraph?C
A.Science games designed by kids.
B.A show of kids'science work.
C.Learning science by doing things.
D.Reading science books.
28.Where does this text probably come from?C
A.A science textbook.
B.A tourist map.
C.A museum guide.
D.A news report.

分析 本文介绍了4则儿童旅游的广告.第一则:艺术博物馆;第二个自然历史博物馆;第三则木偶剧院;第四则自己动手科学博物馆.

解答 25.B.判断推理题.根据"This is where kids can discoverthe past from dinosaur(恐龙)models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky."可知.而且宇宙的内容是自然历史博物馆的一部分. 故选B.
26.B   细节理解题:从第四段的句子:Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.可知在Youtheater孩子可以看做木偶,故选B.
27.C.细节理解题.根据文章中的最后一个广告中的"They'll keep your child mentallyand physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons,experimenting,and building."可知在这种博物馆中,孩子们通过按按钮、做实验和建东西去体验. 故选C.
28.C.判断推理题.根据文章的第一句话"Are you looking for some new andexciting places to take your kids (孩子)to?Try some of these places:"和四个全是博物馆内容可知,这是一则博物馆广告介绍,所以这取材于博物馆导游图.故选C.

点评 本文是一个广告布告类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

20.The Little Angel
Sally jumped up the moment she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room.She asked,"How is my little boy?"The surgeon said,"I'm(31)B.We did all we could,but your boy didn't(32)Cit."
Sally(33)Ainto the chair.The surgeon asked,"Would you like some time with your son before he was transported to the(34)B?"Sally nodded.While saying goodbye,she ran her fingers(35)Dthrough his thick curly hair."Would you like a lock of his hair?"the surgeon asked.Sally nodded yes.The surgeon cut a few hairs,and handed them to Sally.The mother said,"It was Jimmy's idea to(36)Bhis body to the university for study.He said it might(37)Asomebody else."I said no at first,(38)A
Jimmy said,‘Mom,I won't be using it after I die.Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom.'"
"My Jimmy had a heart of(39)D,always thinking of someone else,always wanting to help others if he could."she went on.
Sally walked out of the hospital.She put the bag with Jimmy's(40)Con the seat beside her in the car.The drive home was(41)A.It was even harder to enter the(42)C  
house.She carried Jimmy's belongings,and the lock of his hair to her son's room.She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room(43)Cwhere he had always kept them.She lay down across his bed and,hugging his pillow,(44)D 
herself to sleep.
It was around midnight when Sally(45)B.Lying beside her on the bed was a letter.The letter said,
"Dear Mom,
I know you're going to(46)Bme,and me too.I will always love you,Mom,even more(47)Deach passing day.Someday we will see each other again.Until then,if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so(48)A,that's OK with me.He can have my room and old toys to play with.
Don't be sad thinking about me.I don't hurt any more.The cancer is all(49)C.I don't have to stand that(50)Bany more.The angels in Heaven are so tender.They say I'm a Special Angel!I love you,Mom."

5.When people first walked across the Bering Land Bridge thousands of years ago,dogs were by their sides,according to a study published in the journal Science.
Robert Wayne of the University of California,Los Angeles,and Jennifer Leonard of the Smithsonian Institute,used DNA material-some of it unearthed by miners in Alaska-to conclude that today's domestic dog originated in Asia and accompanied the first humans to the New World about 10,000to 15,000years ago.Wayne suggests that man's best friend may have enabled the tough journey from Asia into North America."Dogs may have been the reason people made it across the land bridge,"said Wayne."They can pull things,carry things,defend you from fierce animals,and they're useful to eat."
Researchers have agreed that today's dog is the result of the domestication(驯化) of wolves thousands of years ago.Before this recent study,a common thought about the precise origin of North America's domestic dog was that Natives domesticated local wolves,the descendents(后代) of which now live with people in Alaska,Canada,and the Lower 48.
Dog remains  from a Fairbanks-area gold mine helped the scientists reach their conclusion.Leonard,an evolutionary biologist,collected DNA from 11bones of ancient dogs that were locked in permafrost(永冻层) until Fairbanks miners uncovered them in the 1920s.The miners donated the preserved bones to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City,where they remained untouched for more than 70years.After borrowing the bones from the museum,Leonard and her colleagues used radiocarbon techniques to find the age of the Alaska dogs.They found the dogs all lived between the years of 1450and 1675A.D.,before Vitus Bering and Aleksey Chirikov who were the first known Europeans to view Alaska in 1741.The bones of dogs that wandered the Fairbanks area centuries ago should therefore be the remains of"pure native American dogs,"Leonard said.The DNA of the Fairbanks dogs would also expose whether they were the descendents of wolves from North America.
Along with the Fairbanks samples,the researchers collected DNA from bones of 37dog specimens(标本) from Mexico,Peru,and Bolivia that existed before the arrival of Columbus.In the case of both the Alaska dogs and the dogs from Latin America,the researchers found that they shared the most genetic material with gray wolves of Europe and Asia.This supports the idea of domestic dogs entering the New World with the first human explorers who wandered east over the land bridge.
Leonard and Wayne's study suggests that dogs joined the first humans that made the adventure across the Bering Land Bridge to slowly populate the Americas.Wayne thinks the dogs that made the trip must have provided some excellent service to their human companions or they would not have been brought along."Dogs must have been useful because they were expensive to keep,"Wayne said."They didn't feed on mice; they fed on meat,which was a very guarded resource."

27.The underlined word"remains"is closed in meaning toB.
A.leftover food     B.dead bodies     
C animal waste.     D.living environment
28.According to the study described in Paragraph 4,we can learn thatA.
A.the bones studied were not from dogs brought into North America by Europeans
B.the 11bones of ancient dogs are not from native American dogs
C.the bones discovered by the gold miners were from North American wolves
D.ancient dogs entered North America between 1450and 1675AD
29.What can we know from the passage?B
A.Native Americans domesticated local wolves into dogs.
B.Ancient dogs entered North America across the Bering Land Bridge.
C.Latin America's dogs are different from North America's in genes.
D.Scientists discovered some ancient dog remains in 1920s.
30.The first humans into the New World brought dogs along with them becauseD.
A.dogs fed on mice
B.dogs were easy to keep
C.dogs helped protect their resources
D.dogs could provide excellent service
31.The passage mainly talks aboutA.
A.the origin of the North American dogs
B.the DNA study of ancient dogs in America
C.the reasons why early people entered America
D.the difference between Asian and American dogs.
19.Miles to Go took me on a road trip through the life of a girl that I thought I already knew everything about.With every sentence,I felt like Miley was talking to me,having a sister-to-sister chat.She wrote this with her heart,and that is why it is so meaningful.
Miley is not a cookie-cutter (千篇一律的) celebrity,like many say.She knows where she came from and won't forget it.She lives by her values and holds onto her strong faith.
Family is always Miley's top priority.If her little sister,Noah,wants her to stay home and watch a movie,Miley will.Even if Miley gets invited to a celebrity party,it's clear that Miley will choose her family first.
My favorite part of the book is when she talks about Vanessa,a 9-year-old girl suffering from cystic fibrosis (囊性纤维变性).Miley met her at a hospital and they became friends.Miley kept in contact with her family and often visited Vanessa at the hospital or called when she was on tour.One day Miley called only to find that Vanessa's time on the earth had ended.Miley was very sad.She immediately got off the tour bus and lay down in a frozen field.This was when Miley realized how important it is to love every day and not take it for granted.This is just one of Miley's many     beautifull stories.
Miley connects with readers.For someone so young,Miley is one of the most brilliant people that I have ever seen.Her fame hasn't changed her; she stays grounded with the help of her family and her faith.
When this book came out,I became Miley's number-one fan all over again.In reading Miles to Go,I felt like a part of the family.
25.Why does the author think Miles to Go is very meaningful?A
A.Miley wrote the book with all her emotions.
B.One can have a heart-to-heart talk with its author.
C.It tells many interesting stories about Miley's family life.
D.It tells an inspiring story of a girl bravely fighting against her illness.
26.We can learn from the text that.MileyA.
A.loves her family very much
B.regards her work as top priority
C.likes watching TV very much
D.was only 9 years old when she wrote the book
27.Which of the following words can best describe Miley?D
A.Ambitious,active and brave.
B.Cautious,sensitive and patient.
C.Lovely,humorous and easy-going.
D.Considerate,independent and strong-minded.
28.In which column of a newspaper can we most probably find this text?C
C.Book Review.
D.Travel Guide.
5.It was Sunday and I was returning from my sister's place.I left (31)C thinking that I might get a seat in the subway and it would be a rather easy  (32)A.But since my bad luck was  (33)B me everywhere,l couldn't get a seat.I entered and made my way straight to the   (34)B of the compartment (车厢).I stood there leaning (35)C the side rails.I was feeling very (36)Dabout myself.
After a few stops I got a seat.Just then,entered a (37)Alady supported by the subway staff and she came next to me.I helped her out of the wheelchair and made her seated,I took out my MP4player and  (38)B the earpieces just to keep all the negative thoughts from my head.Just then I heard the lady calling me.She (39)D  herself to me and asked about me.I(40)A my best possible smile and answered that much only and pushed back my earpieces.
She went on talking and I had to(41)Dmy earpieces.She told me she was a student at Ramakrishna Mission Ashram and goes there   (42)C  It gives her peace and (43)B.As a matter of fact,the strength to keep going helped her to (44)A  the human life as much as possible.She then gave me one of Swami's  (45)C  and also recited  (朗诵) some of poems.She kept on talking for the most of time and I was very  (46)A listening to her.
We were so  (47)D talking that we didn't even(48)D our names and I didn't notice it  until we came to our station and we went our ways.(49)B  she left,I opened the book she gave and read inspirational messages.There and then,I understood that (50)C may come,it should not hamper (束缚) our hopes and our expectations.
39.A.expressedB.recognizedC.impressedD introduced
41.A.turn onB.bring upC.give inD.put away
47.A.applied toB.accustomed toC.interested inD.absorbed in

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