
【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

To have a fruitful discussion, teachers need to decide what seating arrangement is best for their own class and be prepared to experiment with different methods.1 method is adopted, it should help and be productive of dialogue between children as well as between teacher and child. Within the physical setting, children and teachers should agree 2 a discussion takes place.

Why are rules necessary for discussion? This may be a question to ask the children. If children are given freedom to talk, why are there rules that will restrict that freedom? The golden rule is of course that one’s own freedom 3 not interfere with the freedom of others. Individuals within a democratic community have equal rights. A child who talks all the time 4(deny) the rights of others to be heard. Each person should be allowed an equal chance to speak and to put forward their own point of view and if we wish 5listen) to, then we should listen to others. There is no point giving a point of view 6 someone is listening.7 of us are capable of listening to more than one person at a time, so another basic rule should be: only one person to speak at a time. Listening implies not only hearing the words but paying attention to the meaning of 8 is being said. This is not a natural thing for children to do. School is typically a place where children learn to listen to the teacher but not to each other. The skills of listening need to be practiced. The ideal discussion,9 everyone listens to the speaker and then each is allowed to reply, is rare among adults, let alone children. It works 10 (well) when certain ground-rules for discussion are followed.






5to be listened




9in which




1考查让步状语从句。句意:无论采用哪种方法,都应有助于儿童之间以及教师与儿童之间的对话,并使之富有成效。根据语境可知,此空格是修饰名词different methods。根据前句中有different methods,本句是指上文中提到的不同方法中的无论哪一种,有范围中的无论哪一种,应该用whichever,表示无论哪一种方法。故填Whichever

2考查宾语从句。句意:在现实环境中,孩子和老师应该就讨论的方式达成一致。根据上下文可知,此处是指就讨论的方式达成一致,即 如何讨论达成一致,表方式,故填how

3考查情态动词。句意:最好的原则当然是一个人自己的自由不应妨碍他人的自由。根据语境可知,此处表示一种建议,即应该如何做。should 表示提出建议,表示应该,可以。故填should

4考查谓语动词。句意:一个总是说话的孩子会剥夺他人的发言权。分析句子可知,本句的主语是三人称单数a child,根据全文可知,此处要用一般现在时,即用denies,故填denies

5考查动词不定式。句意:如果我们希望别人倾听,我们就应该倾听别人。“wish to do sth”为固定搭配,意为希望做某事。但是也要注意此处用动词不定式的被动,由语境可知,此处表示我们希望被倾听,表示方式。故填to be listened




9考查非限制性定语从句。句意:在理想的讨论中,每个人都听演讲者的讲话,允许每个人作出回应。分析句子可知,本句是非限制性定语从句。the ideal discussion是先行词,在定语从句中作状语, in the discussion,要用in which,故填in which



【题目】Do you intend to study at an American university? It takes a long time to get accepted at most American schools, perhaps as much as a year. That’s why you should start choosing a school as soon as possible. It’s a good idea to apply to several different institutions, so that you’ll have a better chance of acceptance at one. You should start looking for information now, because the more information you have about each college, the better choice you can make.

There are two good ways to get information you need. One is a general reference (参考) book, called Guide to American Colleges and Universities. The other good source of information is the catalogue (目录) published by each school.

You can study the general guide in almost any American library. This book has many useful statistics, such as the number of students, the average test scores for people accepted to the school, the number of books in the library, and the number of teachers. You can also find the address of each school in this book.

Although the general guidebook has helpful information, some of the facts may be out-of-date. For example, many schools raise their tuition every year. Since you’ll need to know what your education will cost, out-of-date information will not be good enough. Also, schools sometimes change their requirements for entrance. To be sure that you are getting present information, write to the university and ask for its catalogue. The catalogue has more detailed information. For example, the catalogue can tell you if there is a special foreign student advisor, what kind of courses are offered, and what kind of housing is available. Some universities have dormitories, but at others you have to find your own place to live.

With all of this information, you should be able to pick out several good schools.

1Where can you probably find the information about a school?

A. From a reference book. B. From any library in the world.

C. From a textbook of the school. D. From the lists of schools.

2Which of the following information will be included in a general guidebook?

A. The location of a school. B. The cost of living abroad.

C. Students’ activities at school. D. The list of library books.

3How can you get the newest information of a school?

A. By reading guidebooks. B. By visiting its website.

C. By asking a student advisor. D. By writing to the school.

4Who may find this passage most useful?

A. An English teacher in Japan. B. A high school student in China.

C. A university student in America. D. A school headmaster in Britain.

【题目】 When Ariyah Georges was born 15 weeks early, she weighed only one pound, 12 ounces. Her mother, Jovan, knew how important breastfeeding was, especially for a premature (早产的) baby like Ariyah, so she began pumping milk to feed her through a tube. But two days later, Jovan felt dizzy and feverish — 104 Fahrenheit degrees, in fact. She had a blood disease and was close to full shock.

She was separated from others for nearly two weeks at the regional Northern Virginia hospital where she'd delivered. During that time, she could still pump breast milk, but Ariyah couldn't consume it because of the risk of infection. Without it, the newborn was particularly easily affected by diseases. There are many cases like this, which creates the need for the milk donation.

Enter donor milk breast milk purchased by hospitals for mothers who aren't able to produce enough milk on their own, due to health complications, stresses, or other factors. The milk comes from milk banks, organizations that collect and screen breast milk from those women willing to donate. Usually processed in intensive-care units, the milk is only available by prescription.

In recent years, both milk banks and the use of donated human milk have risen swiftly in the United States. In 2011, 22 percent of NICUs used donor breast milk; four years later, that number doubled to nearly 40 percent, and went even higher for the most intensive NICUs — as much as 75 percent. There are 23 milk banks in the United States recognized by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America, or HMBANA, double the number that existed five years ago.

But as the demand for donor milk rises, banks must find more charitable donors — a task made more complicated by informal networks of milk sharing that happens online. And many of the most vulnerable infants are still not being reached.

1Jovan couldn't feed her baby Ariyah on her breast milk because_______.

A.Ariyah was a premature babyB.Jovan couldn't produce enough milk

C.Jovan was separated from othersD.Jovan was in poor health.

2By telling the story of Ariyah and her mother, the writer wants to______.

A.tell us what to do if mothers cannot produce enough milk.

B.remind us of the importance of breastfeeding the newborn.

C.introduce the topic of an increasing need for donated human milk.

D.warn us against the risk of the newborn being affected by diseases.

3How is the writer's idea mainly developed in Paragraph 4?

A.By following time order.B.By listing statistics.

C.By giving examples.D.By making predictions.

4What problem are milk banks now faced with?

A.It's difficult to find enough charitable donors.

B.networks of milk looking for donors online are informal.

C.The milk purchased from milk banks cannot reach infants' home.

D.The number of women willing to donate breast milk are decreasing.

【题目】 One Australian state government has become the first in the world to carry out a statewide camera program to automatically detect (探测) drivers using their cell phones while driving.

The program came into effect in the state of New South Wales on December 1 following a six-month trial earlier this year, which the government claims caught over 100,000 drivers. Similar technology has been tested in England and Saudi Arabia, but the NSW program marks the first time it has been widely carried out.

There won’t be any signs signalling the cameras’ presence, either. “We have to unfortunately use the element of surprise to get people to think ‘well, I could get caught at any time,’” said NSW Roads Minister Andrew Constance. “I want behaviour to change and I want it changed immediately.”

The cell phone detection camera can’t actually discover people using their phones in time. Instead, it takes photographs of every single vehicle that passes by it, using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse them later. If the software detects a likely offender (违法者), the image is then checked by an employee before a punishment notice is sent out.

Drivers will only receive warnings for the first three months the cell phone detection cameras are in operation. After that, drivers who are caught will be fined 344 dollars, as well as losing five points from their driver’s license.

According to the NSW government, if the AI doesn’t detect any phone use in a photo it will be deleted without any human seeing it, usually within an hour.

1Why does the NSW government carry out the camera program?

A.To detect the number of drivers using cell phones.

B.To help drivers avoid being caught in surprise.

C.To change drivers’ behavior of using cell phones while driving.

D.To test similar technology like some European countries.

2What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?


3What may happen to the offenders detected by the camera?

A.Some regular written warnings.B.No punishment in the limited time.

C.A heavy fine without point loss.D.A make-up test of the driver’s license.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.A road Al camera system in Australia.

B.A test of world-first AI camera system.

C.The behaviors of Australian drivers.

D.The development of AI camera system.

【题目】 Most of the thousands of tourists who visit Pompeii every year leave with nothing more than amazing memories. But there are some who take away a little extra – the relics themselves.

However, it seems that those visitors who have slipped a piece of the world’s most important archaeological(考古的) site into their pockets have come to regret their actions.

Tourists who took relics from the ruined Roman city have been returning them to the site, saying they are cursed (诅咒).

One man wrote from Latin America saying that he and his entire family had experienced “trauma after trauma” after he took a piece of stone from Pompeii.

Massimo Osanna, a senior official at Pompeii, said he had received up to a hundred packages from across the world in recent years containing items from the site, often accompanied by letters explaining the relics had brought them bad luck.

The “curse of Pompeii” is an old story that says the eruption(火山爆发) of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, which buried Pompeii, was punishment from the gods after troops ruined the buildings where people showed respect to the gods.

“At a certain point, people started believing in this story again,” said Mr. Osanna. “Even proper thieves have returned things to us.”

In one case, five packages were sent to Pompeii containing stolen items, including a statue that had disappeared in 1987. The accompanying letter was sent from Spain and the writer explained the statue had brought a “curse on his entire family”.

However, some are affected by a strong feeling of dishonor in their heart, rather than an ancient curse. Mr. Osanna said that an English woman had recently returned around 10 mosaic tiles (镶嵌地砖) that her parents had taken while on holiday during the Seventies.

“When her mother died, she received these little pieces. But in the letter she described them as ‘uncomfortable’ and said she wanted to give them back,” he said.

Mr. Osanna is considering setting up an exhibition of all the letters he has received, calling it “What I brought back from Pompeii”.

1Why did some visitors who took relics away regret?

A.Because there was nothing but amazing memories.

B.Because they took away the relics themselves.

C.Because they thought the stolen relics brought them bad luck.

D.Because they received letters from a senior official at Pompeii.

2The underlined word “trauma” probably means “________”.

A.an unpleasant and upsetting experience

B.an old object or custom that reminds people of the past

C.a building where people respect gods

D.the things that a person or animal does

3According to the old story, the gods were angry because________.

A.some people cursed them

B.the city of Pompeii was buried

C.some soldiers didn’t show them enough respect

D.too many buildings for people were ruined

4Before returning the mosaic tiles, the English woman must have felt _______.



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