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Being an excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Huahas been honored asStar of the Campus£®
He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work atweekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£¬which shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®With great intelligence£¬diligence£¬good learning methods andpositive attitudes£¬he studies well in all the subjects and often ranks among the top threein the class£®After class£¬he is active in the playground£¬music clubs and some communities£®The sport he likes most isplaying basketball and he has served as leader of our school basketball teamfor two years£®He also takesgreat delightin Chinese opera as well assinging pop songs£®Besides£¬he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices£®
In a word£¬Li Hua is an outstanding student£¬who has set a good examplefor us£®£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÊÇһƪͼ±í+Ìá¸Ùʽ×÷ÎÄ£®¸ù¾ÝËùÌṩµÄ²ÄÁÏÐÅÏ¢£¬½éÉÜÀµÄ×ÛºÏËØÖÊÇé¿ö£¬Ð´Ò»Æª¶ÌÎÄ£®
ÖØÒª¶ÌÓall-rounddevelopment £¨È«Ãæ·¢Õ¹£©£¬be honored as £¨ÈÙ»ñ£©£¬spend time doing £¨»¨·Ñʱ¼ä×ö¡­£©£¬rank among the top three£¨ÅÅÃûÇ°Èý£©£¬serve as£¨×÷Ϊ£¬³äµ±£©£¬take great delight in £¨ÒÔ¡­ÎªÀÖ£©£¬take an active partin £¨»ý¼«²Î¼Ó£©£¬in a word £¨×ÜÖ®£©£¬set a good example for £¨Îª¡­Ê÷Á¢°ñÑù£©£®
1£®Being an excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Hua has been honored as Star of the Campus£®
2£®He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends£¬¢Ùhelping the old or the disabled£¬¢Úwhich shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®
¢ÚÕâÀïÊÇwhichÒýµ¼µÄ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whichÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óָ´úÇ°ÃæÕû¸öÖ÷¾äµÄÄÚÈÝHe spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£®

½â´ð Beingan excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Hua hasbeen honored as Star of the Campus£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨¿ªÍ·£©
He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work atweekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£¬which shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨Ë¼ÏëÆ·µÂ£©With great intelligence£¬diligence£¬good learning methods and positive attitudes£¬he studies well in all thesubjects and often ranks among the top three in the class£®£¨Ñ§ÒµË®Æ½£© After class£¬he is active in theplayground£¬music clubs and some communities£®The sport he likes most is playing basketball and he hasserved as leader of our school basketball team for two years£®£¨ÉíÐĽ¡¿µ£©He also takes great delight in Chinese opera aswell as singing pop songs£®£¨ÒÕÊõËØÑø£© Besides£¬he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices£®£¨Éç»áʵ¼ù£©
In a word£¬Li Hua is an outstanding student£¬who has set a good examplefor us£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨×ܽá¸ÅÀ¨£©

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1£®If boy wizard Harry Potter uses his magic to capture £¨ÃÔס£© the hearts of millions of teenagers£¬high school students Gabriella and Troy have charmed American boys and girls with their stories of campus life£®
They are the leading characters in High School Musical£¬a series of hugely successful films in the US£®The sequel £¨Ðø¼¯£©£¬High School Musical 3£¬came out on October 24and has topped the American box office for two straight weeks£®
The show has everything attractive to teenagers-dancing£¬catchy music£¬puppy love and good looks£®The story starts when high school basketball star Troy and brainy Gabriella-two teenagers who are worlds apart-meet during the winter break£®At a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other£®When school starts£¬Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school£®
Eager to find the magic they had during karaoke£¬Troy and Gabriella decide to audition £¨ÊÔ¾µ£© for the school's upcoming musical£®This angers the school's drama queen Sharpay£®However£¬they overcome difficulties and become the leading actors£®
But the story doesn't end there£®High School Musical 2follows their adventures over summer vacation when Sharpay tires to break up Troy and Gabriella£®In the latest sequel£¬high-school seniors are facing the possibilities of being separated from each other as they go off in different directions when graduating from high school£®
Joined by the rest of their friends£¬Troy and Gabriella stage a musical reflecting their experiences£¬hopes and fears about the future£®
"The success of the High School Musical films shows Disney's long-term efforts to attract youngsters for whom Mickey Mouse seems to babyish£¬"wrote New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff£®"For the time being£¬the movie has made fictional high school students as recognizable as that 79-year-old mouse£®"

31£®What is the passage mainly about£¿C
A£®Boy wizard-Harry Potter£®
B£®High school students Gabriella and Troy£®
C£®A successful show-High School Musical£®
D£®Disney's long-term efforts£®
32£®How many films are there in this series of films£¿B
A.2£®  B.3£®  C.4£®  D.5£®
33£®What can you learn from the words"two teenagers who are worlds apart"£¿C
A£®They live far away from each other£®
B£®They used to know each other well£®
C£®They have a big difference between each other£®
D£®They study at different schools£®
34£®What happens in High School Musical 2£¬according to the passage£¿D
A£®Troy and Gabriella audition for a school musical£®
B£®Troy and Gabriella meet at a karaoke contest£®
C£®Troy and Gabriella graduate from high school£®
D£®Sharpay tries to break up Troy and Gabriella£®
35£®What does New York Times reporter Dave Itzkoff mean£¿A
A£®High School Musical is possibly more attractive to youngsters£®
B£®The high school students don't like Mickey Mouse£®
C£®Mickey Mouse is more attractive to youngsters£®
D£®Mickey Mouse is too old to be recognized by youngsters£®
9£®There are the two simple words£¬"if"and"what"£®These two words can be used in many sentences and questions by themselves£¬but if you put them together£¬it forms a serious question£¬"What if¡­£¿"
This question will bring you back to a certain time in your life when you made a choice£®You may not be happy with that choice today and often think about why you did it£¬but you made the decision because it was the best choice at that specific moment in your life£®Now£¬years later£¬you start to think about that specific choice you made£®You mentally struggle with yourself and consider if you could choose again£¬what would you do£¿Would it be totally different£¿
I truly believe if you want something very much£¬you can do it and achieve it£¬because"Where there is a will£¬there is a way£®"You can correct the mistakes of your decisions for the past£¬go out and find happiness in the right decisions for your future£®It is never too late to do anything in life£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
