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Being an excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Huahas been honored asStar of the Campus£®
He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work atweekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£¬which shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®With great intelligence£¬diligence£¬good learning methods andpositive attitudes£¬he studies well in all the subjects and often ranks among the top threein the class£®After class£¬he is active in the playground£¬music clubs and some communities£®The sport he likes most isplaying basketball and he has served as leader of our school basketball teamfor two years£®He also takesgreat delightin Chinese opera as well assinging pop songs£®Besides£¬he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices£®
In a word£¬Li Hua is an outstanding student£¬who has set a good examplefor us£®£®
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ÖØÒª¶ÌÓall-rounddevelopment £¨È«Ãæ·¢Õ¹£©£¬be honored as £¨ÈÙ»ñ£©£¬spend time doing £¨»¨·Ñʱ¼ä×ö¡£©£¬rank among the top three£¨ÅÅÃûÇ°Èý£©£¬serve as£¨×÷Ϊ£¬³äµ±£©£¬take great delight in £¨ÒԡΪÀÖ£©£¬take an active partin £¨»ý¼«²Î¼Ó£©£¬in a word £¨×ÜÖ®£©£¬set a good example for £¨Îª¡Ê÷Á¢°ñÑù£©£®
1£®Being an excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Hua has been honored as Star of the Campus£®
2£®He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends£¬¢Ùhelping the old or the disabled£¬¢Úwhich shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®
¢ÚÕâÀïÊÇwhichÒýµ¼µÄ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whichÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Óָ´úÇ°ÃæÕû¸öÖ÷¾äµÄÄÚÈÝHe spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£®
½â´ð Beingan excellent student with all-round development£¬Li Hua hasbeen honored as Star of the Campus£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨¿ªÍ·£©
He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work atweekends£¬helping the old or the disabled£¬which shows his character of responsibility and kindness£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨Ë¼ÏëÆ·µÂ£©With great intelligence£¬diligence£¬good learning methods and positive attitudes£¬he studies well in all thesubjects and often ranks among the top three in the class£®£¨Ñ§ÒµË®Æ½£© After class£¬he is active in theplayground£¬music clubs and some communities£®The sport he likes most is playing basketball and he hasserved as leader of our school basketball team for two years£®£¨ÉíÐĽ¡¿µ£©He also takes great delight in Chinese opera aswell as singing pop songs£®£¨ÒÕÊõËØÑø£© Besides£¬he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices£®£¨Éç»áʵ¼ù£©
In a word£¬Li Hua is an outstanding student£¬who has set a good examplefor us£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿£¨×ܽá¸ÅÀ¨£©
µãÆÀ дºÃÕâÀàͼƬ¼°Ìá¸Ùʽ×÷ÎĵĹؼüÊÇÈÏÕæ·ÖÎöËù¸øÌáʾÐÅÏ¢£¬Áé»îÔËÓÃÓ¢Óï֪ʶ£¬²ÉÓò»Í¬µÄ±í´ï·½Ê½½«ÒªµãÍêÕûµØ±íÊö³öÀ´£¬²¢ÈÏÕ濴ͼ£¬Î§ÈÆÖ÷Ì⣬ÌáÁ¶Òªµã£¬·¢»ÓÏëÏó£¬ÓïÑÔÁ¦Çó׼ȷ¡¢¼ò½à£®Ñ¡ÓúÏÊʵÄÁ¬½Ó´Ê»ò¹ý¶É´Ê£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕ¾ßÓÐÒ»¶¨µÄÁ¬¹áÐÔ£®Í¬Ê±Ò²Òª×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍʹÎÄÕÂÏԵøüÓеµ´Î£¬×îºó»¹ÒªÈÏÕæ²éÑéÊÇ·ñÓЩдÇé¿ö£¬ÓÐÎÞƴд´íÎó¼°±êµãÎóÓõȣ®

-________£¬dear!We are reaching it£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | That's all right | B£® | My goodness | ||
C£® | Come on | D£® | No wonder |
A£® | break up | B£® | pick up | C£® | bring up | D£® | build up |