
7.Five Things Happy People Usually Do
Express gratitude.
When you appreciate what you have,you benefit a lot.So basically,being grateful for the goodness will bring you a deeper sense of happiness.And that's without having to go out and buy anything.It makes sense.(36)C
Cultivate optimism.
Winners have the ability to build their own optimism.No matter what the situation,they will always find a way to take an optimistic attitude.(37)F
People who think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities,especially in difficult times.
Avoid over-thinking and social comparison.
(38)G If we're somehow"better"than the person that we're comparing ourselves to,it gives us an unhealthy sense of superiority.What I've found is that the majority of this type of social comparison doesn't originate from a healthy place.If you feel called to compare yourself to something,compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself.
Practice acts of kindness.
Performing an act of kindness keeps us happy.(39)E What's even cooler about this kindness is that not only will you feel better,but also people watching the act of kindness will.How extraordinary that is!By standers will be blessed with happiness just by watching what's going on.
The happiest people on the planet are the ones who have deep,meaningful relationships.There's a warm fuzzy(模糊的) feeling that comes from having an active circle of good friends who you can share your experiences with.We feel connected and a part of something more meaningful than our lonesome existence.

A.Make more friends.
B.Encourage social relationships.
C.We're going to have a hard time if we aren't thankful for what we already have.
D.We are supposed to hold a positive attitude towards life.
E.Helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside.
F.They consider failure only as an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.
G.Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous.

分析 本文主要介绍了快乐的人通常做的五件事:1、表达感激之情;2、培养乐观的态度;3、避免过度思考和社会比较;4、极乐行善;5、鼓励社交关系.

解答 36-40 CFGEB
36.C联系上文题.根据本段小标题Express gratitude.表达感激.C项:We're going to have a hard time if we aren't thankful for what we already have.如果我们不感激我们已经拥有的,那么生活就会不好过.符合文意,故选C.
37.F语境辨析题.根据上文No matter what the situation,they will always find a way to take an optimistic attitude.可知不管情况如何,他们总能找到一种乐观的态度.F项:They consider failure only as an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.他们把失败仅仅看成是一种成长和从生活中吸取新教训的机会.符合语境,故选F.
38.G中心思想题.根据本段小标题Avoid over-thinking and social comparison.可知避免过度思考和社会比较.G项:Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous.把自己和别人比较是令人讨厌的.符合文意,故选G.
39.E联系上文题.根据上文Performing an act of kindness keeps us happy.可知做行善会让我们觉得快乐.E项:Helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside.帮助别人是一种感觉非常良好的方式.符合文意,故选E.
40.B小标题选择.根据本段介绍了要多交朋友.B项:Encourage social relationships.鼓励社交关系.符合文意,故选B.

点评 答题前先快速浏览一遍七个备选答案,先确定哪个选项适合放在文章的什么位置.通常有三个四个位置:标题,句首,句中,句尾.不同位置的句子有不同的特征.确定文章体裁,抓住文章结构.分析篇章结构,找出各段的主题句或主旨大意.

17.When you take a walk in a town in a western country,you'll often see people walking (41)Btheir dogs.It is still true that a dog is (42)D animal in the world,but the reason why people (43)C a dog has changed.Once upon a time,a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight (44)A other animals and he found the dog (45)C him and did what he told him (46)B.Later people used dogs for hunting (47)D other animals,and the dogs did not (48)B when they got until they their masters agreed.So dogs were used for (49)A sheep and guarding chickens.But now people in the towns and cities (50)D dogs to fight other animals for them.Why do they keep dogs?Of course,they keep them to (51)D thieves,but the most important reason is (52)A people feel (53)C in the city.For a child,a dog is his (54)B friend when he has no friend to (55)A.For a young wife,a dog is her (56)B when she does not have her own.For old people,a dog is also a child when their (57)D children have grown up and (58)A.Now people do not have to use a dog,but they keep it (59)B a friend,just like a member of the (60)B. 

41.A fromB.withC.alongD.for
42.A.the loveliestB.the cleverestC.the kindestD.the most useful 
45.A.listen toB.listening  toC.listened toD.listening 
47.A.instead ofB.instead forC.withD.for
50.A.needn'tB.needC.didn't needD.do not need
54.A.worstB.bestC.most horribleD.nearest
55.A.talk withB.playC.play withD.talk
15.My life began similarly to most children but I grew up without knowing what a father or mother was.No one was there to teach me how to tell right from wrong.Because of this,I got into some bad habits and spent seven years as a boy on the street.
When I was 20,I was taken in a rehab clinic (康复诊所).Inside I met Bill,my counselor (辅导员).He taught me a lot of things.The main thing was the gift of giving.
It was the night before an important test and I was very nervous.Bill invited me to go out for a walk to relax(放松) me.As we walked and talked,Bill suggested we should go for a coffee.I told him I had no money when I got paid,and I offered to pay him back.He stopped then and looked at me in a serious,but loving way and said he was doing this because he wanted to.Then he said,"One day when you'll be around someone who will need a coffee,you'll be able to buy it for them.That's how you can pay me back."
I'm a primary school teacher now.My job is simple and I can buy young people coffee now.Bill taught me how to offer help to others.
5.The author got into some bad habits becauseA.
A.he didn't have parents to teach him    
B.he couldn't get a good school education
C.he didn't listen to his teacher,Bill       
D.he was living on the street
6.One night,Bill invited the author to go out for a walk toC.
A.have a cup of coffee                    
B.teach the author a lesson
C.make the author less nervous            
D.make friends with the author
7.Which of the following statements is probably right?C
A.The author was too stupid to tell right from wrong.
B.Bill often offered his students coffee to please them.
C.Bill had clever ways to teach his students.
D.The author was often nervous before important tests.
8.What did the author learn from Bill?B
A.To be thankful to others.
B.To offer kindness to others.
C.To stop drinking alcohol.
D.To buy coffee for others.
12.I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner.The smells of food flew over from the kitchen.Mother was pulling out quilt(被子)after quilt from the boxes,proudly showing me their beauties.She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church.When we began to fold and put them back into the boxes,I noticed something at the bot tom of one box.I pulled it out."What is this?"I asked.
"Oh?"Mom said,"That's Mama's quilt."
I spread the quilt.It looked at i f a group of school children had pieced it together; irregular designs,childish pictures,a crookedline on the right.
"Grandmother made this?"I said,surprised.My grandmother was a master at making quilts.This certainly didn't look like any of the quilts she had made.
"Yes,right before she died.I brought it home with me last year and made some changes,"she said."I'm still working on it.See,this is what I've done so far."
  I looked at it more closely.She had made straight a crooked line.At the center of the quilt,she had stitched(缝) a piece of cloth with these words:"My mother made many quilts.She didn't get all lines straight.But I think this is beautiful.I want to see it finished.Her last quilt."
"Oh,this is so nice,Mom,"I said.It occurred to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt,my mother was honoring her own mother.I realized,too,that I held in my hands a family treasure.It started with the loving hands of one woman,and continued with the loving hands of another.
24.Why did the author go to mother's home?C
A.To see her mother's quilts.
B.To help prepare for a show.
C.To get together for the family dinner.
D.To discuss her grandmother's life.
25.The author was surprised because.A
A.the quilt looked very strange.
B.her grandmother liked the quilt.
C.the quilt was the best she had seen.
D.her mother had made some changes
26.The underlined wood"crooked"in the passage most probably means.C
27.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Quilt Show                             
B.Mother's Home     
C.A Monday Dinner                          
D.Grandmother's Quilt.
19.Some kids love going off to camp in the summer,playing volleyball,swimming,and so on.But I know that some kids absolutely hate it because I was one myself.They hate the cold sea and getting sand in their clothes and they hate being picked last for the volleyball team.(36)D It's especially for those kids who would rather spend time playing computer games than running around getting dirty.But you won't be playing computer games,this course allows you to design them.
(37)GTwo top game designers Mike Jones and Mel Wilson from the company Star Games are responsible for making favorites such as Mickey the Monkey and Rainforest Expedition.They will teach you the steps that go into creating a new game,and teach you how to use various computer programs and build some simple games yourself.
(38)BYou won't have to sleep in a tent either.Kids on the course will stay at a local hotel,where there is a gym,computers and a great canteen.No cooking on a campfire in the cold!
(39)FLast year,the course was extremely popular but it was only five days.This year we're having an additional three days.So that's over a week of gaming!
To go on the course,you need to be between thirteen and seventeen years old.(40)E We only have space for twenty-two people.That's slightly fewer than last year's twenty five,because we don't have as many teachers on the course this year.So hurry up and book your place!
If you're still not sure whether to join or not,have a look at the website www.teengames.net,that's www.teengames.net and you can see what the students did on the course last year.You can book your place on the same site.

A.One is never too old to learn.
B.Don't worry about the living place.
C.You will receive comfortable service.
D.That's why our course is so appealing.
E.Places on the course are limited,though.
F.The length of the course will be increased.
G.You will get the chance to learn from experts.
16.How many things can you see in the night sky?A lot!On a clear night you might see the Moon,some planets,and thousands of sparkling stars.
You can see even more with a telescope.You might see stars where before you only saw dark space.You might see that many stars look larger than others.You might see that some stars that look white are really red or blue.With bigger and bigger telescopes you can see more and more objects in the sky.And you can see those objects in more and more detail.
But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see.We won't see them with the biggest telescope in the world,on the clearest night of the year.
That's because they're invisible.They're the mysterious dead stars called black holes.
You might find it hard to imagine that stars die.After all,our Sun is a star.Year after year we see it up in the sky,burning brightly,giving us heat and light.The Sun certainly doesn't seem to be getting old or weak.But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.
As a star's gases burn,they give off light and heat.But when the gas runs out,the star stops burning and begins to die.
As the star cools,the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center.The star squashes into a smaller and smaller ball.If the star was very small,the star ends up as a cold,dark ball called a black dwarf.If the star was very big,it keeps squashing inward until it's packed together tighter than anything in the universe.
Imagine if the Earth were crushed until it was the size of a tiny marble.That's how tightly this dead star,a black hole,is packed.What pulls the star in toward its center with such power?It's the same force that pulls you down when you jump-the force called gravity.A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everything-even light.The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes.That's why you see nothing but blackness.
So the next time you stare up at the night sky,remember:there's more in the sky than meets the eye!Scattered in the silent darkness are black holes-the great mystery of space.
74.According to the article,what causes a star to die?D
A.As it gets hotter and hotter,it explodes.
B.It collides with other stars.
C.It can only live for about a million years.
D.As its gases run out,it cools down.
75.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact?B
A.Black holes are dead stars.
B.There is nothing as mysterious as a black hole.
C.Black holes are invisible.
D.Black holes have gravity.
76.Which of the following is NOT a feature of a black dwarf?A
A.It is usually bigger than a white dwarf.
B.It is dark.
C.It is smaller in size than a common star.
D.It is cold.
77.Why can't you see light when you look at a black hole?D
A.For most black holes are so far away.
B.As the star's gases burn,it stops giving off heat and light.
C.As a star cools,its outer layers pull in toward its center.
D.The gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward.
14.Bowen was grown-up,and for his birthday that year his father gave him a(31)Bwithout any pictures in it!
Bowen's father found he was not(32)Cabout it,and told him,"Son,this isn't just any(33)Abook; it's a magic (有魔力的) book.But to discover its magic you'll have to(34)Cit."
Well,that was better.Bowen liked(35)Bto do with magic.He started reading it,(36)Ahe wasn't very willing to.
The next morning,his(37)Basked him,"Have you found the magic(38)A?"
So…there was a key to find!Bowen flicked through (快速翻阅) the book,but there was no(39)Cof the key.
And then his father(40)Chim,"You won't find it like that.You have to read the book."
Bowen didn't have much patience (耐心),thinking his father just told a(41)D.A little later,his little sister,Rainer,asked him(42)Athe book.After several days,she(43)Bshouted,"I've found the key!"And she wouldn't stop(44)Call the places she had visited using the magic key.
This made Bowen read the book again.At first it was a(45)D; there wasn't even one single(46)Bin the book.But,gradually,Bowen became(47)Athe adventurous (冒险的) prince's life.Then,suddenly,he was there.
The book(4)8Cwas the key!
It was true that every time he(49)Bit,he felt going to its valleys and seas,and he lived the adventures of the prince.
From then on,with every new book,Bowen never(50)Abeing attracted by the letters and words inside.

44.A.working outB.turning downC.talking aboutD.looking for
47.A.interested inB.busy withC.tired ofD.good at

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