
12.I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner.The smells of food flew over from the kitchen.Mother was pulling out quilt(被子)after quilt from the boxes,proudly showing me their beauties.She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church.When we began to fold and put them back into the boxes,I noticed something at the bot tom of one box.I pulled it out."What is this?"I asked.
"Oh?"Mom said,"That's Mama's quilt."
I spread the quilt.It looked at i f a group of school children had pieced it together; irregular designs,childish pictures,a crookedline on the right.
"Grandmother made this?"I said,surprised.My grandmother was a master at making quilts.This certainly didn't look like any of the quilts she had made.
"Yes,right before she died.I brought it home with me last year and made some changes,"she said."I'm still working on it.See,this is what I've done so far."
  I looked at it more closely.She had made straight a crooked line.At the center of the quilt,she had stitched(缝) a piece of cloth with these words:"My mother made many quilts.She didn't get all lines straight.But I think this is beautiful.I want to see it finished.Her last quilt."
"Oh,this is so nice,Mom,"I said.It occurred to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt,my mother was honoring her own mother.I realized,too,that I held in my hands a family treasure.It started with the loving hands of one woman,and continued with the loving hands of another.
24.Why did the author go to mother's home?C
A.To see her mother's quilts.
B.To help prepare for a show.
C.To get together for the family dinner.
D.To discuss her grandmother's life.
25.The author was surprised because.A
A.the quilt looked very strange.
B.her grandmother liked the quilt.
C.the quilt was the best she had seen.
D.her mother had made some changes
26.The underlined wood"crooked"in the passage most probably means.C
27.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Quilt Show                             
B.Mother's Home     
C.A Monday Dinner                          
D.Grandmother's Quilt.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了我意外见到祖母的被子,那是祖母亲手所做,那是一个家庭的珍宝.

解答 24.C.细节理解题.从I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner可知作者去母亲家是为了家庭聚餐而聚在一起;所以C选项是正确的. 
25.A.推理判断题.从…school children had pieced it together; irregular designs,childish pictures,a crooked line on the right.以及"Grandmother made this?"I said,surprised.My grandmother was a master at making quilts.This certainlydidn't look like any of the quilts she had made.可知作者很惊讶因为被子看起来很奇怪;所以A选项是正确的. 
26.C.词义猜测题.从It looked at if a group of school children had pieced it together;irregular designs,childish pictures,a crooked line on the right.和下文的She had made straight acrooked line.以及Shedidn't get all lines straight我摊开被子,好像一群孩子把它拼在一起,不规则的图案,孩子气的图画,右边的一条弯曲的线.可知意为弯曲的;所以C选项是正确的. 
27.D.推理判断题,根据最后一段It occurred to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt,my mother was honoring her own mother.I realized,too,that I held in my hands a family treasure可知文章是在围绕着grandmother's quilt 话题叙述的;所以D选项是正确的.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

2.Why play sports?You might say"to get exercise"and you'd be right.To have fun?That's true,too.But there's more.(36)DAccording to the Women's Sports Foundation,girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
Girls who play sports do better in school.You might think that athletics will take up all your study time.(37)GExercise improves learning,memory,and concentration,which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills.(38)BWhen working with coaches,trainers,and teammates to win games and achieve goals,you're learning how to be successful.Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.
Sports are good for a girl's health.In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight,girls who play sports are also less likely to smoke.And later in life,girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis(骨质酥松症).
Playing sports improves self-confidence.(39)EWhy?It builds confidence when you know you can practice,improve,and achieve your goals.Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,keep a healthy weight,and make new friends.
(40)APlaying sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.How?The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood.Friends are another mood-lifter.And being in a team creates tight bonds between friends.It's good to know your teammates will support you---both on and off the field!

A.Exercise cuts the pressure.
B.Sports teach valuable life skills.
C.Regular exercise increases quality of life.
D.In fact,there are at least five more reasons.
E.Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.
F.Playing sports offers children more than just physical benefits.
G.But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.
3.When was the last time someone unexpectedly did something nice for you?Not someone you knew,but a total stranger?It's happened to me a few times,but two instances really stand out.
A few years ago,I was dining in a restaurant with a friend who kept talking about himself,completely not aware of the fact that I was sitting there in misery.It wasn't my friend's talks that made me suffer.I was recovering from a broken heart,and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationship.I could have burst into tears right there at the table.
When we picked up the check,the waitress said,"Your meal was already paid for."My friend and I didn't have a clue how it happened.Then I remembered a man I saw out of the corner of my eye.He was dressed in mostly white,sat down at the bar,had a beer,and stayed for maybe ten minutes.The waitress said,"Yes,the gentleman in white paid for you."It felt like an angel was saying,"I see you,honey.It's going to be okay."
Just last year,I was running a halfmarathon.With just 1 mile to go,I was out of gas.Runners call it"hitting the wall".I thought I couldn't move another inch.Out of nowhere,a strang er came up to me and said,"What's your name,sweetie?Jennifer?Okay,Jennifer,let's go!Come on!It's just around the corner!You can do it!"And he ran with me until I picked up my pace.I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasn't even supposed to be in the race that day.
I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of need.Do you have any experiences like these?
1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.The kindness of strangers                
B.Valuable friendship
C.Two special experiences                 
D.Helping others is worthwhile
2.According to the passage,the man in whiteC.
A.was the author's friend              
B.had a big meal in the restaurant
C.was generous and kindhearted         
D.enjoyed making fun of others
3.The underlined expression in the passage means""D.
A.being hurt by the wall                
B.winning the game
C.taking a deep breath                  
D.running out of energy
4.Who is the stranger in the marathon race?D
A.the writer's friend                     
B.the winner of the race
C.an athlete in the race                   
D.a stranger passing by.
7.Five Things Happy People Usually Do
Express gratitude.
When you appreciate what you have,you benefit a lot.So basically,being grateful for the goodness will bring you a deeper sense of happiness.And that's without having to go out and buy anything.It makes sense.(36)C
Cultivate optimism.
Winners have the ability to build their own optimism.No matter what the situation,they will always find a way to take an optimistic attitude.(37)F
People who think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities,especially in difficult times.
Avoid over-thinking and social comparison.
(38)G If we're somehow"better"than the person that we're comparing ourselves to,it gives us an unhealthy sense of superiority.What I've found is that the majority of this type of social comparison doesn't originate from a healthy place.If you feel called to compare yourself to something,compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself.
Practice acts of kindness.
Performing an act of kindness keeps us happy.(39)E What's even cooler about this kindness is that not only will you feel better,but also people watching the act of kindness will.How extraordinary that is!By standers will be blessed with happiness just by watching what's going on.
The happiest people on the planet are the ones who have deep,meaningful relationships.There's a warm fuzzy(模糊的) feeling that comes from having an active circle of good friends who you can share your experiences with.We feel connected and a part of something more meaningful than our lonesome existence.

A.Make more friends.
B.Encourage social relationships.
C.We're going to have a hard time if we aren't thankful for what we already have.
D.We are supposed to hold a positive attitude towards life.
E.Helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside.
F.They consider failure only as an opportunity to grow and learn a new lesson from life.
G.Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous.
17.Who knows about sleep?Astronauts.They have to.Their bodies are cut off from the outside world that reminds us what time it is.But actually,it's even worse than that.An astronaut reported  in his diary that he was likely to  make mistakes on days following an unusually late bedtime.
So NASA started doing some serious research.They quickly realized that we're a slave to the outside world.Without light and darkness,we're unable to regulate (管理) sleep times.
Because of modern technology,we're all living more like astronauts now.Light is no longer a function of the sun,but of always-on indoor lights,TV and computer screens.Temperature no longer follows a cycle of cooling at night and warming during the day.Is it any wonder that a third of American have sleep problems?
Maybe you think this doesn't affect you---or at least not much.You're wrong.Research done on non-astronauts has shown the same thing.After two weeks of six hours of sleep a night,you're drunk.By the end of two weeks,the six-hour sleepers behaved as badly as those who hadn't slept for 24hours.
But what did they say when asked how they felt?"It's not affecting me."So if you are performing poorly because of sleep problems,you may have no idea.This is a real problem.
So what answers did NASA come up with?
Take an hour to calm down before bed.Yes,you're busy.But your time is not more valuable than an astronauts'.
Keep your bedroom dark,cool and free from noise.Even if you think"the light doesn't affect you"or"the noise isn't that bad",it can still affect sleep quality.
Another advice:forget the alarm clock in the morning; set an alarm to remind you to go to bed at night.When it goes off,finish up any work on the computer,and turn off any unnecessary lights.This prevents you from cheating yourself on sleep and allows you to wake up naturally.

29.What did NASA find about people's sleep?B
A.It takes a long time to develop regular sleep times.
B.It's strongly influenced by the outside world.
C.It remains untouched by outside influences.
D.It's hard to change one's sleep habits.
30.Paragraph 3is mainly aboutC.
A.different sleep types
B.the importance of a good sleep
C.the reasons why we have sleep problems
D.the disadvantages of modern technology
31.The biggest problem of those who haven't enough sleep lies in the fact thatB.
A.they can't fall asleep without the lights on
B.they don't know whether they sleep well
C.they refuse to regulate their sleep times
D.they get too drunk to sleep well.
32.What's the advice on the alarm clock?A
A.Use it to remind you it sleep.
B.Put it far away from your bed.
C.Get up immediately when it rings.
D.Listen carefully to it when it rings.
19.My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten,and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing.Dad was quite skilled in sailing,but not good at (41)C.As for me,I(42)D both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.
The last time Dad and I set sail together is really (43)B.It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university.I came home and (44)CDad to go sailing.Out we set soon on the(45)Alake.Dad hadn't sailed for years,but everything (46)Bwell with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.
When we were in the middle of the lake,a (47)A wind came all of a sudden.The boat was hit(48)D.Dad was always at his best in any(49)A,but at this moment he(50)C.
"John!(51)B!"he shouted in a trembling voice,with the tiller still in his hands.
In my memory he could fix any(52)A.He was the one I always(53)Afor strength and security.Before I could respond,a(54)D of water got into the boat.I rushed to the tiller (55)Dit was too late.Another huge wall of water (56)Cthe boat in a minute.We were thrown into the water,and Dad was struggling aimlessly.At that moment,I felt fiercely(57)Bof him.
I swam to Dad(58)Band assisted him in climbing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat.Upon sitting on the hull,Dad was a little awkward about his flash of(59)C."It's all right,Dad.We are safe now,"I comforted him.
That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency.More importantly,I found it was my turn to start(60)Dfor my father.
53.A.turned toB.lived withC.argued withD.objected to
56.A.got throughB.poured intoC.turned overD.lifted up
60.A.making upB.getting readyC.paying offD.looking out

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