
【题目】At the age of ten I could not figure out what this Elvis Presley guy had that the rest of us boys did not have.I mean,he had a head,two arms and two legs,just like the rest of us.About nine o’clock on Saturday morning I decided to ask Eugene Correthers,one of the older boys,what it was that made this Elvis guy so special.He told me that it was Elvis’wavy hair and the way he moved his body.

About half an hour later all the boys in the orphanage(孤儿院)were called to the main dining-room and told we were all going to downtown Jacksonville,Florida to get a new pair of Buster Brown shoes and a haircut.That is when I got this big idea,which hit me like a ton of bricks. If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret,then that’s what I was going to get.

A11 the way to town I told everybody, including the matron(女管家)from the orphanage who was taking us to town,that I was going to look just like Elvis Presley and that I would learn to move around just like he did and that I would be rich and famous one day, just like him.

When I got my new Buster Brown shoes, I could hardly wait for my new hair cut and now that I had my new Busier Brown shoes I would be very happy to go back to the orphanage and practice being like Elvis.

We finally arrived at the big barber shop,where they cut our hair for free because we were orphans(孤儿).I looked at the barber and said,“I want an Elvis hair cut. Can you make my hair like Elvis?” I asked him,with a big smile on my face.“Let's just see what we can do for you,little man,”he said.I was so happy when he started to cut my hair.Just as he started to cut my hair, the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing.She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head,like he was telling her“No”.Then he told me they were not allowed to give us Elvis hair cuts.Then I saw my hair falling onto the floor.

【1】In the author’s eyes,Elvis Presley was_________.

A.disgusting B.admirable C.ambitious D.dynamic

【2】From the passage,we can know that______________.

A.Buster Brown was more appealing than Elvis Presley

B.An Elvis hair cut cost the orphans a lot of money

C.The matron did not want the boy to have an Elvis hair cut

D.The barber was unwilling to give the boy an Elvis hair cut

【3】We can learn from the underlined sentence that the boy was______.

A.excited to have an Elvis hair cut

B.worried to think about the secret

C.anxious to remove the ton of bricks

D.careful to seize the chance

【4】How would the boy probably feel when he walked out of the barber shop?

A.Delighted. B.Guilty.

C.Self-satisfied. D.Depressed.







试题分析:本文主要告诉我们崇尚明星,追求时尚,就连孤儿院天真的孤儿们也不例外。踢踏舞大师(Buster Brown)的舞鞋和猫王(Elvis Presley)的发型是10 岁小男孩梦寐以求的,那结果又如何呢?读完全文,读者方知,小男孩听说女管家(matron)带他们到镇上理发和买新鞋,他暗自高兴。穿上Buster Brown 式的新鞋,满心欢喜地来到理发店,却遭到女管家的阻拦,猫王的发型没有理成,反倒剔了光头,小男孩非常沮丧地回到严厉管制下的孤儿院。

【1】B考查推理判断题。结合全文,尤其第一段得知,作者对猫王(Elvis Presley)是非常钦佩的。


【2】C考查细节理解题。根据全文得知,作者对踢踏舞大师(Buster Brown)的舞鞋和猫王(Elvis Presley)的发型非常喜爱,以至于对明星们非常迷恋,但是根据最后一段的Just as he started to cut my hair, the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing.She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head,like he was telling her“No”正当他他要给我理发时,女管家叹了口气。让理发师到他站的地方,她在他的耳旁悄悄说了句话,然后他就摇头,就像他在告诉她一样。C正确。

【3】A考查猜测句意题。根据画线处的下一句If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret, then that’s what I was going to get. 结合hit sb. like a ton of bricks 词组的本义,得知作者听说要去镇上理发,十分激动,可以理猫王的发型。。故A项正确。




There are all sorts of good sensible reasons to avoid getting angry. Not only does it make us feel bad, it also makes us do stupid things without noticing the risks and it can be self-destructive( 毁坏性的). 【1】 But like all emotions, anger has its purposes, which can be used for good effects.

Anger is a motivating force.

In fact anger itself is a kind of positive energy and a powerful motivating force. 【2】 When we see something as beneficial, we want it more when we are angry. So, when used right, constructive anger can make us feel strong and powerful and help push us on to get what we want.


It may sound like a strange thing to say, but angry people have something in common with happy people. That's because both tend to expect favorable results. By comparison those experiencing more fear are more pessimistic(悲观的) about the future and expect further terrors.

Anger can benefit relationships.

Society tells us anger is dangerous and we should hide it .The problem is that when we hide our anger, our partner doesn't know he's done something wrong. And so he keeps doing it. 【4】 The expression of anger, if reasonable and aimed at finding a solution, can actually benefit and strengthen relationships.

Anger provides self-understanding.

Anger can also provide understanding into ourselves, if we allow it. Getting angry leads to a positive outcome. Anger help discover our own faults. If we can notice when we get angry and why, then we can learn what to do to improve our lives. 【5】

A.And that doesn't do our relationship any good.

B.Anger can turn us on and thus push on towards our goals in the face of problems and barriers.

C.Anger reduces violence.

D.Angry people are more optimistic.

E.Most of us treat our anger as though it's unreasonable, unshowable and unmentionable.

F.That's because it's a very strong social signal that a situation needs to be solved.

G.Anger can encourage self-change.

【题目】Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain

When we think of summer, most of us think of outdoor fun. So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer. In reality, summer isnt all beach volleyball and water sports. Therefore, we can gain weight easily in the summer. 【1】 Here are four ways to beat summer weight gain.

1.【2】 When we don’t have a plan, its easy to spend summer moving from the couch to the computer, with regular stops at the fridge. Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal, like volunteering or mastering a new skill. Just be sure to plan for some downtime so you can relax a little!

2. Stay busy. When were bored, its easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy. In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar, getting loads of stuff to do can give you a sense of accomplishment.【3】.

3. Beat the heat. Dont let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold【4】if a gym isnt your scene, try howling or an indoor climbing wall. If you love being outdoors, try swimming or a regular run in the early morning or evening.

4. 【5】with school out, we lose our daily routines. If you dont have a specific job or an activity to get up for, its easy to sleep late, watch too much TV, and snack more than usual. Make sure your summer days have some structure like getting up at the same time each day. Plan activities for specific times, like exercising before breakfast.

A. Stick to a schedule.

B. Get going with goals.

C. Relax by walking outside.

D. Move your workout indoors.

E. We usually stay at home in summer.

F. Thats especially true if a dream summer job falls through.

G. However, its easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

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