
A class teacher, in my opinion, plays an important role in a child’s development. 1. This year, she is moving to Class Three and I can’t wait to see how things are going on.

Last year, my daughter did not like her teacher at all. It was so bad that she did not look forward to school. It was a year full of trouble and that worries.

This year, Miss Purity is gentle and humorous. It’s hard not to like her.2..

She becomes an early bird. Last year, mornings were like a fight because I had to force Tasha to hurry up when she was preparing for school. I had to pull her out of bed, tell her to take breakfast and then drove her to school. But now, our mornings are like a party. She wakes up early, prepares everything at a high speed and then rushes to school to be with Miss Purity.

She’s happy. She enjoys school and school work and keeps talking about what they did at school when she comes home.

She’s responsible. 3. But now she never forgets even her water bottle at school. She makes her bed and helps in the kitchen.

Her diary is full of praises. The diary is the tool of communication between the teacher and the parents. Last year, her diary was always full of negative reports. One time, she poured water in a child’s lunchbox, another time she threw another kid’s textbook in the toilet. 4. She’s always volunteering to clean the blackboard, the teacher’s chair and desk.

5. Finishing her classwork was such a big problem. She had to do it at home. But now, she finished both the classwork and homework at school.

A. Here are the changes in my daughter.

B. Now she began to share her snacks with those who did not have anything.

C. Every year when my daughter moves to a new class, I have a usual big worry—her new class teacher.

D. Her diary was good.

E. She has a good class teacher.

F. She used to be careless and forgetful.

G. She does well in school.


Pollution’s serious effects on the environment have become more obvious in recent years.Most scientists agree that efforts are necessary to protect our environment from further harm.

As we know,the construction industry consumes a large quantity of energy and resources and creates a huge amount of pollution.So green buildings are in great need.

The environmental benefits of building green include the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity(生物多样性),improved air and water quality,less waste flowing into streams and the protection of natural resources.Green buildings can also result in lower operating costs because they typically use less energy and fewer materials and improve indoor air quality,improving the health of people who live there.

The process of building green includes technical and artistic planning with nature protection in mind.Building designs often reflect the surrounding environment and natural resources and use renewable building materials such as bamboo and straw.In addition,recycled resources found locally are used for green buildings,reducing the cost and air pollution associated with transporting materials long distances.

Careful site selection is important to minimize(最小化)human effect on the surrounding environment.For example,placing a structure in an area that allows it to take advantage of cool breezes(微风)and sunlight can reduce energy use and expenses.More energy and expense are needed for larger buildings as well,so it is important to build small.

Green roofs are another feature of green houses that reduce energy use and cost.These roofs are partially or completely covered with plants,which helps to keep heating and cooling costs low,prevent water running off and deal with pollutants.

Other features of green buildings often include energy and water protection,recycling and waste reduction.In addition,renewable energy sources such as solar power,waterpower and wind power are used for heat and electricity, which greatly reduces costs and decreases the influence on the environment.

1.What can we know about green building?

A. Producing no waste. B. Only using clean energy.

C. Being made of new materials. D. Environmental friendly.

2.What is a green building probably like according to the fifth paragraph?

A. Large. B. Small.

C. Green. D. Low.

3.What is the purpose of using green roofs?

A. To fit the environment. B. To keep warm.

C. To collect nature water. D. To lower costs.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Promoting energy efficiency. B. Environmental benefits.

C. Building green. D. Ecosystems and biodiversity.

Sometimes the toughest thing about feelings is sharing them with others.Sharing your feelings helps you whether your feelings are wonderful or terrible.Sharing also helps you to get closer to people you care about and who care about you.But how?

You can’t tell your friends what’s inside your backpack if you don’t know what’s in there yourself.Feelings are the same way.Before you can share them with anyone,you have to figure out what feelings you have.

Making a list of your feelings can help.You can do this in your mind or by writing it out or even by drawing pictures.Is something bothering you? Does it make you frustrated or terrified? Do you feel this emotion only once in a while or much of the time?

The way a person feels inside is important.If you keep feelings locked inside,it can even make you feel sick! But if you talk with someone who cares for you,you will almost always start to feel better.It doesn’t mean your problems and worries magically disappear,but at least someone else knows what’s bothering you and can help you find solutions.

Your mom and dad want to know if you have problems and what’s happening in your life.But what if a kid doesn’t want to talk with parents? Then find another trusted adult,like a relative or a teacher at schoo1.Maybe this person can help you talk with your parents about your problem or concern.

Once you know who you can talk with,you'll want to pick a time and place to talk.You can talk publicly in your family.But some kids are more private than others and they will feel shy about sharing their feelings.Then find a quiet place or write it down on a piece of paper.A kid doesn’t have to share every feeling he or she has.

1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. The importance of feelings. B. How to figure out your feelings.

C. How to share your feelings. D. The people sharing your feelings.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. Kids can’t tell their friends about their backpack.

B. Kids should know about themselves first before sharing.

C. Kids need to find out what others think of them first.

D. Kids’feelings are the same in a way.

3.What might happen after sharing your feelings with others?

A. You’11 recover from your illness. B. Your worries will magically disappear.

C. You’11 like more private talks. D. You will feel relieved.

4.Where is this passage probably taken from?

A. A science fiction. B. A parents’brochure.

C. A children’s magazine. D. A notice board.

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